
世卫组织警告北京空气污染威胁健康 WHO Warns Beijing Residents of Hazardous Pollution Risk

界卫生组织(World Health Organization, 简称:世卫组织)周二呼吁中国改善空气质量,并在北京的空气污染连续第六天达到有害水平之际,敦促北京居民呆在室内。

世卫组织驻中国代表施贺德(Bernhard Schwartlnder)说,他对北京近日出现的严重雾霾天气感到担心。世卫组织一直在与中国有关部门联系,讨论污染问题以及解决该问题的措施。






世卫组织西太平洋地区主任申英秀(Shin Young-Soo)说,对于这些疾病是否与空气污染有关,我们持谨慎看法;我们知道雾霾对人们的身体健康有影响,但有多大的影响我们还不确定。




Laurie Burkitt


The World Health Organization on Tuesday called on China to improve its air quality and urged residents of Beijing to stay indoors as the capital city suffered a sixth day of hazardous-level air pollution. 

Bernhard Schwartländer, the organization's China chief, said he is concerned about the smog that has smothered Beijing in recent days. The WHO has been in contact with national authorities to discuss the problem and steps toward a solving it. 

'There is no easy solution,' Dr. Schwartländer said, adding that solving the problem requires managing industry and the economy. 

As of Tuesday night, levels of tiny, hazardous particulate matter known as PM2.5 averaged 452 micrograms per cubic meter over a 24-hour period, according to readings from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. That was more than 18 times the WHO's recommended level of 25 micrograms per cubic meter. 

Heavily pollution has plagued much of northern and central China since Thursday. Since the weekend, governments in the northeastern city of Tianjin and northern Hebei province have taken steps that include reducing the number of cars on the road and suspending some production in industries such as steel. 

China's National Meteorological Center said Tuesday it reaffirmed the region's orange alert, its second-most-severe air-pollution warning after red under a system enacted in October amid rising public pressure on authorities to act on pollution. That alert level requires a halt to construction work and orders factories to temporarily reduce emissions by 30%. Fireworks and outdoor barbecuing are also banned. Children and the elderly are advised to stay indoors, and residents are encouraged to use public transportation instead of cars. 

In Beijing, where a light gray mist shrouded buildings and landmarks, WHO officials said the pollution levels pose a threat to human health, though they cautioned that they couldn't link recent pollution levels with local media reports of specific cases of lung cancer and other ailments. 

'We're cautious of whether the illness is related to air pollution,' said Shin Young-Soo, the WHO's Western Pacific regional director, adding, 'We know it has an impact on health, but we don't know how much.' 

In a sign that China's top leadership acknowledges the problem poses a credibility issue for them, official Chinese media covered the pollution problem extensively. The official Xinhua News Agency quoted a local environmental official in Hebei province as acknowledging that a lawsuit filed by a citizen against the local government reflected increasing environmental awareness. Xinhua said the citizen, Li Guixin, filed the suit in a local court in the district of Yuhua on Feb. 20. 

Meanwhile, China's online community remarked on the appearance of China's top leader, Xi Jinping, on a trendy street in Beijing Tuesday. Chinese social media showed Mr. Xi--China's president and the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party--strolling down an alleyway called Nanluoguxiang, an area popular with tourists and filled with street-food vendors and other businesses. Such public appearances by senior Chinese leaders are rare. 

Many noted that he walked outside on such a heavily polluted day without an air mask. 'Breathing together, sharing the same fate,' read a widely repeated response on Sina Corp.'s Weibo microblogging platform. 

Laurie Burkitt

Copyright (c) 2014 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

美国收缩地缘政治战线 Niall Ferguson: America's Global Retreat

Niall Ferguson

013年6月,前美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简称:美联储)主席贝南克(Ben Bernanke)宣布将缩减量化宽松规模,新兴市场股市和货币自那以来遭遇了沉重打击。为何谈到(到目前为止只是)温和削减大规模资产购买计划会对美国之外的市场产生如此巨大的反响,现在还不得而知。从经济角度最好的解释是,由于缩减量化宽松规模意味着未来美国利率会上升,这一预期导致资本撤出了新兴市场。这种解释虽然看似合理,但也并非完全如此。


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奥巴马和他的外交政策团队。从左至右:哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)、赖斯(Susan Rice)、奥巴马和拜登(Joe Biden)。


