

韩国官员好以名次表来衡量这个世界。因此当他们的总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)未能入选《时代》杂志本年度"全球最具影响力的100人"榜单时,他们气得七窍生烟。2010年初的时候,李明博的名气还比不上象牙海岸的足球队员迪迪尔•德罗巴(Didier Drogba),或者漂亮的女歌手嘎嘎(Lady Gaga)。

身为保守派总统,李明博曾试图忽视朝鲜。他被朝鲜的"边缘政策"推上世界舞台,或许是具有讽刺意味的天命。他对朝鲜半岛当前危机的处理,大大提高了他的声望。当美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)一再称赞你具有政治家风范,而朝鲜痛骂你是"人渣"时,你肯定做对了一些事。











李明博第一次进入公众视野是作为现代建设(Hyundai Engineering and Construction)的首席执行官。这是触角无所不在的现代集团内部的顶尖团队。李明博曾经有个外号叫"推土机",还有一部流行电视剧《野望的岁月》(Years of Ambition)以他为原型,这部戏帮助他最终在2002年成为首尔市长。有点怪异的是,剧中李明博的扮演者现在担任韩国的文化部长。

作为一家建筑公司的主管,李明博建造了韩国总统官邸青瓦台(Blue House)。"如果我当时知道自己以后将住在这里,可能会把它造得更好,"去年他接受英国《金融时报》采访时开玩笑说道。



去年进军核能源出口行业,或许是他最令人意外的成就。为了赢得阿联酋一笔价值200亿美元的核反应堆销售合约,他与法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)针锋相对。最终韩国大胜法国,震惊了全世界,人们普遍预测韩国将成为发展中国家的首选核反应堆供应商。

李明博的批评者认为,他过于偏爱大企业。而他赦免三星集团董事长李健熙(Lee Kun-hee)之举,向人们传递出一个关于韩国企业治理的极糟的信号。李健熙被指犯有情节极其恶劣的经济贿赂罪。






South Korean officials love measuring the world in league tables. So they were fuming when their president, Lee Myung-bak, failed to be named as one of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world this year. At the beginning of 2010, he simply was not in the same league as Ivorian footballer Didier Drogba or saucy songstress Lady Gaga.

As a conservative president, Mr Lee has tried to ignore North Korea, so it was perhaps his ironic destiny to be propelled on to the world stage by brinkmanship from Pyongyang. His handling of the present crisis on the peninsula has greatly boosted his stature. When Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, repeatedly calls you statesmanlike and North Korea lambasts you as a "scumball", you must be getting something right.

After North Korea torpedoed a South Korean warship on the night of March 26, many bleary-eyed cabinet members feared conflict was imminent as their drivers whisked them to the war bunker. A second South Korean ship had already blasted some shells northwards, picking up something on the radar screen that could have just been birds. History may ultimately portray Mr Lee, a hard-nosed businessman who survived a shipwreck himself in his childhood, as one of the key reasons an apocalyptic war did not erupt that night.

It is an extraordinary turn-around from the disastrous beginning to his presidency in 2008 when his pro-US government tottered in its infancy, hit by massive street protests over the import of American beef, feared to spread mad cow disease. His popularity plunged to about 20 per cent, worsened by an ugly spat with Buddhists who felt he was packing his government with fellow Protestant churchgoers. Buddhists make up 23 per cent of the population; Protestants 18 per cent.

To the protesters, he was President Chwi (the rat), rather than Lee. Giant papier mâché rodent effigies were burned in the streets.

Those days seem distant now. In the weeks after the loss of the warship, he exuded authority and resolve. This proved vital in controlling the hot-headed instincts of South Korea's military. He first focused almost exclusively on the rescue operation, before demanding a full international inquiry.

Defence ministry officials say the attack showed how the North underestimates Mr Lee. They think the North Koreans probably did not expect him to dredge up the wreck and torpedo, sharing everything with international investigators. North Korea expected him to do what they do: hush things up.

Pyongyang knew Mr Lee wanted to showcase his nation to the world in 2010 – as president of the Group of 20 leading economies. Surely he'll just pay us off with aid, it evidently thought.

But Mr Lee is a tough nut to crack.

For Kim Jong-il, the dictator who has led a few South Korean presidents round in circles, Mr Lee is a particular figure of hate because he has switched off most largesse to the North, ending the unconditional "sunshine policy" of two previous liberal presidents. Even before severing trade last week, he had made aid contingent on progress in talks to dismantle Pyongyang's atomic bombs.

Like so much of what Mr Lee does, his policy towards the North is principled but inflexible. He has offered $40bn (€33bn, £28bn) of economic incentives and infrastructure, should Pyongyang agree to dismantle its nuclear weapons. The plan's obvious flaw is that North Korea will never accept it.

His single-mindedness was forged in an indigent childhood. Born in Japan in 1941, where his father was a labourer on a ranch, Mr Lee grew up in poverty in the South Korean port of Pohang and helped supplement the family income by selling fruit and matches from a cart. He was an academic high-flyer and got into Seoul's elite Korea University, where he showed his political flair by heading the student union. He was briefly imprisoned for demonstrating against military autocrat Park Chung-hee.

He first came to public attention as chief executive of Hyundai Engineering and Construction, the blue riband outfit within the sprawling Hyundai conglomerate. He was nicknamed the "bulldozer" and was the model for a popular soap opera, Years of Ambition, which eased his eventual path to become mayor of Seoul in 2002. Somewhat bizarrely, the current culture minister is the actor who played Mr Lee's alter ego on television.

As a construction boss, he built the presidential palace, the Blue House. "If I'd known I was going to live here, I'd have done a better job," he quipped in an interview with the Financial Times last year.

His detractors paint him as autocratic and his government has had trouble building trust with the people. It is liable to send alarming numbers of riot police to protests; and international campaign groups have observed a deterioration of freedom of speech under Mr Lee's presidency.

But his skills as an executive have brought a fresh economic vision to South Korean politics. He quickly steered the country out of an economic downturn, with a leadership style learnt in the boardroom. Mr Lee is also battling to combat two of the country's thorniest problems: an expensive education system based on rote-learning and the need to diversify out of dirty heavy industry.

Perhaps his greatest coup was breaking into nuclear power exports last year. He went head-to-head with France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, to win a $20bn reactor sale to the United Arab Emirates. Seoul shocked the world by trouncing the French and is widely tipped to become the reactor supplier of choice to the developing world.

His critics argue he is too enamoured of big business and that he sent an appalling message about corporate governance in South Korea by pardoning Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung Group, for egregious financial corruption.

But he has no such favourites on the tennis court. He refuses to play with company executives or reporters to avoid perceptions of impropriety. He only plays coaches. Even then, he is still a dogged competitor.

"The thing that really makes him mad is if anyone tries to flatter him by letting him win. He wants his opponent to hit the ball as hard as they can," said one Blue House official.

Kim Jong-il has been warned.


