










凡客诚品被指四年烧钱不止 反思大冒进收缩战线








  按陈年所说,"2011年11月到香港请索罗斯吃饭,他说从今天到12月8日什么都不要做。" 后来陈年得知,索罗斯在饭局两天之后,给欧盟写了信,发表关于欧洲局势的观点;也正是在12月8日,索罗斯等人开会,对经济形势也作出了预判。
































联想智能手机销量大增 机遇与挑战并存 Lenovo Grows Quickly in Smartphones but Challenges Ahead

全球范围来看,苹果(Apple Inc.)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)或许可以说是智能手机市场的主导者,但在中国,却杀出一个增长迅猛、危及其领先地位的竞争者。

联想Ideaphone K860智能手机
生产个人电脑(PC)的中国企业联想集团有限公司(Lenovo Group Ltd.)今年第三季度售出的智能手机数量是苹果的两倍,同时也拉近了它与中国市场上销量最大的三星电子的差距,且大有赶超之势。研究人员普遍预计,中国将于今年超越美国,成为世界上最大的智能手机市场。但在迅速扩张的同时,联想的智能手机业务也面临挑战:如何在一个对手如林、拼价格且难以赚到钱的行业里挤压出利润?







联想发言人谢弗(Jeff Shafer)说,我们在智能手机业务上的眼光极其长远。他说,一旦联想能够夺取10%以上的市场份额,在市场上与组件供应商和电信运营商打交道时就会有更大的议价权,进而可以降低成本并持续盈利。他还说,如果联想在中国的智能手机业务能够盈利,这笔利润还可能为联想在其他业务领域的增长提供资金。

国际数据公司(IDC)的数据显示,由于联想在华智能手机业务迅猛增长,在截至9月底的一个季度,联想在全球智能手机市场中所占的份额为3.7%,较上年同期的0.37%大幅上升。据加拿大经纪公司Canaccord Genuity的数据,苹果和三星的智能手机发货量在全球总发货量中占了近一半,此外,部分由于诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)和Research In Motion Ltd.等其他竞争对手的亏损,苹果和三星的利润占了行业总利润的106%。


里昂证券(CLSA)亚太地区科技产业研究部主管巴拉特(Nicolas Baratte)说,这种先是在销量上争取获得较大的市场份额、然后再努力提高利润率的战略很少成功。他说,激烈的价格竞争使利润率微薄,因为大部分智能手机厂家都难以使自己的产品与众不同。





联想亚太及拉美区总裁杜伊尔(Milko van Duijl)上个月接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,我们下定决心提供很多不同产品──包括形形色色的各类产品,不止是高端和低端智能手机,也有中档手机。

联想2005年收购了国际商业机器公司(IBM)的个人电脑业务。国际数据公司的数据显示,联想目前是全球第二大个人电脑销售商,预计将很快超过惠普(Hewlett-Packard Co.)坐上头把交椅。不过,与智能手机和平板电脑相比,传统个人电脑市场的增长潜力有限。


Juro Osawa



Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. may be the dominant smartphone brands in the world, but in China, there's a fast-growing competitor that threatens their leadership.

Chinese personal-computer maker Lenovo Group Ltd. sold twice as many smartphones than Apple in the third quarter and moved closer to overtaking Samsung as the largest vendor in the country, which is widely forecast by researchers to outgrow the U.S. as the biggest smartphone market in the world this year. But Lenovo's smartphone business is also facing a challenge as it expands quickly: how to squeeze out a profit in an industry where many players compete on price and struggle to make money.

Lenovo's smartphone sales in the three months through September grew 18 times from a year earlier thanks to strong demand in China, indicating that the overall growth in the world-wide smartphone market is no longer driven by the U.S. or other mature markets. That also raises the question as to whether there could be a third winner in the global smartphone industry, other than Apple and Samsung--the only two handset vendors enjoying strong profits now. Analysts say Lenovo has the potential, despite many challenges ahead.

'Lenovo's strength is that its China PC business is a cash cow that can fund the cost of its smartphone expansion,' said Barclays managing director Kirk Yang, who covers the technology hardware industry. Profits from PCs allow Lenovo's smartphone business to prioritize growth over profitability for now, he said. Lenovo's PC business in China had an operating margin of 5.9% in the quarter through September.

Explosive demand among first-time smartphone users in China and other emerging markets is changing the dynamics in the global handset market, creating potential opportunities for players other than Apple and Samsung to obtain enough economies of scale to take on the two giants. The big challenge, however, is the fierce price competition in the market for inexpensive smartphones: many players trying to outsell each other in that market risk becoming chronically unprofitable.

Lenovo says that its smartphone business is unprofitable, without disclosing the loss figure. But its market share in China, where it sells most of its handsets, soared to 14.8% in the quarter through September from just 1.7% a year earlier. That's second only to Samsung's 16.7% and well ahead of Apple's 6.9%, according to Gartner, which predicts that Lenovo will become the No. 1 smartphone vendor in China by next year.

Lenovo Chief Executive Yang Yuanqing said during a conference call this month that the company hasn't been able to generate a profit in smartphones due in part to investment in marketing and sales channels. Mr. Yang said he expects the business to become profitable in China in two to three quarters.

Lenovo is also trying to expand its mobile business outside China - it now sells smartphones in India, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Russia, and plans to enter other emerging markets.

'We have a very long-term view on our smartphone business,' said Lenovo spokesman Jeff Shafer. Once the company can grab market share of more than 10%, the scale gives it more bargaining power in dealing with component suppliers and telecommunications carriers in the market, resulting in lower costs and consistent profits, he said. If the smartphone business in China becomes profitable, that profit could also help fund growth elsewhere, he added.

