
关于伦敦市长Boris Johnson


他的名字叫做鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson),我觉得整个仪式中,他给人印象最深——上台的时候,他的西装居然没扣上!除此之外,走路的时候,他东张西望,竟然还将手插在口袋里!一点也不庄重,显得散漫和随便。



昨天,这位市长先生在最新一期的《观察家》(The Spectator)杂志上发表文章,为自己辩护。他在当伦敦市长之前,干了十几年记者,所以很能写,大家看下去就知道了。


We only had a few seconds left to get ready.


There were 91,000 people in the stadium and (allegedly) about 1.5 billion watching apathetically at home.


I advanced to the little plastic sign on the red carpet saying ‘Mayor of London’, and as we waited to be called to the centre of the arena I decided I had better spruce myself up.


Now the crowd were roaring and waving their red light sabres, and hastily I got out my wallet, mobile, keys, and all the other clobber that might impair my flag-waving performance, and handed them to a chap on my left.


I rolled my shoulders like Rocky, and rehearsed the agenda again in my head. What could possibly go wrong? Take flag, get red circle out to left, wave four times, hand flag to flag-bearer. Piece of cake.


Just as I had it taped, just as I was in the zone, I became aware of a chap beaming and pointing at his midriff. Then another chap was pointing at me, jabbing his finger in the direction of my stomach. Was I too fat? Was I insufficiently Olympian?


‘Button,’ said the chap. ‘Do up button.’


I looked and saw that my fellow performers on the podium all had their jackets done up, and so did my charming Beijing counterpart, Mayor Guo. I reached instinctively for my middle button, and then thought, sod it.


I checked swiftly with the chap from the International Olympic Committee, and no, there is no Olympic jacket-button protocol. Open or shut: it’s up to you.


I was going to do it my way, and on the matter of jacket buttons I was going to follow a policy of openness, transparency and individual freedom.


I am sad to see that some Chinese bloggers are now attacking me for my ‘lack of respect’, since there was no disrespect intended. It’s just that there are times when you have to take a stand.



他还讲了他见到了胡锦涛主席。这一段很好玩。他说,接见之前的几个小时,他一直在背一句普通话。有人告诉他,胡主席听了这句话,会很高兴。结果握手以后,他脱口而出:“Renshi ni hen gaoxing.”胡主席微笑着回答:“Thank you very much.”


‘Who are we going to see?’ whispered Seb Coe as we were ushered into the VIP sanctum of the Bird’s Nest stadium, a place of thick snowy carpet and a horseshoe of white armchairs. ‘We’re gonna see Hu,’ I whispered back. ‘Who?’ ‘Hu.’ Before I could elucidate further we were shaking hands with the Paramount Leader of the People’s Republic of China, general-secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the 65-year-old Hu Jintao. For the last couple of hours I had been practising a phrase I had learned from my brother Max, who speaks fluent Mandarin. ‘He’ll love it,’ said Max. ‘It means, Very pleased to meet you.’ So it was with great excitement that I took the hand of the Chinese leader — a kindly-looking man with glossy black hair — and blurted my line. ‘Renshi ni hen gaoxing,’ I gushed, scanning his face for approval. ‘Thank you very much,’ he said, which was pleasing, though I think he said the same to Seb. We also met Jiang Zemin, the former paramount leader, and Hu’s predecessor. The workings of the Chinese Communist Party are of huge importance to geopolitics, and far from clear. Why is Jiang still knocking around? How did he become less paramount than Hu? Who knows? And Hu knows.

他还说,这个场景让他想起了一个笑话。上个世纪80年代的时候,英国外交大臣叫做杰弗里·豪(Geoffrey Howe)。一天,他会见苏联领导人勃列日涅夫,他说“How are you?”勃列日涅夫马上说:“不,不,你才是Howe。”(No, no, you are Howe!)……哈哈哈,太好笑了,我差点一口水喷出来。

I would remind you that Geoffrey Howe is said to have greeted Brezhnev with the words ‘How are you?’, to which the Russian brilliantly riposted, ‘No, no, you are Howe!’


他大学毕业后,先去咨询公司工作,但是觉得那里太闷了,干不下去,于是改当记者。(Try as I might, I could not look at an overhead projection of a growth profit matrix, and stay conscious.)当记者以后,他专门写一些讽刺性的政论,极富喜剧天才。就是因为他太喜欢搞笑,电视台还请他去当综艺节目嘉宾主持人,他客串了几期,居然获得了英国电视奖(British Academy Television Award)的提名。2004年,他出版了第一本小说《72个处女》(Seventy-Two Virgins),内容关于一个倒霉的议员,不幸卷入了恐怖分子刺杀美国总统的阴谋,据看过的人说,此书令人捧腹。





我觉得这样也很好,没有人规定奥运会一定要是一个官方的、庄重的场合,办成民间的、轻松的风格,有什么不好呢?Google公司宣称它发现了10条真理,其中第9条是“不穿西装,不代表你不专业”(You can be serious without a suit)。总有一天,我想大多数人都会接受这一点:内在的东西才是最重要的,只有形式主义者才喜欢穿得西装笔挺。


