
互联网与国界(下) Closing the frontier


“全球网络倡议”组织(Global Network Initiative)一直得不到广泛的支持,就是一个佐证。该组织成立于4年前,旨在为企业和非政府组织提供一个论坛,为应对在线审查和压制设计一种通行做法。不过,该组织迄今仍只有3个企业成员——谷歌、微软(Microsoft)和雅虎(Yahoo)。据一名与会者透露,在美国国务院3月份召开的一次会议中,美国副国务卿罗伯特•霍马茨(Robert Hormats)对近20家公司的技术和电信高管们进行了严厉批评,指责他们没有团结起来支持该组织。

未支持谷歌 微软挨批

即使那些已在公共场合宣示立场的公司,态度也可能模棱两可。不久前,微软首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)及董事长比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)就谷歌事件发表公开评论,似乎在中国与谷歌的争执中站在中国一边——仍在中国提供经过审查的搜索服务的微软,势必会获益于谷歌的立场转变——为此,微软遭到总部位于纽约的游说组织“人权观察”(Human Rights Watch)的批评。鲍尔默随后发表了一篇博文,重申了微软对互联网自由的支持。


今年1月份,美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)宣布,促进全球互联网自由是美国使命的一部分。她的支持者认为,尽管尚不清楚美国将付出多大的外交努力来支撑这些话,但希拉里至少已将这个问题列为双边讨论的一个议项。

美国国会也参与进来。“出于某种原因,多数人认为言论自由正在占上风,但实际情况正相反,”民主党参议员特德•考夫曼(Ted Kaufman)表示。最近,他与另外九名参议员(其中五名共和党人)成立了“全球互联网自由议员团”(Global Internet Freedom caucus)。


此外,戈登斯密斯警告称,美国对其宪法《第一修正案》(First Amendment)赋予的言论自由权利的信奉,并未在其它地方引起强烈共鸣——在其它地方,不同的隐私及其它社会期望往往得到更优先的考虑,正如澳大利亚过滤计划所显示的那样。
















But while the search company has sent a signal that it intends to stand its ground, few others have been prepared to follow its lead, making it easier for repressive governments to continue with their current policies.

The lack of broad support for the Global Network Initiative is a case in point. Set up four years ago, it was meant to be a forum for companies and non-governmental organisations to devise a common practice for confronting online censorship and repression. However, it still counts only three companies – Google, Microsoft and Yahoo – as members. In a meeting at the US state department this month, undersecretary Robert Hormats castigated the technology and telecommunications executives from nearly 20 companies for not rallying around the initiative, according to one person present.

Even those companies that have taken a public stand can appear ambivalent. Microsoft, which still offers a censored search service in China and stands to benefit from Google's change of stance there, recently drew criticism from Human Rights Watch, a New York-based advocacy, after Steve Ballmer, chief executive, and Bill Gates, chairman, made public comments appearing to side with Beijing in its row with Google. Mr Ballmer later published a blog post reiterating his company's support for internet freedom.

Governments have also been slow to take up the running, though political momentum in the US has picked up this year. Google's heavy emphasis on the cyberattacks that it said led to its change of heart in China helped to fan the flames in Washington, where cyberwarfare is a growing concern.

In January Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, proclaimed it part of her country's mission to foster global internet freedom. While it is unclear how much diplomatic firepower will underpin such words, she has at least made this an item for bilateral discussions, according to supporters.

Congress has also joined in. “Most people for some reason think the free press is on the march, but actually it's the opposite,” says Senator Ted Kaufman, a Democrat who last week formed a Global Internet Freedom caucus with nine other senators, five of them Republicans.

Yet such efforts have yet to be echoed elsewhere; industry executives, for example, bemoan lukewarm support from Europe. That is partly due to suspicions about the motives of some in the US who have jumped on the bandwagon. “The cold war warriors are seizing on it to revive their agenda,” says Ms MacKinnon.

Also, the US devotion to its First Amendment right of free speech does not resonate as strongly elsewhere, where different privacy and other social expectations can often take a higher priority, warns Mr Goldsmith – as Australia's filtering plans show.

Perhaps most importantly, government attempts to promote internet freedom also clash directly with a rival priority: the fight against cybercrime in all its guises, from identity theft and file-sharing of copyrighted movies to government-sponsored attempts to extract corporate and military secrets.

