
观点:中国房地产热的代价 The Price Of China's Property Boom







这种金融压制(financial repression)迫使数亿家庭寻找银行以外更有利于对冲通货膨胀的投资渠道。但在中国资本账户受到限制的情况下,多数存款人只能投资于国内有限的几种替代性渠道。







(编者按:本文作者为麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)驻上海的中国策略师,也是中国研究主管。)


Michael Kurtz

A Chinese Academy of Social Sciences study making the rounds lately has revived bubble fears by suggesting that a startling 64.5 million urban housing units -- one for every four households -- is sitting empty, based on dormant electricity meter readings. Local utilities have since stepped forward to try to discredit the CASS numbers. But even if they are accurate, fears of a property crash may be misplaced.

The real risk to China's economy is not a property price collapse, but the way in which the supply overhang inhibits economic restructuring. Overinvestment in real estate is creating barriers to financial reform and entrenching chronic inefficiencies just as the country needs to retool its growth model.

In the distorted world of China's 'state capitalism,' demand for 'unneeded' housing is surprisingly if perversely rational. That's why property sales are rebounding smartly since policy makers hinted in July that administrative tightening in the sector had reached its limit. To understand why demand is so resilient, one needs to consider the poor savings alternatives available to Chinese households.

First a bit of fiscal background. The ruling Communist Party over the years has developed an understandable reluctance to directly tax individuals. In part, this is presumably because larger individual tax bills sooner or later could lead to demands for a say in how such funds are spent, developments not easily reconciled with China's single-party system. For similar reasons, local governments also have avoided levying value-based property ownership taxes, relying instead on revenue from land sales to developers.

Instead, Beijing raises funds from households via low deposit interest rates in the state-owned bank oligopoly, a 'cost' subsidy for China's banks that lenders then pass on to state-owned enterprises in the form of low-priced loans. These companies then pay tax to the state. It's fiscal policy disguised as commercial banking.

Interest rates in China are probably 300 basis points or more below where a market-sensitive financial system would put them. The 12-month deposit rate is currently just 2.3%, meaningfully below CPI inflation that, even benignly tilted via the makeup of the index, is about to pass through 3.0%, and not even in the same league with first-half nominal GDP growth of 16.7%. So putting your money in the bank is a losing proposition.

This financial repression forces hundreds of millions of households to look outside the banks in search of better inflation-hedged investments. But with China's restricted capital account, savers are mostly confined to a domestic-only palette of alternatives.

Enter China's property developers, the rational market response to China's irrational, non-market interest rate structure, and a seemingly irresistible domestic alternative to bank savings. China's nationwide housing price index has risen about 10% per year since 2001 with reasonable consistency. Property has also substantially outperformed China's only other other sizeable domestic savings alternative, stocks, which have returned one-sixth as much over the past decade, and with a level of volatility that has scared off many savers.

In any case, China's citizens, raised with an awareness of their country's heartbreakingly tumultuous history of messy dynastic successions, invasions and expropriation, have come to value tangibility as an attribute. A housing unit is solid and intrinsically valuable, although not portable. By comparison, from the Chinese perspective a share of stock is merely a claim on a distant and impersonal management's promise of a future that may never materialize.

So a well-off middle-income Chinese family with savings to deploy may rationally choose to put their savings into even an empty housing unit. Without an annual property tax, the carrying cost of a vacant unit is effectively zero. This also reduces incentives to seek rental yield as an offset to carrying costs, one reason why empty units are so prevalent. Presumptive capital gains seem to be satisfactory for most investor-owners.

With such demand distortions entrenched, and particularly assuming inflation remains a factor, China would not appear to be an oversupplied market. The modest price pullbacks of May-June have enticed buyers back out of the woodwork in recent weeks. Centaline Property in Shanghai estimates that even at China's now-reduced monthly transaction volumes (half of where they were in late-2009), the primary residential market has only three to four months of outstanding supply, well below the long-term average of seven to eight months.

Those same demand distortions, though, also portend at least three difficult eventual transitions for China's property market in the not-distant future: interest rate reform, which over time would increase returns to bank savings and reduce property's relative attractions; capital account liberalization, which would broaden Chinese households' access to the world of cross-border investment alternatives; and the introduction of value-based property ownership taxes to reduce local governments' reliance on land-sale revenues, which would impose a carrying cost for empty housing.

Tricky as these reforms may prove, each is central to the economic restructuring and efficiency improvement Beijing hopes to pull off in the next few years, meaning difficult decisions and trade-offs lie ahead. The true risk may be that by having allowed a potential property overhang to come into existence, Chinese policy makers paint themselves into a corner where essential reforms such as financial liberalization and fiscal restructuring seem too dicey to implement. If so, China may be able to keep its firm property market, but at the cost of postponing progress beyond a capital-wasting bank-SOE complex ill-suited to China's economic future.

(Editor's Note: Mr. Kurtz is Shanghai-based China strategist and head of China research for Macquarie Securities.)