从2009年起,当伊朗民众起来反抗该国的神权统治者时,奥巴马只能被动观望,之后又被名不符实的“阿拉伯之春”打乱了阵脚。同年在开罗演讲时,奥巴马的措辞模糊而奉承,丝毫看不出他后来对于埃及2011年革命的反应。2011年,成千上万的示威者涌向开罗解放广场,要求埃及独裁者、美国的长期盟友穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)下台。

在穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)赢得2012年的大选后,奥巴马表示支持由穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)领导的政府。但去年奥巴马又支持推翻穆尔西的军事政变。至于利比亚,奥巴马在2011年国际社会驱逐卡扎菲(Moammar Gadhafi)的行动中处于次要位置,但在2012年美国驻班加西领馆遭遇致命袭击时,奥巴马显然完全不在状态。

叙利亚是美国二战后外交政策的一大败笔。当奥巴马原本可以有效干预的时候,他犹豫了。当他真的干预时,却发现已经徒劳无益。反抗阿萨德(Bashar Assad)政权的自由叙利亚军(Bashar Assad)没有足够的援助来抵御,更别说是打败效忠于阿萨德的军队。奥巴马空泛地说(在美国国会同意的前提下)将对叙利亚发起空袭,将主动权拱手交给了俄罗斯。美国国务卿克里(John Kerry)上周也承认,去年在俄罗斯的协调下达成的让阿萨德政权交出化学武器的协议只是用来违背的。


更糟糕的是,叙利亚内战已经升级为逊尼和什叶派穆斯林之间的派别战争,伊拉克伊斯兰酋长国、叙利亚以及努斯拉阵线等圣战团体与阿萨德对立,而什叶派真主党和伊朗圣城军则为阿萨德而战。与此同时,来自叙利亚的难民潮和武装人员的自由流动也影响了黎巴嫩、约旦和伊拉克等邻国的稳定。伊拉克的情况尤其可怕。该国暴力升级,特别是在安巴尔省。根据总部位于英国的非政府组织Body Count的统计,2013年伊拉克有9,475名平民遇难,2008年这一数字为10,130人。

要想了解美国这种战略性不作为的范围,布什政府所谓“大中东”地区的总死亡人数统计是最好的参照。所谓“大中东”地区,从本质上说就是从摩洛哥一直延伸到巴基斯坦、主要为穆斯林国家的这个地带。根据国际战略研究所(International Institute of Strategic Studies, 简称:IISS)的数据,2013年该地区有超过75,000人死于暴力冲突或恐怖主义袭击,为IISS武装冲突数据库1998年建立以来的最高死亡人数。1998年时大中东地区因冲突导致的死亡者人数在全球占38%;而去年这一比例为78%。

奥巴马(Obama)的支持者最喜欢把他描画成和平主义者,而有别于布什(George W. Bush)的好战形象。但现在几乎可以肯定的是,若将奥巴马的这个任期与上个任期做个比较,大中东地区有更多人死于暴力冲突。

奥巴马1月份接受《纽约客》(New Yorker)杂志采访时表示,有些事情真的让人吃惊。他宣称,“我现在甚至真的不需要乔治•凯南(George Kennan)了。”他所指的是已故的美国外交家和历史学家,他富有见地,担当罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)及后来历任总统的外交政策顾问。但奥巴马接下来就他自己规划的中东战略作出的说明却恰恰说明,乔治•凯南正是他需要的人:他谙熟中东地区情况,具有为美国制定可靠战略的经验,比如他在上世纪四十年代末提出了对当时的苏联(Soviet Union)的遏制政策。



正如尼克森(Nixon)时代的国务卿亨利•基辛格(Henry Kissinger) 50多年前在他的著作《重建的世界》(A World Restored)中所指出的那样,平衡并非一种自然发生的现象。基辛格写道,“力量均衡只能限制侵略的范围,却并不能阻止侵略。”“力量均衡是历史教训的这样一种经典表述:如果没有抵御侵略的实质性护卫,没有任何一种秩序是安全的。”



收缩地缘政治战线是一种多面现象。从国内政治和财政角度看,本届政府对军事开支进行了大幅削减。五角大楼的预算在许多方面都超标了,这一点毋庸置疑。但是就像菲利普•泽利科(Philip Zelikow)近期所说,在削减支出的同时,政府并没有在美国未来军事需求的问题上达成任何清晰的共识。