中国不应袒护朝鲜 China's uneasy ties with North Korea

针对3月26日一艘韩国军舰沉没、46名水兵丧生,韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)呼吁展开独立调查。对此,外界的最初反应是他在拖时间。他很可能确实是在拖时间。若匆忙得出结论称朝鲜用鱼雷击沉了那艘军舰,李明博将面临国内要求报复的巨大压力,可能导致韩国与不可预测、拥有核武器和斯大林主义政权的朝鲜出现危险的军事对抗升级。现在,一项国际调查已经确认,平壤方面要对沉船事件负责,世界拥有这样一个选择,即采取更加慎重和协调的行动。但是,要做出可信的国际回应,就需要朝鲜最重要盟友中国的加入。现在该是北京方面有所作为的时候了。






When Lee Myung-bak, South Korea's president, reacted to the March 26 sinking of a South Korean warship with the loss of 46 lives by calling for an independent inquiry, the initial reaction was that he was playing for time. He probably was. To rush to the conclusion that North Korea had torpedoed the ship would have put him under pressure to retaliate, risking a dangerous military escalation with his unpredictable, nuclear-armed Stalinist neighbour. Now an international inquiry has confirmed that Pyongyang was responsible, the world has the option to take more measured, co-ordinated action. But to mount a credible international response, China – Pyongyang's most important ally – needs to be on board. The ball is now in Beijing's court.

This makes life uncomfortable for China's leaders. On the one hand, they have little interest in piling pressure on North Korea. A possible outcome of squeezing Pyongyang till the pips squeak is to provoke a crisis or even a collapse of the regime. Beijing fears North Korean instability and the possibility, in extreme circumstances, of millions of refugees crossing the border into China. Every indication suggests it would prefer a volatile North Korea to a failed state. On the other hand, the status quo is untenable. North Korea looks like a grotesque parody of Mao's centrally controlled China, precisely the sort of system that Beijing has left behind. Many younger Chinese must find it embarrassing that Beijing is propping up such an odious regime.

Wen Jiabao, China's premier, has shown some signs that Beijing feels the pressure. In Seoul, he said China would not protect whoever sank the warship, offering a glimmer of hope that Beijing might not block action at the United Nations Security Council next month. Yet China is still obfuscating, questioning the independence of the international inquiry – conducted by South Korea, the US, the UK, Australia and Sweden – and reiterating its tired call for stability on the peninsula. What kind of stability is it if Pyongyang is able to kill citizens of neighbouring countries with virtual impunity? Imagine how Beijing would have reacted if it were 46 dead Chinese sailors.

As with Iran and Burma – another nasty client-state coddled by China – North Korea points up the limits of Beijing's policy of non-interference. Of course, there are no easy answers. But at least Mr Lee has put the spotlight on China and revealed that non-intervention is not always the benign doctrine Beijing makes it out to be.

























































































PayPal在中国开辟特有收入模式 PayPal Finds a Niche in China


在中国这个用户数量全球居首的互联网市场。Ebay的传奇多年来一直在褪色,因其在消费者对消费者(C2C)电子商务市场输给了阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)旗下零售网站淘宝网(Taobao.com)。但PayPal中国区总经理田毓中(Alan Tien)说,在淘宝和阿里巴巴支付平台支付宝(Alipay)仍对商户只收取少量佣金或不收佣金(这是一种用来同eBay竞争的策略)的时候,PayPal已经找到了一条以佣金为基础、适合于中国的收入模式。





这个战略包括与敦煌网(DHGate.com)甚至是阿里巴巴旗下批发网站全球速卖通(AliExpress)展开合作。PayPal中国区的其他客户还包括针对来华外国游客的旅游网站,或游戏网站等虚拟产品销售商。该公司计划在今年开始接受中国银联(China UnionPay)作为支付手段,这样中国消费者就能够从PayPal的全球商户网络购物。





Loretta Chao

EBay's flagship consumer shopping service has struggled in China, but the company is more successful here than many may think, thanks to its fast-growing online payment business, PayPal.

The company's legacy in the world's largest Internet market by number of users has for years been tainted by losing the consumer-to-consumer e-commerce market to Alibaba Group's retail website Taobao.com. But while Taobao and Alibaba's payment platform, Alipay, still charge little to no sales commission to merchants--a strategy the Chinese company used to undercut eBay--PayPal's China General Manager Alan Tien says the company has found a commission-based revenue model that works in China.

Tien, who oversees PayPal's domestic Chinese payment platform Beibao as well as the acquiring of customers in China for the company's international website, says he focuses most of his energy on the latter, because that's where the revenue growth is.

Alipay's rates still make it difficult for Beibao to post significant revenue from domestic transactions in China, and Tien says there's nothing he can do about that so long as Alipay charges the way it does. Also, most consumers typically still use direct payments through their bank websites or cash-on-delivery for many of their purchases.

Rather than trying to compete with Alipay's cutthroat rates for domestic sales in China, where the market for non-Taobao online sales is still small, PayPal China teaches Chinese small-business sellers how e-commerce works and how to sell their products to more than 80 million PayPal users world-wide, he says.

While Alipay has the advantage within China and continues to use low rates to build its local user base, Tien says, PayPal has a massive global network built over years and a fine-tuned system for detecting fraud and protecting customers, which is difficult for any competitors to replicate, and such advantages can be leveraged.

Part of this strategy includes linking up with e-commerce websites like DHGate.com or even Alibaba Group's online wholesale Web site, AliExpress. PayPal China's other customers include travel websites serving overseas travelers coming to China, or vendors of virtual goods like online game websites. The company also plans to begin accepting China UnionPay as payment this year, so Chinese consumers can purchase from PayPal's global merchant network.

Convincing Chinese merchants to accept PayPal isn't an easy process, however. While PayPal enjoys brand recognition in Western markets and can acquire customers largely through online advertising, it has very little recognition in China, where many sellers have never considered taking their businesses online. In effect, a crucial part of what PayPal China does is using a sales team to call potential international e-commerce merchants, like contract manufacturers who want to sell their own non-branded products, and convincing them that they can tap a larger market by listing their products in online malls or creating their own websites.

'In China, many people we call have no idea what we're talking about' at first, Tien says. 'But after you get the idea in their head, they may hear someone else mention it, and then maybe months later they will remember that they got this call from PayPal.' To further help its cause, PayPal China also advises Chinese customers on their options for online shopping software, and answers concerns about currency exchange. (Merchants must handle any foreign-exchange interactions on their own).

The result of all this: growth in the 'high double digits' in China, Tien says, though he won't disclose specifics. PayPal charges a 3.4% base rate to Chinese merchants.

When asked about the prospect of PayPal some day becoming eBay's biggest business, Tien said the company has vastly more growth potential than online marketplaces do; while those businesses compete for a specific portion of consumer spending, PayPal could potentially serve all types of payments in all areas of spending, from retail to rental fees.

Loretta Chao

美国“对话”代表团的华丽阵容 Many Officials At Summit


Bloomberg News

除了国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)和财政部长蒂莫西•盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)这两位联席团长以外,代表团还包括:
美联储主席本•贝南克(Ben Bernanke);
商务部部长骆家辉(Gary Locke);
卫生与公共服务部部长凯瑟琳•赛贝林斯(Kathleen Sebelius);
美国贸易代表罗恩•科克(Ron Kirk);
经济顾问委员会主席克里斯蒂娜•罗默(Christina Romer);
白宫科技政策办公室主任约翰•霍尔德伦(John Holdren);
美国进出口银行董事长弗雷德•赫希贝格(Fred P. Hochberg);
联邦存款保险公司董事长谢拉•贝尔(Sheila Bair);
美国贸易和开发署署长里欧卡蒂亚•扎克(Leocadia Zak)。

当然还有美国驻华大使洪博培(Jon Huntsman)及其庞大使馆的1,100多名工作人员。很多工作人员将被指派去协助这次超大峰会的工作。


升级为“战略与经济对话”之前的“战略经济对话”就已经是一场相当庞大的活动。“战略经济对话”始于2006年,每半年举行一次,美方代表团一直由当时的美中关系主导者、美国前财政部长亨利•鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)率领,成员包括能源部和环境保护署等其他部门,但对话的重点很明确,那就是经济。



纽约咨询公司Eurasia Group分析师Damien Ma在上周三发表简报说,我们对今年战略与经济对话取得明显成果的期望不高。他说,汇率等热门话题将局限于口头范围,这场为期两天的对话不太可能达成实质性的步骤。他说唯一的成果可能是在绿色能源方面,并认为周一和周二某些讨论的目的将只是暗示其他双边会谈的议程,比如7月份美中商贸易联合委员会(Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade)的会谈。

但就算是没有成果,让两国官员一年聚在一起聊一次可能还是有意义的。正如Damien Ma所言,对话可以显示出双方敢于在避免直接冲突的情况下提出尖锐的话题。考虑到双边关系的重要性,这肯定是具有某种价值的。不过话说回来,这一点用不着这200多位官员悉数到场或许也可以实现,对话正在进行的时候,华盛顿总还是要有人来做决定的吧。

Jason Dean

Most people would agree that it's desirable for the world's two most powerful countries to talk. But can you have too much of a good thing?

