巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)本周末访问印度时将力求加深美国与印度的战略关系,并可能支持印度获得期待已久的联合国安理会常任理事国席位。
美国总统国家安全顾问汤姆•多尼隆(Tom Donilon)向英国《金融时报》表示:“我们的目标是认可印度成为全球大国,并努力向全世界证明,这是一种广泛而深厚的联系。除了加深我们两国在两军关系、出口、农业、清洁能源以及其它许多领域的双边关系外,我们还希望鼓励印度成为美国的全球合作伙伴。”
Barack Obama will aim to deepen the US strategic relationship with India when he visits over the weekend and is likely to back India’s long-standing desire for permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council.
The move, which would help satisfy India’s craving for recognition of its power and put it on a level footing with China, would also be designed to encourage India to assist the US in its most pressing goals, including in Afghanistan, where the president’s troop surge is now at full strength.
Senior US officials say that Mr Obama’s visit is designed to cement “increasingly broad and deep” ties between the world’s largest and wealthiest democracies. The trip marks the beginning of a four-nation tour of Asia that will include the G20 summit in South Korea.
At three days, Mr Obama will be spending more time in India than any other foreign country since he became president. Mr Obama will be making an address to India’s parliament in New Delhi on Monday.
Other possible “deliverables” include a move to further ease sensitive technology export controls to India. The two countries are also expected to sign billions of dollars of commercial deals that will save or create tens of thousands of US jobs.
“Our goal is to embrace India’s rise as a global power and to try to demonstrate to the world that this is a broad and deep relationship,” Tom Donilon, Mr Obama’s national security adviser, told the Financial Times. “In addition to deepening our bilateral ties, on the military-to-military relationship, exports, agriculture, clean energy and many other areas, we want to encourage India to become a global partner.”