
赛富基金溢价入驻汇源 朱新礼称好戏在后边

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年07月29日 15:25  新浪财经

  赛富基金溢价入驻汇源  朱新礼:好戏在后边

  7月28日, 中国汇源果汁集团有限公司(以下简称汇源果汁集团)发布公告称,公司接到第二大股东达能通知,达能已将其所持有的股份约3.37亿股(占公司总股本的22.98%)出售给赛富基金(SAIF),交易价格为每股6元,交易成交金额约为20.24亿港元。



  赛富基金:溢价入驻  重奖汇源团队


















本月,华为对摩托罗拉(Motorola)移动网络基础设施部门的收购也未成功,这块业务被诺基亚西门子(Nokia Siemens)以12亿美元购得。



美国政府内部目前有两派观点。务实的观点认为,外国投资委员会应当批准一宗未来交易,因为这将让政府能够谈判所谓的"缓和协议"(mitigation agreement),即一套严格的条件和保安要求,有可能使美方对华为的内部运作获得有价值的洞察。一些人声称华为与中国军方关系密切,但华为坚决否认这种说法。


外国投资委员会与其它非美国公司――如阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel Lucent)――谈判达成的缓和协议,包含有关雇员筛查和第三方审计的规定。


但也有人强烈反对这种企图迫使华为恪守规矩的做法。一名熟悉外国投资委员会程序的前任官员表示,在乔治・W・布什(George W Bush)主政时期,政府在华为对美国科技集团3Com发起联合竞购期间,也曾展开类似的辩论。








US government agencies charged with reviewing sensitive acquisitions are engaged in a debate over how to handle Huawei, the Chinese software and telecoms equipment-maker viewed with deep scepticism by government security experts.

Last week, Huawei narrowly lost a bid to take over 2Wire, a privately-held US maker of broadband internet software that was ultimately acquired by Pace of the UK for $475m, even though Huawei offered more than its rival, according to people familiar with the matter.

This month, the Chinese company was also on the losing end of a bid for Motorola's mobile network infrastructure unit, which was bought by Nokia Siemens for $1.2bn.

In both cases, say people familiar with the matter, serious questions over Huawei's ability to win regulatory approval for the acquisitions played a role in the bidding process, forcing Huawei to offer a higher premium. Both deals would have had to win approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS), an interagency panel that reviews foreign acquisitions on national security grounds.

Cfius reviews are highly classified and the US government has refused to comment on its thinking about Huawei's future in the US. But people familiar with the process say government agencies are preparing themselves for a review of the company in the future given its stated desire to increase its presence in the US market.

There are two schools of thought within the US government. One pragmatic view holds that Cfius should approve a future transaction because it would allow the government to negotiate what is known as a mitigation agreement, a set of strict conditions and security-related requirements that could give the US valuable insight into the inner workings of a company that some allege has close ties to the Chinese military, although Huawei staunchly denies the charge.

Officials who believe that a future Huawei deal ought to be approved note that the company has already sold roughly $800m of its products to US customers under Motorola's brand as part of a long-standing business relationship that recently went sour.

Mitigation agreements negotiated by Cfius with other non-US companies, including Alcatel Lucent, include rules on employee screening and third-party audits.

Any mitigation agreement with Huawei would be likely go even further, such as forcing the Chinese company to hand its source code over to the US, which in turn could give the US insight into the Chinese communications network.

But there are strong arguments against such a move that support keeping Huawei at bay. One former official close to the Cfius process said the government engaged in a similar debate during its review of Huawei's joint bid for 3Com, the US technology group, during George W Bush's administration.

Huawei was forced to abandon the bid when it became clear it would be blocked on national security grounds.

"At the time, most of the national security agencies concluded that the window into Huawei would not be useful enough and that it would be very difficult to write procedures that would ensure safety, even if the government were given the source code," the former official said.

While the US government has not been able to entirely block Huawei from making in-roads into the US market � the company has contracts with Clearwire and Leap � most experts agree that it has successfully prevented the biggest US telecoms companies, such as AT&T and Verizon, from buying Huawei equipment.

Even if the US does not have a formal say in such equipment negotiations, its scrutiny of Huawei is well known and it is a major customer of many of the biggest telcos, making it very influential in the companies' buying decisions.

As Huawei regroups and seeks new US acquisition targets, its future in the US ultimately depends on which philosophy, one that is pragmatic or one that is more ideological, wins out.



投资上限有望放宽 4000亿险资等待入市

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年07月30日 03:46  上海证券报



  ⊙记者 高山





















7月28日方达点睛:金融地产揭竿而起 大盘放量跃上平台


















一些分析师提出,如果北京方面的刺激资金有更多来自中央政府预算,那将更为透明,有助于减少浪费和腐败。"如果通过中央预算来运作更多投资,他们就不会像后来发生的那样,让商业银行家扮演政府政策代理人的角色,"渣打(Standard Chartered)中国研究部主管王志浩(Stephen Green)表示。





In most countries, the revelation that local governments would default on a fifth of their bank loans would be greeted with alarm. In China, however, the news came as a pleasant surprise.

"The fact that nearly 80 per cent of those projects have at least some capacity to service their debt is quite amazing," said Qu Hongbin, chief China economist at HSBC.

Analysts said that their working assumption had been that a minimum of 30 per cent of the total Rmb7,700bn ($1,100bn, €875m, £732m) bank lending to Chinese local governments was unlikely to be repaid. That made the 20 per cent estimate relatively good news, even if it was only a preliminary figure provided by the banks themselves before a more formal assessment by the banking regulator this year.

Such a bleak outlook on local governments' ability to service debt reflected the fact that many loans were handed out to projects that were never meant to make large profits.

"During the global financial crisis, bank lending in China was used as a substitute for fiscal spending to boost GDP growth and create jobs," Mr Qu said. "For the 20 per cent of loans to local governments that might not be repaid, a lot of it was probably spent on pure public works projects such as building parks or public toilets or planting trees."

While other countries racked up huge deficits to pay for stimulus packages, Beijing was able to delay the final bill for its stimulus by getting the state-controlled banking system to put up the money first. Even the much-vaunted Rmb4,000bn stimulus package announced in November 2008 included only Rmb1,200bn of central government money, with the rest coming from local governments and bank loans.

Some analysts suggested that if more of Beijing's stimulus had come from the central government budget it would have been more transparent, with less waste and corruption. "If they had run more investment through the central budget they wouldn't have turned commercial bankers into agents of government policy in the way they did," said Stephen Green, head of greater China research at Standard Chartered.

"But they didn't really have that luxury because it was an emergency, they had to do it quickly and they didn't have the mechanisms in place."