Globally, Lenovo held a 3.7% share of the smartphone market in the quarter through September, up sharply from 0.37% a year earlier, thanks to its rapid growth in China, according to IDC. Apple and Samsung not only accounted for nearly half of world-wide smartphone shipments, but also 106% of the industry's profits due in part to losses at other competitors like Nokia Corp. and Research In Motion Ltd., according to Canadian brokerage firm Canaccord Genuity.

Still, some analysts are skeptical about whether such a strategy can be executed successfully world-wide.

'The strategy of initially seeking a large market share in terms of volume, and then trying to increase margins later, rarely works,' said Nicolas Baratte, CLSA's head of technology research for the Asia Pacific region. Intense price competition keeps margins thin because most smartphone vendors are unable to differentiate their products, he said.

In China, Lenovo's smartphone business may be better positioned than rivals due to brand recognition and wide distribution channels, but the company may face greater challenges abroad, other analysts said.

Mr. Shafer said that Lenovo has been trying to strengthen its global branding and marketing over the past few years, and consumer recognition of its PCs in overseas markets will help differentiate its smartphones.

Even if Lenovo's smartphone business becomes profitable in China, pressure on its margins won't ease, analysts say, noting that prices of low-end handsets are falling faster than expectations. Over the past year, the prices of entry-level smartphones in China have dropped by 40% to 50%, according to a CLSA report last week. More smartphones sold at about 1,000 yuan ($160) now come with higher technological specifications, such as larger screens, better cameras and more powerful processors. 'The scary implication here is that these phones do not differ greatly in terms of quality and performance' from higher-priced branded handsets, the report said.

Some Lenovo smartphones in China sell for less than 1,000 yuan, while its high-end models are over 2,000 yuan, according to the company.

'We are very determined to offer many different products - a wide range of choice that covers everything, not just high-end or low-end (smartphones) but also in the middle,' said Milko van Duijl, Lenovo's president of Asia Pacific and Latin America in an interview with The Wall Street Journal last month.

Lenovo, which acquired International Business Machines Corp.'s PC business in 2005, is now the world's second-largest PC vendor, according to IDC, and is expected to become No. 1 soon by overtaking Hewlett-Packard Co. Still, the potential growth in the overall market for traditional PCs is limited compared with smartphones and tablets.

Lenovo launched its first smartphone in 2010 and created a new business unit called the Mobile Internet Digital Home group last year to focus on developing smartphones and tablets. In May, the company announced plans to invest about $800 million on a new facility in China to develop and produce mobile products.

Juro Osawa
英文名称:Lenovo Group Ltd.
英文名称:Apple Inc.
英文名称:Samsung Electronics Co.
总部地点:韩国(South Korea)
Samsung Electronics Co. GDR
总部地点:韩国(South Korea)
Lenovo Group Ltd. ADS
上市地点:美国场外交易粉单市场(Pink Sheet)


职业性格测试 你了解几分? True or False: These Tests Can Tell if You Are Right for This Job


电子产品零售商HHGregg、汽车租赁企业Avis Budget Group集团以及通信公司Sprint Nextel等各类企业都在采用性格测试来考察求职者的责任心、外向性格以及其他可能有助于造就成功职业生涯(亦或毁掉职业生涯)的性格特征。




1. 看电视时,相比文艺节目,我一般更喜欢看动作片。

A) 经常

B) ?

C) 很少

这道测试题取自16种个性因素问卷(Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire,简称“16PF”),该测试题的发布者、人格及能力测试研究所(Institute for Personality and Ability Testing)的首席心理学家拉尔夫•A.莫滕森(Ralph A. Mortensen)称,该题考查的是答题者对逻辑及感觉与直觉的偏好。喜欢看动作片的人可能更注重事实,这是从事分析类工作的重要特质。那些回答为“很少”的人可能更具有创造力。如果答题者选择了B选项中的问号,其提供的信息量就不多,它可能表示答题者看动作片与文艺节目的时间相差无几,又或者是他们对此不确定。

Noah Woods
2. 是非题:“大家常常对我期望过高。”

这道题选自加州心理调查表(California Psychological Inventory),该测试题的发布者CPP公司的研究主管里奇•汤普森(Rich Thompson)称,该题能够表明答题者的“概念流利性”,即理解复杂概念的能力。回答为“是”的答题者可能容易被压力压垮、不相信自己的才能。

3. 是非题:“我喜欢参加派对和社交。”


4. 从以下选项中选择最能反映你观点的一句话。然后从剩余的选项中选出最不符合你观点的一句话。





这道测试题选自Caliper Profile,它测试的是答题者的(A)控制欲、(B)情感敏感度、(C)合群程度以及(D)强势性格。由Caliper公司发布的Caliper Profile评测对23种分组的性格特点进行了比较。根据答题者对这道题的回答,有些人可能会被认为更加敏感而不够强势,但这并不代表他们就是软弱之人。选择其他选项可能表示这些人更加强势而自我约束能力不强。Caliper公司的创始人兼首席执行长赫布•格林伯格(Herb Greenberg)指出,这都是相对的,而且某些特质在特定的工作岗位中更加重要。

5. 是非题:“很多事情我都做得比我认识的几乎每一个人都要好。”