本文作者弗格森是哈佛大学的历史学教授,同时也是斯坦福大学胡佛研究所(Hoover Institution)的高级研究员。他最新的著作是《The Great Degeneration》,由企鹅出版社(Penguin Press) 2013年出版。


Niall Ferguson

Since former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke uttered the word 'taper' in June 2013, emerging-market stocks and currencies have taken a beating. It is not clear why talk of (thus far) modest reductions in the Fed's large-scale asset-purchase program should have had such big repercussions outside the United States. The best economic explanation is that capital has been flowing out of emerging markets in anticipation of future rises in U.S. interest rates, of which the taper is a harbinger. While plausible, that cannot be the whole story.

For it is not only U.S. monetary policy that is being tapered. Even more significant is the 'geopolitical taper.' By this I mean the fundamental shift we are witnessing in the national-security strategy of the U.S.--and like the Fed's tapering, this one also means big repercussions for the world. To see the geopolitical taper at work, consider President Obama's comment Wednesday on the horrific killings of protesters in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. The president said: 'There will be consequences if people step over the line.'

No one took that warning seriously--Ukrainian government snipers kept on killing people in Independence Square regardless. The world remembers the red line that Mr. Obama once drew over the use of chemical weapons in Syria . . . and then ignored once the line had been crossed. The compromise deal reached on Friday in Ukraine calling for early elections and a coalition government may or may not spell the end of the crisis. In any case, the negotiations were conducted without concern for Mr. Obama.

The origins of America's geopolitical taper as a strategy can be traced to the confused foreign-policy decisions of the president's first term. The easy part to understand was that Mr. Obama wanted out of Iraq and to leave behind the minimum of U.S. commitments. Less easy to understand was his policy in Afghanistan. After an internal administration struggle, the result in 2009 was a classic bureaucratic compromise: There was a 'surge' of additional troops, accompanied by a commitment to begin withdrawing before the last of these troops had even arrived.

Having passively watched when the Iranian people rose up against their theocratic rulers beginning in 2009, the president was caught off balance by the misnamed 'Arab Spring.' The vague blandishments of his Cairo speech that year offered no hint of how he would respond when crowds thronged Tahrir Square in 2011 calling for the ouster of a longtime U.S. ally, the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak.

Mr. Obama backed the government led by Mohammed Morsi, after the Muslim Brotherhood won the 2012 elections. Then the president backed the military coup against Mr. Morsi last year. On Libya, Mr. Obama took a back seat in an international effort to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011, but was apparently not in the vehicle at all when the American mission at Benghazi came under fatal attack in 2012.

Syria has been one of the great fiascos of post-World War II American foreign policy. When President Obama might have intervened effectively, he hesitated. When he did intervene, it was ineffectual. The Free Syrian Army of rebels fighting against the regime of Bashar Assad has not been given sufficient assistance to hold together, much less to defeat the forces loyal to Assad. The president's non-threat to launch airstrikes--if Congress agreed--handed the initiative to Russia. Last year's Russian-brokered agreement to get Assad to hand over his chemical weapons is being honored only in the breach, as Secretary of State John Kerry admitted last week.

The result of this U.S. inaction is a disaster. At a minimum, 130,000 Syrian civilians have been killed and nine million driven from their homes by forces loyal to the tyrant. At least 11,000 people have been tortured to death. Hundreds of thousands are besieged, their supplies of food and medicine cut off, as bombs and shells rain down.

Worse, the Syrian civil war has escalated into a sectarian proxy war between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, with jihadist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and the Nusra Front fighting against Assad, while the Shiite Hezbollah and the Iranian Quds Force fight for him. Meanwhile, a flood of refugees from Syria and the free movement of militants is helping to destabilize neighboring states like Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. The situation in Iraq is especially dire. Violence is escalating, especially in Anbar province. According to Iraq Body Count, a British-based nongovernmental organization, 9,475 Iraqi civilians were killed in 2013, compared with 10,130 in 2008.