Chinese banks have been transformed in the past decade from insolvent basket cases to the world's most valuable and profitable lenders, in terms of market capitalisation and absolute profits. That was achieved through state capital injections, huge carve-outs of bad loans, better risk management and partial privatisation through stock market listings in Hong Kong and Shanghai. But Beijing still owns majority shares in all the big banks. So when the crisis hit in 2008 it essentially ordered them to return to their old habits of handing money to favoured government projects.


中国视点:中国投资公司启动全球招聘 Party faithful, your sovereign wealth fund needs you

中国3000亿美元规模的主权财富基金――中国投资公司(China Investment Corp)本周宣布了其最新的"全球"招聘活动,涉及64个岗位。











China Investment Corp, the country's $300bn sovereign wealth fund, this week announced its latest "worldwide" recruitment drive with 64 positions advertised.

But laid-off Lehman employees shouldn't get their hopes up unless they were born in China and � for at least some posts � are members of the Chinese Communist Party.

Given the sensitive nature of CIC's investments around the world new recruits are expected to be very discreet and very loyal to the Chinese government, which rules out most foreign financial professionals.

The jobs on offer range from secretarial staff and human resources managers � "must be Chinese Communist Party member" � to country analyst in the international co-operation department � "must be good at keeping secrets".

CIC is also looking for asset allocation researchers, financial analysts, credit risk analysts and hedge fund analysts as well as a deputy director for its Disciplinary Committee and Staff Supervisory Bureau to manage the fund's "discipline education team".

The successful candidate for that job will be a "fair and upright Chinese Communist Party Member with a precise work style and strong comprehensive awareness".

In its recruitment notice for private equity investment managers, CIC said it was not yet formally accepting applications but is interested in résumés from anyone with investment experience in overseas real estate markets, agricultural sectors, forestry and infrastructure.

That gives a strong hint of the sectors CIC will be looking to invest in when it receives a new injection of cash � expected to be as much as $200bn � from the country's $2,500bn in foreign exchange reserves.

The deadline for job applicants is August 9, which suggests the new money could be coming down the pipeline quite soon.




有人说波旁皇族什么都没忘记,也什么都没学会。同样的评价完全可以套用到今天的一些当代凯恩斯主义者身上。他们不能也永远不会忘记美国上世纪30年代犯下的政策错误。约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes) 1936年发表的《就业、利息和货币通论》(The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money)被当代凯恩斯主义者奉为圣经,但对于这部著作面世以来经济理论界所发生的一切,他们似乎从中什么都没有学到。

如果用漫画形式来描述,这场辩论是这样的。为赫伯特•胡佛(Herbert Hoover)的幽灵所困扰的凯恩斯主义者警告,美国仍随时有可能陷入另一场萧条。他们宣称,最有可能导致这种情况发生的,莫过于过早收紧财政政策。这是富兰克林•罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)在1936年连任后犯下的错误。与之相反,我们需要进一步的财政刺激。

反凯恩斯主义者反驳道,美国的财政政策已经走上不可持续的道路。美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)警告,到2021年,公众所持的联邦债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比将从今年的62%升至90%以上。卡门•莱因哈特(Carmen Reinhart)和肯尼思•罗格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)最近在一份颇有影响力的论文中警告称,如果债务负担超过GDP的90%,可能会导致增长减速和通胀上升。


凯恩斯主义者表示,“债券警卫”(bond vigilantes)纯属虚构。以哈佛大学(Harvard)经济学教授罗伯特•巴罗(Robert Barro)为代表的反凯恩斯主义者则说,真正虚构的乃是凯恩斯乘数(Keynesian multiplier)——据说该乘数能将财政刺激转化为数倍的总需求提升。正相反,超大规模的赤字正在削弱商业信心,尤其是高赤字意味着未来更高的税收。于是,在盛夏三伏天到来之际,各方唇枪舌剑,你方唱罢我登场,惹得财经媒体心花怒放。





1981年,美国经济学家托马斯•萨金特(Thomas Sargent)写了一篇题为《四次大通胀的终结》(The Ends of Four Big Inflations)的开创性论文。从许多方面看,本文可谓是凯恩斯主义时代的墓志铭。西方政府(尤其是英国)历尽磨难方才明白,赤字救不了他们。面临两位数的通胀和失业率的攀升,唯有施以猛药才能治愈顽疾。回顾了中欧上世纪20年代——又一个战争导致债务激增的时代——的局面后,萨金特证明只有果断的政策“体制变革”才能带来稳定,因为只有这样才能改变通胀预期。

那些将信心比作童话中的“仙女”的经济学家,比如《纽约时报》(New York Times)的专栏作家保罗•克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman),也未能从数十年有关预期的经济学研究中汲取教训。他们似乎也还没有意识到,本轮危机中学术界最大的赢家是那些行为金融学的支持者,而人类心理的波动就是该学科研究的核心内容。


医治这种忧虑的药方只能是萨金特30年前提出的那种政策体制变革——马格丽特•撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)和罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)的政府曾成功施行了这种变革。和今天一样,当时的政府也面临选择,只不过不是在刺激和紧缩之间选择,而是在提升私人部门信心的政策与扼杀信心的政策之间做出抉择。

本文作者为英国著名历史学家、FT特约编辑,他为西格蒙德•瓦尔堡(Siegmund Warburg)著的传记《High Financier》刚刚由企鹅出版社(Penguin)出版



To those of us who first encountered the dismal science of economics in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the current debate on fiscal policy in the western world has been – no other word will do – depressing.

It was said of the Bourbons that they forgot nothing and learnt nothing. The same could easily be said of some of today's latter-day Keynesians. They cannot and never will forget the policy errors made in the US in the 1930s. But they appear to have learnt nothing from all that has happened in economic theory since the publication of their bible, John Maynard Keynes's The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, in 1936.

In its caricature form, the debate goes like this. The Keynesians, haunted by the spectre of Herbert Hoover, warn that the US is still teetering on the brink of another Depression. Nothing is more likely to bring this about, they argue, than a premature tightening of fiscal policy. This was the mistake Franklin Roosevelt made after the 1936 election. Instead, we need further fiscal  stimulus.

The anti-Keynesians retort that US fiscal policy is already on an unsustainable path. The Congressional Budget Office has warned that the federal debt in public hands is set to rise from 62 per cent of GDP this year to above 90 per cent by 2021. In an influential recent paper Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff warned that debt burdens of more than 90 per cent of GDP tend to result in lower growth and higher inflation.

The Keynesians retort by pointing at 10-year bond yields of around 3 per cent: not much sign of inflation fears there! The anti-Keynesians point out that bond market sell-offs are seldom gradual. All it takes is one piece of bad news – a credit rating downgrade, for example – to trigger a sell-off. And it is not just inflation that bond investors fear. Foreign holders of US debt – and they account for 47 per cent of federal debt in public hands – worry about some kind of future default.