Reading the list of U.S. participants in the annual U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue that starts Monday, one could be forgiven for thinking that most of the executive branch of the U.S. government is temporarily relocating to Beijing. Washington's planned delegation as of Wednesday numbered about 200 people (and it could end up being more), including at least 15 Cabinet secretaries and agency chiefs.

Among them, in addition to mission leaders Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, Council of Economic Advisers Chairwoman Christina Romer, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director John Holdren, U.S. Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred P. Hochberg, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairwoman Sheila Bair, and U.S. Trade and Development Agency Director Leocadia Zak.

And then, of course, there is Ambassador Jon Huntsman and his staff of more than 1,100 at the giant U.S. Embassy in Beijing, many of whom will be assigned to help work on the mega-summit.

The Chinese clearly have no intention of being outdone. 'As for the make up of the Chinese delegation, I want to tell you as the host of this round of the S&ED [that] China has a very big team,' Assistant Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao told a briefing Thursday. 'The size of the Chinese delegation will certainly be larger than the U.S. delegation because China is the host.'

The U.S.-China talks were already a rather unwieldy affair in the pre-ampersand era. Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who dominated the U.S. relationship with China and spearheaded the semi-annual Strategic Economic Dialogue from its start in 2006, included other agencies such as the Energy Department and the EPA, but the focus of the talks was explicitly economic.

With the Obama administration, and its much more powerful secretary of state, the 'and' was added, turning it into the S&ED (or, our preferred shorthand, the SnED) and, in a stroke, making its purview encompass almost the totality of bilateral relations--which, given the size and importance of the U.S. and China, includes most of what is important to talk about in the world. And while more than doubling the range of content, the Obama administration--in conjunction with Beijing--halved the number of sessions per year, to one.

So the question is whether hundreds upon hundreds of officials in a handful of meetings scattered between photo ops and banquets spread over roughly two days a year can actually get anything substantive accomplished. Measured in terms of 'deliverables' (diplo-speak for actual announcements or agreements to do things), probably not.

'Our expectations for significant deliverables at this year's S&ED are low,' Damien Ma, analyst at New York-based consulting firm Eurasia Group, wrote in a note Wednesday. He said 'headline issues like currency' will reside 'in the rhetorical realm. Concrete steps are unlikely to be reached in the two-day session.' Ma said the only deliverables may be on green energy, and argued that some of the discussion on Monday and Tuesday is merely aimed at signaling agendas for other bilateral meetings, such as the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, or JCCT, slated for July. (Don't ask.)

But even without deliverables, there may be value to having American and Chinese officials get together for an annual chat. As Ma said, the event can 'showcase both sides' comfort in raising thorny issues without outright conflict.' The importance of the relationship being what it is, that is certainly worth something--although perhaps it could be accomplished without all 200-plus of those officials, just in case somebody needs to make a decision in Washington when the SnED is in session.

Jason Dean

中国房价走势之谜 Property Price Guessing Game















Shen Hong

The Beijing Times reported that the Chinese banking regulator's Beijing branch has just completed a so-called stress test on the impact of falling property prices on local lenders. The finding is that a 20%-30% drop in prices would trigger a deterioration in loan quality while a 50% decline is simply unbearable for banks.

While the Chinese authorities are adept at conveying subtle messages and testing domestic opinion via smaller media outlets such as the Beijing paper, one might read too much into this particular article and believe that China is bracing itself for a maximum 50% fall in home prices.

The direction of China's already-sky high property prices remains a million-dollar question and the government has kept on making it an intriguing guessing game. This would be true even if the global economic tides hadn't shifted in the wake of the euro-zone sovereign debt crisis.

Despite the series of tough-looking property-tightening measures that Beijing has unveiled since mid-April, including raising mortgage rates and minimum down payments, the top leadership has been mum and vague about where exactly it wants prices to be.

The evolution of official rhetoric on property prices over the past two years is a classic example of why Chinese authorities are considered masters of semantics: In late 2008, when the global financial crisis triggered a sharp correction for housing prices, the State Council issued a statement urging the 'steady and healthy development' of the real-estate industry. In 2009, when prices surged amid massive fiscal stimulus and rampant speculation, the cabinet called for measures to 'prevent overly rapid price rises.' When that warning failed and prices soared further earlier this year, Premier Wen Jiabao upgraded the wording to 'to resolutely curb excessively fast price gains in some cities' (not across the country, mind you.)

Then came the administrative tightening measures and in recent weeks the incessant chatter about the potential introduction of a property tax, which various mid-level officials and think-tank researchers have helpfully rebuffed, voiced support for, rebuffed and supported again.

Shrugging off all the measures and the noise, China's property prices rose a record of 12.8% in April from a year ago, though accompanied by dramatically shrinking transaction volumes.

What the data show is that home buyers and property developers are in a standoff, not only because neither side wants to back down but also because both are equally clueless about the future.

Ironically, as a socialist country, China boasts one of the world's most thoroughly commercialized housing markets, trailing well behind nations like Singapore in the supply of cheap public housing. However, a closer look at China's extremely capitalist-looking property market suggests it's also the best disguised one: In a market where only demand is market-driven and supply is totally controlled by the government, the latter always has the upper hand.
The latest tightening measures are all about demand-side factors, aimed at making it costlier for speculators, but also ordinary people to buy a home. If

Beijing genuinely wants to drive down home prices, one of the simplest and most obvious solutions would be to boost land supply. The government has indeed released more land in recent weeks, but the amount is too negligible to be felt.

The government's response so far betrays, once again, the ultimate policy dilemma and to some extent a conflict of interest regarding its stance: Beijing is torn between the competing views of real estate as a growth engine and as a source of inflation. And as the single biggest beneficiary of land sales, the government also has virtually no incentive to depress prices.

That is exactly why such stress tests for banks aren't likely to lead to any concrete policy changes. At best, it simply shows the government is just as clueless as property developers and homebuyers on how much it should allow property prices to fall.

But even before the stress test was completed, Europe's economic woes unexpectedly overtook the center stage and Premier Wen hinted at a likely significant shift in official mindset: He said less than two weeks ago that 'China must focus on policy coordination to work against negative effects that might emerge from the various policies.' (Read: we'll go easy on further tightening.)

So keep guessing.

