
现任上海市委书记俞正声的父亲黄敬 母亲范瑾 为什么他却姓俞?

职。也曾是南京江南水师学堂督办,即校长。 俞明震著有《孤庵诗存》四卷,是清末著名的诗人。


















俞正声 中共中央政治局委员,中共上海市委书记。


1963-1968年 哈尔滨军事工程学院导弹工程系弹道式导弹自动控制专业学习

1968-1971年 河北省张家口市无线电六厂技术员

1971-1975年 河北省张家口市桥西无线电厂技术员、负责人

1975-1981年 第四机械工业部电子技术推广应用研究所技术员、工程师

1981-1982年 第四机械工业部电子技术推广应用研究所副总工程师

1982-1984年 电子工业部电子技术推广应用研究所副所长、电子工业部计算机工业管理局系统二处处长、副总工程师兼微型机管理部主任、电子工业部计划司副司长

1984-1985年 中国残疾人福利基金会负责人、副理事长、党组成员(其间:1984年12月明确正司局级,1985年1月-3月康华实业公司代总经理)

1985-1987年 山东省烟台市委副书记

1987-1989年 山东省烟台市委副书记、市长

1989-1992年 山东省青岛市委副书记、副市长、市长

1992-1994年 山东省委常委、青岛市委书记、市长

1994-1997年 山东省委常委、青岛市委书记

1997-1998年 建设部党组书记、副部长

1998-2001年 建设部部长、党组书记

2001-2002年 湖北省委书记

2002-2003年 中央政治局委员,湖北省委书记、省人大常委会主任

2003-2007年 中央政治局委员,湖北省委书记(至2007年10月

2007年- 中央政治局委员,上海市委委员、常委、书记






投资大亨保尔森的买房经 John Paulson Doubles Down

冲基金经理约翰•保尔森(John Paulson)在2007年押对了次贷危机会引发房地产泡沫,大赚近40亿美元,令其声名大噪。

Splash News/Newscom
但之后,这位富豪投资者就有些失了准头,误判了房地产周期触底的时间。2010年在纽约的大学俱乐部(University Club)发表演讲时,保尔森说,“要是你现在没有房,那就买一套吧;要是你已经有了一套房,就再买一套;要是你已经拥有了两套,就买第三套,还可以把钱借给亲戚去买房。”但到目前为止,这个判断一直是错的:据一位知情人士透露,这位华尔街大亨由于赌早了经济复苏的时间,2011年个人账户上损失了大约30亿美元。


Splash News/Newscom
公开资料还显示,今年六月,保尔森以总价4900万美元抢购到一个占地90英亩的阿斯彭牧场和毗邻的一处房产,是该地区最高的房产成交价之一。该资产的出让方是班达尔•本•苏丹亲王(Prince Bandar bin Sultan)。

从哈拉牧场(Hala Ranch)最后的成交价来看,保尔森是“捡了个便宜”:2006年它最早挂牌时的意向售价是1.35亿美元,成为当时全美挂牌出售房产中最贵的一处。在阿斯彭和南安普敦,保尔森都是先购置一处相对较便宜的房产,几年后再在附近以4000多万美元的价格购置更大面积的房产。

保尔森现年56岁,对媒体采取回避的态度,平时很少接受采访。(他拒绝就本文发表评论。)他在纽约州皇后郡(Queens)的一个中产阶级家庭长大,上了哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)。他通过向亲朋好友筹款,加上自己的积蓄,最终以200万美元成立了基金公司保尔森公司(Paulson & Co.)。

保尔森本人在曼哈顿、南安普顿和阿斯彭各有一处住所。但他买房并不全是为了自住,同时也是基于对开发放缓和供应量减少将推动楼市复苏的判断。10月15日,保尔森公司旗下管理的基金收购了总部位于加州新港(Newport)的建筑商William Lyon Homes总价值相当于3000万美元的存量房。保尔森公司目前在佛罗里达州、亚利桑那州、内华达州、科罗拉多州和加利福尼亚州总计拥有约25000处房产,均是以“甩卖价”入的手。


美国各地一些熟悉保尔森名下房产信息的经纪人表示,其中有些房产(比如哈拉牧场)是美国投资最成功的房产之一,因为它们在这轮楼市低迷期中基本都没有贬值。在阿斯彭从业的经纪人莫林•斯台普顿(Maureen Stapleton)表示,保尔森支付的价格“不算贵”。她说,“他买的房产非常独特,占地面积很大,这么大面积的住宅在阿斯彭找不到第二处了。所以我认为从长远来看,它的价值肯定会很坚挺。”

至于如果保尔森明年将哈拉牧场转手卖出,能得到多少钱,经手这笔交易的房地产经纪人约书亚•萨斯洛夫(Joshua Saslove)不置可否。他说,“这种难得的房产就像苹果一样,不是用来买卖的,而是用来享用的。”

Lauren Schuker Blum


Hedge-fund manager John Paulson famously made nearly $4 billion in 2007 correctly betting that the housing bubble, fueled by the subprime mortgage market, would pop.

Then the billionaire investor somewhat reversed course, arguing that the housing cycle had hit a low point. 'If you don't own a home, buy one,' he said in a 2010 speech at the University Club in New York. 'If you own one home, buy another one, and if you own two homes, buy a third and lend your relatives the money to buy a home.' So far, that bet has been a loser: The Wall Street tycoon lost about $3 billion personally in 2011, according to people close to the hedge-fund manager, speculating that the economy would recover faster than it did.

