
中国专家评美国中期选举 China Responds to U.S. Election

着美国中期选举临近尾声,中国密切关注。主要媒体和博客网站都开设了有关此次选举的专题,关注事件进展,同时政论人士和平民对此的反响也呈现出众多观点的交织碰撞。热点话题包括此次选举可能对美中关系有何影响、经济问题、美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)支持率下滑以及"茶党"现象。以下是我们选取的一些中国专家就美国中期选举的评论:

关于美国中期选举,中国 民讨论最多的话题之一是奥巴马支持率的下降。

─ 沈丁立 复旦大学国际问题研究院常务副院长、美国研究中心主任


─ 袁鹏 中国现代国际关系研究院美国所所长


─ 孙哲 清华大学中美关系研究中心主任

William Sima

As the U.S. mid-term elections draw to a close, China is watching closely. While major media and blogging sites have set up election chaser columns to monitor events as they unfold, responses from political commentators and citizens alike present a cross-section of opinions. Hot topics include potential effects of the election on the U.S.-China relationship, the economy, collapsing support for President Barack Obama and the 'Tea Party' phenomenon. Some selected comments on the U.S. election by Chinese experts:

The possibility exists that China-U.S. relations could suffer short-term setbacksor even regressions after these elections. But in the long term, as China becomes an increasingly stronger power, improvement in China-U.S. relations will prove to be the overall historical trend. This is something a single election can't change⠦In the American mid-terms, internal political problems, particularly economic ones, are what voters are most concerned about. The Obama government's inability to deal with internal problems has become a burden to other Democrats who share his views. The best hope for winning elections is to come up with different policies from the incumbent government, and this is precisely why we're seeing anti-Chinese sentiment starting to ring out⠦The Obama administration still hopes to stabilize relations with China, but if more anti-Chinese representatives are voted in, it will inevitably stifle the administration's China policy in the future. || -Shen Dingli, associate dean, Fudan University Institute of International Studies, Shanghai. Interviewed by Zhejiang's Qianjiang Evening News, Nov. 2

[The Tea Party] is the product of polarization in American politicsover the last several years. Over these years the Republican and Democratic parties have become polarized and highly antagonistic toward each other, so the Tea Party phenomenon has appeared. [People] are already fed up with the two parties' lack of attention to national interest⠦Polarization has reached an extent where the two parties are ferociously attacking each other, and this time that's meant that the Republicans have taken the most seats in the House of Representatives. There are forecasts that suggest this could reverse again in the next two years, because voters are extremely apprehensive and don't know who they should vote for. || -Yuan Peng, head of American Studies department, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations. Interviewed by CCTV, Nov. 2

While many Americans are paying attention to the ever-increasing role of the government,more than 40% are more concerned about the future of the economy. At first glance, it may appear that various American domestic reformsâ 'and the mid-term electionsâ 'don't have much effect on China. However, almost half of Americans are now most concerned about the economy, and some American politicians see economic problems as being related to China. Therefore many Americans, especially American industries, are closely watching economic trends in China. From now on we can expect long-term economic friction and conflict between China and America, and this friction could in turn effect (renminbi) exchange rates, anti-dumping, even countervailing measures and intellectual property rights. Economic issues are going to have an even greater influence on U.S.-China relations in general. || -Sun Zhe, director of Tsinghua University Center for U.S.-China Relations. Interviewed by National Business Daily, Nov. 3

William Sima