One obvious way to combat web crime has been to try to increase official monitoring of the internet – though that also raises concerns.

For example, security advocates have long criticised the loose patchwork of rules allowing web addresses to be awarded to people using bogus identification. Domain names ending in .ru for Russia and .cn for China have been so riddled with criminality that many western companies and software services prevent browsers from visiting them. Recently both countries issued rules requiring positive identification for anyone wishing to register domain names. That should help to limit criminality but it will also give those governments a clearer view of dissident activity.


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http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年04月01日 07:20  中国证券网





























智能手机将主宰美国市场 Smartphone sales boom is poised to set the tone in US

尼尔森(Nielson)研究公司表示,到明年年底,iPhone、黑莓(BlackBerry)和摩托罗拉Droid (Motorola Droid)等智能手机在美国市场的销量,将超过老一代的“多功能手机”(feature phone)。

尼尔森负责电信研究的罗杰•恩特(Roger Entner)在一份新报告中预测,未来18个月内,美国智能手机销量将稳步增长,到明年秋季,智能手机销量占手机总销量的比例,将达到略低于50%的水平。




恩特的看法,与Gartner和IDC等机构的行业分析师、以及摩托罗拉手机业务首席执行官桑杰•贾(Sanjay Jha)等业内人士的意见吻合。









Sales of smartphones in the US such as the iPhone, BlackBerry and Motorola Droid will overtake sales of older generation “feature phones'” by the end of next year, according to the Nielson research company.

Smartphone sales in the US will climb steadily over the next 18 months and account for just under 50 per cent of total sales by the autumn of next year, predicts a new report prepared by Roger Entner who is in charge of Nielson's telecom practice.

“We are just at the beginning of a new wireless era where smartphones will become the standard device consumers will use to connect to friends, the internet and the world at large,” he said.

Feature phones, which typically include integrated cameras and multimedia capabilities, still account for over 70 per cent of sales, but sophisticated smartphones, which can be customised with downloaded software or ‘apps', are closing the gap quickly.

“The share of smartphones as a proportion of overall device sales has increased to 29 per cent for phone purchasers in the last six months, and 45 per cent of respondents to a Nielsen survey indicated their next device will be a smartphone,” he said.

His comments echo those of other industry analysts at Gartner and IDC and by phonemakers such as Sanjay Jha, chief executive of Motorola's mobile phone business.

“All phones will be smartphones eventually,” Mr Jha said during a recent interview with the Financial Times.

Heavy media advertising, coupled with the success of online app stores, especially Apple's which now offers over 100,000 free and low-cost apps, has helped fuel the surge in US smartphone sales over the past 18 months.

Nevertheless, Mr Entner forecasts further growth. At the end of last year only 21 per cent of American wireless subscribers were using a smartphone compared with 19 per cent in the previous quarter and just 14 per cent at the end of 2008.

“If we combine these intentional data points with falling prices and increasing capabilities of these devices along with a explosion of applications, we are seeing the beginning of a groundswell.

“This increase will be so rapid that by the end of 2011 Nielsen expects more smartphones in the US market than feature phones,” he said.

Analysts expect growth in the US to be matched in other markets.


谷歌把中国服务中断责任推向政府 Google blames China for blocked searches








谷歌一开始表示,它在全球范围为所有搜索查询添加了一个字符串,以改善搜索结果,而该字符串包括字符rfa,恰巧是自由亚洲电台(Radio Free Asia)的缩写。它说:“由于这个参数含有字符rfa,长城防火墙把这些搜索与自由亚洲电台联系起,而后者在中国是长期遭禁的,因此发生了封堵。”



Google shifted the blame for widespread unavailability of its search services in China on Tuesday to the authorities in the country, after earlier in the day saying that a technical flaw in its own systems had caused the problem.

The confusion came as many Chinese internet users found themselves unable to reach Google’s services for the first time since it took steps last week to evade Chinese ­censorship of politically sensitive searches. Google, along with many observers, has feared a backlash from ­Beijing.

The problems began in the evening in China when searches for words as harmless as “dog” or “home” turned up a browser error. Google later said its users had experienced widespread disruption for several hours, before full service was resumed.