But through the downturn Mr. Paulson -- whose net worth is estimated to be around $11 billion, according to people familiar with his situation -- continued his real estate spending spree. Over the last eight years, he has spent more than $145 million on six properties, including two estates in Southampton, N.Y., two properties near Aspen, Colo., and two residences in Manhattan, where he is based, according to public records. (He later sold one of the Southampton properties, for $10 million in 2009, a year after buying a larger estate nearby).

In June, Mr. Paulson snapped up a 90-acre Aspen ranch and an adjoining property from Prince Bandar bin Sultan for a total of $49 million, according to public records, one of the highest prices ever paid for property in the area.

The Aspen ranch was purchased at something of a discount: It was originally listed for $135 million in 2006, making it at that time the most expensive home for sale in the U.S. In both Aspen and Southampton, Mr. Paulson first bought a less expensive home before buying a larger estate nearby in the $40 million range a few years later.

Mr. Paulson, 56, studiously avoids the media, rarely granting interviews. (He declined to comment for this article.) He grew up in a middle-class family in Queens, N.Y., and went to Harvard Business School, eventually starting Paulson & Co. with $2 million he raised partially from family and friends, as well as some of his own money.

He personally occupies a residence each in Manhattan, Southampton and Aspen. He's not just investing in personal real estate, however, but also betting that the housing market will recover as development has slowed and supply diminishes. On Monday, funds managed by Paulson & Co. bought $30 million worth of stock in William Lyon Homes, a Newport, Calif.-based builder. Paulson & Co. now owns about 25,000 home sites in Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and California -- all acquired through distressed sales.

Last summer, Mr. Paulson's office released a statement around the time of his purchase of Hala Ranch saying that he has both directly and through his funds 'substantial real-estate interests across the United States, including other properties in Colorado, Arizona, California, Nevada and Florida and Hawaii.' Although he has rarely spoken about his holdings, the statement also said that 'Mr. Paulson continues to be interested in real-estate opportunities across the U.S.'

Brokers across the country familiar with Mr. Paulson's personal homes say that the purchases -- some of which, like Hala Ranch, are among the biggest trophy properties in the U.S. -- have mostly retained their value through the real-estate downturn. Maureen Stapleton, an Aspen broker, says that Mr. Paulson paid a 'fair price.' 'What he bought is very unique,' she says. 'It's a tremendous piece of property and the size of the home you just can't duplicate here in Aspen -- so I certainly think it will hold its value over the long term.'

As for what price Mr. Paulson would get if he flipped Hala Ranch next year, Joshua Saslove, the real-estate broker who sold Mr. Paulson the ranch, is mum. 'These kinds of trophy properties are like apples -- they're not for buying or selling. They're meant for eating.'

Lauren Schuker Blum

巴菲特喜爱的比亚迪成了烫手山芋? Has Warren Buffett's Chinese Winner Turned Into a Stinker?

伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)最喜爱的消遣或投资之一中国汽车和电池制造商比亚迪股份有限公司(BYD)周二上午股价暴跌,此前该公司发布了一份令人失望的收益报告。

Bloomberg News


据巴菲特旗下伯克希尔•哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的备案资料显示,该公司曾以每股约1.03美元的价格收购了比亚迪2.25亿股股票,略低于后者全部股票数的10%。甚至在比亚迪在香港上市股票去年大跌64%后,巴菲特所持比亚迪股票的价值依然是他收购价的两倍多,约合4.67亿美元。

尽管如此,我们还是想知道,巴菲特是否后悔在今年春天伯克希尔•哈撒韦公司的年会上把比亚迪放在如此引人注目的位置上。该公司年会被称为“资本家的伍德斯托克音乐节”(Woodstock for Capitalists),而今年的年会主题是“飞机、火车和汽车”。


Shira Ovide


One of Warren Buffett's favored playthings/investments, Chinese car-and-battery maker BYD, is getting crushed this morning after a disappointing earnings report.

Li Lu, the man once seen as possible successor to Buffett, helped introduce the Oracle of Omaha to BYD. Buffett invested in BYD in 2008, and it looked at first like a winner, climbing more than six-fold.

Lately, though, earnings disappointments seem to have become commonplace for BYD. Earlier this summer, BYD shares plunged after a disappointing earnings report.

Buffett's company bought 225 million shares of BYD, or just under 10% of the company's stock, at a price of about $1.03 a pop, according to Berkshire regulatory filings. Even after a 64% drop in BYD's stock price in Hong Kong in the last year, Buffett's stake in BYD is still worth more than twice what he paid, or about $467 million.

Still, we wonder if Buffett is regretting putting BYD in a favorable spotlight at this spring's annual meeting of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. The theme of this year's Berkshire meeting, the Woodstock for Capitalists, was 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles.'

An image of a BYD-made car, along with a jet from Buffett-owned NetJets and a train from Buffett-owned railroad BNSF, were featured on ID badges, programs and placards.

Shira Ovide
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Cl A
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Cl B
英文名称:Oracle co.