这道题选自Hogan Assessment Systems公司的霍根性格调查表(Hogan Personality Inventory),该公司的高级顾问贾瑞特•夏尔胡普(Jarrett Shalhoop)称,对这道测试题回答“是”可能表明答题者自信或自大,而回答为“否”传达出的则是答题者的谦逊或不安全感。

6. 是非题:“我不介意别人告诉我要做什么。”


7. 下列情况更符合还是更不符合你的实际情况,依照五分制为此评分。


选自WorkPlace Big Five Profile 4.0的这道题测试的是谦逊或自豪的程度,有助于发掘自信成功的销售人员。设计这份测试资料的应用认知研究中心(Center for Applied Cognitive Studies)的研发总经理皮尔斯•J.霍华德(Pierce J. Howard)称,自豪是一种重要的特质,但是谦逊在学术界或宗教界则更被看重。他说:“对于这方面的受众来说,过分注重仪表和施展魅力不起作用。”



An applicant's handshake may be crucial at a job interview. But a personality test can tell a company what's behind that handshake.

Companies as varied as electronics retailer HHGregg Inc., rental-car agency Avis Budget Group Inc. and Sprint Nextel Corp. all use personality tests to help assess job applicants for conscientiousness, extroversion or other traits that may be useful in forging a successful career─or, alternatively, derail one.

The questions are rarely straightforward, and neither are the answers. Psychology is involved, after all. Applicants may try to give answers they think the company wants to hear, and aren't likely to admit to character flaws or bad behavior. So there can be a great deal of opacity regarding what the questions are even measuring, psychologists say.

Moreover, test makers say a single answer holds little meaning in its own right and must be weighed alongside a series of other responses. For the best predictive results, companies often find out what traits their high performers display, and then test for those characteristics.

Here is a sampling of personality-test questions, what psychologists and test designers say about what each question is really looking for, and how the range of possible responses could be interpreted.

1. On television, I usually prefer watching an action movie than a program about art.

A) Often

B) ?

C) Rarely

This question, from 16PF, the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, addresses an applicant's preference for logic versus feelings and intuition, says Ralph A. Mortensen, chief psychologist of the test's publisher, the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing. Someone opting for an action flick may be more fact-focused, an important trait for analytical jobs. Those who answer 'rarely' may have more creative personalities. If they choose the question mark on B, it doesn't tell you much: Perhaps they do both an equal amount or perhaps they simply aren't sure.

2. True or False: People often expect too much of me.

This question, from the California Psychological Inventory, indicates a test taker's 'conceptual fluency,' or ability to understand complex concepts, says Rich Thompson, director of research at test publisher CPP Inc. Someone who answers 'True' is likely to be easily overwhelmed and may not believe in his or her own talent.

3. True or False: I like parties and socials.

A 'True' response would be a positive sign for the 'sociability' scale, indicating an outgoing personality. But it's a negative for 'independence.' It could mean 'you like being part of a crowd,' Dr. Thompson says. 'And if you like being part of a crowd, perhaps you follow the crowd.'

4. Select one statement that reflects the viewpoint most like yours. Then, from the remaining choices, select the one statement that least reflects your viewpoint.

A. I don't necessarily need to define and control the agenda.

B. It's almost never necessary to hurt other people's feelings.

C. I'm usually the first person to strike up a conversation with strangers.

D. I would never step over others in order to ensure my own success.

This question, from the Caliper Profile, measures someone's need to be controlling (A), as well as their sensitivity (B), gregariousness (C) and aggressiveness (D). The assessment, published by Caliper Corp., compares groupings of 23 personality traits. While some people may be deemed more sensitive than aggressive, based on their responses to this question, that doesn't mean they're pushovers. Other statements may reveal those same people are more aggressive than they are self-disciplined. 'It's all relative,' says Herb Greenberg, Caliper's founder and chief executive, and certain traits will be more important for certain jobs.

5. True or false: I do many things better than almost everyone I know.

Responding 'True' to this question from the Hogan Personality Inventory could indicate confidence or arrogance, while a 'False' response conveys humility or insecurity, says Jarrett Shalhoop, senior consultant at Hogan Assessment Systems.

6. True or false: I don't mind being told what to do.

Someone saying 'True' may follow directions well, or in the extreme may be incapable of independent action. A 'False' response suggests autonomy, or could indicate the respondent is difficult to manage, Dr. Shalhoop says.

7. Answer the following on a five-point scale, whether it is more true or more false.

'Is uneasy when receiving praise.'

This statement, from the WorkPlace Big Five Profile 4.0, measures humility and pride, helpful in identifying confident, successful salespeople. Pride is important, but humility is valued more in academic or religious settings, says Pierce J. Howard, managing director of research and development at the Center for Applied Cognitive Studies, which created the profile. 'Spit and polish and charm are not going to do it for that sort of audience,' Dr. Howard says.



中国新一代领导人:李克强 Next Premier Came Of Age In Era Of Openness



Reuters / AP






分析人士说,李克强绝非戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev):他的整个政治生涯在党内行事都很谨慎,他的保护人胡锦涛担任中共中央总书记的10年,中国经济改革陷入停顿,一些政治自由被取消。但据党内人士和政治分析人士说,李克强学生时代接触的西方思想以及他的很多同辈人追求的折中主义仕途,这些都使他有别于上一代及新一代领导人中的很多人。


新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)教授薄智跃说,李克强必须改变自己的思维方式,以便在官僚环境下取得成功,但李克强内心深处实际上是一个自由派,无论是政治方面还是经济方面。李克强在北大求学时,薄智跃也是北大学生,并且认识李克强。薄智跃说,从思想观念上说,他非常开放。