At first, the US internet company took the blame, saying that it had configured its servers by accident in a way that made all its traffic appear to involve an organisation banned by the Chinese government. This had led to an automatic blocking of its search results by China’s “Great Firewall”, which filters information coming into the mainland, it said.

However, several hours later Google said the problem “must have been as a result of a change in the Great Firewall”, since it had discovered that the technical change to its own systems took place a week ago and so could not have caused yesterday’s problems. It added that full ­service had been resumed, though not as a result of any changes to its own ­systems.

Action by authorities would raise the threat that Google could lose most of its revenue in the market with the world’s largest internet population.

The search problems appeared to mark a sharp escalation of issues users had experienced over the past week. Similar errors have been reported on a number of occasions, though none lasted more than an hour at a time.

Google had originally said that a string of characters it had introduced to all its search queries globally to improve results included the letters rfa, which happen to stand for Radio Free Asia. “Because this parameter contained the letters rfa the great firewall was associating these searches with Radio Free Asia, a service that has been inaccessible in China for a long time – hence the blockage,” Google said.

Calls for comment to the ministry of industry and information technology and the state council information office went unanswered last night.


互联网与国界(上) Closing the frontier


澳大利亚总理陆克文(Kevin Rudd)领导的工党政府,以打击儿童色情为由,支持采用成熟民主国家中最严格的互联网过滤器。不少互联网公司担心,这仅仅是一个开端。


上周出面与中国审查机构摊牌的谷歌首席法律顾问戴维•德拉蒙德(David Drummond)最近警告称,除了其它在其看来有害的内容,陆克文政府“或许有意对付那些冒犯基督教的内容”。他补充道,在不加严格控制的情况下采用这样的互联网过滤器,这种诱惑“确实像(西方国家出现)危险的滑坡,除非我们能扭转趋势”。





哈佛法学院(Harvard law school)的杰克•戈登斯密斯(Jack Goldsmith)表示:“企业必须遵守经营所在国的法律和习俗——这对网络空间和真实空间都是如此。”

德拉蒙德表示,唯一的规避途径就是躲开限制最严的国家。例如,谷歌已避免在越南运行其搜索引擎,以避开像中国一样严格的审查体制。但由于谷歌在土耳其拥有业务,当该国法院命令其封锁YouTube子公司上的某些视频时,谷歌几乎没什么招架之力——法院认为,这些视频冒犯了土耳其国父穆斯塔法•凯末尔•阿塔土尔克(Mustafa Kemal Atatürk)的形象。


多伦多大学(University of Toronto)教授、追踪全球审查情况的开放网络促进会(ONI)的创始人罗纳德•德贝特(Ronald Deibert)表示:“人们今后会看到,围绕互联网的未来,全球正发生一场较量。”




正如意大利和澳大利亚等例子所显示的,互联网审查并不局限于那些威权政体。“互联网自由有点儿像罗夏测验(Rorschach Test):各人有各人的理解,”中国审查制度专家、普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)信息技术政策中心的麦康瑞(Rebecca MacKinnon)表示。









China may be public enemy number one when it comes to internet censorship. But ask executives at Silicon Valley's leading companies about other countries that cause them concern and the first name that springs to many lips may seem surprising: Australia.

In the name of suppressing child pornography, the Labor government of Kevin Rudd, prime minister, has championed the imposition of some of the toughest internet filters proposed by any established democracy. Many internet companies fear that this is just the thin end of the wedge.

David Drummond, Google's chief legal officer who fronted its showdown with the Chinese censors last week, warned recently that Mr Rudd's government has “designs perhaps on things that were offensive to Christianity”, along with other content it deems harmful. The temptation to adopt filters such as this without strict controls “does seem like the slippery slope [in the west] unless we turn things around”, he added.

Nor is the significance of what is happening in Australia lost on Beijing officials. China's State Council Information Office recently reported approvingly on its own website Canberra's efforts to wrest back control of the web on behalf of its citizens.

The situation in Australia highlights a fact that jars with the image of the internet as medium for free expression. Internet censorship has spread well beyond the usual culprits and predictable targets, such as political opponents. Google's showdown with China has drawn fresh attention to the most conspicuous attempt to regulate the online medium but a knock-on effect will be to draw attention to creeping controls worldwide.