The Keynesians say the bond vigilantes are a myth. The anti-Keynesians (notably Harvard economics professor Robert Barro) say the real myth is the Keynesian multiplier, which is supposed to convert a fiscal stimulus into a significantly larger boost to aggregate demand. On the contrary, supersized deficits are denting business confidence, not least by implying higher future taxes. And so the argument goes round and around, to the great delight of the financial media as the dog days of summer set in.

In some ways, of course, this is not an argument about economics at all. It is an argument about history. When Franklin Roosevelt became president in 1933, the deficit was already running at 4.7 per cent of GDP. It rose to a peak of 5.6 per cent in 1934. The federal debt burden rose only slightly prior to the outbreak of the second world war. It was the war that saw the US (and all the other combatants) embark on fiscal expansions of the sort we have seen since 2007. So what we are witnessing today has less to do with the 1930s than with the 1940s: it is world war finance without the war.

But the differences are immense. First, the US financed its huge wartime deficits from domestic savings, via the sale of war bonds. Second, wartime economies were essentially closed, so there was no leakage of fiscal stimulus. Third, war economies worked at maximum capacity; many controls had to be imposed on the private sector to prevent inflation.

Today's warlike deficits are being run at a time when the US is heavily reliant on foreign lenders, not least its rising strategic rival China (which holds 11 per cent of US Treasuries in public hands); at a time when economies are open, so American stimulus can end up benefiting Chinese exporters; and at a time when there is much underutilised capacity, so that deflation is a bigger threat than inflation.

Are there precedents for such a combination? Certainly. Long before Keynes was even born, weak governments in countries from Argentina to Venezuela used to experiment with large peacetime deficits to see if there were ways of avoiding hard choices. The experiments invariably ended in one of two ways. Either the foreign lenders got fleeced through default. Or the domestic lenders got fleeced through inflation. When economies were growing sluggishly, that could be slow in coming. But there invariably came a point when money creation by the central bank triggered an upsurge in inflationary expectations.

In 1981 the US economist Thomas Sargent wrote a seminal paper on “The Ends of Four Big Inflations”. It was in many ways the epitaph for the Keynesian era. Western governments (not least the British) had discovered the hard way that deficits could not save them. With double-digit inflation and rising unemployment, drastic remedies were called for. Looking back to central Europe in the 1920s – another era of war-induced debt explosions – Professor Sargent demonstrated that only a decisive policy “regime-change” would bring stabilisation, because only that would suffice to alter inflationary expectations.

Those economists, like New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who liken confidence to an imaginary “fairy” have failed to learn from decades of economic research on expectations. They also seem not to have noticed that the big academic winners of this crisis have been the proponents of behavioural finance, in which the ups and downs of human psychology are the key.

The evidence is very clear from surveys on both sides of the Atlantic. People are nervous of world war-sized deficits when there isn't a war to justify them. According to a recent poll published in the Financial Times, 45 per cent of Americans “think it likely that their government will be unable to meet its financial commitments within 10 years”. Surveys of business and consumer confidence paint a similar picture of mounting anxiety.

The remedy for such fears must be the kind of policy regime change Prof Sargent identified 30 years ago, and which the Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan governments successfully implemented. Then, as today, the choice was not between stimulus and austerity. It was between policies that boost private-sector confidence and those that kill it.

The writer is an FT contributing editor. His new biography of Siegmund Warburg, High Financier, has just been published by Penguin


王英伟:中国内地没有楼市泡沫 Chinese property insider denies bubble

采访者:英国《金融时报》旗下Pensions & Investment Group欧洲大陆主编 迈克・罗德瓦尔德 被采访者:中国人大代表、总部位于新加坡的地产投资公司太平星集团大中华区执行主席王英伟

中国人大代表王英伟(Wilfred Wong)曾帮助筹备1997年香港回归的工作,是亚洲一位颇具影响力的房地产人物。他是总部位于新加坡的地产投资公司太平星集团(Pacific Star Group)的大中华区执行主席。采访在香港进行。






答:不。我们上一笔交易是在2007年。这里的收益率不够具有吸引力。就房地产开发而言,香港市场非常小,也非常狭窄。这里由恒基兆业(Henderson)和新鸿基(Sun Hung Kai)等一些大型参与者主宰。中国内地更令我们感兴趣。










































迈克•罗德瓦尔德(Maik Rodewald)是英国《金融时报》旗下Pensions & Investment Group欧洲大陆主编



Wilfred Wong, a deputy of the National Congress of the People's Republic, helped prepare the handover of Hong Kong to Beijing in 1997 and is an influential property figure in Asia. He is executive chairman China, Pacific Star Group, a property investment firm. The interview took place in Hong Kong

Q: Mr Wong, let's start here in Hong Kong, the city of the big real estate bubble.

A: That's what you are saying.

Q: That's what I'm saying, because all the newspapers are writing about it.

A: The prices for residential property are on a high level, yes. But they have only just surpassed the level of 1997, just before the British handed back Hong Kong to the Chinese. Hong Kong has always been expensive, but I don't see a bubble.

Q: As head of Pacific Star's operation in China you are also in charge of Hong Kong. Do you still invest over here?

A: No. We had our last transaction in 2007. The yields are not attractive enough. And as for property developments the market is very small over here, and very narrow. It is dominated by a few big players like Henderson or Sun Hung Kai. For us, China is much more interesting.

Q: But real estate bubbles are also under discussion for China.

A: One can't generalise.

There is of course a limited amount of office buildings in premium locations in Shanghai and Beijing and therefore they are expensive.

Q: But compared to Hong Kong the prices are low. Why?

A: They aren't yet international cities, the renminbi is not freely convertible and the Chinese government still limits foreign real estate investment in order to avoid pressure on the the renminbi and to prevent real estate speculation. In other words, the government suppresses the price of the buildings. As soon as this changes, prices will rise on a big scale.

Q: Do you see the biggest yield opportunities for China?

A: I wouldn't say it like that. I personally see the biggest chances in countries like Vietnam and India. These are very immature markets, real emerging countries. The most stable markets are for sure the real estate markets of Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore and Seoul. China and Malaysia are somewhere in between regarding their development status. But don't forget: the Chinese real estate market has only existed for two decades. The land lease system over here – the country still belongs to the government – is still not transparent.

Q: Does this apply also for European institutional investors?

