
中国禁烟不容易 Beijing: thank you for not smoking?


中国是全球最大的烟草生产国和消费国,国有垄断企业——中国烟草总公司(China Tobacco Corporation)的烟草销售收入占到政府税收的7%左右。










一个主要问题在于,作为全球最大香烟生产商的中国烟草总公司仍然是国家烟草专卖局(State Tobacco Monopoly Administration)的下属企业,而国家烟草专卖局本应对烟草行业实施监管。




China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of tobacco and revenues from tobacco sales by state-owned monopoly China Tobacco Corporation make up around 7 per cent of the Beijing’s tax income.

That’s one reason why some people could be forgiven for having doubts about how serious the Chinese government is about imposing a ban on all smoking in indoor public places by May 1 this year.

The Chinese health ministry announced the impending ban this week, along with a ban on cigarette vending machines in public places, an anti-smoking propaganda campaign and a ban on smoking areas close to major pedestrian thoroughfares.

But a visit to the health ministry’s headquarters in Beijing on Wednesday revealed just how tough the new ban will be to enforce.

Palls of tobacco smoke wafted down the hallways past large signs that strictly forbid smoking in the building and in the ministry’s bathrooms piles of cigarette butts adorned the urinals.

In Shanghai, where a municipal anti-smoking law has been in effect for one year, results appear to have been rather lacklustre, with just 12 organisations and five individuals punished for breaking the ban since it was introduced.

A government survey found that well over half of Shanghai’s internet cafés completely ignored a total ban on smoking in their establishments.

China has more than 300m smokers, who mostly light up wherever they feel like it, and more than 1m people die from smoking-related disease in the country each year.

The government predicts that number will double or possibly even triple by 2030, which would mean smoking would then kill more people than AIDS, tuberculosis, traffic accidents and suicide in China.

China has already failed to fulfil its promise to the World Health Organisation that it would introduce a complete ban on smoking in indoor workplaces and public places before last January.

One major problem is that state-owned China Tobacco Corporation, the world’s largest cigarette manufacturer, is still a subsidiary of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, which is supposed to regulate the tobacco industry.