The scale of the strategic U.S. failure is best seen in the statistics for total fatalities in the region the Bush administration called the 'Greater Middle East'--essentially the swath of mainly Muslim countries stretching from Morocco to Pakistan. In 2013, according to the International Institute of Strategic Studies, more than 75,000 people died as a result of armed conflict in this region or as a result of terrorism originating there, the highest number since the IISS Armed Conflict database began in 1998. Back then, the Greater Middle East accounted for 38% of conflict-related deaths in the world; last year it was 78%.

Mr. Obama's supporters like nothing better than to portray him as the peacemaker to George W. Bush's warmonger. But it is now almost certain that more people have died violent deaths in the Greater Middle East during this presidency than during the last one.

In a January interview with the New Yorker magazine, the president said something truly stunning. 'I don't really even need George Kennan right now,' he asserted, referring to the late American diplomat and historian whose insights informed the foreign policy of presidents from Franklin Roosevelt on. Yet what Mr. Obama went on to say about his self-assembled strategy for the Middle East makes it clear that a George Kennan is exactly what he needs: someone with the regional expertise and experience to craft a credible strategy for the U.S., as Kennan did when he proposed the 'containment' of the Soviet Union in the late 1940s.

So what exactly is the president's strategy? 'It would be profoundly in the interest of citizens throughout the region if Sunnis and Shiites weren't intent on killing each other,' the president explained in the New Yorker. 'And although it would not solve the entire problem, if we were able to get Iran to operate in a responsible fashion . . . you could see an equilibrium developing between Sunni, or predominantly Sunni, Gulf states and Iran.'

Moreover, he continued, if only 'the Palestinian issue' could be 'unwound,' then another 'new equilibrium' could be created, allowing Israel to 'enter into even an informal alliance with at least normalized diplomatic relations' with the Sunni states. The president has evidently been reading up about international relations and has reached the chapter on the 'balance of power.' The trouble with his analysis is that it does not explain why any of the interested parties should sign up for his balancing act.

As Nixon-era Secretary of State Henry Kissinger argued more than half a century ago in his book 'A World Restored,' balance is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. 'The balance of power only limits the scope of aggression but does not prevent it,' Dr. Kissinger wrote. 'The balance of power is the classic expression of the lesson of history that no order is safe without physical safeguards against aggression.'

What that implied in the 19th century was that Britain was the 'balancer'--the superpower that retained the option to intervene in Europe to preserve balance. The problem with the current U.S. geopolitical taper is that President Obama is not willing to play that role in the Middle East today. In his ignominious call to inaction on Syria in September, he explicitly said it: 'America is not the world's policeman.'

But balance without an enforcer is almost inconceivable. Iran remains a revolutionary power; it has no serious intention of giving up its nuclear-arms program; the talks in Vienna are a sham. Both sides in the escalating regional 'Clash of Sects'--Shiite and Sunni--have an incentive to increase their aggression because they see hegemony in a post-American Middle East as an attainable goal.

The geopolitical taper is a multifaceted phenomenon. For domestic political as well as fiscal reasons, this administration is presiding over deep cuts in military spending. No doubt the Pentagon's budget is in many respects bloated. But, as Philip Zelikow has recently argued, the cuts are taking place without any clear agreement on what the country's future military needs are.

Thus far, the U.S. 'pivot' from the Middle East to the Asia Pacific region, announced in 2012, is the nearest this administration has come to a grand strategy. But such a shift of resources makes no sense if it leaves the former region ablaze and merely adds to tension in the latter. A serious strategy would surely make some attempt to establish linkage between the Far East and the Middle East. It is the Chinese, not the Americans, who are becoming increasingly dependent on Middle Eastern oil. Yet all the pivot achieved was to arouse suspicion in Beijing that some kind of 'containment' of China is being contemplated.

Maybe, on reflection, it is not a Kennan that Mr. Obama needs, but a Kissinger. 'The attainment of peace is not as easy as the desire for it,' Dr. Kissinger once observed. 'Those ages which in retrospect seem most peaceful were least in search of peace. Those whose quest for it seems unending appear least able to achieve tranquillity. Whenever peace--conceived as the avoidance of war--has been the primary objective . . . the international system has been at the mercy of [its] most ruthless member.'

Those are words this president, at a time when there is much ruthlessness abroad in the world, would do well to ponder.

Mr. Ferguson is a history professor at Harvard and a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. His most recent book is 'The Great Degeneration' (Penguin Press, 2013).