In popular consciousness, the internet still promises a borderless world, a place where the free flow of information threatens artificial barriers erected by nation states. But the web is fast being carved up by national laws and regulations, whether aimed at suppressing opinion, tackling pornography or identity theft, as countries around the world learn the techniques of control. Far from being a universal medium, the world wide web is becoming balkanised – as users are now learning.

“It's true of cyberspace as it is of real space – companies have to bow to the laws and customs of the countries they operate in,” says Jack Goldsmith of Harvard law school.

The only way around this is to avoid the most restrictive countries, says Mr Drummond. Google, for example, has avoided operating its search engine in Vietnam to avoid a censorship regime as strict as China's, he says. But having set up shop in Turkey, it could do little to resist when a local court ordered it to block videos on its YouTube subsidiary deemed offensive to the memory of national patriarch Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

This realpolitik has been brought home by Google's decision first to bow to Chinese censors, and then last week to attempt to retain its Chinese search presence while dodging the effects of censorship.

“People will now see that there's a global battle going on over the future of the internet,” says Ron Deibert of the University of Toronto and a founder of the OpenNet Initiative, which tracks global censorship.

More than 40 countries now apply some sort of barrier on the web, compared with a handful less than a decade ago, according to the ONI. The most severe censors are China, Iran, Vietnam, Syria, Burma and Tunisia. Even where electronic blocks have not been imposed, laws requiring higher levels of self-censorship are being enforced more aggressively.

Google's Mr Drummond, for instance, would probably want to avoid travelling to Italy right now. In a landmark case, a court there last month handed him and two other executives six-month suspended prison sentences. Their offence was to have failed to prevent YouTube from carrying a video showing the harassment of an autistic child.

As examples such as Italy and Australia show, internet censorship is not limited to repressive regimes. “Internet freedom is a bit of a Rorschach test: it means different things to different people,” says Rebecca MacKinnon of Princeton University's Center for Information Technology Policy and an expert on Chinese censorship.

In this debate, Google's decision to end compliance with Chinese censors is a watershed. Beijing's strenuous efforts to filter the tide of online content washing ashore into the world's largest internet market set a standard for other regimes. If it reacts aggressively to Google's gambit of taking its search business offshore to Hong Kong, beyond the reach of mainland censors, the effects could be widely felt. “It could further embolden other authoritarian regimes and add to their legitimacy,” warns Mr Deibert.

Internet freedom advocates warn that China has exported its censorship technologies to other countries, and some of the country's web security companies have boasted of expanding abroad, training police in markets such as Bangladesh. However, proof is hard to come by.

Even countries with elected governments and a stronger claim to following the rule of law have taken to flexing their muscles in the cause of protecting their citizens from online abuses. For Google, that has brought restrictions of one kind or another from no fewer than 25 governments, one company executive says.

Working out how to counter repressive and unwarranted attacks on internet freedom, while still leaving governments room to protect their citizens from online abuse, will not be easy. Google, whose role as gatekeeper for much of the world's online information puts it at the centre of the debate, has apparently decided it is time to stake out a clearer line. “As they butt up against more governments, they are realising they need a consistent position,” Ms MacKinnon says. “This is not just about China – it's about how the internet is going to be regulated globally.”

(to be continued)



本月,德国强大的债务管理局的局长卡尔•海因茨•道贝(Carl Heinz Daube)做了一件人们在5年前几乎无法想象或认为没有必要做的事情。







英国债务管理办公室(Debt Management Office)主管罗伯特•斯蒂曼(Robert Stheeman)补充称:“与投资者交流始终是件非常重要的工作,无论是与国内还是与国际投资者交流。如今,财政部和债务管理办公室比以往任何时候都更需要接触投资者,以向他们解释政府的财政立场和借款计划。”







近几个月来,有9家银行在美国、英国和欧洲获得了一级交易商地位。其中包括:加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)在美国;野村证券(Nomura)在美国和英国;Jefferies在英国、德国和荷兰;法国兴业银行(Société Générale)在爱尔兰和奥地利;荷兰银行(ABN Amro)在荷兰;瑞士银行(UBS)在爱尔兰;桑坦德银行(Santander)在法国;法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)在丹麦。




一家新的团体——官方货币及金融制度论坛(Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum,简称:OMFIF)也由此创立。该团体的具体使命是将各国央行和主权财富基金召集到一起,帮助债务管理机构销售债券。







This month Carl Heinz Daube, the head of Germany's formidable debt management agency, did something that would have seemed almost unimaginable – or unnecessary – five years ago.

