
你为参加家庭活动翘过班吗? Sneaking Out of the Office


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我是幸运的,其他人就未必了。密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的社会学教授小奥尔福德•A•扬(Alford A. Young Jr.)研究过一个案例:一位中西部汽车配件厂的流水线工人未经允许离开工作岗位,为他儿子的足球队在总决赛中担任教练,最终他为此付出了高昂的代价。本周二在华盛顿召开的一次关于工作环境灵活性的会议上,扬向在场的约200名研究人员、政府官员和雇主们介绍了这个案例。


扬说,如果主管能通融一下,甚至打破一、两个规定,试着在工作团队内找出解决方法,比如换班,那么就能避免这种分歧。这会激励员工加倍努力、保持对公司的忠诚,因而对雇主是有利的。据会议主办方斯隆基金会(Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)称,尽管这种事经常发生在许多工作场所,但约80%的员工仍然得不到他们想要的工作环境灵活性。他的研究发现,如果缺乏这种灵活性,就可能发生詹姆斯遇到的那种冲突。


Sue Shellenbarger


Have you ever had to play hooky from work to get to a family event or activity dear to your heart? I have sneaking out unannounced one Wednesday afternoon a few years ago to take my kids snowboarding. Fortunately, my employer is flexible as long as we meet deadlines, so the worst penalty I paid was answering a couple of calls from my editors from the slopes.

I am one of the lucky ones. When an assembly-line worker at a Midwestern auto-parts plant studied by Alford A. Young Jr. , a sociology professor at the University of Michigan, left work without permission to coach his son's football team in a championship game, he paid a high price, Young told about 200 researchers, government officials and employers Tuesday at a Washington, D.C. conference on flexibility.

The story sprang from a study of the means employees use to resolve work-family conflicts collaborating with the boss vs. sneaking around. The worker, whom Dr. Young called James, had committed to coaching his son's team, and when the team made the championship round he asked to take a Saturday afternoon off to be present. The boss said no.

When the day arrived, James left work for lunch and later called his boss to say that his car had broken down, saying ' 'I called Triple-A but I don't know if I can make it back,' ' Young says. James got to coach the game, but he also got written up by his supervisor and busted to a lower seniority level.

Such disruptions can be avoided, Young says, if supervisors bend a little, perhaps even breaking a rule or two, to try to find a solution within the work team, perhaps by allowing a shift trade; this benefits employers by motivating employees to go the extra mile and remain loyal to the company. While this happens routinely at many workplaces, about 80% of all workers still lack the workplace flexibility they want, according to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the conference sponsor. What doesn't work, his study found, allowing to develop the kind of clash that encompassed James.

Readers, have you ever snuck out of work for a family event? Did you face consequences of any kind? How should such conflicts be resolved, in your view?

Sue Shellenbarger