但李克强深受他的教授之一龚祥瑞的影响。龚祥瑞教授上世纪30年代曾留学伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics),曾公开主张多党制的优点。

龚祥瑞选择李克强进入一个小组翻译英国法学家丹宁勋爵(Lord Denning)的名著《法律的正当程序》(The Due Process of Law),并请李克强帮助他准备一本行政法方面的新书。











李克强今年还批准出版了世界银行(World Bank)与国务院发展研究中心撰写的报告《中国2030》(China 2030)。该报告主张打破很有影响的国有企业的垄断。




(Bob Davis对本文亦有贡献)



―王绍光:"新左派"、香港中文大学(Chinese University of Hong Kong)教授








In late 1978, a group of Chinese law students were on a field trip to the eastern city of Nanjing when they first heard that dissidents in Beijing were pasting political poems, pamphlets and slogans on a brick wall downtown.

Among the students, according to one of them, was Li Keqiang, the man who on Thursday took the No. 2 slot in a new Communist Party leadership and is set to become premier and chief steward of the world's second-largest economy in March.

At first, some of the students in Nanjing wanted to rush back to Beijing to join the 'Democracy Wall' movement. But their professor forbade them, warning that the movement would be short-lived. The students stayed in Nanjing; the Democracy Wall was shut down and many of those who used it were jailed.

The episode gives a taste of the heady atmosphere in which Mr. Li was first exposed to Western concepts of law and politics while studying at Peking University from 1978 to 1982─an era of unusual openness following the death of Chairman Mao Zedong and the launch of market-oriented reforms.

One of the key questions surrounding this week's leadership change is whether Mr. Li will draw on his education to encourage the kind of reforms that the current premier, Wen Jiabao, often spoke about but never delivered.

Much will depend on his relationship with Xi Jinping, who replaced Hu Jintao as party chief on Thursday.

Mr. Li is one of only two protégés of Mr. Hu in the new seven-man leadership and was his first choice as successor, according to party insiders. Mr. Xi and four others are backed by Mr. Hu's predecessor, Jiang Zemin.

But Mr. Li was given an early boost when he garnered the second rank in the party: Mr. Wen had only been No. 3, with the No. 2 spot held by the head of China's rubber-stamp parliament. Perhaps more important, Mr. Li is the only member of the new leadership apart from Mr. Xi who will stay on beyond the next five-year term, and more Hu allies could join the body in 2017.

Mr. Li is no Mikhail Gorbachev: He has toed the party line for his entire career and his patron, Mr. Hu, has presided over a decade in which economic reforms stalled and some political freedoms were rolled back, analysts say. But his exposure to Western ideas as a student, and the eclectic careers pursued by many of his contemporaries, set him apart from many in both the previous and the new generation of leaders, according to party insiders and political analysts.

He is also one of the few leaders with relatively fluent English.

'He has had to modify his way of thinking to succeed in a bureaucratic environment, but deep down Li Keqiang is really a liberal, politically and economically,' said Bo Zhiyue, a professor at the National University of Singapore, who was a contemporary and an acquaintance of Mr. Li's at Peking University. 'Intellectually, he's very open.'

Like other members of the new Standing Committee, including Mr. Xi, Mr. Li is part of a generation who were taken out of school as teenagers and sent into the countryside for 're-education' during the turmoil of the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution.

What makes him different─especially from Mr. Xi, whose father was a famous revolutionary─is that he relied solely on his talents to win a university place and was among the first students since 1949 to study Western law and political theory.

Mr. Xi, according to his own accounts, secured his escape from the countryside and a place at Beijing's Tsinghua University in 1975 thanks to lobbying by local party officials and his own father. At that time, the university was still in chaos and many teachers had not returned from internal exile.

Mr. Li was one of the 'Class of '77' who won their university places in the most competitive entry examinations in China's history in 1977─the year after Mao's deaths when exams were revived after a long hiatus amid the Cultural Revolution turmoil.

His contemporaries at Peking University included several people who later became involved in the pro-democracy demonstrations around Tiananmen Square in 1989, which were crushed by the military, bringing to an end the decade of relative political openness.

In their spare time, students used to congregate in an area known as the 'Triangle' to exchange books, music and ideas. They listened to songs by Teresa Teng, a Taiwanese pop star whose music was banned for being too sensual.

'In this period, knowledge was expanding with the speed of an explosion,' Mr. Li wrote in a brief memoir of his student days published in 2008. 'I came here looking not just for knowledge, but to mold a kind of temperament, to master a kind of academic discipline.'

Classmates remember Mr. Li as a quiet, obsessively hardworking student who spent much of his time trying to master English. 'He recited it while he was walking, while queuing to eat in the canteen, even when riding or waiting for the bus,' recalled He Qinhua, a classmate, in a memoir.

Contemporaries say he wasn't particularly close to those who went on to become dissidents.

But Mr. Li was strongly influenced by one of his professors, Gong Xiangrui, who had studied at the London School of Economics in the 1930s and who publicly advocated the virtues of a multiparty system.

Mr. Gong chose Mr. Li to be part of a group to help translate the book 'The Due Process of Law' by Lord Denning, the British jurist, and to prepare a new book on administrative law.

One of the others who helped translate Lord Denning's book was Yang Baikui, a fellow student who was jailed for 11 months for his role in the 1989 demonstrations.

Mr. Li, though, distanced himself from experimental competitive elections for one student body, and instead climbed through the ranks of the Communist system.

