
FT社评:梁振英的历史使命 Leader_Hong Kong’s vote


梁振英(Leung Chun-ying)凭借689张选票当选香港特首,票数是不久前台湾大选中马英九(Ma Ying-jeou)得到的689万张选票的万分之一。与民主的台湾不同,一个仅由1200名“精英”人士组成的选举委员会决定由谁执掌香港。香港是一个国际金融中心,自1997年以来是中国的一个特别行政区。

尽管有精英阶层的支持,但梁振英目前所受到的压力,也许比他在赢得民主选举后面临的压力更大。香港可能成为一个媒体关注的温室,正如本次丑闻不断的特首选举所展示的。与主导香港经济和政治生活的富豪们关系密切的公务员唐英年(Henry Tang),就是因为媒体曝光的一系列丑闻而落选的。这迫使北京方面在最后一刻更换支持对象。








Leung Chun-ying won the election to become chief executive of Hong Kong with 689 votes, one ten-thousandth of the 6.89m garnered by Ma Ying-jeou in the recent Taiwanese presidential election. Unlike in democratic Taiwan, an election committee of just 1,200 “elite” personages determines who runs Hong Kong, a global financial centre and a special administrative region of China since 1997.

Despite this elite backing, Mr Leung may be under more pressure than if he had won in a democratic election. Hong Kong can be a hothouse of media scrutiny as the scandal-tainted election for chief executive demonstrated. Beijing’s presumed favourite, Henry Tang, a civil servant close to the tycoons who dominate the territory’s economic and political life, was felled by a series of press scandals. That obliged Beijing to switch sides at the 11th hour.

Mr Leung, better known as CY, has a few ghosts of his own to slay. He has been accused of being a closet member of the Communist party – something he has always denied – and of favouring the use of teargas on demonstrators. It was unfortunate and a little ironic that his victory was marred by police firing pepper gas on protesters.

The new chief executive, then, has much to prove. He should prioritise three areas. First, he campaigned on a platform of social justice. That is what rattled tycoons, who fear he could limit their ability to make money. Mr Leung is right that Hong Kong leans too heavily towards the interests of big business. Competition law is weak. Cartels are allowed to dominate land transactions. Public housing is insufficient. Mr Leung’s challenge is to fix some of these problems without resorting to dirigiste policies that could damage Hong Kong’s vibrant capitalism.

Second, Mr Leung must defend Hong Kong’s freedoms to the hilt. There are suspicions that he is less finicky about western-style liberties. If Hong Kong is to preserve its status as a global financial centre, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and an independent judiciary must be preserved at all costs.

Finally, Mr Leung is charged with bringing in universal suffrage for the chief executive election by 2017 and for parliament by 2020. Hong Kongers are rightly sceptical that Beijing will ever allow such a thing. Mr Leung should prove them wrong. He should press for a system of one person one vote in which candidates are not pre-screened. If he accomplishes that, he may even deserve to be re-elected – and with considerably more than a few hundred votes.