A: For all investors who are not close. If today there is an interesting project, then tomorrow a state-owned company [will seize] it. To be part of such projects is very difficult. And these state-owned companies have money, a lot of money. The relative lack of transparency is further reinforced by the market's velocity of change. It's beyond imagination. The market is almost too fast for the mostly lengthy decision-making processes of institutional investors like a pension fund.

Q: What does this mean concretely?

A: Many details, rules and regulations – which the city governments are responsible for – can be completely different from each other and change almost weekly. Therefore, if one is not present on a daily basis and interconnected very well, one will hardly be successful. The regulations differ in such a big way.

Q: Give us an example.

A: In Shanghai, everything that is below the ground doesn't count towards your plot ratio. So in Shanghai you'll find five-storey basements, because it's free of charge. In Chongqing, because it's a mountainous city, the underground counts. So you have to know what counts and what doesn't. Also, in some cities you can start selling or pre-sell once you have completed the foundation work, in others like Shanghai much later. That makes a big difference in the cash flow.

Q: What do foreign (European) institutions do wrong?

A: Firstly, many are treating China as one big market; they ignore regional differences. Secondly, they only look at the big cities in the first tier, namely Shanghai, Beijing etc. The second-tier cities like Tianjin, near Beijing, or Hangzhou, near Shanghai, are growing even faster and have become almost as expensive. Those investors miss out on these kind of chances.

Q: Those investors are dreading the risk of lack of transparency. When is the Chinese market going to be more transparent? A: Compared to the situation at the beginning of the nineties, when you still had to negotiate with the  officials bilaterally about pieces of land and there were no public auctions or tenders, much has happened.

My forecast: In five years' time the real estate markets of China will be much more transparent, the home advantage of the insiders will weaken gradually and many more international players will gain a foothold in China, as investors from Malaysia, Korea and Taiwan already do. Currently mainly domestic companies are active, including those from Hong Kong.

Q: Among Western pension funds who are mainly oriented towards stability – stable income, stable performance – Asia's real estate markets are still regarded as very risky.

A: From their point of view they are risky indeed. From our point of view the higher risk entails higher growth. One example is the fact of much shorter leasing contracts which are common in Asia. They are a blessing for Asian investment houses and investors as, after all, one expects that the rents will rise. The perceived stability of longer leasing contracts is, from an Asian perspective, rather more risky.

Q: Western investors are also bothered that property prices can be manipulated unpredictably by the government?

A: On the contrary.

Q: That's what you have to say; you are a deputy of the Chinese People's Congress, aren't you?

A: That's correct but that is indeed my opinion. In fact, it's an advantage that the government still has influence on many things, that's why things are easier to predict [than] if you leave it to the market. In a free-market economy a bubble bursts automatically. In China one tries to avoid bubbles actively.

Visualise the following: China is still a socialist country. The government will not allow that property prices will diverge too far away from the average income.

That's why city governments are not allowed any more to auction in a discretionary way as much land as they want and banks are not allowed any more to assign as many mortgage loans.

Q: So far European investors are backing off. When will they start to invest?

A: That's only a question of time. See what's happening worldwide. Which region has the biggest growth story? Asia.

Q: In Germany, green buildings are on the agenda now. What about Asia?

A: It's in its infancy. Don't forget, green buildings are expensive. But we realise that it's a worldwide trend. Shanghai, for example, lowered the maximum plot ratio, ie the gross floor area that you are allowed to build, years ago from 6 to 8 to 2.5 to 4 in order to avoid the inner city becoming a concrete jungle. For the sake of comparison, in the city centre of Hong Kong the plot ratio is still 15. That means that you can build 15 square metres per 1 sqm of land.

Q: There is an Eco-City project in Tianjin that is being created together with Singapore. Is this only the start?

A: The government has entered that path. Therefore one can assume that they will continue with it. We will plan our own projects, the new towns, as green as possible.

Q: What are these new towns all about?

A: In order to push the urbanisation process the Chinese government encourages developers to plan and build entire cities. That's exactly what we want to do and therefore I'm currently negotiating with the government. We plan to build eco-friendly cities on a 1.5m to 2m sq metres stretch of land, 15 to 20km away from Shanghai and Beijing.

For this you need some specialised developers, as the new towns are meant to be proper towns, with hospitals, retail and office buildings, so that people don't have to commute any more.

The government will provide the infrastructure, streets, railway connections and lighting. We will push this forward in collaboration with another listed development company.

Q: Are you the only company that plans to do that?

A: I don't know of any other company. The Eco-City Tianjin certainly is a similar project, but it is financed by the government.

We are a 100 per cent privately owned company, despite my official function as a deputy for the Chinese People's Congress.

Q: Will you be looking for investors for the new towns?

A: Yes. We will establish a joint venture that we would like to list on the stock exchange in a few years' time.

Maik Rodewald is editor-in-chief, continental Europe, Pensions & Investment Group, Financial Times












再多刺激 难阻西方颓势 More stimulus won’t stop Asia’s rise
















The current debate in Europe and America over the need for stimulus seems strange to most Asians. When people from China visit the west, they see economic paradise in these supposedly stagnant economies. After all, stagnation at such a high income level isn’t so bad; just ask the Japanese. But whatever happens in the current economic debate, relative stagnation in the west is inevitable in the medium term.

At the moment the global economy appears to be double-dipping, and many (including those in this Financial Times debate) have argued for another round of stimulus. But another round of spending would support growth only temporarily, while increasing the risks of more sovereign debt crises, more overheating in emerging economies, and pushing the global economy into high inflation down the road.

There are well-known arguments against unlimited stimulus. The bond market could freak out over excessive national debt. Currency values could collapse. When an economy faces structural imbalances like now, the impact of stimulus on employment is low. But there is a new and perhaps more powerful case for austerity: globalisation has made even large economies such as America, which used to operate under special rules, behave as if they were small, open economies.

This is because the main players in today’s globalisation are not countries, but multinational companies. These large businesses now allocate investment and production across the world, taking cost and regulation levels into account. Because companies can now move their investments across borders, government spending to boost demand in one country now leaks across borders into others. This leakage dramatically decreases the effectiveness of any Keynesian stimulus. Put simply, it now costs more to produce the same growth, and the growth does not become self-sustaining.

This same trend also explains the recent pattern of weakening economies in the west and the strengthening trade performance in emerging economies. During the big downturn in 2008 many multinational companies closed factories in the high-cost west, and expanded their operations in low-cost countries such as China. Hence, today, more stimulus in the west will have a more limited growth impact at home. That said, it will increase inflationary pressure in emerging economies, where average inflation is already above 5 per cent and rising. As their inflation transmits back to the west through trade and currency market, the west will suffer stagflation.

