
40岁美国男性心脏猝死风险为八分之一 For Men At 40, Risk Of Cardiac Death 1 In 8




位于芝加哥的西北大学心脏病专家劳埃德-琼斯(Donald M. Lloyd-Jones)说,心脏猝死是冠心病最具破坏力的一种表现。上述风险评估由他牵头。他说,这个问题特别严重,因为它的发作毫无征兆,在老年人和年轻人身上都有可能发生。

美国宾夕法尼亚大学心脏病专家杰塞普(Muriel Jessup)说,这是相当惊人的数据。她是美国心脏协会在当地的科学研讨会的项目委员会负责人。上述发现于上周日提交给了研讨会,杰塞普没有参与这项研究。


Ron Winslow

Researchers said men at age 40 in the U.S. have a one-in-eight chance of suffering sudden cardiac death over the rest of their lives, a stark indication of the toll cardiovascular disease exacts on society.

For women, researchers said, the risk is 1 in 24. The prevalence has long been of concern to heart and public-health experts, but lifetime risks for the condition haven't previously been estimated, researchers said.

Some 300,000 Americans a year suffer sudden cardiac death, an event generally defined as death resulting from coronary heart disease within an hour of the onset of symptoms. Heart attack is the most common cause, but valve disease, infections and heart-beat irregularities can also result in sudden cardiac death.

'Sudden cardiac death is one of the most devastating manifestations' of coronary heart disease, said Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, a cardiologist at Northwestern University, Chicago, who led the effort to calculate the estimates. It is particularly problematic because 'it strikes without warning' and can happen to young people as well as old, he said.

'It's fairly astonishing data,' said Muriel Jessup, a cardiologist at University of Pennsylvania who headed the program committee for the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions here, where the findings were presented Sunday, and who wasn't involved in the study.

The condition may get less attention because of a belief that little can be done to prevent it, she said. But she and other scientists said steps can be taken to prevent the problem.

Ron Winslow