Graduating in 1982, he spent 15 years in the Communist Youth League, but returned to Peking University to do a part-time master's degree in economics under professor Li Yining, an early advocate of market reforms, known as 'Mr. Shareholding.'

Li Keqiang wrote his thesis on urbanization─something Chinese officials repeatedly pointed out in recent meetings with one Western banker. Urbanization is a critical issue for China over the next decade as leaders try to rebalance its economy by stimulating domestic consumption, especially among rural migrants.

His academic and administrative records stand in contrast to those of Mr. Wen, who studied geology and spent the first 14 years of his career working as a geologist in China's remote northwest. He had never been a minister or run a province when he became premier.

Mr. Li has governed Henan, China's most populous province, and Liaoning, one of its most industrialized. Most recently, he has been executive vice premier, helping Mr. Wen to run the economy.

Mr. Li's record in government has been competent if unremarkable.

Some blame him for a scandal in Henan, in which tens of thousands of people were infected with HIV after giving to blood banks in the 1990s. Classmates say that the problem began under Mr. Li's predecessor in Henan.

In Liaoning, Mr. Li is remembered for spearheading a plan to renovate slums and improve housing for a million people. As vice premier, he also championed a campaign to build 36 million affordable homes by 2015, arguing that social housing helps to boost consumption.

U.S. officials say Mr. Li sounds more sincere about rebalancing China's economy than Mr. Wen, who they believed sometimes was just going through the motions. In fact, Mr. Li often uses the word 'urbanization' instead of 'rebalancing.'

Mr. Li also endorsed publication this year of a report called 'China 2030' prepared by the World Bank and China's state-backed Development Research Center, which advocated breaking apart powerful state sector monopolies.

His views on political reform are less clear, but classmates say he has a clear understanding of the weakness of China's legal system as many of his close friends are lawyers, judges and law professors.

'He understands the problem,' said one classmate. 'The question is: Can he change the system, or has the system changed him?'

─Bob Davis contributed to this article.

Class of '77

Li Keqiang won entry to Peking University in a year of record competition for a spot. Among his contemporaries:

Wang Shaoguang ─ 'New leftist' professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Zhang Wei ─ Onetime party highflier who resigned after Tiananmen and went on to teach economics at Cambridge

He Qinhua ─ President of the East China University of Political Science and Law

Wang Juntao ─ Publisher of an underground magazine in the 1980s who spent four years in prison after the Tiananmen crackdown and went into exile in the U.S.

Du Chun ─ Director of the Ministry of Justice's Department for Directing Lawyers and Notarization

Yang Baikui ─ Jailed on 'counterrevolutionary' charges after helping to write petitions in the 1989 demonstrations


图解中国经济:胡锦涛主政下的十年 Charting China's Economy: A Decade Under Hu Jintao






美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hilary Clinton)在2009年2月时说,在人权问题上向中国施压不能对全球经济危机、全球气候变化危机以及安全危机造成影响。从中可以明显看出其语气的转变。














日本一桥大学(Hitotsubashi University)中国数据研究专家伍晓鹰(Harry Wu)估计,从2001年至2010年,中国每增加一个单位资本,能增加0.13个单位产出,单位产出量低于上世纪90年代的0.17和80年代高点时的0.24。伍晓鹰还是世界大型企业联合会中国经济与企业研究中心(The Conference Board China Center for Economics and Business)的高级顾问。





中国精英阶层收入非常高的原因之一是腐败。政府控制着重要投资项目和土地等清廉指数(Corruption Perceptions Index),中国以3.6分(总分10分)的得分排在第七十五位,跟同为“金砖国家”的巴西和印度差不多。













Tom Orlik



The number one task for any Chinese leader: securing fast enough economic growth to shore up employment and social stability. On that basis, outgoing leaders Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao's decade at the top was a resounding success. Growth was strong, employment was high, and the Communist Party's rule secure.

Beneath the surface though, there are growing signs of strain: exhausted exports and real estate sectors, private entrepreneurs choked out of the market, burgeoning inequality and corruption, and fears that reform by Mr. Hu and his team has been insufficient to underpin another decade of growth.

After ten years behind the big desk at Zhongnanhai, what is Mr. Hu's economic legacy? China Real Time charts it out:

China's GDP growth blistered, averaging more than 10% a year during Mr. Hu's time in office. China won plaudits for an effective response to the financial crisis keeping growth and employment on track and contributing to the world recovery.

Rapid growth catapulted China up the global economic rankings, overtaking the UK, France, Germany and Japan to claim second place, behind only the United States. That made the Chinese market a target for the world's corporations, won its leaders an expanded role in global governance, and encouraged critics in the West to soften their tone on human rights.

In a noticeable rhetorical shift, U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said in February 2009 that pressing China on human rights 'can't interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crisis'

China's citizens benefited from rapid growth with a sharp increase in their standard of living. GDP per capita measured in purchasing power terms more than tripled from $2,800 in 2002 to a forecast $9,100 in 2012 according to the International Monetary Fund.

That lifted China decisively out of the ranks of poor nations, and into the middle-income bracket. With few signs of democratization, China also defied expectations that rising wealth would lead to political reform.

Ten years of rapid growth is an impressive record. But much of the credit must go to Mr. Hu's predecessor Jiang Zemin, who shepherded far reaching reforms that laid the foundations of the decade's growth. The boost from those reforms is now running its course.

China's entry into the World Trade Organisation in 2001 ushered in an export boom, with exports averaging nearly 30% annual growth from 2002-07. But as China has grown to be the world's largest exporter, with more than 10% of the global market, the room for further expansion is limited. Rising wages, and a stronger yuan, have also taken a toll on export competitiveness.

