
冷战影片翻拍 中国“入侵”美国 China Invades America - Sort Of

984年,俄罗斯还是苏联的时候,好莱坞在《赤色黎明》(Red Dawn)等影片中表现了冷战时期人们的恐惧心理。《赤色黎明》讲述一队勇敢的高中生在斯威兹(Patrick Swayze)的带领下,击退了共产力量对美国的入侵。



《赤色黎明》正在翻拍,"黄祸"(Yellow Peril)取代了"红色恐怖"(Red Scare)。



一张照片显示的场景是"中美友谊中心"(Chinese/American Friendship Center),照片中的一张海报上,一位强壮的中国工人正在锤炼修复一个美元符号,上面的标语是"repairing your economy"(修复你们的经济)。其他现场照片上,解放军的五星八一标志放在了美国国旗上。





Shai Oster

Back in 1984, when Russia was still the Soviet Union, Hollywood tapped Cold War fears in movies like 'Red Dawn,' about a team of spunky teenage resisters led by Patrick Swayze fighting off a communist invasion of America.

What's a screenwriter to do now that the Soviet Union's gone and the Cold War is a microwaved warmish mush?

Hello China.

'Red Dawn' is being redone, with the Yellow Peril replacing the Red Scare.

Chinese Web sites, as pointed out by the intrepid translators at ChinaSmack have been writing about a 'Red Dawn' remake with China taking over the U.S. instead of the Russians.

The movie is expected to be released in 2010, and pictures of the set have been leaked onto Chinese Web sites showing Chinese troops and propaganda posters covering a small American town.

One photo of the set shows the 'Chinese/American Friendship Center' with posters of a brawny Chinese worker hammering a dollar sign back into shape under the slogan 'repairing your economy.' Other pictures from the set show the People's Liberation Army insignia - the Chinese characters for 8-1, the army's founding date of August 1st - imposed on the American flag.

Chinese reaction is mixed between nationalism and skepticism. Some applaud the idea of an invasion and China's rising military strength. Others applaud America's freedom to be able to produce such a film, pointing out that it would be impossible to get a movie of an American invasion of China past the government's censors.

While there may be some scaremongering at work here, there's some evidence the movie will take a more complex tack. It could be a satire of capitalist consumer culture now tarnished by financial meltdown and banker bonus scandals. Rich American consumers taken over by the poorer country that makes the stuff they buy.

As one movie-set poster points out under a picture of 10 donuts: 'Obscene choice. A weapon of mass destruction. We are here to help.'

And there's hope that one overblown fear may turn out to be just as unfounded as the last one.

Shai Oster
