
朝鲜发行新货币 引发混乱 Pyongyang Revalues Won, Spurs Chaos


Bloomberg News
据专从朝鲜获得信息的韩国新闻媒体报导,朝鲜这一举措引发了混乱,民众纷纷涌向银行以及执政的朝鲜劳动党(Workers Party)办公楼,希望了解情况,兑换货币,或是将手头的朝鲜圆兑换为欧元和美元。











Evan Ramstad

North Korea revalued its currency for the first time in 50 years and strictly limited how much old money could be traded for new, moves that appear designed to confiscate much of the cash people earned in market activities the country's authoritarian government doesn't like.

The action triggered chaos, according to news outlets in South Korea that specialize in obtaining information from the North, as people rushed to banks and offices of the ruling Workers Party to get information, make exchanges or trade existing North Korean won for euros and U.S. dollars.

The revaluation was announced Monday over a cable-broadcast system that can't be monitored outside the country. North Korea issued new notes with an exchange value of 100 to 1 -- an old 1,000 won bill, for example, becoming a new 10-won note -- and said people could make exchanges from Tuesday to Saturday.

The revaluation was confirmed Tuesday by China's state-run news agency, Xinhua, which has an office in North Korean's capital, Pyongyang. Xinhua quoted one store clerk as saying that state-run stores in the city are closed this week so employees can reprice goods.

It is the latest and most sweeping step by the North Korean regime to rein in an unofficial economy that has grown in recent years and is perceived to threaten the grip of dictator Kim Jong Il, the government and the Workers Party.

The move will have little economic impact outside the country since the North Korea won isn't used for trade and isn't recognized for exchange by any country, even China, its chief trading partner and political benefactor.

Merchants in the Chinese city of Dandong, the most active border crossing with North Korea, said Tuesday that North Korean trading partners had told them about the revaluation but that they didn't know the details. Trade on the China-North Korean border is mainly conducted in U.S. dollars and euros, so the Chinese traders said they weren't expecting much impact on their business.

Inside North Korea, the economic impact of the revaluation is difficult to gauge since there has been no official data about the size of the North Korean economy or its banking system since the 1960s.

Until now, the won has traded officially at 135 per U.S. dollar. But defectors say that in North Korean border cities, where foreign currency is most necessary, the won has generally traded at about 2,000 to 3,000 per U.S. dollar. A typical North Korean earned about 5,000 won a day, aid workers and defectors say.

Initial reports indicated the government would allow only 100,000 old won to be exchanged for new. That would potentially wipe out the holdings of people who have earned and saved in won from market activities for years. Those who have saved in foreign currencies -- which, though not illegal, is difficult for ordinary North Koreans -- would appear unaffected.

According to an account by NKNet, a Seoul-based Web service focused on North Korea, people in Pyongyang on Monday night pressed party officials to allow more money to be exchanged. In response, according to the report, the officials lifted the exchangeable amount to 150,000 won in cash and 300,000 won in savings accounts.

North Korea last issued new currency in 1992 but hasn't revalued currency since 1959.

Evan Ramstad