中国电池和汽车生产商比亚迪股份有限公司(BYD Co., 1211.HK, 简称:比亚迪股份)周一表示,由于国内市场汽车需求持续低迷、手机销量减少以及太阳能电池业务遭受损失,公司第三季度净利润大幅下滑,并由此预计2012年净利润将下降至多98%。




巴菲特(Warren Buffett)旗下Berkshire Hathaway Inc.子公司MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co.持有比亚迪股份10%的股权。




虽然中日领土争议在一定程度上给国内汽车品牌带来了积极影响,但分析师们指出,比亚迪股份、吉利汽车控股有限公司(Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd.)和长城汽车股份有限公司(Great Wall Motor Co.)等国内低端品牌厂商之间竞争的加剧可能会挤压它们的利润空间。


比亚迪股份还表示,该公司在香港上市的子公司比亚迪电子(国际)有限公司(BYD Electronic (International) Co., 简称:比亚迪电子)将继续受到全球手机市场需求疲弱及主要客户经营业绩下滑的冲击。比亚迪电子的大部分收入来自诺基亚(Nokia Corp)和华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)等主要客户。


Joanne Chiu


中国人,你“性”福吗? The Shifting Terrain of Sex in China


理查德•伯格(Richard Burger)的处女作《红门背后:性在中国》(Behind the Red Door: Sex in China)上个月由Earnshaw Books出版。这本书向我们展示了一个由阴阳平衡传统理念孕育出的文化是如何遭遇后起的像毛泽东、互联网这样的强大力量的影响的。伯格发现,就像其他很多事一样,中国的“性事”与西方的“性事”也有些不同。

Earnshaw Books
58岁的伯格现定居于美国凤凰城(Phoenix),他在中国最为人所知的是已经连续更新了十余年的博客“北京烤鸭”(Peking Duck)。本来,他只是打算做一个记录旅游见闻的博客,2003年非典疫情(SARS)爆发时北京方面的强硬反应促使他转而开始关注这个国家的政治与社会结构。


在调查约会、结婚、同性恋、乱交等问题时,伯格征求了性学家和性服务提供者的意见。但《红门背后》并不是一本窥探隐私的书,它引用了大量文学资料,例如《红楼梦》(Dream of the Red Chamber);同时也引用了一些关键时点的新闻报道,例如1993年北京首家性用品商店开业,2003年木子美开出忏悔博客,2010年薄熙来责令重庆希尔顿酒店停业(薄熙来上个月因与多名女性发生或保持“不正当关系”等问题被开除党籍)。



Richard Burger
















《华尔街日报》:书中有一章叫做“大转变”(Shifting Landscape),什么在转变?







James T. Areddy


Meet the people shaping life and culture in Asia. More from The Moment

Few human activities remain as ripe for study today as they did at the dawn of Chinese culture 5,000 or so years ago. But sex is one of them, and it's the focus of a new book that peeks into the bedrooms and brothels of the world's most populous nation.

Released last month, 'Behind the Red Door: Sex in China' (Earnshaw Books) examines how a culture born in concepts of yin-yang balance has fared against powerful forces like Mao Zedong and the Internet. Like many things in China, finds first-time author Richard Burger, sex is somehow different than in the West.

Mr. Burger, 58 years old and now based in Phoenix, is best known in China for his decade-old blog Peking Duck. Though he originally intended for it to serve as an online travelogue, Beijing's heavy-handed reaction to the 2003 SARS outbreak energized him to focus Peking Duck on the country's political and social structure.

It's a big job to survey sex in China, where aspects of ancient culture (Confucian doctrine, silk curtains, concubines) echo in modern society (Communist censorship, online dating, divorce detectives). 'No society has swung more dramatically from extreme sexual openness to prudish orthodoxy and then to the sexually ambiguous atmosphere we see at present,' writes Mr. Burger.

In probing dating, marriage, homosexuality and promiscuity, Mr. Burger tracks down sexologists and prostitutes for their input. But 'Behind the Red Door' isn't voyeuristic. Instead it draws on fabled sources like 'Dream of the Red Chamber' and news coverage of notable junctures, like Beijing's first sex shop in 1993, a confessional blog launched by a woman known as Muzimei in 2003 and the 2010 closure of Chongqing's Hilton during a crackdown by Bo Xilai (who last month was expelled from the Communist Party in part because of 'improper sexual relations' with multiple women).

Sex and deception emerge as a running theme in the book, whether it's $300 hymen reconstructions to fake virginity, the large percentage of gay men marrying women to save face, or the seven tiers of prostitution - from ernai ('second wife') to xiagongpeng ('down the work shack').

Mr. Burger spoke with the Journal about the Chinese sexual revolution and how the country is dealing with it. Below are edited excerpts from the conversation.

The Wall Street Journal: Why did you write this book?

Mr. Burger: This was totally different from anything I'd done in the past. I've been an observer and always been fascinated, for instance, with the phenomenon of prostitution in China, about gays in China, the sexual rituals that I saw that were very different from in the West.

If you look for books on the subject that offer us a survey from sex in ancient China to today, you'll find there's almost only the academic literature available, white papers, textbooks, so I thought this was a real opportunity to fill that gap.

How does China's sexual revolution differ from the West's?

The sexual revolution in the West was part of a much broader revolution for all sorts of personal freedoms. It became an atmosphere of 'do your own thing' and 'to rebel is good.' In China, the sexual revolution, it's on the government's terms to a large extent. You can only go so far. It's not so much personal freedom, individual freedom, than a relaxation of the taboos about sex that have ruled China from the time of Mao and even earlier.

How does the government influence sex culture?

