界最大的手机生产商诺基亚公司(Nokia Corp.)对苹果公司(Apple Inc.)提出了专利侵权指控。苹果的iPhone手机是最热卖的智能手机产品。诺基亚公司向美国特拉华州联邦法院提起的诉讼指控说,iPhone侵犯了其10项专利。诺基亚说,这些专利涉及的技术对于使手机能够联通到世界上最普遍使用的无线通讯网络起着重要作用。
Bloomberg News
诺基亚负责法律和知识产权事务的副总裁拉纳斯托(Ilkka Rahnasto)说,由于苹果公司拒绝以适当条件使用诺基亚的知识产权,它实际是在试图免费使用诺基亚的创新成果。
Ian Edmondson / Yukari Iwatani Kane
Nokia Corp. (NOK), the world's biggest cellphone maker, leveled patent-infringement charges against Apple Inc. (AAPL), whose iPhone is the hottest product in the smart-phone category.
Nokia filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Delaware, alleging that the iPhone infringes 10 patents that cover technologies Nokia said are essential for connecting cellphones to the most widely used wireless networks.
The Finnish company said it has persuaded 40 other cellphone makers to license its patents, including nearly all the leading phone vendors. But Nokia indicated that talks with Apple haven't been successful.
'By refusing to agree to appropriate terms for Nokia's intellectual property, Apple is attempting to get a free ride on the back of Nokia's innovation,' said Ilkka Rahnasto, Nokia's vice president for legal and intellectual property.
An Apple spokesman declined to comment.
Nokia said it has spent EUR40 billion ($60 billion) in research and development. It added that the patents at issue cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption and affect all Apple iPhone models shipped since the product was introduced in 2007.
The lawsuit doesn't seek an injunction that would block iPhones shipments. Nokia and other technology giants took part in standard-setting processes that commit participants to license their patents on a 'fair and reasonable' basis, an industry practice that tends to discourage such injunctions.
The suit asks the court to award Nokia compensation and damages for the alleged use of its patents, and subsequently to enjoin Apple from infringing its patents until it has paid Nokia. The suit didn't specify any dollar amounts.
Ian Edmondson / Yukari Iwatani Kane
Nokia filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Delaware, alleging that the iPhone infringes 10 patents that cover technologies Nokia said are essential for connecting cellphones to the most widely used wireless networks.
The Finnish company said it has persuaded 40 other cellphone makers to license its patents, including nearly all the leading phone vendors. But Nokia indicated that talks with Apple haven't been successful.
'By refusing to agree to appropriate terms for Nokia's intellectual property, Apple is attempting to get a free ride on the back of Nokia's innovation,' said Ilkka Rahnasto, Nokia's vice president for legal and intellectual property.
An Apple spokesman declined to comment.
Nokia said it has spent EUR40 billion ($60 billion) in research and development. It added that the patents at issue cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption and affect all Apple iPhone models shipped since the product was introduced in 2007.
The lawsuit doesn't seek an injunction that would block iPhones shipments. Nokia and other technology giants took part in standard-setting processes that commit participants to license their patents on a 'fair and reasonable' basis, an industry practice that tends to discourage such injunctions.
The suit asks the court to award Nokia compensation and damages for the alleged use of its patents, and subsequently to enjoin Apple from infringing its patents until it has paid Nokia. The suit didn't specify any dollar amounts.
Ian Edmondson / Yukari Iwatani Kane