Shen Hong


戴姆勒和比亚迪合资在中国开发电动汽车 Daimler, BYD In JV To Develop Electric Car For China Market

国汽车制造商戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)与中国的比亚迪股份有限公司(BYD Co.)周四成立一家合资公司,将为中国市场开发一种全电动汽车,在新成立的公司中,双方各占一半股权。两家公司称,他们相信中国有潜力跨入全球最大的零排放汽车市场之列。

戴姆勒是豪华汽车品牌梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的母公司,而比亚迪是中国电池及汽车制造业的领军企业之一。双方合资在中国南部工业城市深圳成立深圳比亚迪-戴姆勒新技术有限公司(Shenzhen BYD Daimler New Technology Co.),预计两家将总共投资6亿元人民币(8790万美元)作为注册资本。

比亚迪董事长王传福(Wang Chuanfu)与戴姆勒董事长蔡澈(Dieter Zetsche)周四在北京签约达成最终协议。蔡澈说,新成立的合资公司将充分利用中国广大的电动汽车潜在市场从而获利。



北京戴姆勒公司发言人黑尔(Trevor Hale)在一封邮件中说,对戴姆勒而言,这是个具有历史意义的决定,因为这将是该公司第一次在德国之外生产赛德斯-奔驰汽车引擎。新的汽车引擎生产厂将由戴姆勒与其在华主要合作伙伴北京汽车工业控股有限责任公司(Beijing Automotive Industry Holdings Co.)合营。



最近,戴姆勒的工程师和设计师们在比亚迪深圳总部附近的一家宾馆驻扎,以便同比亚迪的工程师与设计师密切合作,制造出合资公司的第一部新品牌汽车。比亚迪部分股权为巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的中美能源控股公司(MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co.)持有。



日本的日产汽车公司(Nissan Motor Co.)计划于12月在美国、欧洲和日本,于明年在中国推出一款名为"Leaf"(中文名"聆风")的全电动紧凑型汽车。该公司的高管说,他们预计中国政府将出台每部电动车最高六万元人民币的购车补贴措施。中国媒体曾报道说,政府可能不久就会推出约五万到六万元的购车补贴。




除了日产,日本的三菱汽车公司(Mitsubishi Motors Corp.)也计划于2012年以前在中国推出全电动汽车。日本丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)和美国通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)准备很快在中国试销插电式混动汽车。

Norihiko Shirouzu


Germany's Daimler AG (DAI, DAI.XE) and China's BYD Co. (1211.HK) set up a 50-50 joint venture Thursday to develop an all-electric car for the Chinese market, saying they believe China has the potential to be among the world's largest markets for zero-emission vehicles.

Daimler, owner of luxury-car brand Mercedes-Benz, and BYD, one of China's leading battery and auto makers, are expected to invest a total of 600 million yuan ($87.9 million) in the joint venture, Shenzhen BYD Daimler New Technology Co. The money is to be used as registered capital for the joint venture in the southern industrial city of Shenzhen.

BYD Chairman Wang Chuanfu and Daimler Chairman Dieter Zetsche signed a contract in Beijing Thursday to finalize the agreement. 'Our new joint venture is well positioned to make the most of the vast potential of electric mobility in China,' Mr. Zetsche said.

(This story and related background material will be available on The Wall Street Journal Web site, WSJ.com.)

Daimler also said Thursday that it is aiming to sell at least 100,000 Mercedes-Benz vehicles in China this year, up from the 67,000 it sold in 2009. By 2015, Mercedes-Benz sales in China are likely to increase to 300,000 vehicles a year, the company said.

To strengthen and expand its presence in China, the German company said it plans to invest about EUR200 million, or about $244 million, to build a plant in Beijing to produce engines, which will be used to power vehicles it produces in China.

'For Daimler, this is a historic decision because this will be the first time ever that we're going to produce engines for Mercedes-Benz cars outside of Germany,' Trevor Hale, a Beijing-based Daimler spokesman, said in an email message. The new engine plant will be jointly operated with Beijing Automotive Industry Holdings Co., Daimler's main joint-venture partner in China.

According to a Daimler executive familiar with the BYD collaboration, the planned car is likely to be loosely based on the pure-electric propulsion system used in BYD's e6, an all-electric battery car that the Chinese company began selling to taxi operators in Shenzhen earlier this year.

The car announced Thursday will be enhanced with Daimler's vehicle-safety and other technologies.

Daimler engineers and designers recently established a base at a hotel near BYD's headquarters in Shenzhen to work closely with their counterparts at the Chinese company, which is partially owned by Warren Buffett's MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., in order to come up with the joint venture's first car for the new brand.

The Daimler executive familiar with the collaboration said Daimler and BYD might display a prototype of the jointly developed car as early as the Paris auto show in October.

One reason for the growing enthusiasm in China around all-electric cars and other heavily electrified vehicles, such as plug-in electric hybrids, is the belief that the Chinese government will start offering special incentives to support private buyers' adoption of clean-energy cars.

Executives at Japan's Nissan Motor Co. (NSANY, 7201.TO), which plans to launch an all-electric compact car called the Leaf in the U.S., Europe and Japan in December, and in China next year, say they expect the Chinese government to set purchase incentives of as much as CNY60,000 for electric cars. Chinese news reports have said incentives of about CNY50,000 to CNY60,000 are likely to be announced soon.

Still, even as auto executives such as BYD's Mr. Wang urge the Chinese government to subsidize private purchases of all-electric battery cars, some Chinese government officials have pointed to reservations about providing consumer incentives to spur electric-car sales.

'Why do we need to provide subsidies and rebates for wealthy private buyers who would be the first in line to buy electric cars? That's a question some of us in the government are asking,' said Chen Jianguo, a senior official at the National Development and Reform Commission, China's main economic-planning agency, at a conference in Tianjin last year.

Yet, in anticipation of some type of policy support for private electric-car purchases, some auto makers are likely to launch electric cars in China over the next few years, creating competition for BYD and Daimler.

In addition to Nissan, Mitsubishi Motors Corp. (MMTOY, 7211.TO) of Japan also plans to launch all-electric cars in China by 2012, while Toyota Motor Corp. (TM, 7203.TO) of Japan and General Motors Co. of the U.S. are gearing up to test-market plug-in hybrid electric cars in China soon.

Norihiko Shirouzu


经济回暖美国人跳槽忙 More Workers Start To Quit


美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics,简称BLS)数据显示,今年2月,自愿离职的人数自2008年10月以来首次超过被解雇或免职的人数。今年2月之前,BLS记录的裁员人数连续15个月超过辞职人数,自BLS10年前开始跟踪这些数据以来,这是第一次长期出现这种情况。根据BLS的数据,自开始记录以来,每个月自愿离职的人数平均约为270万人。但自2008年10月开始,平均值降至172万人。今年3月,平均约为187万人。

近期的市场气氛预示未来几个月离职人数可能继续增多。人力资源咨询公司Right Management公司2009年底所做的调查显示,60%的工人说到市场好转时打算离职。Right Management公司负责全球解决方案的高级副总裁海德(Michael Haid)说,研究结果着实令人震惊,这给公司带来的震动可能会成本非常高昂。

招聘人员及人力资源专家说两股力量造成了员工离职人数的增长。首先,衰退期间,工作岗位如此稀缺,员工离职以取得职业进步的自然流动停滞。大量员工等待更好时机以另谋高就。美国独立出版集团Bureau of National Affairs数据显示,2009年月度自愿离职人员的流动率中间值为0.5%,仅为2008年的一半。

宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business)人力资源中心主任卡普利(Peter Cappelli)说,衰退期间,即使听说有空缺,员工们也不愿换老板。在世事本已不确定之时换工作,想想就令人十分害怕。但这种不确定性正在消失,员工变得更乐于接到招聘人员的电话。

公司在经济衰退期间大举削减开支和裁员的作法影响了员工的士气,这是让公司更难以留住员工的另一个因素。去年夏天为管理研究机构──世界大型企业联合会(Conference Board)所做的调查发现,工作成就感降低的驱动因素包括对工资的满足感降低及对工作的兴趣减少。2009年,34.6%的工人对自己的工资感到满足,较之1987年的比例降幅超过七个百分点;约51%的工人说对工作感兴趣,比1987年减少19%。

Joe Light

As the job market begins to loosen up, human-resource managers might increasingly be surprised by an announcement from employees they haven't heard in a while: 'I quit.'

