
中国海军驶向大洋 Defence policy: Navy flexes its muscles on the high seas










尽管这些中国军舰是在公海航行,但日本防卫大臣北泽俊美(Toshimi Kitazawa)称这一行动是“空前”的,他还表示,他的国家需要对此次行动是否针对日本做出评估。

今年7月,美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的一则声明暴露了中国南部邻国的类似担忧。







伦敦国际战略研究所(International Institute for Strategic Studies)研究中国海军的专家加里•李(Gary Li)表示:“我从未见过如此众多的高层领导观看海军军演。”他指的是中国海军三大舰队在南海的联合军演,解放军总参谋长陈炳德和海军司令员吴胜利上将观看了此次军演。








军事专家李南和克里斯多佛•韦弗(Christopher Weuve)今年在一篇论文中提出,中国的航母雄心不再像过去人们认为的那样,局限于近海任务。


中国国际问题研究所(China Institute of International Studies)军事专家滕建群表示,尽管面对西方的抱怨,解放军努力表现得更为透明,但情况不会大幅改变。





Last month, a few fuzzy photographs posted on a Chinese military enthusiast’s website caused a huge stir in the international defence community.

They showed a new submarine in a shipyard that looked unlike any of the vessels the country’s military has in service so far.

Security experts in the US quickly concluded that Beijing had added another impressive piece of equipment to its fast-growing naval arsenal.

Just like the new boat appearing out of nowhere, the Chinese navy has moved with surprising speed and boldness to claim its place on the high seas.

For more than two decades, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has worked to transform itself from being inward-looking and land-focused, relying on a large headcount, into a technology-intensive force capable of roaming the seas and the air.

Part of that transformation has been creating a navy capable of moving beyond the coastal zone and operating on the high seas over extended periods.

Judging from recent events, that is no longer a distant goal; 2010 is likely to go down as the year when China’s blue-water navy became reality. This switched on warning lights among China’s coastal neighbours as well as the US, the incumbent superpower.

In April the PLA Navy shocked Japan with an exercise that took 10 warships, including frigates, destroyers and submarines, through the gap between Japan’s Okinawa and Miyako islands and into the Pacific Ocean. According to Japanese intelligence, the first group of Chinese military vessels to make the passage, in 2008 had consisted of only four ships.

Although the Chinese vessels were sailing in international waters, Toshimi Kitazawa, Japan’s defence minister, called the action “unprecedented” and said his country needed to evaluate whether it was directed against Japan.

In July, a statement by Hillary Clinton revealed similar concerns among China’s southern neighbours.

The US secretary of state called the South China Sea a US national interest and called for a multilateral approach in dealing with territorial disputes there.

The waters between the Chinese island of Hainan in the north and the island of Borneo in the south hold rich oil and gas reserves and vital sea lanes for energy imports of most East Asian nations.

China claims the region almost in its entirety. Its claims overlap with those of several other countries in the region. Officials in Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia have complained of increasingly assertive behaviour by China in the South China Sea.

Over the past year, Beijing’s coastguard has embarked on increasingly frequent patrols of contested waters and repeatedly detained Vietnamese and Malaysian fishermen there.

Shortly after Ms Clinton’s remarks and joint US-South Korean naval manoeuvres in the Yellow Sea, China announced a string of naval exercises in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea.

While most of these exercises were long-planned and regular drills conducted every summer, experts say the fact that China publicised them and conducted them in such a high-profile manner signals Beijing’s increasing assertiveness at sea.

“I have never seen a PLA navy drill with so much senior attendance on deck,” says Gary Li, an expert on the Chinese navy at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. He is referring to a joint exercise of the PLA Navy’s three main fleets in the South China Sea that was observed by both general Chen Bingde, the PLA’s chief of general staff, and Admiral Wu Shengli, the PLA navy commander.


In August, the Chinese navy continued signalling its growing capabilities. A hospital ship that had been deployed to the Gulf of Aden as part of a multinational anti-piracy mission made several port visits in the region.

In addition, a contingent returning from the anti-piracy mission made the Chinese navy’s first port visit to Burma, fuelling speculation that Beijing is seeking footholds for its navy along strategic sea lanes in the Indian Ocean.

Mr Li points out that the Chinese navy has used its participation in the anti-piracy effort to upgrade its capabilities for operating far from shore over extended periods at a “staggering speed”.

These moves come as the PLA is apparently making rapid progress in its hardware modernisation effort.

Last year, the force began using a new naval base on Hainan island, where its emerging fleet of nuclear Jin class submarines is based.

Beijing’s military leadership has also left little doubt it is pursuing ownership of an aircraft carrier, the paramount symbol of naval power.

Nan Li and Christopher Weuve, two military experts, argued in a paper this year that Beijing’s aircraft-carrier ambitions are no longer limited to near-seas missions, as assumed in the past.

Just like the submarine emerging out of nowhere last month, however, large parts of Beijing’s military modernisation programme often resemble a phantom until deployment of a new weapon actually begins.

Despite efforts by the PLA to appear more transparent in response to western complaints, that is unlikely to change much, says Teng Jianqun, a military expert at the China Institute of International Studies.

“For China, transparency means transparency of strategy, not of operational detail,” he says. “That is at the core of the PLA’s doctrine.”