习近平雾霾天现身南锣鼓巷 Xi Jinping Breathes Bad Air With the Masses




新浪微博(Sina Weibo)上一条“同呼吸,共命运”的微博被网友无数次转发。






Josh Chin


Xi Jinping's appetite for impromptu public appearances appears to be growing. 

On Tuesday, less than two months after he riled up the Internet by scarfing down lunch at a Beijing steamed-bun shop, China's new leader once again set social media atwitter by showing up with an entourage at a snack-heavy Beijing hipster shopping enclave known as Nanluo Guxiang. 

It remains unclear what Mr. Xi ate in the traditional alleyway, where vendors serve everything from stinky tofu to double-layered milk pudding. But Internet users noted with approval that a maskless Mr. Xi was willing to slurp down mouthfuls of the capital's notoriously chewable air -- air so dirty that on Tuesday local officials again issued the city's second-highest pollution alert. 

'Breathing together, sharing the same fate,' read a widely repeated response on Sina Corp.'s Weibo microblogging platform. 

Channeling the beloved Qianlong Emperor, who is said to have wandered outside the Forbidden City in disguise to mingle with hoi polloi on multiple occasions, Mr. Xi has brought a common touch back to China's top office. He kisses babies. He kicks balls. He carries his own umbrella. 

The effort has paid off, and not just for Mr. Xi. The Chinese leader's December visit to a branch of the Qing-Feng Dumpling chain, where he spent less than $4 on a lunch of pork buns and stewed chitterlings, reportedly boosted sales for the chain, which now sells a ' Xi Jinping combo.' 

In visiting Nanluoguxiang, Mr. Xi may have been attempting to reach a younger demographic. The alleyway, home to one of the country's top performing-arts schools as well as innumerable cafes and bars, has long been a haunt of the detached and ironic wenyi qingnian, or 'cultured and artistic youth.' 

But it was on the issue of air pollution that he scored the most points. China's leaders are widely presumed to be insulated from the food safety and environmental problems that afflict regular people. With the capital suffering its sixth straight day of hazardous air pollution, Xi succeeded in showing solidarity with Beijing's beleaguered residents even as he set a questionable example. 

'Right on, Big Xi didn't wear a face mask!' wrote one microblogger. 

Josh Chin

中国淡化中印边界争端 China Plays Down Border Dispute with India



周末期间,印度反对党领袖莫迪(Narendra Modi)走访了中印存在争议的喜马拉雅边界附近地区,并警告中国放弃扩张领土的野心。他说,中国将不得不放弃扩张领土的想法。1962年中国与印度曾因喜马拉雅山脉边界问题爆发过战争。




相比中国外交部最近几周对日本及日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)的言辞抨击,华春莹有关印度问题的讲话颇为平和。在对莫迪有关中国秉持领土扩张政策的说法进行反驳的同时,华春莹强调了中印双方为解决争端所做的共同努力。这一争端主要涉及喜马拉雅山脉边陲地区。

观察人士都在关注中国处理中印关系的方式,特别是在最近日本政府提出加强与印度双边关系的情况下。继1月份安倍晋三与印度总理辛格(Manmohan Singh)举行会晤之后,两国都表示,面对不断变化的战略环境,将采取更加密切的合作以维护稳定与和平。

伦敦大学国王学院(King's College London)的中印关系问题专家潘特(Harsh V. Pant)认为,由于预计印度不久将组建新一届政府,中国缓和了对印度的语气。他同时说,中国对印度与日本及本地区其他国家新形成的伙伴关系心存担忧。


由于担心那些害怕中国崛起的亚洲较小国家联起手来抵制中国,北京方面已承诺改善与邻国的关系,特别是与东南亚国家的关系。但中国军队(包括实力日益增强的海军)在南中国海(South China Sea, 中国称南海)争议水域越来越坚定自信的表现使中国与邻国的关系更趋紧张。


Brian Spegele


China's Foreign Ministry on Monday played down a long-simmering border dispute with India, brushing off a blunt comment by the front-runner to become India's next prime minister that Beijing is set on territorial expansion. 

Over the weekend, Indian opposition leader Narendra Modi traveled to an area near the country's disputed Himalayan border with China--over which the two fought a border war in 1962--and warned Beijing to abandon its territorial ambitions. He said China 'will have to leave behind its mind-set of expansion.' 

