菲特(Warren Buffett)周一再次选中一位没有太大名气的对冲基金经理,任命其来管理伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)巨额投资组合的一部分。巴菲特挑中了投资管理公司Peninsula Capital Advisors执行合伙人韦斯勒(Ted Weschler),这是让伯克希尔为现年81岁的巴菲特不再执掌该公司之日做好准备的最新举措。
现年50岁的韦斯勒将与巴菲特去年任命的40岁的库姆斯(Todd Combs)一起暂时管理伯克希尔660亿美元的股权投资组合的一部分。当巴菲特退位时,这两人,或许再加上一个人,将负责伯克希尔全部的股权和债务投资,不过巴菲特说他预计这一天不会很快到来。
巴菲特说,他的儿子霍华德・巴菲特(Howard Buffett)可能会担任伯克希尔的非执行董事长。
Erik Holm
Warren Buffett plucked a second little-known hedge-fund manager from obscurity on Monday to handle a portion of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s (BRKA, BRKB) massive investment portfolio.
The selection of Ted Weschler, managing partner of Peninsula Capital Advisors, is the most recent move to prepare Berkshire for the day when Buffett, 81, will no longer run the company.
The succession plan at Berkshire is one of the most closely watched in the U.S. business world. Buffett--who serves as Berkshire's chairman, chief executive and head of investing--has said he and the company's board plan to spread his responsibilities at Berkshire among several people.
Weschler, 50, will join Todd Combs, 40, named by Buffett last year, in handling a fraction of Berkshire's $66 billion equity portfolio for the time being. When Buffett steps aside, the two men, and perhaps a third person, will have responsibility for all of Berkshire's equity and debt investments--though Buffett said he didn't expect that day to come soon.
'This is part of a plan we put in place a long time ago,' Buffett said in an interview on Monday. 'We've got the perfect succession plan...and I'm feeling terrific, too. Call me in 10 years and I'd have turned 91.'
Buffett and Berkshire's board also have compiled a handful of candidates to choose from when deciding which individual will take over the CEO role. The names on that list haven't been revealed to the public.
Buffett has said his son, Howard Buffett, could serve as Berkshire's nonexecutive chairman.
Buffett said both Combs and Weschler will gradually get more of Berkshire's money to invest over time and will have no constraints over what stocks they pick.
'They both have looked for undervalued stocks, and they both will have the same vineyard in which to toil,' he said.
Weschler told investors in his Charlottesville, Va.-based fund that he will be winding down the fund as he prepares to join Berkshire early next year, according to a statement from Berkshire Monday. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
According to an account in Fortune that was confirmed by Buffett, Weschler appeared on Buffett's radar when Weschler won Buffett's annual charity auction with a bid of $2,626,311 in 2010. He also won again this year, topping his prior-year bid by $100. The winner of the auction gets to dine with Buffett.
Buffett noted Monday that Combs and Weschler will be effectively doing what they used to do for their own hedge funds, but at a less-advantaged tax rate. They will be paid a base salary by Berkshire plus a performance fee that will be tied to how much they beat the S&P 500 stock index.
Their income, however, will be taxed as ordinary income rather than the 15% rate on capital gains that hedge funds benefit from. 'They've got a job now but now they'll pay normal taxes, and they're not the least bit unhappy about it,' Buffett said.
Erik Holm
The selection of Ted Weschler, managing partner of Peninsula Capital Advisors, is the most recent move to prepare Berkshire for the day when Buffett, 81, will no longer run the company.
The succession plan at Berkshire is one of the most closely watched in the U.S. business world. Buffett--who serves as Berkshire's chairman, chief executive and head of investing--has said he and the company's board plan to spread his responsibilities at Berkshire among several people.
Weschler, 50, will join Todd Combs, 40, named by Buffett last year, in handling a fraction of Berkshire's $66 billion equity portfolio for the time being. When Buffett steps aside, the two men, and perhaps a third person, will have responsibility for all of Berkshire's equity and debt investments--though Buffett said he didn't expect that day to come soon.
'This is part of a plan we put in place a long time ago,' Buffett said in an interview on Monday. 'We've got the perfect succession plan...and I'm feeling terrific, too. Call me in 10 years and I'd have turned 91.'
Buffett and Berkshire's board also have compiled a handful of candidates to choose from when deciding which individual will take over the CEO role. The names on that list haven't been revealed to the public.
Buffett has said his son, Howard Buffett, could serve as Berkshire's nonexecutive chairman.
Buffett said both Combs and Weschler will gradually get more of Berkshire's money to invest over time and will have no constraints over what stocks they pick.
'They both have looked for undervalued stocks, and they both will have the same vineyard in which to toil,' he said.
Weschler told investors in his Charlottesville, Va.-based fund that he will be winding down the fund as he prepares to join Berkshire early next year, according to a statement from Berkshire Monday. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
According to an account in Fortune that was confirmed by Buffett, Weschler appeared on Buffett's radar when Weschler won Buffett's annual charity auction with a bid of $2,626,311 in 2010. He also won again this year, topping his prior-year bid by $100. The winner of the auction gets to dine with Buffett.
Buffett noted Monday that Combs and Weschler will be effectively doing what they used to do for their own hedge funds, but at a less-advantaged tax rate. They will be paid a base salary by Berkshire plus a performance fee that will be tied to how much they beat the S&P 500 stock index.
Their income, however, will be taxed as ordinary income rather than the 15% rate on capital gains that hedge funds benefit from. 'They've got a job now but now they'll pay normal taxes, and they're not the least bit unhappy about it,' Buffett said.
Erik Holm