南戈壁能源(SouthGobi Resources)坐拥的资产可谓“天时地利人和”。这家香港上市的蒙古矿业公司是加拿大艾芬豪矿业集团(Ivanhoe)的子公司,经营着离中国边境40公里处的敖包特陶勒盖(Ovoot Tolgoi)煤矿。
这表明,情况与去年同期相比,发生了戏剧性的转变。当时,西伯库伦—策克口岸(Shivee Khuren-Ceke)的混乱,一度令该煤矿暂停生产。这一事件凸显了中国经济快速增长对其领土辽阔、资源丰富的邻国所产生的深刻影响。
南戈壁能源首席执行官亚历克斯・莫利纽克斯(Alex Molyneux)周五在后业绩发布会上向记者表示,公司当时暂停生产,旨在清理边境中断期间的库存。
SouthGobi Resources owns the right asset in the right place at the
right time. The Hong Kong-listed Mongolian mining company is controlled
by Ivanhoe Mines of Canada, and operates the Ovoot Tolgoi mine just 40km
from the border with China.
Since March, Oovot Tolgoi has produced about 200,000 tonnes of coal a
month, most of it destined for Chinese steel mines and power plants.
That represents a dramatic turnaround from the same period last year,
when production was halted because of a tangle at the Shivee
Khuren-Ceke border crossing that illustrates the profound impact China’s
rapid economic growth is having on its vast and resource-rich
Like other designated points along the Sino-Mongolian frontier,
Shivee Khuren-Ceke had been a sleepy, seasonal border crossing that
facilitated reunions between Mongolians and their kinfolk in Inner
Mongolia, a Chinese province, during festival periods.
The development of Oovot Tolgoi transformed the surrounding economy,
previously focused on cashmere production, and put a strain on Shivee
Khuren-Ceke, which SouthGobi’s prospectus notes experienced “erratic and
unpredictable opening hours and sporadic closures” in early 2009.
Speaking to reporters at post-results briefing on Friday, Alexander
Molyneux, SouthGobi chief executive, said his company’s subsequent
production hiatus was implemented to clear the backlog that accumulated
during the border disruption.
Now designated a “permanent border crossing” by the Mongolian and
Chinese foreign ministries - and open 11 hours a day, six days a week -
Shivee Khuren-Ceke is no longer a bottleneck.
But the Mongolian authorities are still racing to alleviate other
infrastructure challenges arising from Chinese demand for the country’s
resources. Mining companies routinely operate 100-tonne trucks over a
national road network only designed for vehicles of up to 60 tonnes.
Mongolia is scrambling to upgrade its road standards accordingly.