'The exporting industry was booming right after China joined the WTO. Business in Wenzhou was great' said Chen Zhunan, director of Wenzhou Nanjie Razor Factory.

Now things are not so good. 'The year 2007 is like the watershed. Before 2007, the export industry was doing good, but after 2007, it is becoming worse and worse. Especially this year, it is very difficult to do business,' said Mr. Chen. Export growth has fallen back to 7.8% year-on-year in the first ten months of 2012.

Real estate follows a similar trajectory. In 1998, the government opened the market, kicking off more than a decade of frenetic construction as urban China moved from factory dormitories and crumbling tenements to modern apartments. From 2002 to 2010, new residential floor space under construction averaged 17% annual growth, and real estate became the single most important driver of domestic demand. But as prices rose out of line with incomes, the government was forced to impose draconian controls, choking off demand.

The result: Oversupply has left China's cities ringed with empty suburbs and skylines littered with half-finished tower blocks. New floor space under construction shrank 12.7% year-over-year in the first ten months of 2012.

Jiang Zemin and then-Premier Zhu Rongji took a knife to China's bloated and unprofitable state sector, closing thousands of unproductive enterprises. That opened up space for private sector firms to flourish, underwriting the growth of the last decade.

Under Mr. Hu's administration, some of those gains have been reversed, as the government has thrown its weight behind state champions. The number of state-owned enterprises as a share of the total has continued to fall, dropping to 5% in 2011. But with SOEs still dominant in the commanding heights of the economy, their share of total output has remained relatively buoyant at 26%.

Mr. Hu also benefited from rapid additions to the labor force and capital stock that boosted China's output. His successors will not be so fortunate.

China added tens of millions to its working-aged population in the last decade. That added to production and kept wages low supercharging export competitiveness. In the decade ahead, projections from the United Nations show the workforce will plateau in size and then start to shrink.

A decade ago, China's factories were short of machines to produce goods and its cities lacked the roads and rails necessary to take them to market. Even in 2012, capital stock remains way below the level of the U.S. But after a decade of frenetic spending, the benefits of an extra unit of investment have been reduced.

China data whiz Harry Wu of Hitotsubashi University and The Conference Board China Center estimates that from 2001 to 2010 each additional unit of capital added 0.13 units to output, down from 0.17 in the 1990s and a high of 0.24 in the 1980s.

A lending splurge in 2009-10 as China responded to the financial crisis has also hurt future growth prospects. The ratio of outstanding credit to GDP has risen from around 116% in 2002 to 172% in 2011 according to China Real Time estimates. Bringing that ratio down will require growth in credit to fall below growth in nominal GDP. China's new leaders can't splurge on loans to support growth.

Mr. Hu made harmonious development sharing the benefits of rising wealth more evenly a key part of his strategy. Despite that, the gap between China's haves and have-nots has widened to worrying levels.

The extent of inequality is hidden in the official data, partly because China's elite are reluctant to disclose details of their wealth to government statisticians. But academic surveys point to levels of inequality hitting Latin American levels.

A survey of by Wang Xiaolu in 2008 found that the top 10% of China's urban dwellers had average disposable income of 139,000 yuan a year, 7 times more than average earners, and 25 times more than the bottom 10%. With rich households saving more of their income than poor, that income inequality helps explain China's high savings rate and low consumption.

Part of the explanation for very high incomes amongst China’s elite is corruption. Government control of major investment projects, and key resources like land, offers multiple opportunities for graft. China ranks 75th in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, with a score of 3.6 out of ten. That’s around the same level as fellow BRICs Brazil and India.

Along with problems like land grabs and environmental degradation, corruption has contributed to an increase in social unrest. Reliable data is hard to come by but Sun Liping, a professor at Tsinghua University, has said that there were 180,000 mass incidents in 2010. That’s up from 50,000 in 2002 when Mr. Hu took over. Governing a less harmonious society will be a challenge for China’s new leaders.

Mr. Hu and his team have not been entirely asleep at the wheel on reform.

Top of the list of achievements is improved public services and welfare provision. Education spending hit 4% of GDP in 2011, up from 2.2% in 2002. Health and pension coverage have expanded, and elimination of agricultural taxes helped raise incomes for China’s 650 million rural dwellers.

In the financial sector, the big four state-owned banks were listed on the public markets, bringing an element of market discipline to their lending decisions. Interest rates, a key instrument of economic rebalancing, have been partially liberalized. That means higher returns to household savers a step to increasing incomes and boosting consumption.

China’s exchange rate another instrument of rebalancing has also been liberalized. The yuan has risen 31% against the dollar since the peg was broken in 2005. In 2012, the band in which the yuan trades was widened giving the markets a great say in how it moves.

A stronger currency has helped reduce the imbalance in China’s trade, with the current account surplus shrinking to 2.8% of GDP in 2011 from a high of 10.1% in 2007.

Rebalancing is also receiving support from forces outside of the government’s control. A diminished supply of workers is driving up wages at a rapid clip. Liu Xingshun, a 40-year-old migrant worker from Jiangxi province, currently working in a furniture factory in Shenzhen, told China Real Time he made about 1,000 yuan ($160) a month in the year 2000. Now he makes 4,000 to 5,000 yuan.

Higher wages are essential to fuel an increase in China’s household consumption. But key elements of the reform agenda, from opening state-dominated sectors of the economy to competition, to strengthening farmers’ land rights, and reforming the iniquitous system of urban and rural residence rights, remain undone.