A good example of this is the telephone hotlines that I mention in the introduction. These phone lines for sexual counsel, they started in the mid-, late-1990s, and you would think, 'OK, here are people calling in about sex and talking about their love lives.' And you might see this as liberating. But in fact, all of the counselors were government cadres, and the shows were sponsored by the government…it was all about strengthening the family.

Is dishonesty an important facet of the story?

It is, and it has to be, because China's in a tug-of-war against traditional Chinese values such as the wife being a virgin on her wedding night, a traditional Chinese belief. It's a tug-of-war between that and Western-style sexual openness.

Women are more frequently having sex with men who are demanding sex, but when it comes time to get married, they still have to prove that they're a virgin. They have to lie. They have to go to outrageous lengths, such as having a hymenoplasty operation.

How actively is pornography censored online?

I equate what they are trying to do on the Internet in terms of pornography as a game of whack-a-mole. They are always announcing these big stings. A couple of years ago the government announced they had shut down 60,000 porn sites and arrested 5,000 of the operators. One of them was even sentenced to life in prison.

What did you find about sex education?

In the early 1980s, sex education became mandatory for the first time. It had to be taught in the high schools. Most teachers are so squeamish that they either zip through it - these are biology teachers usually - they just hurry through it, or they skip it altogether.

What they do teach, when they do teach it, is about anatomy and biology. There's nothing about sexual morality. It's just taught as how reproduction works.

China remains, for all the advances, very uptight about sex. And most Chinese parents, I would say, don't teach their kids about sex at all. And some will even tell them that they found them under a rock or on the street somewhere. It's such a sticky subject.

One chapter is called 'Shifting Landscape.' What's shifting?

I start it off with the well-known story of Muzimei in 2003 writing her tell-all blog where she names names and described what they did in graphic terms. She was the first to gain attention who wrote about about sex, just for the sake of sex, and the joys of personal satisfaction with no strings attached. In fact, the government soon shut it down. But she had left an indelible mark.

She generated a new conversation about the role of women…that a woman shouldn't feel guilty about having sex and that she should savor it.

We're seeing a decided shift toward sexual liberation, but I think it's going to be a long hard slog before we see anything comparable to what we saw in the West, simply because, as we've said, traditional Chinese beliefs and values are playing a tug-of-war.

Why does China have so many sex shops?

The sex shops aren't about lewdness or about pornography. They're about health.

The thinking is just like the hotlines that a sexually satisfied population, a more contented population adds to the nation's harmony. If you don't have a sexually satisfied population, they're more likely to question authority.

James T. Areddy


张维迎:中国的反凯恩斯斗士 Zhang Weiying: China's Anti-Keynesian Insurgent





他引用诺贝尔经济学奖得主哈耶克(Friedrich Hayek)和奥地利学派的观点提出,如果不允许中国经济按其自身规律进行调整,那么中国经济中小的泡沫破裂之后就会发生大泡沫的破裂。他还建议废除各种导致经济发生扭曲的现行做法,比如国有企业在许多产业中享有的垄断地位。

Zina Saunders
张维迎发表上述演讲的那段时间也正是中国迅速成为世界第二大经济体的日子(2010年的某个季度中国经济较上年同期增长了11%),所以中国的主政者没有兴趣去听他这些话。张维迎说,当我批评中央政府的刺激政策时,许多高级官员感到不高兴。张维迎去年在于中国召开的世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)年会上还说,中国权力巨大的国家发展和改革委员会是"一群聪明人在做一件非常愚蠢的事"。这或许更令中国官员不满。



如今,中国官员已不再像对待被放逐者一样对待张维迎。他说农业部官员告诉他,他们喜欢看他写的文章。其他部委以及包括河南和辽宁省在内的地方政府则邀请他发表演讲。他说最近写了一篇赞扬已故奥地利学派经济学家罗斯巴德(Murray Rothbard)的文章后,上海市委书记告诉他自己喜欢这篇文章。








为了找到一个不需妥协的世界,他去牛津大学(Oxford University)留学,并在那里获得了经济学博士学位。1994年回国之际,他与人合作创办了北京大学中国经济研究中心(China Center for Economic Research)。北京大学是中国资历最老的现代高等学府之一。

张维迎说,相比政策研究,他更喜欢学术性的观点的自由市场。但即使是在学术界,张维迎也显得卓尔不群。和中国那些改革派经济学家不同(这些人将自己视作削弱中央集权的技术官僚),张维迎的思想有着鲜明的道德烙印。在今年的一次讲话中,他援引亚里士多德(Aristotle)和阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)的话指出,世间存在一种叫"自然法"的东西,且产权的重要性在主权之前。












张维迎感到乐观,因为他认为30年的改革开放已经改变了人们的预期。他说,我们现在对市场充满信任,这就是为什么过去10年的反市场动向激怒了人们。清华大学(Tsinghua University)整理编纂的政府数据显示,反对政府征地和其他以强权侵害百姓利益行为的群体性事件每年有18万起。这些群体事件让中共难以回避,也为自由市场提供了道义上的依据。





It's a rare afternoon in the Chinese capital when smog hasn't blocked the skies, and one of China's most famous economists is in a sanguine mood. The economy is in trouble as the Communist Party heads for a once-in-a-decade transfer of power while prosecuting its former golden boy, Bo Xilai, on criminal charges. Worried investors want signs that Beijing remains committed to growth-and the sign they'd most like to see is a big Keynesian stimulus.

