
奥巴马领和平奖 郎朗现场献艺 Lang Lang's Nobel Performance



Associated Press
这位以其高超指法和大胆打扮著称的演奏家在中国犹如摇滚明星一般受到追捧,他将与怀克里夫•吉恩(Wyclef Jean)、托比•基思(Toby Keith)、唐娜•萨默(Donna Summer)和西城男孩(Westlife)组合等流行音乐明星一道演出,此外还有一些不太知名的音乐家,如来自马里的一个爵士二重奏组合。司仪将由演员兼饶舌歌手威尔•史密斯(Will Smith)和同为演员的妻子扎德•平齐特•史密斯(Jada Pinkett Smith)担纲。

据《纽约客》(New Yorker)上的一篇报道,郎朗一场音乐会收费约5万美元,私人活动收费则五倍于此。有人期望郎朗放弃对此次活动收取酬劳。






Shai Oster

In yet another indication of China's global rise, a Chinese musician will be among the artists performing for President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony this week.

Classical pianist Lang Lang, called China's Liberace by some (who mean it in a good way), will be playing in Oslo, according to his publicist.

Treated like a rock star in China, the virtuoso known for his technical chops and outrageous outfits will be joining pop stars Wyclef Jean, Toby Keith, Donna Summer, and Westlife, plus more obscure musicians such as a jazz duet from Mali. MC's will be actor/rapper Will Smith and his wife, actress Jada Pinkett Smith.

One hopes Lang will be waving his usual fees, which are around $50,000 for a concert and five times that for a private event, according to a lengthy New Yorker profile.

Lang plans to play Liszt's 'Liebestraum' prior to Mr. Obama's award ceremony on the 10th, and then Chopin's Étude No. 10, Opus 3 in E major after the acceptance speech.

The music was chosen, according to Lang's publicist, because 'Lang Lang feels that the return to the pensive and gentle mood after the stormy and turbulent middle section of the Chopin Etude can be interpreted as a sublime symbol of people's innate yearning for peace, while the Liebestraum is a beautiful dream of a better world governed by love for all mankind.'


You can be sure that Lang's choice will resonate in China, where his fans shower him with flowers after every show and he's credited with inspiring a renaissance in studying classical piano.

The high-profile Nobel concert may also boost sales for Lang's albums - not to mention his signature scarf and signature gold-and-black Adidas sneakers.

Shai Oster