As Mr. Hu bows out, there are tentative signs that the long-awaited rebalancing of China’s economy may finally be underway.

The share of household consumption in GDP fell from 44% in 2002 to 34.9% in 2010, way below the level in the U.S., or China’s Asian neighbors. In 2011, it ticked up to 35.4%. That’s still very low in international and historical comparison, but it’s a move in the right direction.

In 2012, growth in household income has accelerated past GDP. A rising share of household income in GDP giving consumers more cash to spend at the shops is the essence of rebalancing.

Whether these changes represent a blip as investment and exports take a breather, or the beginning of a trend as China’s economy regains its balance, will be a key factor in determining Mr. Hu’s economic legacy.

Tom Orlik


中共十八大召开 新领导层即将亮相 China Party to Meet to Anoint Next Leaders

Zuma Press







Greg Baker/Associated Press




Associated Press



中国新的领导层形成之时,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)刚刚获得连任。能否与美国这个关键出口市场和技术来源保持稳定的关系、以及有没有决心发展与中国崛起为全球经济大国相匹配的军事力量,也将成为外界评价他们的标准。中国在成为全球经济大国之后,从拉丁美洲到中东地区都有利益需要保护。















更加出人意料的是,最近几周,反对中央组织部长李源潮进入常委会的声音也在增强。李源潮2002年曾在哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院(Harvard's Kennedy School of Government)学习,并曾指导实施了一些旨在实行更大党内民主的试点计划。



前佛罗里达州议员韦克斯勒(Robert Wexler)最近几年见过李源潮。他说,李源潮在政治上的开放态度让他印象深刻。一次晚宴之后,他们在没有明显安保人员的情况下沿着南京的大街散步,与当地市民寒暄和互动。


汪洋和李源潮都不是西方意义上的自由派。汪洋镇压过广东其他地区发生的抗议活动。波士顿大学(Boston University)教授傅士卓(Joseph Fewsmith)研究过李源潮的政治改革尝试,他说,这些政治改革尝试都受到了中共的严格控制。


布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的中国政治专家李成说,如果李源潮和汪洋都没有进入新的政治局常委会,这将向世界发出一个消极信号。


Jeremy Page

(Bob Davis、Brian Spegele、Tom Orlik 、James T. Areddy 对本文亦有贡献)













As China launches a once-a-decade transition of power at a Communist Party Congress that opens Thursday, the burning question is: Will the new lineup of leaders to be willing and able to radically overhaul an ossified political system and a growth model that has run out of steam?

The first signs of whether China is in for meaningful reform won't come until the culmination of the weeklong congress next Thursday, when the new Politburo Standing Committee--China's top governing body--files out in order of seniority onto a crimson podium in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

One clue will lie in how many people appear alongside Xi Jinping, the current vice president who is widely expected to appear first on the podium as the new party chief and figurehead of the 'fifth generation' of leaders since the revolution of 1949.

The congress opened on Thursday morning in Beijing's Great Hall of the People with a speech from Hu Jintao, China's departing president and party chief, who nodded to the challenges the party faces. 'The whole party must keep in mind the trust the people have placed in us and the great expectation they have of us,' he said, in an apparent allusion to rising public concerns about official corruption and unbalanced growth. He added, 'unbalanced uncoordinated and unsustainable development remains a big problem.'

State television lingered on the presence of Jiang Zemin, who was party chief from 1989 to 2002, suggesting the continued influence of the previous generation of leaders in picking the new slate.

The size and composition of the new Standing Committee is a closely guarded secret, thrashed out in backroom deals between departing and retired leaders, but party insiders say a consensus was reached in the past few weeks to cut two of the nine seats, including the one that controls the vast domestic-security apparatus.

That consensus could crumble at the last minute, party insiders say, but if the Standing Committee is indeed shrunk that way, it would help Mr. Xi to forge consensus among his peers, and could be step toward reining in police powers and strengthening the rule of law.

Another strong signal will be whether the new lineup includes one or both of the two candidates with the strongest track record on political reform: Wang Yang, the Party chief of Guangdong Province, and Li Yuanchao, the head of the Organization Department.

Mr. Xi, 59 years old, is taking over as the party confronts a raft of challenges, including a slowing economy, social unrest amid rising income inequality and a young urban population increasingly able to organize political opposition via social media.

China's growth slowed to 7.4% year-to-year in the third quarter of 2012, its lowest rate since the financial crisis, and well below the double-digit pace of the past decade. Worse, the composition of output shows an economy veering off balance, with investment contributing close to 50% of the total, and the share of household consumption just 35% in 2011.

Putting growth on a sustainable path, with a stronger role for consumption, will require painful reforms that could push growth lower in the short term. It also cuts against the interest of the most powerful players in China's society: local officials, state-owned enterprises and real-estate developers, who all benefit from the economy's current tilt toward heavy investment.

There is a broad consensus in China that without such reforms, the economy could stagnate, dooming its ambitions to graduate to the ranks of developed nations and exacerbating social tensions that could explode into regime-threatening violence, political analysts say.

Internationally, China is facing mounting tensions with many of it neighbors over territorial disputes at the same time as the U.S. shores up defense ties and reasserts its influence in Asia, while pressing Beijing over its ties with North Korea, Iran and Syria.

China's new lineup, to be rolled out just as the U.S. has re-elected President Barack Obama, will also be judged by its ability to keep on track relations with the U.S., a key market for Chinese exports and a source of technology, as well as a commitment to develop military power commensurate with China's rise as a global economic powerhouse with interests to protect from Latin America to the Middle East.