He travelled to China and Singapore for a meeting with two of the world's biggest investors – as part of an attempt to charm a new pool of investors, such as sovereign wealth funds – who might be willing to buy German government bonds.

The trend is spreading fast. Until recently, countries such as Germany, which have long prided themselves on having a triple A debt rating – and relatively low yields – felt little need to court global investors.

But as government debt burdens spiral higher, and the eurozone quivers as a result of the fiscal turmoil that surrounds Greece, the pressure on debt managers to refine their sales skills is rising.

What Carl Heinz Daube's trip shows is that even the big economies need to cultivate the buyers of their debt and build up their relationships with investors, such as the SWFs, which hold billions of dollars in government bonds.

China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange, or Safe, and Singapore's Government Investment Corporation, or GSIC, have between them an estimated $600bn in assets under management, with roughly 20 per cent held in government bonds.

Mr Daube says: “We have to borrow much higher volumes these days. Hence, it makes a lot of sense for us to meet investors, so we can answer their questions. They appreciate this.”

Robert Stheeman, head of the UK Debt Management Office, adds: “It has always been important to talk to investors, both domestic and international. But today, the Treasury and the DMO more than ever need to engage with investors to explain the government's fiscal position and borrowing programme.”

Mr Stheeman, like Mr Daube, met key investors in Asia at the end of last year as he prepared for the critical months ahead of a UK election, expected in six weeks' time.

Both men realise they can no longer simply announce a government bond auction and rely on domestic and international investors to buy their securities.

This was demonstrated last year when both Germany and the UK saw government bond auctions fail as the overwhelming supply of sovereign debt to pay for bank bail-outs and economic fiscal packages began to swamp the market.

Investment banks are also aware of the new demands on debt managers to make themselves more accessible to the people who buy their bonds. Last year, for example, Citigroup arranged a conference in Tokyo, where five European debt managers addressed 100 Japanese portfolio managers on the merits of buying their government securities.

With the regulators moving to crack down on some parts of the market, and others failing to produce the returns seen before the financial crisis, banks see opportunities to make money in the government debt markets.

This has prompted many banks to seek primary dealer status, which gives them the right to take part directly in government bond auctions, allowing them to buy and sell securities for a profit. This has become increasingly lucrative because of the higher volumes due to record issuance.

In recent months, nine banks have won primary dealer status in the US, UK and Europe. They include RBC Capital Markets in the US; Nomura in the US and UK; Jefferies in the UK, Germany and The Netherlands; Société Générale in Ireland and Austria; ABN Amro in The Netherlands; UBS in Ireland; Santander in France and BNP Paribas in Denmark.

“The large amount of government debt does provide opportunities for banks, both in the ability to make fees from government bond syndications, and the trading opportunities from the increase in volatility,” says one senior banker.

“Most banks have boosted their fixed income and government bond desks at the expense of other areas, such as securitisation that have been hit in the wake of the financial crisis.”

In this new climate, governments are increasingly turning to the SWFs as the ideal group to buy their bonds, particularly as many SWFs have increased their buying of government securities in recent months.

It has also led to the creation of a new group called the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (Omfif), which has the specific task of bringing central banks and SWFs together to help debt managers sell their bonds.

This month saw a gathering, arranged by Omfif, of more than 50 central bankers, sovereign wealth fund officials and asset managers in Frankfurt with the purpose of improving dialogue between these groups in areas such as asset allocation and management.

Omfif is planning a similar gathering in Kuala Lumpur in May.

The need for government debt managers to woo SWFs is only likely to increase as government bond issuance is expected to remain at record levels for years to come, with increasing worries over the so-called crowding out effect, where the vast amount of debt exhausts the capacity of the market to absorb it.

However, Mr Daube says: “I don't think we will ever reach a stage where governments are crowding each other out, but we could reach a point in two or three years' time where sovereigns may face quite a reasonable competition from the private sector if government issuance remains high.” 





