
中美同意加强对伊朗施压 分歧犹存 US, China Talk Strategy On Iran

方透露,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)和中国国家主席胡锦涛在核安全峰会首日会面时,双方同意因伊朗核计划而加强对该国的压力。但对于怎样具体实施这种压力,两国之间似乎存在分歧。


Associated Press
美国国家安全委员会(National Security Council)首席中国问题专家巴德尔(Jeffrey Bader)说,他们准备同我们合作;两国元首同意,双方代表团应当在纽约就一项制裁决议展开合作,这正是我们在做的。


他没有提及制裁,但表示中国政府将在联合国并通过其他渠道,同负责协商制定制裁措施的几个国家保持协商与合作。这些国家包括联合国安全理事会(Security Council)五个常任理事国,外加德国。


白宫发言人吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)说,这批铀将在2012年下次核安全峰会召开之前被运往更为安全的地点,有可能是俄罗斯和美国,其中很大一部分将在今年运走。

白宫反恐负责人布瑞南(John Brennan)表示,有确凿证据表明,数十个恐怖主义团体曾经积极地寻找某种具有大规模杀伤效应的武器。



美国及其盟国要求德黑兰在去年12月31日前对此外交建议做出回应。副国家安全事务助理罗兹(Ben Rhodes)说,由于最后期限已过,奥巴马政府希望在几周内在联合国提出对伊朗实施一系列制裁。


由于中国继续让人民币汇率盯住美元,导致人民币人为地保持在大多数经济学家认为较低的水平,因此美国国会施压,要求财政部长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)宣布中国为汇率操纵国。此举使伊朗问题变得更为复杂。








奥巴马和俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)上周在布拉格也做出了类似的保证。



智利上周自告奋勇地说已交给美国少量的高浓缩铀,加拿大总理哈珀(Stephen Harper)周一称在2018年前将把"大量"已使用的高浓缩铀归还给美国的供应商。这些铀目前存储在加拿大的乔克里弗国家实验室(Chalk River National Laboratories)。



Jonathan Weisman


U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao, meeting on the first day of a nuclear security summit, agreed to step up pressure on Iran for its nuclear program, the U.S. said, but the two nations appear divided on how to apply that pressure.

Just days before the Obama administration hopes to advance sanctions against Iran at the United Nations, the two presidents said they had instructed their governments to work together on potential sanctions designed to punish Tehran for its nuclear program.

'They're prepared to work with us,' said Jeffrey Bader, the National Security Council's chief China expert. 'The two presidents agreed that the two delegations should work on a sanctions resolution in New York, and that's what we're doing.'

But China, Iran's biggest energy consumer, remains reluctant. Ma Zhaoxu, a spokesman for the Chinese delegation at the summit, stressed diplomacy over punishment. 'China hopes that various parties will continue to step up diplomatic efforts and actively seek effective ways to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiations,' Mr. Ma said.

He didn't mention sanctions, but said Beijing would 'maintain consultation and coordination' with the group negotiating them, the five permanent members of the U. N. Security Council plus Germany, 'in the United Nations and through other channels.'

The fourth meeting of the two leaders came at a particularly sensitive time. Forty-seven heads of state have converged for the first summit of its kind, dedicated to securing nuclear weapons and materials before they get into the hands of rogue states or terrorists. The White House announced Monday what it terms a 'landmark decision,' an agreement by Ukraine to get rid of a stockpile of at least 200 pounds of highly enriched uranium, enough to construct several nuclear weapons.

That uranium will be shipped to more secure locations, likely in Russia and the U.S., before the next nuclear security summit in 2012, much of it this year, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.

John Brennan, the White House's counterterrorism chief, spoke of 'indisputable evidence that dozens of terrorist groups have actively sought some type of weapon of mass effect.'

A nuclear weapon, he added, is 'the ultimate and most prized goal.'

Beneath those pronouncements, Iran remained a subtext.