Zhang Weiying would say that they're wrong to panic. The economic slowdown, he calmly says over tea, is actually good news that 'makes the government think we need to change'-toward reform and away from priming the pump. We aren't all Keynesians now in China, he insists.

Three years ago, Keynesianism was official policy. The 2008 financial crisis had Beijing gloating over the failure of the free-market 'Washington Consensus' and touting the 'China Model' of government intervention. Keynesianism fit the statist zeitgeist and Beijing then suffered an export slump, so the government allocated $3.5 trillion-or about 50% of gross domestic product-in bank loans and direct spending.

Mr. Zhang's academic colleagues were all praise for the 'China Model,' but in 2009 he was giving speeches entitled 'Bury Keynesianism.' Then a top administrator at Peking University, where he now teaches economics, he argued that since the financial crisis was caused by easy money, it couldn't be solved by the same. 'The current economy is like a drug addict, and the prescription from the doctor is morphine, so the final result will be much worse,' he said.

He invoked the ideas of the late Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek and the Austrian School of Economics to argue that if the economy weren't allowed to adjust on its own, China's minor bust would be followed by a bigger one. He also advocated doing away with existing distortions such as the monopolies enjoyed in many industries by state-owned enterprises.

Those were the days when China was fast becoming the world's second-largest economy (growth in one 2010 quarter crossed 11% on an annual basis), so the establishment was in no mood to listen. 'When I criticized the central government's stimulus policy, many senior officials were not happy,' Mr. Zhang says. It might not have helped that at last year's World Economic Forum in China he called the government's powerful National Development and Reform Commission 'a bunch of smart people doing something really stupid.'

Ultimately, Beijing's stimulus fed a false investment boom that stoked asset bubbles-then the morphine wore off while the government tightened. Officials claim the economy grew at 7.6% year-on-year between April and June this year. Skeptics think the real number is closer to 4%. (One London research house says 1%.) Meanwhile, industries dominated or favored by the state, such as steel or solar power, are idling from overcapacity. Countless sheets of copper are reportedly stacked in warehouses, blocking doorways and exemplifying Hayek's notion of 'malinvestment.'

In other words, the stimulus was a poster child for Mr. Zhang's Austrian theories. And the sheer size of the failure suddenly has people paying attention. 'The Keynesian policy didn't deliver what it promised,' he says, so 'more and more people realize that . . . when the government makes investment [in] something that's useless, recession will come.'

Chinese officials no longer treat Mr. Zhang as a pariah. He reports that Ministry of Agriculture officials tell him they enjoy reading his articles. Other ministries and local governments, including in Henan and Liaoning provinces, invite him to speak. He says that when he recently wrote an article praising the late Austrian economist Murray Rothbard, the Communist Party secretary of Shanghai-a fairly high-level apparatchik-told him he liked it.

Could Austrian sympathies be percolating right to the top of Chinese officialdom? Last month, Premier Wen Jiabao called the stimulus a 'scientific response' to the crisis and tried to refute the charge that the country 'paid an undue price' for it. He sounded like someone forced to defend against internal challengers who had been reading Hayek-or Zhang Weiying.

Mr. Zhang didn't identify with the Austrian school until 2008, when he presented a paper at an economics conference in Chicago and someone told him he sounded like a Hayek acolyte. He says he'd always thought this way.

The 52-year-old was born in rural Shaanxi province in north-central China. In a country where party officials and tiger mothers compete to brainwash youth, he escaped both.

'Rural areas were not so polluted by [party] ideology,' he says. 'My parents were illiterate,' he adds, and once he began his education, they couldn't understand the ideas he brought home from school. 'That means they never interfered.'

Mr. Zhang has been charting his own way since he was a graduate student in economics in Shaanxi. He wrote a newspaper article in 1983 arguing that money wasn't evil. For that crime, critics from the still-powerful anticapitalist camp tore into him. There was a danger he wouldn't be able to graduate with a degree, but 'thankfully, China's political climate changed in a very short time.'

In the mid-1980s, under party leader Deng Xiaoping, officials were moving to liberalize the economy. Yet they were sometimes clueless. After decades of a planned economy, says Mr. Zhang, 'the price [of everything] was distorted' and the government's solution was to 'set up a price research center with a big computer . . . and adjust prices according to this calculation.' Of course, 'they couldn't get any results.'

This gave Mr. Zhang his first break. In his graduate thesis, he considered the possibility of having one price system remain government-controlled and leaving another to the market, with industries moving slowly from the first track to the second. He impressed policy makers with the idea at a 1984 conference, and they adopted it, giving Mr. Zhang a job with the State Commission for Reforming the Economic System. The stint turned him off from policy-making. Bureaucrats rarely 'rock the boat,' he says. 'Making policy is a political process . . . a compromise.'

Looking for a world where he didn't have to compromise, he went to Oxford, where he studied for an economics doctorate. On returning to China in 1994, he co-founded the China Center for Economic Research at Peking University, the country's oldest modern institution of higher learning.

Mr. Zhang says he prefers the academic marketplace of ideas rather than policies, but he stands out there too. Unlike the Chinese tribe of reformer-economists who see themselves as technocrats chipping away at statism, Mr. Zhang thinks in stark moral terms. In a speech this year, he invoked Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas to argue that there is such a thing as natural law and that the right to property is 'passed prior to sovereignty.'

