
缺乏自知之明的美国政客 Politicians should not prescribe pills






美国民主党众议员罗莎•德劳罗(Rosa DeLauro)上月在援引了两项研究后宣称:“文迪雅是危险药品,应撤出市场。”两党参议员均在对美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的监管者施以高压。







自那时起,FDA内部主管新药在美销售审批的新药审评办公室(Office of New Drugs),与监测在售药品的药品监测和流行病学办公室(Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology,简称:OSE),就一直为文迪雅的疗效和风险争论不休。



咨询公司贝恩(Bain & Co)估计,FDA及其它监管机构在药品投放市场后进行的研究,在70%至80%的情况下会降低药物对企业的价值。在默克(Merck) 2004年停止销售止痛药万络(Vioxx)后,对于如此严格审查之下的药,医生们在处方时都慎之又慎。



但是,之所以需要FDA和目前正在审查文迪雅的欧洲药品管理局(European Medicines Agency)等监管部门存在,就是因为有关药物风险和疗效的决定很难做出,需要审慎的权衡,尤其如果相关药物正在现实世界得到医生的处方和病人的服用。对于某些患者能够延长生命的药,对其他人可能是毒药。




What if there were a popular drug that had moderate benefits but was known to cause acute liver failure and death in some patients? Or another drug that had dangerous side effects including intestinal bleeding and ulcers?

Would it be right to let big pharmaceutical companies carry on marketing and selling them or ought they to be banned?

These drugs have existed for more than a century: they are paracetamol and aspirin. Perhaps they would not even be approved now for fear of toxicity but it is too late to withdraw them; instead, regulators periodically try to limit their use and to stop them being taken in combination with other medicines.

The point is that so-called “white pill” medicines, from painkillers to anti-cholesterol drugs, are chemicals that improve the health of some humans but can cause serious side-effects in others. Anyone who takes them needs to be informed about the benefits and risks.

But politicians are not good with balances of risk and reward, preferring black-and-white answers. This is why US politicians have been fiercely on the trail of Avandia, the anti-diabetes drug made by GlaxoSmithKline that has been linked with heart attacks. Like BP, another FTSE 100 company under attack, GSK is finding the political climate hard and capricious.

“Avandia is dangerous and should be pulled from the market,” declared Rosa DeLauro, a Democratic member of the House of Representatives last month, citing two studies. Senators from both parties have been putting heavy pressure on regulators at the Food and Drug Administration.

Such interventions are unwise for two reasons. First, politicians lack the expertise to judge whether drugs should be withdrawn. Some studies suggest Avandia heightens the risk of heart attacks; others that it is no more dangerous than a comparable drug. Politicians are not trained in how to sift such evidence.

Second, and more importantly, there are people nearby who are far better qualified to make a sound decision – the FDA's scientists. Congress has a pedigree watchdog to hand but has instead chosen to bark about particular drugs itself.

This is part of a pattern of political over-reach in business affairs, with Congressional committees cherry-picking thousands of documents they subpoena from companies to claim expertise on everything from oil-drilling techniques to derivatives. Presenting themselves as seekers after truth, they publish tiny extracts to embarrass executives.

Apart from the patent hypocrisy – they are really after scalps they can parade in front of voters – this is not their job. Their role is to make sure regulators are funded and correctly structured to let officials decide on complex matters such as prescription drug safety.

Instead, they rush to judgment, with the support of the media. By the time an FDA advisory panel met this week to thrash out whether Avandia should be withdrawn or its use limited (it was due to vote yesterday afternoon), Congress had made up its own mind.

There is little sign that the FDA has been slacking on the issue of Avandia. In fact, its scientists have been engaged in a robust, not to say ferocious, internal debate since 2007, when an advisory panel voted by 22 to one to keep Avandia on the market with added warnings.

Within the FDA, the Office of New Drugs, the body that decides whether to let new medicines be sold in the US, and the Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, which monitors drugs after they are on sale, have been arguing ever since about its benefits and risks.

There is nothing wrong with this. Although politicians have picked on the evidence against Avandia – OSE officials believe diabetes patients who take it are 40 per cent more likely to suffer heart attacks – it is not a clear-cut decision. Avandia has been subjected to repeated trials with different parameters that have had varying outcomes.

Studies after drugs have come to market are more likely to discover problems than Phase III trials, the final step before drugs companies seek approval from regulators. Not only are far more people taking each pill but older patients are often taking batches of pills for various chronic conditions.

Bain & Co, the consultancy, estimates that post-launch studies by the FDA and other regulators reduce the value of drugs to companies in 70 to 80 per cent of cases. After the experience of Vioxx, the painkiller that Merck withdrew from sale in 2004, doctors are wary of prescribing drugs under such scrutiny.

In Avandia's case, its sales have fallen since a 2007 study that found a heightened risk of heart attack, with doctors switching to Actos, a rival drug made by Takeda. GSK's biggest worry now is how much it will have to pay people who sue over its alleged side-effects – estimates range from $1bn to $5bn.

We should not feel too sorry for GSK – the Avandia affair is far less costly to it than the Gulf of Mexico spill to BP, and its operating margin remains at about 30 per cent. It is not a bad thing if the US, which used to be incomparably the most attractive market for blockbuster drugs, is getting a bit tougher.

But regulators such as the FDA and the European Medicines Agency, which is now reviewing Avandia, are there because decisions over the risks and benefits of drugs – particularly as they are prescribed and taken in the real world – are difficult and finely balanced. A life-prolonging pill for one group of patients is poison for others.

Politicians have their own skills, but they should stop masquerading as doctors and scientists. 

