
2010:中国的手表之年 In China: Year of the Watch



1. 在中国,手表是奢华的代名词:手表已经成为中国奢侈品消费当中最大的类别之一,主要原因是富有的男性消费者日益增多。

2. 粉色钻石:去年,苏富比拍卖行(Sotheby's)和佳士得拍卖行(Christie's)拍出的最昂贵宝石都是粉色钻石。由于亚洲经济状况良好,其中的一颗粉钻拍出了创纪录的价格──佳士得拍卖行推出的"完美粉红"(Perfect Pink)以2,300万美元的价格成交,刷新了亚洲的宝石拍卖纪录。

3. VVIP待遇:去年,为了满足新一代顶尖买家的需求,一些手表及珠宝零售商推出了一种新型的VIP服务──内容从免费供应的烟酒到私家专享的店铺和服务中心。

4. 追求个性:百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)、劳力士(Rolex)和伯爵(Piaget)之类的手表名牌在中国已经家喻户晓,如今,一些见多识广的亚洲买家开始寻求更加"有个性的"手表,由此就注意到了一些小型的独立表厂,比如瑞士的Greubel Forsey。

5. 奢侈中国制:中国手表创立名牌的趋势已经初露端倪。凭借第一款中国制造的陀飞轮手表,上海手表厂(Shanghai Watch)赢得了许多藏家的欢心。

6. 敢不从命:如今,中国藏家在苏富比顾客当中所占比例已经达到了35%,有鉴于此,各家拍卖行正在你追我赶,力图更好地了解中国藏家的需求。

Amy Ma


Asian buyers walked away from with some pricey bling in 2010. Scene takes a look back at the top trends that stood out this year in the world of watches and jewelry. See the slideshow.

1. Luxury in China = watches: Watches became one of the largest categories for luxury spending in China, thanks largely to the growing group of wealthy male consumers.

2. Pink diamonds: The crown gems at both the Sotheby's and Christie's jewelry auctions around the wolrd this year were pink diamonds. With a healthy Asian economy, one of these rare stones fetched a record price at auction - US$23 million for Christie's 'Perfect Pink.' It was the highest price ever paid for a precious stone in Asia.

3. V-VIP treatment: To cater to a new group of top-tier buyers, watch and jewelry retailers this year developed specialized VIP services from wine and cigars to stand-alone private shops and service centers.

4. Bespoke is it: Though big luxury brands - Patek Philippe, Rolex and Piaget - are household names in China, smaller independent watchmakers, such as Greubel Forsey in Switzerland, are getting attention from sophisticated Asian buyers who are demanding more 'bespoke' timepieces.

5. Made-in-China luxury: There are budding signs of Chinese brands establishing themselves in the watch industry. China-based Shanghai Watch has won over many collectors with the first China-made tourbillion timepiece.

6. Your wish is our command: Chinese collectors now make up 35% of Sotheby's customers, which has auction houses scrambling to understand better what they want.

Amy Ma