G20官员表示,此信意在扭转相关国际进程势头趋弱的局面。在信上署名的领导人包括:今年将先后主持G20两次峰会的加拿大总理史蒂芬・哈珀(Stephen Harper)和韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)、美国总统巴拉克・奥巴马(Barack Obama)、英国首相戈登・布朗(Gordon Brown)以及法国总统尼古拉・萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)。





参议院民主党第三号人物查尔斯・舒默(Charles Schumer)本周再次主张通过一份法案,让美国方面在计算针对进口商品的反补贴关税时,计入估算的汇率失调因素。

中国除了拒绝在汇率问题上让步外,今年还一直在阻挠G20进程。中国阻碍了国际货币基金组织(IMF)发布一份报告的努力。IMF总裁多米尼克・斯特劳斯-卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)在1月份告诉英国《金融时报》,这份报告将得出结论认为,全球各国的增长战略"在整体上行不通"。




Five prominent members of the Group of 20 leading economies, including the US and UK, sent a coded rebuke to China yesterday against backsliding on economic agreements.

In a letter to the rest of the G20 that shows frustration at slow progress this year, the leaders warned: "Without co-operative action to make the necessary adjustments to achieve [strong and sustainable growth], the risk of future crises and low growth remain."

G20 officials said the letter � signed by Stephen Harper and Lee Myung-bak, the Canadian and South Korean leaders who will chair the group's two summits this year, Barack Obama, US president, Gordon Brown, UK prime minister, and Nicolas Sarkozy, French president � was an attempt to restore flagging momentum to the international process.

Ottawa and Seoul are concerned that the G20 summits they will host, in June and November respectively, might fail to live up to expectations.

In a move that will irritate China, the five leaders specifically raised the issue of exchange rates in relation to reducing trade imbalances, a topic the G20 avoided in 2009 to help secure agreement at the London and Pittsburgh summits.

"We need to design co-operative strategies and work together to ensure that our fiscal, monetary, foreign exchange, trade and structural policies are collectively consistent with strong, sustainable and balanced growth," the letter said.

It has been released in the middle of an intense debate in Washington about how the White House should confront China over the perceived strength of the renminbi. Some lawmakers are ratcheting up calls for China to be designated a currency manipulator in a forthcoming report.

Charles Schumer, the third most senior Democrat in the Senate, this week again advocated a bill that would allow the US to include estimates of currency misalignment when calculating anti-subsidy duties to be imposed on imports.

As well as refusing to budge on its currency, China has been obstructing the G20 process this year. It has hampered efforts by the International Monetary Fund to issue a report that Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director, told the Financial Times in January would conclude that national strategies for growth around the world "will not add up".

The leaders' letter makes reference to the slow progress of this process, urging all G20 members to "move quickly" to "report robustly on what each of us can do to contribute to strong sustainable and balanced global growth".


股指期货和融资融券影响何在? Beijing gears up for key reforms on equity trades




中国金融期货交易所(China Financial Futures Exchange)上周五宣布,从4月16日开始,投资者还将首次可以进行股指期货交易——这是押注市场下跌的另一种方式。

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)中国策略师娄刚(Jerry Lou)表示:“通过这些改革,我们向一个真正的市场迈出了一大步。”他认为,随着时间的推移,中国股市将不那么容易出现泡沫,因为投资者将能够做空他们认为估值过高的股票。



这并不是说中国一开始就会大胆冒进。麦格理集团(Macquarie)的中国策略师迈克尔•库尔茨(Michael Kurtz)表示,这些最新举措体现了中国“小规模试水”的典型做法。

中国政府开始时只允许6家券商开展融资融券试点,它们是国泰君安(Guotai Junan Securities)、国信证券(Guosen Securities)、中信证券(Citic Securities)、光大证券(Everbright Securities)、海通证券(Haitong Securities)和广发证券(Guangfa Securities)。






实际上,《中国私有化:中国股市内幕》(Privatising China: Inside China's Stock Markets)一书的作者侯伟(Fraser Howie)表示,自首次提出融资融券交易计划,已经过去了5年时间,而股指期货计划的提出则可以追溯到10年前。







但这绝非一个定论,尤其是考虑大中国投资者的交易量已经比西方高得多。娄刚表示:“在中国,即使是机构投资者也表现得像个散户。他们说起话来都像是沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett),做起事却像是乔治•索罗斯(George Soros)。”



After years on the drawing board and several false starts, Chinese regulators are finally close to introducing a set of new tools for traders in the country's volatile equity markets.