One might argue that rising costs in the emerging economies will eventually make the west competitive again. But it will be a very long wait. The average labour cost in the west remains over 10 times higher than in the emerging economies. Emerging economies also have five times as many people as the developed economies. Globalisation is creating an insurmountable headwind for growth in the west. As a result, even with huge new stimulus, it is quite likely that the west will experience a growth pattern like Japan’s for a decade or longer.

Of course, globalisation is not a lose-lose proposition for the west. Its multinational companies will make far more than in the past. It is possible that western stock markets will decouple from their economies in the decade ahead, and fare well. This would be a big boon for the western societies that are struggling with the cost of ageing.

Some argue for trade protectionism to promote growth in the west. As high levels of unemployment persist, such calls will strengthen. But that is not a solution either, in particular because it would cause a sharp drop in the value of the west corporate sector just at a time it might be about to boom.

It is even possible that western living standards will decline in the next decade. But, as those looking from Asia will tell you, one should not focus on growth and ignore the level. While the west looks enviously at booming Asia, people here would much rather stagnate at income of $40,000 per capita than boom at $4,000. It enjoyed decades of high living standards because the emerging economies were not organised to compete. It was a lucky break. Now the luck is over. And no amount of stimulus will bring it back.

The writer is an independent economist based in Shanghai




复苏前景不乐观 Sagging global growth requires us all to act


看起来今年全球经济将出现严重放缓。部分国家实施的紧急财政紧缩计划将拖累经济增长。库存调整将如常进行。那些“窃取”未来需求的税收政策——例如美国的“旧车换现金”计划、面向购房者的税收抵免(tax credit)、或是对环保电器的补贴政策——效应将逐渐消退。劳动力市场仍将萎靡不振。对于企业资产负债表、面临收入压力的家庭、金融机构和政府而言,缓慢而痛苦的去杠杆化过程仍将继续。





从政治角度讲,这第二轮全球经济放缓出现的时机再糟糕不过。在美国,共和党人与民主党人即将退回各自的“大营”,备战11月份的中期大选。与此同时,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)必须再次让纳税人相信,为了给脆弱的经济复苏保驾护航,必须再次增加政府支出——而此刻的民调显示,选民们将美国的债务视为与恐怖主义同样严重的威胁。







伊恩•布雷默是美国欧亚集团(Eurasia Group)总裁,著有《自由市场终结》(The End of the Free Market)一书。鲁里埃尔•鲁比尼是纽约大学斯特恩商学院经济学教授、鲁比尼全球经济咨询公司(Roubini Global Economics)董事长,《危机经济学》(Crisis Economics)的作者之一。




It looks as if the global economy is heading for a serious slowdown this year. Emergency austerity programmes in some countries will put a drag on growth. Inventory adjustments will run their course. The effects of tax policies that steal demand from the future – such as the US “cash for clunkers” scheme, tax credits for home buyers or cash for green appliances – will fizzle out. Labour market conditions will remain weak. The slow and painful deleveraging of balance sheets and income-challenged households, financial institutions and governments will continue.

The result is governments and consumers that spent too much and now need to deleverage – in the US, Britain, Spain, Greece and elsewhere – will spend, consume and import less. But those governments and consumers that saved too much – in China, emerging Asia, Germany and Japan – are not spending more. In a world of excess supply, the recovery of global aggregate demand will be weak, pushing global growth much lower.

The most realistic scenario for global growth is painful, even if we avoid a double dip. In the US, 1.5 per cent growth in the second half of this year and into 2011 will feel like a recession, given a probable further rise in unemployment, larger budget deficits, a further fall in home prices, larger losses by banks on mortgages and loans, and the risk that a protectionist surge will further damage relations with China.

In the eurozone, growth will be closer to zero by the end of this year, as fiscal austerity and stock market corrections, along with rises in sovereign, corporate and interbank liquidity spreads, take their toll. Increases in volatility and sovereign debt risk will also undermine business and consumer confidence in ways that move beyond Europe.

Those hoping that China can keep the global economy afloat are likely to be disappointed. The world's leading growth engine in recent years is slowing, from 11 per cent-plus towards a 7 per cent rate by year's end. That will damage China's exporters, while spelling bad news for export-growth in the rest of Asia, which increasingly relies on Chinese imports too.

Politically, this second global slowdown could not have come at a more difficult time. In the US, Democrats and Republicans will soon retreat to their corners to prepare for November's mid-term elections. Meanwhile, President Barack Obama must again persuade America's taxpayers that a new surge in government spending is needed to protect a fragile recovery – and at a moment when voters are telling pollsters that America's debt is as great a threat as terrorism.

So the president must also tell voters that the longer-term solution to America's economic insecurity involves both austerity and sacrifice. But abroad he faces an even larger problem. Mr Obama has limited leverage with the few remaining moderate Republicans, but the recent Group of 20 summit in Toronto showed him even less able to persuade European governments to shrug off fiscal worries. These countries seem unlikely to shift from their view that events of the past year in Greece, Spain and elsewhere – and fears of further crises to come – demand that the continent must learn to live within its means.

Nor should we expect much from the next G20 meeting in Seoul in November. A common fear of global meltdown provided some degree of unity at previous meetings. Yet, there is no longer international consensus on where tomorrow's true dangers lie. Differing assumptions within the group over the proper role of government in a domestic economy make agreement on the details involving anything of substance very difficult.

Mr Obama's critics often deride him as a man whose talents are limited to his fine speeches. Yet even if that were true, words matter. Plans to boost government spending in the near term, and to embrace austerity in the longer term, will only become more difficult if the president fails to explain the need for them. For their part, America's Republicans need to accept that the path to a global recovery begins at home, with extended unemployment insurance and help for state and local governments.

Countries that save too much must also do their part for global demand. In particular, the Chinese leadership should recognise that failure to allow a more substantive revaluation of its currency will have serious consequences at home. It makes little sense to try to boost China's local exporters while undermining the longer-term health of their best customers. Beijing must also move much more quickly to boost China's domestic consumption.

The eurozone needs fiscal austerity, but it also needs a level of growth best provided by an easing of monetary policy from the European Central Bank. Early debt-restructuring of insolvent members should also be on the agenda. Germany should postpone its fiscal consolidation for a couple of years to boost disposable income and consumption. Outside Europe, Japan must accelerate economic reforms.

These steps will take time. Even if all are undertaken properly, global growth will recover only slowly. But if they are not undertaken at all, the risk of a global double dip, and a new financial crisis, will grow sharply. Policymakers cannot keep kicking the can down the road for much longer.