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying denied that China has expansionist tendencies and described the territorial dispute with India as a complex and sensitive matter 'left over from history.' 

'I want to say that you can all see in history China has never actively launched a war of aggression to invade and occupy one inch of territory, ' said Ms. Hua. 

The comments by Mr. Modi followed growing apprehension across Asia over China's ambitions. From Japan to the Philippines and Vietnam, regional leaders have criticized Beijing for what they view as aggressive measures by China to establish control over contested territories, some of which are strategically important and rich in resources. 

Ms. Hua's comments were muted compared with the rhetorical barrage her agency has directed in recent weeks toward Japan and its leader, Shinzo Abe. While rejecting Mr. Modi's claims of expansionism, Ms. Hua also stressed the 'joint efforts' taken by both sides to work through the dispute, which is centered on remote Himalayan borderlands. 

Observers are watching China's approach to relations with India, particularly given recent overtures by Japan's government to bolster ties with New Delhi. Following a January meeting between Mr. Abe and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the countries pledged to more closely work together for stability and peace in the face of a changing strategic environment. 

Harsh V. Pant, an expert on China-India relations at King's College London, said China has toned down its rhetoric against India in anticipation of a new Indian government. At the same time, he said, Beijing is concerned about India's newly forming partnerships with Japan and others in the region. 

'China might be calculating that further pushing India into the arms of its regional adversaries might not be in its best interest, at least in the short term,' he said. 

Concerned about a backlash among smaller Asian nations fearful of China's rise, Beijing has pledged better relations with its neighbors, particularly those in Southeast Asia. But growing assertiveness by Chinese security forces, including an increasingly capable navy, in disputed waters in the South China Sea has further strained ties. 

The China-India territorial dispute stems from a brief border war in 1962, which was won by China. Relations soured last spring after India alleged Chinese troops had set up a post inside their territory. China has denied any incursion. 

Brian Spegele








(6)您是为数不多的、在职场让女性掌权的男性CEO。你能谈谈您的理由吗?还有,我们如何能将我们的智慧在工作中得到发挥? (来至一位女性的发言)
巴菲特:我们1776年在写独立宣言上写"人人生而平等"等等。在1789年,我们颁布宪法,思考了一会儿......黑人是3/5的人。他们耍滑头了。他们采用了不使用性别代词这样一种方式。在他们自己的任职期内,他们出卖了自己,他们只说"HE" 。很快,所有的人生而平等变成所有男性平等。历史前进到葛底斯堡演说,林肯反复强调所有的人生而平等。但漏掉了一些内容,妇女依然不能投票,甚至在一些州无法继承财产。最后,在1920年,进入这个新的危险统治方式131年后,"哦,是啊,女人应该有公平的投票权。"在此之后,O'Connor任职之前,许多法官被任命。作为一个孩子,每个人都有与我相同的期望,但我的姐姐作为一个聪明的人,被授予了不同的东西。这就是这个国家,想想我们离使用我们自己一半的天赋还有多远。现在我们开始使用另一半的潜力。如果我们只是让5尺10以上的人成为公司的CEO、会计师或律师,5尺10以下的人必须成为护士等,这是多么愚蠢。我们将不能释放已有的潜力。对女性而言,事情是一样的。没有人意识到它,我的爸爸、我的老师,他们都没有。女性显然是一样的聪明和吃苦耐劳(工作一样努力)。在筹办我们的年会时,没有人比嘉莉(Carrie)更好。我认为,作为一个CEO,因为性别而错过最有才华的人,这是多么愚蠢。但是,我们现走在正确的大道上。我们正在朝着我们设定的理想前进。这一理想杰佛逊很早之前就设定了,但直到很久以后才开始实践。



Todd Combs 和Ted Weschler每人管理65亿美,如果他们自己运营对冲基金,他们会赚的更多,但是他们喜欢在伯克希尔,他们有足够的钱,他们有我非常称赞的品质。






巴菲特:最好是从别人的错误中学习。即使审视全部各种类型的失败案例,我也不相信你能够战胜自己,你还是会犯错误。我最大的错误是买了伯克希尔.哈萨维,并试图使它变好。我们把所有钱投在了一个糟糕的生意里,把资金浪费在里面长达20年。你不可能玩这个游戏不犯错误。我们花费4亿美元的伯克希尔股票购买了德克斯特鞋业,现在这些股票价值50-60亿美元,德克斯特鞋业最终由于国外的竞争而破产。我们在未来能源公司债券上(EnergyFuture Holding bonds)损失了20亿美元,KKR参与投资也损失了80亿美元。

