
中国出台遏制炒房新措施 China acts to prevent bubble in property market








里昂证券(CLSA)驻上海经济学家罗福万(Andy Rothman)表示:“这是目前能够动用的为市场降温的最佳手段。中国东部少数城市的房价涨得很疯狂,此举将在这些城市产生很大影响,同时又不至于重创整个市场。”



China unveiled restrictions on property speculation yesterday as economic growth accelerated to 11.9 per cent in the first quarter from the same period last year.

The latest data underlined the country’s rapid recovery from the global economic crisis but raised questions about the risks of overheating.

The economy expanded at its fastest in nearly three years – and more quickly than economists had expected – putting fresh pressure on the authorities to consider tougher tightening measures, including appreciating the exchange rate and interest rate rises.

In spite of rising fears of overheating, consumer price inflation dipped to 2.4 per cent last month from 2.7 per cent in February, according to data published yesterday. But factory-gate inflation continued to accelerate, increasing half a percentage point to 5.9 per cent.

First-quarter gross domestic product figures came out a day after the government revealed that housing prices had increased 11.7 per cent during the past 12 months.

The growth was the fastest since the data series began five years ago and prompted fresh concerns about a potential bubble in the property market.

The State Council said yesterday anyone buying a second home would need to put up a 50 per cent deposit, up from 40 per cent, while the mortgage rate for second homes was also increased. The downpayment for first homes bigger than 90 square metres was set at a minimum of 30 per cent.

“This is the best tool available to cool the market,” said Andy Rothman, economist at CLSA in Shanghai. “It will have a big impact on the handful of cities in eastern China where price increases have been crazy, without killing the market.”