Ian Bremmer is the president of Eurasia Group and author of The End of the Free Market. Nouriel Roubini is professor of economics at the Stern School at New York University, chairman of Roubini Global Economics and co-author of Crisis Economics





极左翼的政治局委员坐在一面巨大红旗之下。正中间是普斯帕•卡马尔•达哈尔(Puspa Kamal Dahal),他曾经当过教师,人们更熟悉他的化名:普拉昌达(Prachanda),他正决心问鼎尼泊尔下任总理一职。












这也给印度带来了巨大安全风险,最重要的是来自中国的风险。未来几十年,中印可能会围绕地区主导地位展开角逐。退役将军、受到尊敬的安全问题分析师阿肖克•梅赫塔(Ashok Mehta)表示,如果中国有一天控制了尼泊尔喜玛拉雅山脉的高地,那么它就不需要把核武器对准印度了。他把尼泊尔视为一个战略关键地区,失去它将让印度付出巨大代价。

与难以驾驭的邻国长期不和,正困扰着印度政府。印度总理曼莫汉•辛格(Manmohan Singh)努力与拥有核武的巴基斯坦交好;在摆脱英国殖民统治后的63年里,印度与巴基斯坦共打过3次战争。他支持对该地区的安全僵局采取开放态度。他还寻求与孟加拉总理谢赫•哈西娜(Sheikh Hasina)领导的新文职政府加强合作,并与斯里兰卡总统马欣达•拉贾帕克萨(Mahinda Rajapaksa)进行对话。





巴基斯坦前财长伯克(Shahid Javed Burki)表示:“过去,(巴基斯坦)增长显著。如今,我们看到的是低迷。”










印度外交秘书尼鲁帕玛•拉奥(Nirupama Rao)表示:“我们的邻国不应负面看待印度的崛起。我们高速增长的经济和巨大的市场应被视为一个增长机遇:一个投资、技术和企业家资源的可靠来源,同时也是我们邻国出口商品的一个迅速扩张的市场。”

但她表示,南亚地区的经济一体化已因各方的政治敌意而陷入“困境”。区域内相互出口仅占该地区总出口的5%,区域内电信流量也不高——尽管印度是全球增长最快的移动市场之一,而Bharti Airtel等公司又正在孟加拉国和斯里兰卡进行投资。





新德里智囊机构——政策研究中心(Centre for Policy Research)的布拉马•切拉尼(Brahma Chellaney)教授表示:“中国战略性进入斯里兰卡的能力损害了印度的利益。”

在尼泊尔,印度的影响力正在减弱,但这未必是中国影响力增强所致。尼泊尔央行行长尤瓦•拉杰•卡蒂瓦达(Yuva Raj Khatiwada)抱怨不对称局面越来越严重,尽管在事实上,尼泊尔60%的对外贸易额来自对印贸易。



反过来,印度则担心,尼泊尔政治乱局和糟糕的经济表现,会危及毗邻该国的比哈尔邦的经济复苏。比哈尔邦是印度最贫穷的邦之一。该邦首席部长尼蒂什•库马尔(Nitish Kumar)改写了该邦糟糕的增长纪录,让这块被许多人遗忘的印度国土实现了11%增长。






Under the ballroom's crystal chandeliers, Nepal's Maoists are holding court. The cavernous room in one of Kathmandu's former palaces is packed; outside the roads are choked with cars hurrying people to the gathering.

Members of the ultra-left politburo sit under a big red banner. In the middle is Puspa Kamal Dahal – a former teacher better known by his nom de guerre, Prachanda – the man making an aggressive bid to become Nepal's next prime minister.

Lining the corridors are portraits of the old days of the Himalayan former Hindu kingdom – tiger-hunting expeditions; royal households in red tunics and plumed headgear; and doughty queens in uncomfortable-looking Victorian-era regalia.

Following a decade of radical change in which Nepal overthrew its monarchy, the tottering republic is engaged in a halting peace process that has brought Maoist militants into the political mainstream, accompanied by falling economic growth rates and anxieties about a fragile banking system.

Altered, too, is the once umbilical relationship between the republic of close to 30m people, and its large, fast-growing neighbour, India. New Delhi's influence over the landlocked mountain state was far-reaching. It helped bring in democracy in the 1950s, and at one time backed Maoists in the struggle against an autocratic monarchy. In the words of one Nepalese political analyst, India's ambassador to Kathmandu was like the “second king” in terms of his local power.

Not any more. India has grown unpopular among young Nepalis, and Prachanda's Maoist party is openly hostile to New Delhi. Economic asymmetries are widening, as India grows at nearly 9 per cent, while Nepal languishes at 3 per cent.

The two countries do not even share a rail link. It is Chinese contractors, rather than Indian, who are building highways across the Himalayas and power plants. Beijing has plans for a large inland port at Xigaze in Tibet, on Nepal's border, to facilitate trade in south Asia. Remittances are the mainstay of the economy as Nepalis travel to the Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan and Malaysia for work.

The relationship with Nepal illustrates a dilemma that puzzles and frustrates policymakers in New Delhi: the mismatch between the growing economic power of the world's biggest democracy, and its ability to convert this into geopolitical influence, particularly across south Asia.

By comparison, China – Asia's other great emerging economic power – has made huge efforts to improve relations with its neighbours during the past decade, settling a number long-running border disputes, making large investments in infrastructure and offering preferential trade terms.

Tensions between China and some of its neighbours have increased, however, especially over what some countries see as Beijing's increasingly assertive approach to territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

A lack of regional cohesion will put the area at an economic disadvantage to the more dynamic markets of east Asia.

It also poses big security risks for India, most importantly from China, in what is likely to become a tussle for regional dominance in the coming decades. Ashok Mehta, a retired general and respected security analyst, says that if China one day controlled the heights of the Himalayas in Nepal, it would have no need of a nuclear arsenal trained on India. He views the country as a strategic linchpin whose loss would cost New Delhi dearly.

Long-term difficulties with unruly neighbours worry New Delhi. Manmohan Singh, prime minister, has made efforts to engage Pakistan, a nuclear-armed power with which the country has fought three wars in 63 years since independence from British rule. He favours openness over a security lockdown in the region. He has also sought greater engagement with Bangladesh's new civilian government under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, and a dialogue with President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka.

“It is our obligation to make every effort to normalise relations with India's neighbours. That is essential, I have always believed, to realise the development potential of our country,” he says.

To do that, Mr Singh will need to lead efforts to reverse the instability and economic weakness beyond his borders, and restitch the unity lost among the constituent parts of British India that once stretched from Colombo to Kabul to Rangoon.

For decades, India's economy, growing at 3 per cent a year, was a laggard in a region notorious for deep poverty, and where a combination of political mistrust, poor infrastructure and crossborder red tape restricted trade. For decades a liberalising Pakistan outperformed its bigger southern neighbour with average growth rates of 5.5 per cent between 1947, when partition formed the two countries at the end of British rule, and 1990. During the past two decades the lead has evaporated, and asymmetries are becoming more pronounced.