In February, the number of employees voluntarily quitting surpassed the number being fired or discharged for the first time since October 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Before February, the BLS had recorded more layoffs than resignations for 15 straight months, the first such streak since the bureau started tracking the data a decade ago. Since the BLS began tracking the data, the average number of people voluntarily leaving their jobs per month has been about 2.7 million. But since October 2008, the average number dropped to as low as 1.72 million. In March, it was about 1.87 million.

And recent sentiment indicates that the number of employees quitting could continue to grow in the coming months. In a poll conducted by human-resources consultant Right Management at the end of 2009, 60% of workers said they intended to leave their jobs when the market got better. 'The research is fairly alarming,' says Michael Haid, senior vice president of global solutions for Right Management. 'The churn for companies could be very costly.'

Recruiters and human-resource experts say the increase in employees giving notice is a product of two forces. First, the natural turnover of employees leaving to advance their careers didn't occur during the recession because jobs were so scarce. This created a backlog of workers waiting for better times to make a move to better jobs. The median monthly voluntary turnover rate in 2009 was 0.5%, half of the rate in 2008, according to the Bureau of National Affairs.

During the recession, even if they heard of an opening, employees were reluctant to switch employers, says Peter Cappelli, director of the Center for Human Resources at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. 'The idea of moving when the world was already in uncertainty was quite scary,' he says. But those hang-ups are disappearing, and employees are becoming more receptive to recruiter calls, he says.

Another factor making it harder for companies to retain employees is the effect of the heavy cost-cutting and downsizing during the downturn on workers' morale. A survey conducted last summer for the Conference Board, a management research organization, found that the drivers of the drop in job fulfillment included less satisfaction with wages and less interest in work. In 2009, 34.6% of workers were satisfied with their wages, down more than seven percentage points from 1987. About 51% in 2009 said they were interested in work, down 19 percentage points from 1987.

Joe Light


http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年05月26日 08:44  新浪财经

  新浪财经讯 内幕交易猛于虎!5月18日,最高人民检察院和公安部明确操纵证券市场和内幕交易的立案追诉标准,对利用未公开信息从事交易、证券交易成交额累计在50万元以上的情形将立案追诉。随后,人民日报连续发表五篇文章,剑指我国股市的内幕交易。



















在朝鲜问题上,对于3月份韩国“天安”舰遭到击沉一事,美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)选择低调鼓励中方支持奥巴马政府对朝鲜的批评。



住在北京的乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)中国问题专家沈大伟(David Shambaugh)表示,这一峰会是两国政府之间的“有用的缓冲区”,目前双方“显然正试图给(今年早些时候)曾急转直下的关系带来一些稳定。”


国际货币基金组织(IMF)前中国经济学家、现任职于美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)的埃斯瓦尔•普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示,如果北京方面在未来数周内不改变其汇率政策,中国的汇率在美国可能成为一个竞选话题。




The US and China tip-toed around each other at high-level talks in Beijing yesterday, going out of their way to avoid open disagreements on North Korea, exchange rates and other thorny issues that divide them.

After a period at the start of the year when relations appeared to be deteriorating rapidly, raising the possibility of a trade war, both governments were at pains to strike a conciliatory note in their public comments, even though there were few signs of progress on any of the big subjects.

The annual meeting, which began focusing on economic issues but which the Obama administration broadened to include security, is essentially a Washington-led effort to engage more with the Chinese government and to enlist its support in managing global issues, although China is less defensive these days than it used to be at such meetings and also brings its own wish-list.

President Hu Jintao pledged that China would reform a currency policy that in effect pegs the renminbi to the US dollar – one of Washington's priorities in its dealings with China – although he gave no hints of the timing of any policy shift.

“China will continue to steadily advance the reform of the formation of the renminbi exchange rate mechanism under the principle of independent decision-making, controllability and gradual progress,” he said.

On North Korea, Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, opted for low-key encouragement of China to back the administration's criticisms of Pyongyang over the sinking of a South Korean warship, the Cheonan, in March.

“I can say that the Chinese recognise the gravity of the situation we face,” she said. “They understand the reaction by the South Koreans and they understand our unique responsibility for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.”

Wang Qishan, a vice- premier, urged the US to end export controls on “dual-use” technology that has potential military applications, arguing that such exports could help reduce China's trade surplus with the US.

David Shambaugh, a China expert at George Washington University who is based in Beijing, said the summit was a “useful buffer” for two governments that were “clearly trying to bring some stability to a relationship that had been in a downward spiral” earlier in the year.

However, although the US and China needed a forum to discuss long-term interests and potential areas of disagreement, he said, it was not clear whether the annual two-day meeting could achieve this as the Chinese system “is not suited to putting all the main players in a room to deal with the main issues in public”. In the US there was not enough acceptance of the idea of dealing with China as an equal.

Eswar Prasad, a former China economist at the International Monetary Fund and now at Cornell University, said China's exchange rate could become an election issue in the US if Beijing did not shift its currency policy in the coming weeks.

“If China does not act soon, the US Treasury is going to be hard-pressed to fend off domestic political pressures to label China a currency manipulator,” he said.



谁会认为泰国不好?人民可爱动人、海滩令人沉醉、绿咖喱鸡妙不可言。仰慕者表示,连续的政变和稍现即逝的宪法让这个国家的政治史显得问题重重,但实际上并不像看起来那么糟糕。政治动荡掩盖了一种奇特的稳定状态,正是这种稳定使泰国成为外国人投资和海外度假偏爱的目的地。没错,这个国家依然存在贫穷和严重的贫富不均。但东南亚哪个国家不是如此?不过泰国人民似乎对自己的命运没有什么不满,而且至少没有人在挨饿。就连现任总理、在牛津接受教育的阿披实•维乍集瓦(Abhisit Vejjajiva)看起来也是个非常得体的家伙,而且还相当有魅力。

洗个冷水澡清醒清醒吧。没有人会忌妒许多人对这个“微笑之国”(land of smiles)怀有好感。但对泰国怀有的这种亲切但又模糊的情绪正与现实日益相左。若非如此,当目睹阿披实政府对要求举行大选的民众进行镇压(特举一例)、并射杀了60多名平民时,全世界却表现得相对镇静,对此又该如何解释呢?



