
俄罗斯重新崛起? 俄罗斯重新崛起?









本文作者是伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)国际史系主任,著有《俄罗斯抗击拿破仑》(Russia against Napoleon)一书。



The love affair between Russia and the west in the era of perestroika was always likely to turn sour. The loss of empire is usually bitter. To imagine a British equivalent to the collapse of the Soviet Union you would have to think of the British Empire's disintegration in the 1930s, when for most English people it was still regarded both as fundamentally benevolent and as part of the natural order. Empire's fall would have had to coincide with the secession of Scotland (Ukraine) and Wales (Belarus), with a devastating economic depression, and with the overthrow of the constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system (the Soviet party-state).

In this context, Russian efforts to reassert international status and preserve a post-imperial sphere of interest are unsurprising. Inevitably, these efforts have increased as Russia has recovered from the low point of the 1990s. Not just the "near abroad" but much of central and western Europe now fears overdependence on Russian oil and gas. When Georgia teased the bear incautiously it discovered that Moscow was once again willing and able to mount effective military operations beyond its borders.

But the biggest risk to international stability has always been Russo-Ukrainian relations, given Ukraine's scale and instability, the size of its Russian minority, and the hold that Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet has over the Russian imagination. Last month's deal to extend the Russian navy's lease at the Sevastopol port in return for lower energy prices is therefore the most welcome news to have come out of the former Soviet region for some time.

Condemnation of Russian neo-imperialism, though sometimes justified, should always be tempered by awareness that such behaviour is hardly unique among former empires. After 1945 Britain, too, struggled to retain as much influence as possible in its shrinking imperial space, sometimes at the expense of international law (Suez) or human rights (the war against the Mau-Mau in Kenya).

Shedding a land empire is always harder than letting go of overseas colonies. Britain had an empire but Russia was one: abandoning one's property is easier than facing challenges to one's identity. It is easier for London to take a relaxed attitude to events in Asia or the Middle East than for Moscow to remain aloof from chaos in the Caucasus. The closest Britain and France came to the problems of an integrated land empire was in Ireland and Algeria, and in both cases the imperial retreat proved exceptionally troublesome.

Russia, of course, has hung on to the jewel in its imperial crown, namely Siberia. Given this region's wealth, tiny population and powerful Chinese neighbour, its security is bound to be a cause of concern in Moscow. But it also offers possibilities and temptations. In a world of shrinking resources, Siberia's hydrocarbons not only give Russia international leverage but almost dictate how it will seek to reassert itself. Thank God that Russia looks to the energy weapon rather than military power and territorial annexations. Nevertheless, its possession of this weapon makes it a potentially awkward participant in the liberal-capitalist global economy.

As the second era of Anglophone-dominated globalisation faces a raft of challenges, thoughts almost inevitably turn to the first, British-led, era that was wounded in 1914-18 and almost destroyed in 1939-45. If China today is imperial Germany, then the prospects for global stability are unpromising. In 1913, 44 per cent of Russia's trade was with Germany and the two empires had a vast interest in each other's prosperity. Nevertheless, the two countries went to war in 1914.

Today's Russia has a big interest in the stability of the existing global order and a bigger one in staying out of the firing line should it founder. But it has even less control over the geopolitical and economic factors that will determine its fate than was the case in the first half of the twentieth century. History is unlikely to persuade Russia's rulers that global economic links, let alone democracy, are guarantors of stability or peace. Grim experience will probably lead to greater faith in the fact that, whereas in 1914 and even 1939 it was possible to believe that war could result in something meaningfully defined as victory, the existence of nuclear weapons makes that no longer credible.

The writer is head of the international history department at the London School of Economics and author of Russia against Napoleon