The three innovations, consisting of the introduction of stock index futures, short selling and margin trading, amount to milestones for the country's capital markets.

China will launch margin trading and short selling – tools that allow traders to use greater leverage and to profit from falling as well as rising markets – as soon as Wednesday, Zhang Yujun, president of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, told reporters in Beijing over the weekend.

Investors will also, for the first time, be able to trade stock index futures – another way to bet on market downturns – from April 16, the China Financial Futures Exchange announced on Friday.

“We are making a big step toward a real market with these reforms,” says Jerry Lou, China strategist at Morgan Stanley. Over time, he reckons, the Chinese equity market will become less bubble-prone because investors will be able to short stocks they view as excessively valued.

Shanghai stocks jumped the most in seven weeks yesterday on optimism that the reforms would benefit large capitalisation stocks that are part of the CSI 300 index, on which the first index futures will be based. Shares in Chinese brokerages have benefited in recent weeks from the prospect of increased trading revenues.

For regulators, the reforms are aimed at spurring innovation and bringing the Chinese stock market closer into line with western norms – part of a drive to transform Shanghai into a global financial centre by 2020. There is an irony here because short selling received a bad press in the west during the financial crisis and its effects continue to worry regulators. UK, US and European nations all clamped down on short selling during the crisis over fears it was exacerbating market slumps, particularly in financial stocks.

Not that China is likely to do anything bold at the outset. The latest moves are typical of China's “start small” approach, says Michael Kurtz, China strategist at Macquarie.

For a start, initially, the margin trading and short selling pilot programmes have been limited to just six brokerages: Guotai Junan Securities, Guosen Securities, CITIC Securities, Everbright Securities, Haitong Securities and Guangfa Securities.

What is more, the majority of Chinese investors will not be able to participate. Any investor using the new tools must open an account with at least Rmb500,000 ($73,000) – ruling out the hordes of small retail investors who are the lifeblood of China's volatile markets.

Applicants also need to have held a securities trading account for at least 18 months and must pass an eligibility test to show they understand the risks.

So far, applications for margin trading and short selling accounts have trickled in slowly. Fewer than than 10 people opened accounts at each of the six licensed brokers when they first became available last week, Shanghai newspapers reported.

“This is starting so small that it may have only a negligible impact at least at first,” says Mr Kurtz. “The question is how quickly will [regulators] feel emboldened to expand [the programme]?”

History suggests they will proceed with extreme caution. Officials are still haunted by the collapse of China's government bond futures market in 1995 – just two years after such trading was introduced. Its demise has been attributed to flawed market design, weak governance and price manipulation by market participants.

Indeed, five years have passed since plans for short selling and margin trading were first proposed, says Fraser Howie, author of Privatizing China: Inside China's Stock Markets. Plans for stock index futures go back a decade.

“Like many things in China, even when these reforms are launched they're not always a success from day one, or even at all,” Mr Howie says.

As an example, Mr Howie points to the qualified foreign institutional investor (QFII) scheme that Beijing introduced in 2003 to allow foreigners to buy Chinese securities. Seven years later, fewer than 100 foreign institutions have been approved and less than $20bn of investment quotas have been awarded – equivalent to less than 1 per cent of the Chinese stock market.

Those foreign investors do not know whether they will be allowed to participate in short selling and index futures, although all want a piece of the action.

There is also heavy debate over what effect, if any, the new types of trading will have on China's notoriously volatile markets, which surged 80 per cent last year after falling 65 per cent the year before.

One line of thinking is that the ability to short overvalued stocks will temper the market's spectacular booms (and subsequent busts). But this view is not widespread and runs contrary to a long history of bubbles and crashes in the west, where short selling and stock futures are well established.

A more likely effect is that trading volumes will rise because hedge funds and other institutional investors will have a greater incentive to trade once they can hedge their risks. Experiences in other markets, such as Taiwan and Japan, suggest that trading volumes could, in the long term, increase by as much as 50 per cent, according to Morgan Stanley.

But that is by no means a given, especially since trading volumes among Chinese investors are already much higher than those in the west. “In China even institutional investors act like retail investors,” says Mr Lou of Morgan Stanley. “They all talk like Warren Buffett and act like George Soros.”
