
告别篇 Goodbye To All That Penny-Pinching



Jon Protas for The Wall Street Journal
























1. 喝公司免费提供的普通咖啡和花四美元买杯上好咖啡,面对这样的选择,你应该:

A. 挥霍一把买好咖啡──这点钱不足以让你的钱包瘪下来。

B. 带一保温瓶在家煮的咖啡到办公室去喝。

C. 除非免费咖啡难以下咽,否则还是喝免费的。

2. 以下哪种省钱窍门不是本专栏推荐的?

A. 开车旅行时住Motel 6汽车旅馆。

B. 自己种蔬菜

C. 在情人节后,半价购买情人节蜡烛,然后送给自己的另一半

3. 以下哪种家庭支出是本专栏作者和妻子没有发生争论的?

A. 在高尚社区买座房子

B. 花很多钱买一张新床

C. 翻修厨房

4. 以下哪种方法是本专栏作者下馆子吃饭时没有用过的省钱法?

A. 不点开胃菜、甜点或酒水。

B. 偷偷自带酒水进餐馆。

C. 在海鲜饭馆点特价排骨。

答案:1. C; 2. B; 3. A.; 4. B.

Neal Templin

This paper has many helpful columns.

I've tried to make sure Cheapskate wasn't one of them.

During the past 21 months, I've penned columns on everything from dogs (love the critters, but they sure run up big vet bills) to public libraries (one of the best bargains around) to extended warranties (retailers wouldn't push so hard to sell them if they were good deals for you). Last month, I took the razor-blade industry to task for developing silly new high-tech products instead of pushing down prices on the perfectly good blades it already makes.

This is my last column.

The plain truth is I've said what I've wanted to say on the subject of being cheap.

I've always believed that Americans know perfectly well how to save money: Spend less.

Witness what has happened during the Great Recession.

For years, economists fretted about Americans' declining saving rate. But when the economy cratered, Americans suddenly started saving again -- despite declining incomes.

The challenge for us lies not in knowing what to do, but in doing it. Despite our current economic travails, we live in a society of great wealth. Every time we drive past a shopping center or flip on the television, we are confronted with all the great products we don't own but could.

Even for those inclined to be cheap, it's not so simple. Our spouses have different ideas on the bare necessities. Our children want to go to that private school instead of a perfectly good state college. In the end, we often compromise.

So, rather than providing helpful tips in my previous columns, I've used the space often to examine those two great forces that make us spend more than we should: seduction and compromise.

Seduction takes many forms, posing at times as virtue. In an earlier column, I argued that shopping at Costco and other warehouse clubs may actually make us spend more in the end. My reasoning was that these clubs sell everything in enormous quantities, which means that we tend to buy more than we would otherwise. So even if we pay less per item, our total spending is higher.

A lot of readers bristled. They saw shopping at Costco as one of the smarter things they did. One wrote me a detailed letter in which he explained how he never wasted anything from Costco because he would carefully keep everything in the extra freezer until he needed it.

I remember thinking: 'Well, would you have bought that extra freezer if not for your Costco purchases? And how much does that freezer burn each year in electricity?'

Now, let's talk about compromise.

When I married my wife, Clarissa, 28 years ago, I had all these rigid ideas on how to save money. We'd buy a tiny car. We'd live in a tiny apartment. At one point, I even suggested living in a tent. (Clarissa laughed at me.) And we'd wait a few years before having our first child.

Two months after our wedding, Clarissa informed me she was pregnant. We did buy a tiny car, but most of my other money-saving plans basically went out the window.

Our entire marriage has been a financial compromise. Clarissa rarely splurges on herself. Instead, she buys clothes that our kids need. Stuff we need for our house. I don't believe we need much of this stuff. But I often go along.

Readers, almost always men, write to say I'm a fool to give in. One reader persistently recommended divorce. As I remember it, he had dumped his wife, and now he's richer and happier and so forth.

My response: Money isn't everything. In any event, getting divorced is a dumb financial move for most people -- not the other way around.

What's more interesting is that this column has changed both Clarissa and me. As I wrote a few months ago, I've come to see being cheap as less of an unadulterated positive. And while I remain a tightwad on most things, I've become a more-liberal tipper and generally get less agitated about small expenditures.

Clarissa, on the other hand, says she has become less impulsive about purchases.

'There isn't a power struggle over money anymore,' she adds. 'You gave it up and so did I.'

Are You a Cheapskate?

Take this quiz to see how well you absorbed Neal Templin's wallet-fattening lessons. Answers are below.

1. When confronted with a choice between drinking free, mediocre coffee at work and paying $4 for a cup of excellent coffee, you should:

A. Splurge on the good coffee -- it's not enough money to dent your budget;

B. Bring a thermos of homemade coffee to work;

C. Drink the free coffee unless it makes your lips fall off.

2. Which of the following money-saving tips wasn't recommended in in the column?

A. Staying in Motel 6s on road trips.

B. Growing your own vegetables.

C. Buying Valentine's Day candy at half-price after the holiday -- and giving it to your spouse.

3. Which of the following household expenses did Neal and his wife, Clarissa, not argue about?

A. Buying a house in a desirable neighborhood.

B. Splurging on a new bed.

C. Renovating the kitchen.

4. Which of the following tactics did Neal not use to save money while dining out?

A. Not ordering appetizers, desserts or drinks.

B. Sneaking in your own liquor.

C. Ordering ribs at a fish restaurant because it was on special.

Answers: 1. C; 2. B; 3. A.; 4. B.

Neal Templin