The flip side of this freedom to pursue success is being able to stomach failure, which is where Mr. Zhang's affinity for Hayek ties in. Austrians frown even on central banks trying to manipulate demand because, as Mr. Zhang tells it, 'when you make a mistake, you must take responsibility.'

'If you suffer today, it's a small suffering. But if you don't have that suffering today,' tomorrow 'you'll have a big suffering.' Letting people know that truth, he says, 'is what an economist or scholar should do.'

Leaders should do this too, and he talks excitedly about the late 1990s, when the Asian economic crisis spurred the party to privatize state companies, even if it left 20 million unemployed. The crisis had brought Indonesia and others to their knees, says Mr. Zhang, and China's leaders understood at the time that 'the lesson was not to have crony capitalism' and a bloated public sector.

Back then, the intellectual tide was going in Mr. Zhang's direction. State-controlled CCTV proclaimed him 'Economist of the Year' in 2002, and he remembers that at Peking University 'the whole culture was reform-oriented too.' He was appointed assistant president of the university that year and later dean of the Guanghua School of Management, where he pushed reform.

The reforms proved successful, but the reformer was crucified. The old guard in the faculty lounges revolted, while accusations impugning Mr. Zhang's loyalty and questioning his credentials swirled over the Internet. He was forced out of his Guanghua post in 2010.

Much of the trouble stemmed from internal campus politics, but he also says that the broader 'environment changed.' China's universities are a product of a planned economy, so 'if the whole country [was] in the good process of reform, people like me won't be treated like that.'

What happened? China's leadership team of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, in place since 2002, reversed reforms. Rising inequality was the original excuse for favoring the public sector and, one suspects, high growth soon convinced policy makers to continue on that path. The new mantra in Beijing was 'guo jin, min tui'-the state advances, the private sector retreats.

When the financial crisis struck Beijing jumped at the chance to advance the state even further. The poor economic result is now front and center, but Mr. Zhang says the past decade has also seen dramatic social problems that help alter the climate of opinion. The Chinese people have watched bureaucrats distribute resources to state companies and their friends, and popular perceptions of corruption and inequality have grown. Far from a crisis of markets, he says, Beijing is facing a crisis of state.

That is why Mr. Zhang is hopeful for reforms. He proposes restarting privatization, which he says is easier to do now because 'some of these companies are listed on exchanges.' Overhauling the financial system is next, since state companies use the banks as ATMs and deprive entrepreneurs of formal loans.

Can we expect such a liberalization right after the new crop of leaders is anointed in mid-November? He says that Guangdong Party Secretary Wang Yang, a contender for the top decision-making body, is a 'real reformer.' But otherwise he admits that Chinese politics is a black box.

Is there a possibility that Beijing will turn to another stimulus to goose GDP? 'Certainly things could go worse. But there could also be good opportunity,' he says. What he does know is that people's way of thinking has changed. It's just that the 'impact is implicit, not explicit' in China's nondemocracy.

Mr. Zhang is optimistic because he thinks 30 years of openness have altered expectations. 'We have a lot of trust in' markets today, which is why the last decade's anti-market turn has exasperated people. Mass protests against land grabs and other government bullying now number 180,000 a year, according to government data compiled at Beijing's Tsinghua University. These protests are hard for the party to ignore-and powerfully make the moral case for free markets.

'We human beings always seek happiness,' says Mr. Zhang. 'Now there are two ways. You make yourself happy by making other people unhappy-I call that the logic of robbery. The other way, you make yourself happy by making other people happy-that's the logic of the market. Which way do you prefer?'


中国新领导班子的经济抉择 China Faces Tough Choice On Growth








克莱蒙特•麦肯纳学院(Claremont McKenna College)中国问题专家裴敏欣说,改革国有企业、加强其商业性最多有可能牺牲掉400万个就业岗位,因为企业要缩减规模、剥除政治任务并不再接受补贴。裴敏欣说,这不是私有化,而是去党化。



国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)首席经济学家布兰查德(Olivier Blanchard)说,要搞大刀阔斧的改革,就得着手进行收入的再分配。

对不公平现象的担忧正在变得越发普遍。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)2012年对3,177名中国人的调查显示,48%的被调查者认为贫富差距是一个非常严重的问题,相比之下,2008年的这一比例是41%。



根据美国农村发展研究所(Landesa Rural Development Institute)2011年对1,791名农民的调查,当地有关部门每征收一英亩土地,农民平均可以获得17,850美元的赔偿,而这个金额仅仅是每英亩土地市场价值(740,000美元)的2.4%。



根据透明国际(Transparency International)的数据,中国的腐败程度在全球排名第75,略高于哥伦比亚。中国经济改革研究基金会(China Reform Foundation)的经济学家王小鲁2008年从事的一项研究显示,中国最富的10%的城市家庭的年均可支配收入为13.9万元,比官方数据高出两倍。王小鲁写道,数据出现差异的主要原因是由于滥用权力取得的灰色收入,灰色收入与腐败问题密切相关。




麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinsey Global Institute)指出,无论是在19世纪的美国,还是亚洲四小龙在各自快速增长的年份,消费占比从来没有下降到如此低的水平。消费在美国GDP中的占比约为70%。


但是,不要指望中国新的领导人会快速行动。一名前美国官员说,中国央行行长周小川私下里已经告诉西方官员,中国至少要到2013年秋天才能拿出一揽子改革计划。北京的私募股权投资公司春华资本集团(Primavera Capital Group)董事长胡祖六说,为了让交接班顺利进行,李克强和习近平可能需要保持低调。


斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的中国经济专家罗思高(Scott Rozelle)说,日本经济在发展到一定水平之后,经济增速也出现了放缓,社会不公的水平非常低,这为日本失去的10年提供了一个稳定的基础;如果未来20年中国经济遵循过去10年同样的轨迹,作为世界上收入不公最严重的国家之一,中国经济可能面临着零增长的风险。




China's latest evidence of sputtering growth underlines a dilemma for its incoming leaders: They can shore up the economy by doubling down on an exhausted growth model, or take a risky political bet on reforms that could worsen the slowdown in the short term.