Former Pakistani finance minister Shahid Javed Burki says: “There has been remarkable growth [in Pakistan] in the past. What we are seeing today is a downturn.

“Pakistan needs to change its [competitive stance] to collaborate with India in many areas. Pakistan has to realise that India is south Asia's anchor economy.”

Mr Burki urges New Delhi to look to its neighbours for trade partnership rather than to “distant relationships” with Association of South East Asian Nations members and Europe.

Today India's strong economy, which is forecast to grow by 8.5 per cent this year, is outstripping those of its neighbours rather than pulling them with it. The growth rate is double that of Nepal and Burma. Pakistan's growth is no more than 4 per cent. With 6 per cent growth, only Bangladesh, emerging from military rule, and Sri Lanka, recovering from a long civil war, remain close.

Of those, Bangladesh is viewed as offering the best prospects for improving relations. There, a shared Bengali identity runs deep, the Muslim population is less prone to religious fundamentalism than that of Pakistan and Ms Hasina is regarded as an ally of India.

Also promising are Bhutan, a tiny benign mountain monarchy that likes to measure its progress in terms of happiness rather than gross domestic product; and Afghanistan, where New Delhi makes a great deal of its historic links to Kabul, and has backed a reconstruction effort with a $1bn aid budget.

In contrast, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and military-ruled Burma are judged to have fallen more under the sway of China, whose interference in south Asia India fears.

Relations with Pakistan, and its 180m people, are where improvement is most needed but where progress is most elusive. Bilateral trade between the neighbours is paltry. Ten years ago, it was just $251m. It now stands close to $2bn but has the potential to be much higher if energy, information technology and agricultural partnerships were to flourish.

By comparison, India's bilateral trade with China is expected to reach $60bn this year. But with fast growth have come protectionist rivalries.

“India's rise should not be seen in . . . negative terms by our neighbours,” says Nirupama Rao, foreign secretary. “Our fast-growing economy and large market should be seen as a growth opportunity: a reliable source for investments, technology and entrepreneurial resources, besides being a rapidly expanding market for our neighbours' exports.”

But, she says, economic integration across south Asia has been “stymied” by political enmity. Intra-regional exports are only 5 per cent of the region's total exports. Even telecommunications traffic within the region is low, in spite of the fact that India is one of the fastest-growing mobile markets in the world, and companies such as Bharti Airtel are making investments in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

The need to mend relations with neighbours is creating internal pressure to increase the ranks and upgrade the skills of a ministry seen internationally and among India's own diplomatic corps as far too thin for a country of its size and ambitions.

Ms Rao's complaint applies as much to Sri Lanka to the south as it does Pakistan to the north. Colombo, dwarfed by its mainland neighbour, distrusts New Delhi. India has also been held back from building warmer relations with Colombo by politicians in its southern state of Tamil Nadu, where politicians were sympathetic to the Tamil minority's fight for greater autonomy.

Suspicion is growing in India of an increasingly close relationship between Colombo and China. Beijing became Sri Lanka's biggest source of foreign funding last year, providing $1.2bn. It has provided military aid and is helping to build big infrastructure projects, including an airport, roads and a sea port at Hambantota on the south of the island.

“China's ability to make the strategic inroads into Sri Lanka has been at India's expense,” says Professor Brahma Chellaney of the Centre for Policy Research, a New Delhi think-tank.

In Nepal, India's embrace is weakening without much need for Chinese influence. Yuva Raj Khatiwada, central bank chief, complains of a growing asymmetry, in spite of the fact that his country relies on India for 60 per cent of its trade.

He says the disparities make it hard to manage a currency pegged to the Indian rupee at a time when New Delhi is raising interest rates. In spite of past liberalisation of the economy, Nepal is at a structural disadvantage in terms of technology, transport links, trade union militancy and power shortages.

India, in turn, fears that political confusion and poor economic performance in Nepal will threaten the economic recovery in the neighbouring state of Bihar, one of its poorest. There Nitish Kumar, chief minister, has defied the state's dismal record to deliver 11 per cent growth in a part of India that many considered lost.

On the political front, another factor worrying policymakers in New Delhi is the synchronised rise of Maoism in Nepal and within its own borders, which India's home ministry believes are linked.

Nepal's malaise makes both India and China queasy. Neither of the world's fastest-growing large economies wants Maoist-led instability, nor impoverishment, on its borders. Anti-Indian sentiments are rising, yet the Nepalese are far from being pro-Chinese.

The packed-out hall at the Maoist meeting in Kathmandu is a reminder of the urgency of the challenge facing India. If it fails to strengthen regional ties, it is destined to see its economic expansion hemmed in by unsympathetic and threatening neighbours. Moreover, China's economic ascendance in Asia will be hastened by New Delhi's shrunken influence. If, on the contrary, India spreads its rising prosperity, its goals of matching China with 10 per cent economic growth will take a leap forward.

















一是中国对宏观经济政策的官方表述具有较大弹性。一方面强调 “要继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,保持政策的连续性和稳定性”,另一方面要求“根据新形势新情况不断提高政策的针对性和灵活性,把握好政策实施的力度、节奏和重点”。








缺乏自知之明的美国政客 Politicians should not prescribe pills






美国民主党众议员罗莎•德劳罗(Rosa DeLauro)上月在援引了两项研究后宣称:“文迪雅是危险药品,应撤出市场。”两党参议员均在对美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的监管者施以高压。







自那时起,FDA内部主管新药在美销售审批的新药审评办公室(Office of New Drugs),与监测在售药品的药品监测和流行病学办公室(Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology,简称:OSE),就一直为文迪雅的疗效和风险争论不休。



咨询公司贝恩(Bain & Co)估计,FDA及其它监管机构在药品投放市场后进行的研究,在70%至80%的情况下会降低药物对企业的价值。在默克(Merck) 2004年停止销售止痛药万络(Vioxx)后,对于如此严格审查之下的药,医生们在处方时都慎之又慎。



但是,之所以需要FDA和目前正在审查文迪雅的欧洲药品管理局(European Medicines Agency)等监管部门存在,就是因为有关药物风险和疗效的决定很难做出,需要审慎的权衡,尤其如果相关药物正在现实世界得到医生的处方和病人的服用。对于某些患者能够延长生命的药,对其他人可能是毒药。




What if there were a popular drug that had moderate benefits but was known to cause acute liver failure and death in some patients? Or another drug that had dangerous side effects including intestinal bleeding and ulcers?

Would it be right to let big pharmaceutical companies carry on marketing and selling them or ought they to be banned?

