国外交部周一淡化了与印度之间长期积聚的边界争端,并未理会印度下任总理热门人选有关中国准备扩张领土的尖锐言辞。周末期间,印度反对党领袖莫迪(Narendra Modi)走访了中印存在争议的喜马拉雅边界附近地区,并警告中国放弃扩张领土的野心。他说,中国将不得不放弃扩张领土的想法。1962年中国与印度曾因喜马拉雅山脉边界问题爆发过战争。
相比中国外交部最近几周对日本及日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)的言辞抨击,华春莹有关印度问题的讲话颇为平和。在对莫迪有关中国秉持领土扩张政策的说法进行反驳的同时,华春莹强调了中印双方为解决争端所做的共同努力。这一争端主要涉及喜马拉雅山脉边陲地区。
观察人士都在关注中国处理中印关系的方式,特别是在最近日本政府提出加强与印度双边关系的情况下。继1月份安倍晋三与印度总理辛格(Manmohan Singh)举行会晤之后,两国都表示,面对不断变化的战略环境,将采取更加密切的合作以维护稳定与和平。
伦敦大学国王学院(King's College London)的中印关系问题专家潘特(Harsh V. Pant)认为,由于预计印度不久将组建新一届政府,中国缓和了对印度的语气。他同时说,中国对印度与日本及本地区其他国家新形成的伙伴关系心存担忧。
由于担心那些害怕中国崛起的亚洲较小国家联起手来抵制中国,北京方面已承诺改善与邻国的关系,特别是与东南亚国家的关系。但中国军队(包括实力日益增强的海军)在南中国海(South China Sea, 中国称南海)争议水域越来越坚定自信的表现使中国与邻国的关系更趋紧张。
Brian Spegele
China's Foreign Ministry on Monday played down a long-simmering border dispute with India, brushing off a blunt comment by the front-runner to become India's next prime minister that Beijing is set on territorial expansion.
Over the weekend, Indian opposition leader Narendra Modi traveled to an area near the country's disputed Himalayan border with China--over which the two fought a border war in 1962--and warned Beijing to abandon its territorial ambitions. He said China 'will have to leave behind its mind-set of expansion.'
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying denied that China has expansionist tendencies and described the territorial dispute with India as a complex and sensitive matter 'left over from history.'
'I want to say that you can all see in history China has never actively launched a war of aggression to invade and occupy one inch of territory, ' said Ms. Hua.
The comments by Mr. Modi followed growing apprehension across Asia over China's ambitions. From Japan to the Philippines and Vietnam, regional leaders have criticized Beijing for what they view as aggressive measures by China to establish control over contested territories, some of which are strategically important and rich in resources.
Ms. Hua's comments were muted compared with the rhetorical barrage her agency has directed in recent weeks toward Japan and its leader, Shinzo Abe. While rejecting Mr. Modi's claims of expansionism, Ms. Hua also stressed the 'joint efforts' taken by both sides to work through the dispute, which is centered on remote Himalayan borderlands.
Observers are watching China's approach to relations with India, particularly given recent overtures by Japan's government to bolster ties with New Delhi. Following a January meeting between Mr. Abe and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the countries pledged to more closely work together for stability and peace in the face of a changing strategic environment.
Harsh V. Pant, an expert on China-India relations at King's College London, said China has toned down its rhetoric against India in anticipation of a new Indian government. At the same time, he said, Beijing is concerned about India's newly forming partnerships with Japan and others in the region.
'China might be calculating that further pushing India into the arms of its regional adversaries might not be in its best interest, at least in the short term,' he said.
Concerned about a backlash among smaller Asian nations fearful of China's rise, Beijing has pledged better relations with its neighbors, particularly those in Southeast Asia. But growing assertiveness by Chinese security forces, including an increasingly capable navy, in disputed waters in the South China Sea has further strained ties.
The China-India territorial dispute stems from a brief border war in 1962, which was won by China. Relations soured last spring after India alleged Chinese troops had set up a post inside their territory. China has denied any incursion.
Brian Spegele
Over the weekend, Indian opposition leader Narendra Modi traveled to an area near the country's disputed Himalayan border with China--over which the two fought a border war in 1962--and warned Beijing to abandon its territorial ambitions. He said China 'will have to leave behind its mind-set of expansion.'
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying denied that China has expansionist tendencies and described the territorial dispute with India as a complex and sensitive matter 'left over from history.'
'I want to say that you can all see in history China has never actively launched a war of aggression to invade and occupy one inch of territory, ' said Ms. Hua.
The comments by Mr. Modi followed growing apprehension across Asia over China's ambitions. From Japan to the Philippines and Vietnam, regional leaders have criticized Beijing for what they view as aggressive measures by China to establish control over contested territories, some of which are strategically important and rich in resources.
Ms. Hua's comments were muted compared with the rhetorical barrage her agency has directed in recent weeks toward Japan and its leader, Shinzo Abe. While rejecting Mr. Modi's claims of expansionism, Ms. Hua also stressed the 'joint efforts' taken by both sides to work through the dispute, which is centered on remote Himalayan borderlands.
Observers are watching China's approach to relations with India, particularly given recent overtures by Japan's government to bolster ties with New Delhi. Following a January meeting between Mr. Abe and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the countries pledged to more closely work together for stability and peace in the face of a changing strategic environment.
Harsh V. Pant, an expert on China-India relations at King's College London, said China has toned down its rhetoric against India in anticipation of a new Indian government. At the same time, he said, Beijing is concerned about India's newly forming partnerships with Japan and others in the region.
'China might be calculating that further pushing India into the arms of its regional adversaries might not be in its best interest, at least in the short term,' he said.
Concerned about a backlash among smaller Asian nations fearful of China's rise, Beijing has pledged better relations with its neighbors, particularly those in Southeast Asia. But growing assertiveness by Chinese security forces, including an increasingly capable navy, in disputed waters in the South China Sea has further strained ties.
The China-India territorial dispute stems from a brief border war in 1962, which was won by China. Relations soured last spring after India alleged Chinese troops had set up a post inside their territory. China has denied any incursion.
Brian Spegele