The challenge─an unusual one for a Communist government─is to put more money in the pockets of its consumers by tackling the burgeoning inequality in income, which has contributed to pushing China's growth off kilter.

The 7.4% year-on-year rise in China's gross domestic product in the third quarter, reported Thursday, was the weakest growth rate since the start of 2009 and the seventh straight quarter of decline. Nevertheless, those hoping for a 'soft landing' in China, ever-more important for the health of the global economy, took heart from some signs of stabilization. Industrial output, exports and investment all crept up in September. Employment has also stayed strong.

That raises the question for Beijing of whether to use its usual levers to pump up the economy, or to try to put China on a sustainable growth path by focusing more on spending by domestic households and less on investment and exports.

The traditional methods of kick-starting growth─cutting interest rates and boosting investment─would risk exacerbating economic imbalances, increasing investment returns at the expense of salaries and spending money for households.

Spreading the gains from China's growth means challenging some of the most powerful groups in the country's body politic: local officials who benefit when their governments flip land bought on the cheap from farmers, and state-owned enterprises whose low taxes translate into less money for welfare programs. The winners in such a gamble would be China's lower and middle-income households, which are increasingly looked to as the source of future growth.

Revamping the state-owned sector so the firms operate in a more commercial fashion could cost as many as four million jobs as the companies slim down and shed political tasks and subsidies, said Minxin Pei, a China expert at Claremont McKenna College. 'It wouldn't be privatization; it would be departyization,' Mr. Pei said.

Incomes have risen across China in the past decade, but political elites have benefited disproportionately from a system that massively enriches those closest to the center of power.

The problem is that what is good for the elites is no longer good for China: Deepening inequality now stands in the way of a long-stated goal of shifting China's growth model so that it depends more heavily on domestic consumption.

'To get really big [reform], you have to go for a redistribution of income,' said International Monetary Fund chief economist Olivier Blanchard.

According to a new national survey of China's household income, China's richest 10% control 56.9% of household income and 84.6% of household wealth─'a level of inequality seen only in some struggling African nations,' said Gan Li, a professor at Texas A&M University who led the survey.

The deepening inequality also makes it tougher to safeguard against the fate of other one-time economic stars that failed to advance to the ranks of wealthy nations.

Brazil's boom economy stagnated in 1980s and 1990s, for instance, as the country cleaved further into haves and have-nots, a pattern that some fear could be repeated in China. 'There's a race in China between economic disparity and the rise of the middle class,' says Cheng Li, a Brookings Institution senior fellow.

Bolstering low- and middle-income households is important economically because these people spend a higher share of their income than rich households. The savings rate for China's top 10% of urban households is 38%, compared with 27% for middle-income households and 8% for the bottom 10%.

Gao Jing, a 39-year-old migrant to Beijing, says she feels stuck. Ms. Gao runs a tiny store and earns about 2,500 to 3,000 yuan a month ($400 to $475), just enough to support her two children, she says. 'Poor people like us find it hard to earn money, no matter how hard we work.' Returning to her home province of Henan isn't an option, she says, because economic prospects are poor and the schools are bad.

Concern about inequality is becoming increasingly commonplace in China. According to a 2012 Pew Research Center poll of 3,177 Chinese, 48% say the gap between rich and poor is a very big problem, up from 41% in 2008.

Addressing inequality would require measures including protecting farmers' land rights to give them a valuable asset to sell or develop; granting migrant workers urban residency; and cracking down on corruption that enriches China's elites. All would require taking on powerful vested interests.

The current administration has long promised stronger land rights for China's farmers. Local political chiefs and real-estate firms, however, are both enriched by sales of land that local governments buy cheaply from farmers.

Farmers receive compensation of $17,850 per acre, on average, for land seized by local authorities, just 2.4% of the $740,000 per acre market value, according to a 2011 survey of 1,791 farmers conducted by Landesa Rural Development Institute.

China's 168 million migrant workers help build, clean and serve the cities, but few have the opportunity to make permanent homes there. That is because of the rigid urban-residency system that denies migrant workers and their families access to health care, education and welfare benefits in towns, whose governments see migrants as a source of cheap labor rather than members of the urban population.

Reducing income inequality would also require action to tamp down on corruption. A state-dominated economy, where officials control access to valuable assets, provides ample opportunities for graft.

Transparency International ranks China as the 75th most-corrupt country in the world, slightly above Colombia. A 2008 study by Wang Xiaolu of the China Reform Foundation found that China's richest 10% of urban households had average annual per capita disposable income of 139,000 yuan, three times higher than the official data suggest. The 'gray income' that accounts for much of the difference often has its origins in the misuse of power and is closely connected with corruption, Mr. Wang wrote.