另外,由被赶下台的泰国前总理他信•西那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)作为民主体制的形象代言人,确实也是漏洞百出——许多示威者就是以他的名义举行集会的。在2001至2006年担任总理期间,他信被控利用职权偏袒其家族企业和裙带关系,同时泰国警方被指责假借打击贩毒之名非法杀害了数千人。泰国最高法院进行了缺席审判,判处他信因公私利益冲突罪入狱两年。严格来说,这让他信成为了逃避法律责任的亡命徒,就和阿披实政府对他的定性一样。




和泰国前几次的政治僵局不同,这一次泰国受人尊敬的国王普密蓬•阿杜德(Bhumibol Adulyadej)没有采取行动来安抚局势。也许像有些人所宣称的那样,这是因为他已年迈体衰。但也有可能是因为,据他判断,这次泰国社会底层人士的力量无法轻易得到遏制。截至19日晚,曼谷街头已经恢复了几分平静。但没有人会误认为这代表着潜在的紧张局面已经得到解决。最乐观地来看,要解决问题必须进行公正的选举——并尊重选举结果。最悲观地来看,这意味着更多流血冲突,或是在曼谷或是在乡村地区。即便是泰国最热忱的拥趸也必须意识到,这场危机尚未结束。



Who could think badly of Thailand? The people are lovely, the beaches divine and the green chicken curry outstanding. The country's apparently troubled political history of serial coups and quick-vanishing constitutions, say its many admirers, is not as bad as it appears. It masks an odd kind of stability that has made Thailand a favoured destination for foreign investment and foreign vacations alike. True, there is poverty and great disparity of wealth. Where in south-east Asia isn't there? But the people appear pretty content with their lot, and at least no one is starving. Even the current prime minister, the Oxford-educated Abhisit Vejjajiva, seems like a thoroughly decent chap, and terribly dishy to boot.

Now take a cold shower. No one would begrudge the goodwill that many people have for the Land of Smiles. But warm and fuzzy sentiments towards Thailand are increasingly at odds with reality. How else to explain the relative equanimity with which the world has just witnessed Mr Abhisit's government crush those calling for elections (of all things), shooting dead more than 60 civilians?

There has been little of the international condemnation that followed last year's crackdowns against pro-democracy demonstrators in Iran, let alone those in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Imagine the outcry if, in Greece, the rowdy anti-austerity demonstrators had been mown down with sub-machine guns.

Certainly, such comparisons are imperfect. The situation, like any messy confrontation, is far from black and white – or yellow and red in the Thai parlance. The colour codes do not tell the whole story. Analysts too readily reach for simplistic explanations of city versus countryside, peasants versus an urban elite, and republicans versus monarchists. Doubtless too, as Mr Abhisit's government maintains, the Red Shirt pro-democracy movement does contain a violent fringe. Though many of the demonstrators terrified into surrender yesterday were unarmed women, some of the young men were carrying sharpened staves and homemade explosives. Hotels and other public places have been attacked.

It is also true that Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted former prime minister in whose name many of the demonstrators rallied, is a deeply flawed poster-boy for democracy. As prime minister from 2001 to 2006, he was accused of using his power to favour the businesses of his family and associated cronies, while Thai police were blamed for thousands of extra-judicial killings in the name of a war on drugs. Thailand's Supreme Court sentenced him in absentia to two years in jail for conflict of interest. Technically, that makes Mr Thaksin the fugitive from the law Mr Abhisit's government says he is.

But this is far from the whole story. Those who would now simply call for calm and a return to the status quo ante must face other facts. First, Mr Thaksin was the most popular prime minister in Thailand's history, the only one to serve a full term and be re-elected. He was ousted, in traditional Thai fashion, by a military coup in 2006. In subsequent elections – after a laughably haphazard period of military rule – a government loyal to Mr Thaksin came to power. That administration, and the following pro-Thaksin incarnation, were both dissolved under dubious clauses of the military-imposed constitution. Those who did not want anything to do with Mr Thaksin finally got their way in 2008 when the government of Mr Abhisit – which has yet to win a popular mandate – was stitched together in a parliamentary deal.

Second, and almost more telling than the way in which Mr Thaksin and his political allies were bundled out of power, is the fact that the Red Shirt protesters clearly represent legitimate social grievances. Attempts to portray the tens of thousands of mainly poor Thais who took to Bangkok's streets as “terrorists” or paid mercenaries of Mr Thaksin simply do not wash.

Mr Thaksin was a catalyst for the political empowerment of Thais – mainly, but not exclusively, from the north and north-east – who had previously been excluded from the magic circle of political and economic power. That is why the relatively modest policies he put in place – such as cheap healthcare and better access to credit – won him almost fanatical allegiance. To brand Thaksinomics as merely populist bribes for a rented rabble is condescending. For those desperately seeking to cling on to their comfortable existence, it is also self-serving.

Unlike in previous stand-offs, Bhumibol Adulyadej, Thailand's revered king, has not acted to calm the situation. That may be, as some contend, because he is old and in failing health. Just as likely, he has judged that the forces of Thailand's underclass cannot, this time, be so easily contained. By last night the streets of Bangkok had returned to a sort of calm. Yet few could mistake this for any kind of resolution of the underlying tensions. At best, such resolution will require fair elections – and respect for the result. At worst, it will mean more bloody confrontation, in Bangkok or in the countryside. Even the most ardent fan of Thailand must realise this isn't over yet. 






在距离动物园几个街区处,两条殖民地时期铺设的大道在这里交汇。一条是戴高乐将军大道(Avenue du Général de Gaulle),以确保法国在其非洲殖民地独立很长时间之后,仍能保持对其控制权的法国领袖戴高乐命名。另一条则是铀大街(Avenue de l'Uranium),正是这种金属使得尼日尔成为法国核驱动经济的基石。




然而,今年2月份的一场政变,加剧了那些认为这种疏远中存在危险隐患的人们的焦虑情绪。尽管在这场政变中,种族对抗和机会主义都起到了各自的作用,但马马杜•坦贾(Mamadou Tandja)成为第一位可能由于接受中国示好而直接导致其下台的非洲领导人。"正是因为坦贾有了中国的钱,所以他觉得可以无视欧盟、西非经济共同体(Ecowas)和美国," 尼日尔前任部长穆罕迈德•巴祖姆(Mohamed Bazoum)表示。他目前就职于"顾问委员会",这是一个由夺取政权的军政府创立的机构。



与此同时,尼日尔本土透明运动组织Rotab负责人阿里•伊德里莎(Ali Idrissa)表示,中国为获得阿泽利克铀矿开采权所支付的300亿非洲金融共同体法郎(简称:非郎)中,有250亿非郎(合4700万美元)被用于购买军火以镇压叛乱。中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation)为阿加德姆油田开采权支付的好处费更多——约为3亿美元,相当于尼日尔年出口额的近三分之一。该集团计划投入50亿美元,开采出尼日尔的第一桶石油。





The lions of Niamey are going up in the world. The cramped cats may not know it, but when they move to their spacious new enclosure at the zoo in the capital of landlocked Niger, they will be the latest beneficiaries of a latter-day scramble for Africa.

Their $60,000 (£42,000, €49,000) pen is the merest nicety compared with the rest of the largesse that Beijing and companies acting on its behalf are lavishing on an arid west African nation of 15m people more accustomed to hunger and penury.

Following the same bargain it has struck across the continent – swapping infrastructure and cash for resources to sustain its breakneck growth – China has secured access not only to another source of African oil but also to what is perhaps the single commodity considered more sensitive than crude: uranium. It has also turned Niger into a bellwether for those who fear that the struggle to secure the continent's resources risks re-creating the ruinous brinkmanship of the cold war.

A few mud-red blocks from the zoo, two colonial thoroughfares converge. One, Avenue du Général de Gaulle, is named for the French leader who ensured his country's stamp remained on its African colonies long after independence. The other, Avenue de l'Uranium, bears the name of the metal that has made Niger the bedrock of France's nuclear-powered economy.

China has vied with western groups in Africa for oil and minerals for the best part of a decade. But it also has ambitious nuclear power targets and its quest for uranium – repositories of which are few and far between – has thrown the rivalry into sharper focus.

