
《唐山大地震》太催泪 香港影院发纸巾 Get Out Your Hankies!


香港的电影制作和发行公司互动传媒亚洲(Media Asia)如此相信《唐山大地震》的“催泪”效果,因此它将在香港一些影院向观看这部影片的观众提供纸巾。互动传媒亚洲说,它已备足了五万包纸巾,这些纸巾将在观众进影院时发给他们。



Dean Napolitano
The Hong Kong distributor of 'Aftershock' is making sure that moviegoers are prepared for the epic tear-jerker about a family torn apart by the devastating 1976 Tangshan earthquake.

Media Asia is so certain there won't be a dry eye in the house that it is providing paper handkerchiefs to audiences at select cinemas in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong film-production and distribution company says it has secured 50,000 packets of tissue, which will be offered to moviegoers as they enter the theater.

Media Asia has reason to believe that audiences will be shedding tears. At industry screenings in Hong Kong earlier this month, the company handed out tissue to everyone in attendance. From the sounds of the quiet sniffling, muffled weeping and downright crying at one screening, it appeared as if the tissue was put to widespread use.

In China, meanwhile, Huayi Brothers, the producer of 'Aftershock' and the movie's distributor on the mainland, doesn't have a similar plan for tissue distribution. That's just as well, since the number of packets could run into the millions if the movie is a hit. But Huayi says that some of the cinemas may decide on their own to hand out tissue for their audiences.

Dean Napolitano