Some analysts criticized Mr. Wang's survey, saying it used an unrepresentative sample.

The Chinese Internet site Baidu has created an online forum devoted to the issue of income inequality. 'The higher hope you have, the more disappointed you will get,' read one recent posting. 'The wealth gap is getting bigger, with the rich people buying fancy cars and houses while the poor people can't even afford the rent. That is the reality of China now.'

President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao, set to step down at the 18th Party Congress in November, promised a more 'harmonious' society. But policies that juiced returns to investment and kept wages low also kept the income gap wide. The share of consumption in China's GDP fell to 34% in 2011, from 44% in 2002.

Consumption never fell to that low a level in the U.S, going back as far as the 19th century, or in the fast-growing Asian tigers during their growth years, according to McKinsey Global Institute. The share of household spending in GDP in the U.S. is about 70%.

The burden of reform will fall on the men expected to succeed them, Vice President Xi Jinping and Vice Premier Li Keqiang.

But don't expect China's new leaders to move quickly. Central bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan has privately told Western officials that it would take until the fall of 2013 to put together a reform package, said a former U.S. official. 'To complete a smooth succession, Li and Xi probably have to keep their heads low,' said Fred Hu, chairman of Primavera Capital, a Beijing private-equity firm.

The beneficiaries of change, lower- and middle-income households, have little voice in the policy process. But the costs of failure in slower growth and political instability could be high.

'Japan's growth slowed when the economy was already wealthy, and levels of inequality were very low. That provided a baseline of stability for their lost decade,' said Scott Rozelle, an expert on China's economy at Stanford University. 'If China's economy in the next 20 years follows the same trajectory as the last 10, they could face zero growth as one of the most unequal societies in the world.'




艺术示意图:正在轨道上工作的美国宇航局斯皮策空间望远镜。这台工作在红外波段的望远镜近期给出了迄今最精确的宇宙膨胀测量数据  艺术示意图:正在轨道上工作的美国宇航局斯皮策空间望远镜。这台工作在红外波段的望远镜近期给出了迄今最精确的宇宙膨胀测量数据
量天尺:造父变星拥有独特的周光关系,被天文学家们称作  量天尺:造父变星拥有独特的周光关系,被天文学家们称作"宇宙标准烛光"。正是借助这些量天尺的帮助,我们得以以更高的精度对宇宙膨胀速率进行测量

  新浪科技讯 北京时间10月8日消息,据英国《每日邮报》报道,天文学家们最近给出了有关宇宙膨胀速度迄今最为精确的测量值。一个科学家小组使用美国宇航局斯皮策空间望远镜进行的最新测量显示,宇宙的膨胀速度约为46英里(74公里)每秒・每百万秒差距(更精确的数值为:74.3 ± 2.1 (km/s)/Mpc)。

  美国天文学家埃德温・哈勃(Edwin Hubble)在上世纪初首先通过大量细致的观测发现宇宙正处于不断膨胀之中,并且这种膨胀自从宇宙诞生以来就已经开始了。


  斯皮策空间望远镜工作在波长较长的红外波段,而不是可见光波段。其最新的测量数据将此前由哈勃空间望远镜进行的一项类似观测的精确度提升了3个数量级,将该数值的不确定性范围降低至3%以内,这是对于宇宙学测量领域的一次重大飞越。天文学家们表示,本次最新精确化的这一数值是74.3 ± 2.1 (km/s)/Mpc,其中1百万秒差距约相当于300万光年。

  麦克・沃纳(Michael Werner)是斯皮策项目科学家,来自美国宇航局加州喷气推进实验室(JPL)。他说:"此次斯皮策望远镜再次完成了一项本不属于它的工作。在此之前,它通过对系外行星大气层的研究让我们大吃一惊,而这一次,它竟然成为了一台研究宇宙学的利器。"


  在上世纪90年代末,天文学家们惊骇地发现我们所处的宇宙事实上正处于加速膨胀之中。这是非常反常的现象,由于宇宙中充满了物质和暗物质――它们都具有质量,因此也都具有引力。在这些引力的作用下宇宙即便处于膨胀之中,也应该会逐渐减速或者至少保持平衡但是绝不应该会加速膨胀。为了搞清楚这个问题的答案,天文学家们不得不构思出了一种"未知的神秘力量",它独自对抗整个宇宙中所有物质和暗物质所产生的引力,甚至将它们全部击败并推动宇宙加速膨胀。由于科学家们对这种神秘的强大力量一无所知,因此人们便赋予它一个理所当然的名字:"暗能量"。本次研究的第一作者,美国卡耐基天文台主管温迪・弗里德曼(Wendy Freedman)说:"这是一个巨大的谜团。"




  造父变星之所以可以当做量天尺来使用,是因为它们到地球之间的距离是可以直接测量的。1908年,美国著名的女天文学家里维特(Henrietta Leavitt)注意到,一类被称作造父变星的恒星,其亮度和光变周期之间存在严格的相关,这就是著名的"周光关系"。







2012年9月18日,四川省成都市中级人民法院一审开庭审理了重庆市原副市长、公安局原局长王立军徇私枉法、叛逃、滥用职权、受贿案。  2012年9月18日,四川省成都市中级人民法院一审开庭审理了重庆市原副市长、公安局原局长王立军徇私枉法、叛逃、滥用职权、受贿案。





  文 刘俊峰











