翻译by @rianhearty 、@括苍传人、@每天发现一个更好
















中国富豪刘汉被控故意杀人及涉黑 China Tycoon Faces Charges of Murder, 'Mafia-Style Conspiracy'

The Wall Street Journal

国检察机关周四对四川汉龙集团(Sichuan Hanlong Group)原董事长刘汉提起刑事公诉,曾以一身貂皮大衣和黑色法拉利轿车闻名的刘汉是中国最具争议的富豪之一。他被指控犯有故意杀人罪、非法买卖和持有枪支罪、组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪。





刘汉的公司还拥有水电大坝和天然气输配网络。该公司曾拟斥资14亿美元收购澳大利亚的Sundance Resources Ltd.,后者拥有非洲铁矿石矿产。此项交易去年3月份宣告失败,因警方之前表示,已经拘留了刘汉,理由是其涉嫌窝藏谋杀嫌犯刘维。当时公布的一份证明材料详细描述了刘维参与2009年一起黑社会性质的谋杀案的情况。这起谋杀案发生在刘氏兄弟家乡四川省广汉市的一个茶馆里,当时有三人被杀。


在他接受中国司法机关审判时,人们可能会想起刘汉曾说过的一句话。刘汉曾在2010年接受《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)采访。在接受采访后驾驶他那辆黑色法拉利飞奔而去之前,他曾说:刘汉从来都是赢家,刘汉从不失手。


Chuin-Wei Yap / Kersten Zhang


Prosecutors on Thursday brought a string of criminal charges against one of China's most controversial magnates, a man once known for his mink coat and black Ferrari. Now he faces allegations of murder, illegal firearm rackets and 'Mafia-style conspiracy.'

Liu Han, the former chairman of mining company Sichuan Hanlong Group, was among 36 people charged by prosecutors at the Xianning City Intermediate People's Court, said Zheng Jiwei, research office director of the Xianning municipal people's procuratorate, confirming a report by the official Xinhua news agency. Mr. Liu's brother, Liu Wei, was also among those charged by the prosecutors in central Hubei province.

The state's charges could have been ripped from a pulp novel on Cosa Nostra. The group allegedly built a criminal network that spanned from Beijing to Sichuan province in the west, Guangdong province in the south, and 10 other provinces and cities, Xinhua said. In an investigation covering 'hundreds of thousands of kilometers,' authorities recovered a cache consisting of 'three grenades, 20 firearms of various types, 677 bullets, [and] 2,163 steel-ball bullets,' Xinhua said.

The trail of destruction killed nine people, it said. The Hubei court declined to comment on the case or to disclose Mr. Liu's counsel. The Liu brothers couldn't be reached for comment. Liu Wei also goes the name Liu Yong, official reports say.

The charges against Liu Han cap a career marked by excess. In 2012, he drew media attention for an abortive $1.3 billion plan to blast the top off a hill in Nevada in search of molybdenum, a metal used to strengthen steel.

Mr. Liu's company, which also owns hydropower dams and natural-gas distribution networks, sought to pay $1.4 billion for Australia's Sundance Resources Ltd., which owns iron-ore mines in Africa. The deal fell apart last March after police said they had detained Mr. Liu on suspicion of harboring Liu Wei, whom police suspected of murder. A warrant issued at that time detailed Liu Wei's involvement in a 2009 gangland-style triple killing at a teahouse in the brothers' hometown of Guanghan in Sichuan province.

The Xinhua report said the charges against the gang of 36 include 'participating in a crime syndicate, intentional homicide, intentional assault, illegal detention, obstruction of official work, extortion, opening an illegal casino, illegal trade in firearms, illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, illegal businesses, bid-rigging and the intentional destruction of property.'

In his hour of reckoning with China's judicial machine, one of Liu Han's quotes may come back to haunt him. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal in 2010, he said, before blazing away in his Ferrari: 'Liu Han always wins. Liu Han never loses.'

Criminal cases normally take about a month to go to trial after charges are filed, but some may take longer, Mr. Zheng of the prosecutors' office said.

Chuin-Wei Yap / Kersten Zhang