
中国拒绝美国调解钓鱼岛争端 China shuns US offer on disputed islands talks






在上周末举行的一次区域峰会上,美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)表示,华盛顿方面愿意就钓鱼岛问题主持中美日三方商谈。





与此同时,在亚洲的另一起领土争端中,日本周二宣布召回驻俄罗斯大使,以抗议俄罗斯总统德米特里•梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)视察俄日都宣称拥有主权的四个岛屿之一。






China has rebuffed a US proposal to act as a mediator between Beijing and Tokyo over disputed islands in the East China Sea, on Tuesday describing the US approach to the issue as “very wrong”.

Ma Zhaoxu, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, said the dispute should be handled by Japan and China. He also denounced US statements that the islands, which the Chinese call the Diaoyu and the Japanese the Senkakus, were covered by US defence agreements with Japan.

“The US side has repeatedly claimed that the US- Japan security treaty applies to the Diaoyu islands. This is very wrong. The US side should immediately correct this erroneous position,” Mr Ma said on the ministry’s website.

The long-running dispute over the islands flared up in September when Japanese coastguards arrested a Chinese fishing boat captain after he allegedly rammed one of their boats.

At a regional summit over the weekend, Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, said Washington could host trilateral talks over the islands.

However, Mr Ma said: “I want to stress that this is only a US idea. The Diaoyu islands are Chinese territory and the dispute between China and Japan over them is one between the two countries.”

The US proposal for trilateral talks is the latest initiative by Washington to offer itself as a counterpoint in Asia to China amid concerns in the region about China’s growing economic and military power. Over the summer, Mrs Clinton also offered to act as a mediator in the dispute over two island groups in the South China Sea that are claimed by China and several other countries.

Despite the Chinese statement, Mrs Clinton repeated the suggestion on Tuesday. “The offer that I made, to host a trilateral with both Japan and China that would facilitate dialogue, stands,” she said at a news conference in Malaysia.

Mrs Clinton is on a two-week trip to Asia designed to reinforce US diplomatic influence in the region. On a visit to Cambodia on Monday, she said the Obama administration would resume talks about cancelling $450m in debts from the 1970s that the government owes the US and she cautioned Cambodia’s leaders against becoming too dependent on China. In recent years, Cambodia has forged a strong relationship with Beijing. “I think it is smart for Cambodia to be friends with many countries,” she said. “You look for balance. You don’t want to get too dependent on any one country.”

Meanwhile, in another territorial dispute in the region, Japan said on Tuesday that it was recalling its ambassador to Russia in protest at the visit by Dmitry Medvedev, Russian president, to one of four islands that the two countries contest.