In the past three years, as China embarked on its new thrust into Africa, relations between Niamey and Paris plunged. The award of uranium concessions to China's Sino-U and other prospectors broke the de facto 40-year monopoly of Areva, France's state-controlled nuclear group.

The competition has seen work start on Niger's first refinery and a $700m hydroelectric barrage, not to mention hundreds of millions of dollars in "signature bonuses", courtesy of Beijing. It helped the country wring tougher terms from France before granting permission for Areva's vast new mine, which will make the country the world's second-biggest uranium producer after Kazakhstan.

Yet a February coup d'etat heightened the anxiety of those who see danger in a stand-off. Although ethnic rivalries and opportunism played their part in the putsch, Mamadou Tandja became the first African leader whose downfall could be traced directly to his embrace of Chinese suitors. "It was because Tandja had Chinese money that he felt he could mock the European Union, Ecowas [the regional bloc], the US," says Mohamed Bazoum, a former minister who now serves on the "consultative council" created by the military junta that seized power.

The volatility in Niger is worrying to western intelligence agencies as they contemplate al-Qaeda's presence in the effectively borderless lands of the Sahara. Drugs, weapons and counterfeit goods flow freely. That uranium destined for a dirty bomb could do the same ranks among the west's security nightmares. Niger's uranium could also prove of strategic importance as Europe frets about its dependence on Russian gas and looks to nuclear energy to help combat climate change.

From 2004, when he became the first president in Niger's history to be re-elected, Mr Tandja set about loosening Niamey's umbilical bond to Paris. From 2007, Niger granted some 150 new permits to prospect for uranium, which accounts for up to half its export earnings. Relations with France reached their nadir when his government accused Areva of funding the Tuareg rebels of the Sahara who kidnapped expatriates and laid landmines in the northern mining region, demanding a greater share of the uranium spoils. Two senior Areva officials were ejected from the country in spite of French denials.

Meanwhile, CFA Fr25bn ($47m, £33m, €38m) of a CFA Fr30bn bonus that China paid for rights to mine at Azelik went on arms to combat the rebellion, says Ali Idrissa, head of Rotab, a local transparency campaign. China National Petroleum Corporation paid a far larger bonus – some $300m, equivalent to about one-third of Niger's annual exports – for the Agadem oil block. It plans to spend $5bn to produce Niger's first oil.

With fresh financial support that would offset frozen aid, Mr Tandja began to indulge his authoritarian streak. At the October 2008 ceremony to mark the start of construction at the Chinese refinery, a band of supporters made the first of several appearances. Their printed T-shirts bore the word tazartché, or continuity in the local Hausa language – a demand that Mr Tandja should extend his rule beyond its constitutional limit a year later.

Over the next few months, Mr Tandja waged a campaign against Niger's institutions. When the national assembly and then the courts refused to back his plans to remain in office, he dissolved them. Defying protests at home and sanctions from Africa and the west, he triumphed in a referendum last August that the opposition boycotted.

Memories are still fresh of the way repressive kleptocrats such as Zaire's Mobutu Sese Seko and Ethiopia's Mengistu Haile Mariam played Washington and Moscow against one another to keep themselves in guns, funds and power before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Today's emissaries from east and west come bearing energy contracts rather than ideology.

Rights groups denounce Beijing for its readiness to do business with authoritarians in Sudan or Angola provided the oil keeps flowing. Yet they note that relationships such as Washington's cosy ties to Equatorial Guinea's petro-dictatorship deprive the west of any moral high ground.

Even Mr Tandja's critics would not liken him to a Mobutu or a Mengistu. But that is partly because he failed to cling to power. "He became arrogant," says one western diplomat. "He counted too much on the Chinese to be there."

Perhaps Mr Tandja had not acquainted himself with China's policy of non-interference in the domestic affairs of African states. When young officers stormed the presidential palace on February 18, Beijing was as silent as it had been while he amassed power. The toppled president remains under lock and key. The junta pledged elections by February and has barred its own members from contesting them – so those overseeing the transition are not themselves participants. The soldiers have signalled they have no plans to break with China, although they intend to audit all Tandja-era mining permits.

If Mr Tandja set too much store by his Chinese allies, perhaps Beijing also invested too much in him – and his family. One son, Ousmane, was Niger's commercial attaché in China. According to people familiar with the matter, he has close links to Trendfield Holdings, a British Virgin Islands-registered consultancy that helped China secure its uranium permits and is funding the lion enclosure at Niamey zoo. (El-Moctar Ichah, head of Trendfield's Niger subsidiary, dismisses such claims as "speculation".)

France's critics say its subdued criticism of both Mr Tandja's authoritarianism and the coup undermined democratic forces in Niger. "There is a sense of neo-colonialism – that France has no friends, only interests," says one French expatriate.

Those interests may remain secure. "Fundamentally, Areva is still the big partner," says another western diplomat. Olivier Muller, Areva's managing director in Niger, dismisses talk of damaging rivalry with China. "It's like in oil: there are enough blocks to produce," he says. "You might compete for the blocks you want but after [they are assigned] you co- operate. In the next 10 years . . . all the so-called 'competitors' will share infrastructure."

Areva's €1.2bn ($1.5bn, £870m) Imouraren mine is on track to start production in 2013. It is slated to yield 5,000 tonnes of uranium a year, doubling Areva's output in the country. Mr Muller says the negotiations with Mr Tandja were tough but that Areva's agreement to increase payments to the government by 50 per cent had more to do with rising global prices than competition. He describes Salou Djibo, the previously unknown officer and former United Nations peacekeeper now heading the  junta, as "a nice guy", adding: "I met the president for an hour this morning . . . If you have one hour with the president, it has gone well. If not, you get five minutes. Obviously, we don't talk politics, just business."

Xia Huang, China's ambassador in Niamey, says Beijing's bonds to Niger are  unshaken and that grander projects are in the offing, including pipelines and coal-fired power stations. China, he says, has offered Africa a "more profitable option" than other partners have. With a little overstatement, he adds: "This country has already seen uranium extraction for nearly 40 years. But when one sees that the direct revenues from uranium are more or less equivalent to those derived from the export of onions each year, there's a problem."

Beijing's critics are unbowed. Mr Idrissa, the transparency campaigner, repeats charges heard across the continent. Chinese companies prefer to import their own labour and, when they do employ locals, they do so in poor conditions and at low wages, he says. "They are going to take our riches and go," Mr Idrissa concludes.

But for others, China's efforts offer an opportunity for industrialisation on a scale never countenanced by the colonisers of old. Ibrahim Iddi Ango, an industrialist and president of the chamber of commerce, is pushing for regulations that would oblige foreign investors to foster the local private sector. He notes that France's Total and others including ExxonMobil of the US sat on the Agadem block for years but balked at Niamey's demands. "Each time the government said, 'build a refinery', they said: 'it's impossible'. The Chinese came and said: 'A refinery? What size?'"







"很多当地人跑来看这个工程,"一位官方导游说道。这位导游把游客带到斯里兰卡总统拉贾帕克萨(Mahinda Rajapaksa)与中国总理温家宝拍过合照的一个位置。



"自从战争结束后,中国一直在设法挺进斯里兰卡,抓住更多机遇,"新德里智库——政策研究中心(Centre for Policy Research)的战略研究教授布拉马•切拉尼(Brahma Chellaney)表示。








身为反对党"统一国民党"(United National Party)党员的经济学家哈沙•德•席尔瓦(Harsha de Silva)表示:"既然不管怎样都会有投资者进来,又何必有良好的管理?"