These drugs have existed for more than a century: they are paracetamol and aspirin. Perhaps they would not even be approved now for fear of toxicity but it is too late to withdraw them; instead, regulators periodically try to limit their use and to stop them being taken in combination with other medicines.

The point is that so-called “white pill” medicines, from painkillers to anti-cholesterol drugs, are chemicals that improve the health of some humans but can cause serious side-effects in others. Anyone who takes them needs to be informed about the benefits and risks.

But politicians are not good with balances of risk and reward, preferring black-and-white answers. This is why US politicians have been fiercely on the trail of Avandia, the anti-diabetes drug made by GlaxoSmithKline that has been linked with heart attacks. Like BP, another FTSE 100 company under attack, GSK is finding the political climate hard and capricious.

“Avandia is dangerous and should be pulled from the market,” declared Rosa DeLauro, a Democratic member of the House of Representatives last month, citing two studies. Senators from both parties have been putting heavy pressure on regulators at the Food and Drug Administration.

Such interventions are unwise for two reasons. First, politicians lack the expertise to judge whether drugs should be withdrawn. Some studies suggest Avandia heightens the risk of heart attacks; others that it is no more dangerous than a comparable drug. Politicians are not trained in how to sift such evidence.

Second, and more importantly, there are people nearby who are far better qualified to make a sound decision – the FDA's scientists. Congress has a pedigree watchdog to hand but has instead chosen to bark about particular drugs itself.

This is part of a pattern of political over-reach in business affairs, with Congressional committees cherry-picking thousands of documents they subpoena from companies to claim expertise on everything from oil-drilling techniques to derivatives. Presenting themselves as seekers after truth, they publish tiny extracts to embarrass executives.

Apart from the patent hypocrisy – they are really after scalps they can parade in front of voters – this is not their job. Their role is to make sure regulators are funded and correctly structured to let officials decide on complex matters such as prescription drug safety.

Instead, they rush to judgment, with the support of the media. By the time an FDA advisory panel met this week to thrash out whether Avandia should be withdrawn or its use limited (it was due to vote yesterday afternoon), Congress had made up its own mind.

There is little sign that the FDA has been slacking on the issue of Avandia. In fact, its scientists have been engaged in a robust, not to say ferocious, internal debate since 2007, when an advisory panel voted by 22 to one to keep Avandia on the market with added warnings.

Within the FDA, the Office of New Drugs, the body that decides whether to let new medicines be sold in the US, and the Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, which monitors drugs after they are on sale, have been arguing ever since about its benefits and risks.

There is nothing wrong with this. Although politicians have picked on the evidence against Avandia – OSE officials believe diabetes patients who take it are 40 per cent more likely to suffer heart attacks – it is not a clear-cut decision. Avandia has been subjected to repeated trials with different parameters that have had varying outcomes.

Studies after drugs have come to market are more likely to discover problems than Phase III trials, the final step before drugs companies seek approval from regulators. Not only are far more people taking each pill but older patients are often taking batches of pills for various chronic conditions.

Bain & Co, the consultancy, estimates that post-launch studies by the FDA and other regulators reduce the value of drugs to companies in 70 to 80 per cent of cases. After the experience of Vioxx, the painkiller that Merck withdrew from sale in 2004, doctors are wary of prescribing drugs under such scrutiny.

In Avandia's case, its sales have fallen since a 2007 study that found a heightened risk of heart attack, with doctors switching to Actos, a rival drug made by Takeda. GSK's biggest worry now is how much it will have to pay people who sue over its alleged side-effects – estimates range from $1bn to $5bn.

We should not feel too sorry for GSK – the Avandia affair is far less costly to it than the Gulf of Mexico spill to BP, and its operating margin remains at about 30 per cent. It is not a bad thing if the US, which used to be incomparably the most attractive market for blockbuster drugs, is getting a bit tougher.

But regulators such as the FDA and the European Medicines Agency, which is now reviewing Avandia, are there because decisions over the risks and benefits of drugs – particularly as they are prescribed and taken in the real world – are difficult and finely balanced. A life-prolonging pill for one group of patients is poison for others.

Politicians have their own skills, but they should stop masquerading as doctors and scientists. 



移居香港的富达国际(Fidelity International)投资总裁安东尼・波顿 (Anthony Bolton) 7月15日首次在香港面对传媒,他预期中国将于年底放宽信贷政策,以缓解经济明显放慢的风险,他看好消费及金融类股票。






  波顿曾管理的富达特别时机基金(Fidelity Special Situations Fund),自1979年12月到2007年,投资年化回报率高达20%。


  不过去年底,他又决定“出山”,目前管理的这只中国新基金,名为富达中国特别时机(Fidelity China Special Situations)。这一决定是他在去年10月漫长的中国之行中作出的。







  据基金资料显示,基金前十大持有股份中,包括中移动(00941.HK),交通银行H 股(03328.HK),腾讯(00700.HK),联通(00762.HK),汇丰银行(00005.HK),恒隆地产(00101.HK)等,其中腾讯和联通超配较多。






















http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年07月22日 04:17  21世纪经济报道














  据北京土地整理储备中心数据统计显示,截至6月30日 ,北京共拍卖土地117块,其中新政以后拍卖50块,楼面价则明显下调,住宅的楼面价从新政前的12258元,下调至新政以后的5085元每平米,下调近6成。














中新网7月22日电 据加拿大《世界日报》报道,由于近来中国买家不断问津加拿大多伦多豪宅,位于劳伦斯路(Lawrence Ave.)与湾景路(Bayview Ave.)东北方的全加国最贵、最大豪宅区,目前已成为加国本地知名富豪、犹太裔,以及华裔人士三足鼎立抢进的局面,房价不仅叫价近2000万元,占地更超过2英亩。



吕俊廷表示,其实豪宅区主要集中在Bridle Path、 Post Road、High Point Road、Park Lane等路。1930年代时,为加拿大着有名望的富豪群聚,黄昏后便于Bridle Path骑马,因而得名。但该路曾有中译名称为"新娘街",可能因有许多新人于邻近的Edwards Gardens 拍婚纱照,而有此"联想错误"。

其实豪宅区内又分三段。吕俊廷说,第一段是位于Bridle Path上约1号至46号的房子,占地多仅为四分之三英亩;第二段则是与Post Road相连结的Bridle Path上约50号至80号的房子,含High Point Rd.、Park Lane等地,占地约2英亩;第三段则为Larence Ave.以南的Bridle Path。


徐华飞表示,在Bridle Path豪宅区内的房价,也有叫价1300万元,最后却以相当于六折的价钱700万元成交,而该区待售的豪宅多超过千万元,但大多一推出即卖掉,目前待售的仅有两户。