The party has managed a peaceful and orderly transition of power only once before--in 2002--and plans for this year's transition were thrown into turmoil early on by the scandal surrounding Bo Xilai, a former political highflier who was once a front-runner for promotion to the new Standing Committee.

Mr. Bo, whose wife was convicted in August of murdering a British businessman, is now facing criminal charges. Another rising star in the Party, Ling Jihua, was engulfed in scandal in March when he tried to cover up an accident in which his son was killed driving a Ferrari at high speed through Beijing.

Last month, the family of departing Premier Wen Jiabao issued a rare statement denying a media report that it had amassed a fortune worth $2.7 billion. Even within the party, there are now increasingly vocal calls for aggressive economic change--especially steps to break apart state-sector monopolies--and political reforms to address the issues at the core of the recent scandals: official abuse of power and the enormous wealth accumulated by many party leaders.

That means the new leadership that appears on the podium next week will be scrutinized like never before, both inside and outside China, for clues about their commitment to confront the problems that were largely ignored over the past decade under the departing president and party chief, Hu Jintao.

'There is a common understanding at all levels in the party that they cannot rule the same way as before: there has to be change,' said Zhang Lifan, a historian whose father was a close ally of Mr. Xi's father. 'But in practice, Mr. Xi needs strong support from other leaders if he is to challenge the interest groups preventing reform.'

The only people with guaranteed seats on the new Standing Committee are the two current members who are not retiring: Mr. Xi and current Vice Premier Li Keqiang, a lawyer and economist by training who is widely expected to take over as premier, the post responsible for managing the economy.

The other members have been selected over the past few months by departing leaders and about a dozen retired party 'elders,' each of whom has tried to ensure promotion of acolytes to preserve their private interests and political influence in retirement.

Party insiders say the proposal to shrink the Standing Committee grew out of concerns within the political elite that the body had become too ungainly and indecisive since being expanded from seven to nine in 2002, when Jiang Zemin stepped down as party chief.

Their other concern was that the domestic security chief for the last five years, Zhou Yongkang, has accumulated excessive powers as head of a shadowy body called the Politics and Law Commission, which oversees police, prosecutors, judges and spies.

'They realized that when they make the decisions, they don't want one of those at the table to be holding a gun,' said one academic who advises the party leadership.

The flip side of the proposal is that it would leave only five spare seats on the leaner Standing Committee, which has expanded and contracted over the years but traditionally always has an odd number of members.

In recent days, political observers and party insiders in Beijing have suggested that among those who could miss out are the two candidates known for their experiments with limited political reforms.

Wang Yang, the Guangdong party chief, has experimented with lifting restrictions on nongovernmental organizations and won plaudits for reaching a negotiated solution with villagers who revolted against party rule last year.

He is considered a favorite of Messrs. Hu and Wen, but he is opposed by other leaders who consider his approach to reform too progressive or who believe he is too young, at 57, to be promoted this year and should wait instead until 2017, according to party insiders.

More unexpectedly, opposition has grown in recent weeks to Li Yuanchao, the Organization Department chief, who studied at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government in 2002 and has overseen pilot schemes encouraging greater democracy within the party.

He told U.S. diplomats in 2007 that China could hold competitive elections for the Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee in 20-30 years, according to a U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.

In July of this year, he invited U.S. and European business executives to lecture leaders of China's state-owned enterprises about the need to focus on commercial matters, rather than political imperatives.

Robert Wexler, a former Florida congressman who has met Mr. Li in recent years, said he was impressed with his political openness. After one dinner, they strolled along a Nanjing promenade with no apparent security, greeting and engaging with local residents, Mr. Wexler recalled.

'It was almost a very American political thing to do, to take a walk amongst your constituents,' he said.

Neither Mr. Wang nor Mr. Li are liberals in a Western sense. Mr. Wang has crushed protests in other parts of Guangdong, and Joseph Fewsmith, a Boston University professor who has studied Mr. Li's experiments with political reform, says they were all tightly controlled by the party.

But a Standing Committee without either of them would be more likely to be dominated by conservative figures, many of them with links to Mr. Jiang, the former president.

'If neither Li Yuanchao nor Wang Yang is on the new Politburo Standing Committee, it will send a negative signal to the world,' said Cheng Li, an expert on Chinese politics at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

'People will be even more pessimistic about China's much needed political reform.'

Jeremy Page

Bob Davis, Brian Spegele, Tom Orlik and James T. Areddy contributed to this article.

What to look for as China presents its new leader lineup

If Politburo Standing Committee is cut to seven from nine─should make it easier to reach consensus, and would also suggest the role of domestic security chief has been downgraded.

If Li Yuanchao, current Organization Department chief, is not included─a serious blow for departing party chief Hu Jintao, and for advocates of political reform.

If Wang Yang, party chief of Guangdong, is left out─also a blow for reformists, though less serious as he could join in 2017 and still serve 10 years.

If Li Keqiang, the likely future premier, walks out second─suggests the position of premier has been upgraded from No. 3 in Party hierarchy.

If Wang Qishan, current vice premier, is one of two last to walk out─suggests he has taken anticorruption job to avoid tension with Li Keqiang on handling economy.

If Hu Jintao remains head of the Central Military Commission─suggests he will retain significant political influence for up to two years.

If a foreign-policy expert is promoted to the wider Politburo─would help to counterbalance military influence in foreign policy.

If there are more candidates than seats in the election of Politburo members─could signal commitment to expand in-party democracy.

─WSJ research

















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