At Hambantota, a remote fishing town on Sri Lanka's south coast, Chinese engineers dig a channel through the beaches, connecting the Indian Ocean with a vast inland pit, whose soaring concrete walls dwarf the earth-moving equipment working below.

Next year, project managers will fill this man-made crater with water, creating the first phase of an international harbour that will service the passing ships of the oil trade between east Asia and the Middle East.

"There are a lot of local crowds who come to see this," says an official guide, who takes tourists to a vantage point where Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka's president, is pictured standing alongside Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier.

The port is the brainchild of Mr Rajapaksa, whose family won several seats in the district in parliamentary elections last month. But while the public sees the harbour as an engineering wonder, analysts view it as a symbol of the growing relationship between Co-lombo and Beijing, which lent $360m (€290m, £250m) for the first phase of the project. As Mr Rajapaksa this week celebrates the first anniversary of Colombo's victory over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam separatist group, these building works show how much he owes his success to Beijing.

The moustachioed ruler, known for his trademark maroon shawl and traditional dress, won a second term this year on the back of his victory over the Tamil Tigers – with China providing him with munitions – and by wooing voters with promises of big-ticket infrastructure pro-jects, many of which are again backed by China.

"Since the end of the war, China has been trying to jump in and seize more opportunities in Sri Lanka," says Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at the Centre for Policy Research, a New Delhi think-tank.

China was Sri Lanka's biggest source of foreign funding in 2009, providing $1.2bn – nearly triple the $424m given by the number two overseas lender, the Asian Development Bank.

Aside from Hambantota's port, projects include a coal-fired power plant, an oil bunkering facility and a performing arts centre in Colombo. In March, China pledged another $290m for a new airport and to upgrade the island's railways.

Mr Rajapaksa, who once acted in Sinhalese films, is starting to rely on China for diplomatic support. Beijing helped thwart calls last year for a UN probe into allegations of human rights violations during the war.

For Beijing, the partnership with Sri Lanka offers secure access to the Indian Ocean through which most of China's oil passes. Some suspect the island could one day serve Beijing as a de facto navy base.

"If China is to emerge as the pre-eminent power in Asia . . . then China has to be the dominant force in the Indian Ocean region," says Prof Chellaney. Big infrastructure projects come at a price. Sri Lanka's fiscal deficit reached nearly 10 per cent of gross domestic product in the 2009 fiscal year compared with a target of 7 per cent, amid soaring public debt.

This led the International Monetary Fund to postpone in February the third tranche of a $2.6bn loan programme. The delay is not sparking a crisis – the government has adequate foreign exchange reserves and the central bank expects the economy to grow 6.5 per cent this year.

But opposition politicians say the IMF's tight conditions give the government an excuse to move further into the embrace of China and other less demanding benefactors, such as Iran.

"What do you need good governance for when investors are coming in anyway?" says Harsha de Silva, an economist and politician with the opposition United National party.

Whatever critics say, the fruits of Mr Rajapaksa's friendship with Beijing can be seen everywhere in Sri Lanka.




1950年,印度的城市化水平高于中国(前者为17%,后者为13%)。但从1950年到2005年,中国的城市化速度远远超出了印度——前者的城市化率升至41%,后者为29%。麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinsey Global Institute, MGI)的新研究显示,该趋势将继续:预计到2025年,中国城市人口将新增4亿,占到该国总人口的64%;印度城市人口将新增2.15亿,占到该国总人口的38%。










China and India are in the vanguard of a wave of urban expansion that is driving the renaissance of Asia toward the global prominence the region had before the European and North American industrial revolution. By 2025, nearly 2.5bn Asians will live in cities, accounting for almost 54 per cent of the world's urban population. India and China alone will account for more than 62 per cent of the Asian urban population growth and a 40 per cent of global urban population growth between 2005 and 2025.

In 1950, India was a more urban nation than China (17 per cent of the population lived in cities compared with China's 13 per cent). But from 1950 to 2005, China urbanized far more rapidly than India to an urbanization rate of 41 per cent compared with 29 per cent in India. New research from the McKinsey Global Institute expects this pattern to continue with China forecast to add 400m to its urban population, which will account for 64 per cent of the total population by 2025, and India to add 215m to its cities whose populations will account for 38 per cent of the total in 2025.

Never before in history have two of the largest nations in terms of population urbanized at the same time—and at such pace. This process will drive fundamental shifts in both countries that will have significant consequences for the world economy and offer exciting new opportunities for investors.

In India, urban per capita GDP will grow at a rate of 6 per cent a year between 2005 and 2025, while China will see a growth of 7.3 per cent. The number of urban households with true discretionary spending power in India could increase seven fold to 89m households in 2025. In China, there are 55m middle-class households today. That number could more than quadruple to nearly  280m in 2025 to represent more than three-quarters of all China's urban households. For businesses, the significant increase in per capita urban incomes and middle-income households offer the potential of vibrant new markets to serve.

So what markets are likely to benefit the most from these trends? In India, by 2025, the largest markets will be transportation and communication, food, and health care, followed by housing and utilities, recreation, and education. Even India's slower growing spending categories will represent significant opportunities for businesses because these markets will still be growing rapidly in comparison with their counterparts in other parts of the world. In China's cities today, the fastest-growing categories are likely to be transportation and communication, housing and utilities, personal products, health care, and recreation and education. In addition, in both China and India, urban infrastructure markets will be massive. For example, between 2005 and 2025, India will need to add between 700m and 900m square meters of floor space a year; in China, the required numbers could be between 1,600m and 1,900m square meters. During the same period, India will need to add at least 350 to 400 kilometres of metro rail and subways annually while the equivalent number in China will be closer to 1,000 kilometres.

There is little doubt about the scale of the new markets in India and China unleashed by the pace and scale of their urbanization. But businesses still need to be able to serve these markets in practical terms. The way cities are run—and the productivity that results—is a major factor for companies. Here, China is in much better shape than India. While India has barely paid attention to its urban transformation, China has developed a set of internally consistent practices across every element of the urbanization operating model: funding, governance, planning, sectorial policies, and shape. India has underinvested in its cities; China has invested ahead of demand and given its cities the freedom to raise substantial investment resources by monetizing land assets and retaining a 25 per cent share of value added taxes. While India spends $17 per capita in capital investments in urban infrastructure annually, China spends $116. Indian cities have devolved little real power and accountability to its cities; but China's major cities enjoy the same status as provinces and have powerful and empowered political appointees as mayors. While India's urban planning system has failed to address competing demands for space, China has a mature urban planning regime that emphasizes the systematic development of run-down areas consistent with long range plans for land use, housing, and transportation.

The starkest contrast between the two countries is that China has embraced and shaped urbanization while India is still waking up to its urban reality and the opportunities that its cities offer for economic and social transformation.

However, if India fixes its urban operating model, it has the potential to reap a demographic dividend from the increase in working age population of around 250m expected in the next decade. This demographic dividend is even larger than that in China, as China is aging rapidly. By 2025, nearly 28 per cent of China's population will be aged 55 or older compared with only 16 per cent in India, whose population profile is much more youthful. If India optimizes the productivity of its cities and maximizes their generation of GDP, the economy could add over 170m urban workers to its labour force between 2005 and 2025 compared with 50m in China over the same period. The stakes are high.

Richard Dobbs is a Director of MGI and a Director of McKinsey, based in Seoul. Shirish Sankhe is a director of McKinsey based in Mumbai.
