
强硬的中国气候“部长”解振华 Negotiator Has Toxic History


Bloomberg News

彭博资讯(Bloomberg)援引美国自然资源保护委员会(Natural Resources Defense Council)中国项目主任费雯丽(Barbara Finamore)的话,称解振华和美国首席气候谈判代表斯特恩(Todd Stern)"富有魅力、平易近人,同时又是强硬的谈判代表,在代表自己国家利益方面表现出色"。



现年60岁的解振华是中国立场的积极拥护者,在哥本哈根气候峰会上毫不示弱。他对道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)说,他们只是说了通过资助和技术转让帮助发展中国家的漂亮话,却不愿意采取任何实际的行动。


Shai Oster

Outspoken and unafraid to lock horns with the U.S., the head of China's delegation to the Copenhagen climate summit overcame a toxic past.

Back in 2005, Xie Zhenhua resigned his position as head of China's environmental protection agency after the botched handling and cover-up of an explosion at a chemicals plant threatened the drinking water of millions in northeast China and sent a toxic slick heading toward Russia.

In a profile, Bloomberg quotes Barbara Finamore, China program director for the U.S.-based Natural Resources Defense Council, describing him and U.S. lead climate negotiator Todd Stern as 'personable, approachable individuals as well as tough negotiators who do a good job in representing their own country's interests.'

Xie was perhaps the highest-profile official to lose his job after more than 100 tons of benzene, nitrobenzene and other toxic chemicals spilled into the Songhua River following a Nov. 13, 2005, explosion in the city of Jilin. China's state-controlled media initially denied there had been any environmental damage, and word of the contamination surfaced only after Harbin, a city of several million downriver from the accident, shut off water for its residents more than a week later. China didn't alert Russia about the spill until Nov. 22 as the slick made its way along the more than 400 miles from Harbin to Russia.

Xie was rehabilitated about a year later at the end of 2006, when he was appointed to the National Development and Reform Commission, one of the most powerful bodies in the Chinese government with sweeping powers over the economy. He currently holds a ministerial-level rank of vice chairman of the commission.

The 60-year-old has been a fierce advocate of China's position and hasn't pulled any punches in Copenhagen: 'They have only put down beautiful words about helping developing nations through funding and technology transfer... but [they're] not willing to take any real action,' Xie Zhenhua told Dow Jones Newswires.

Bloomberg points to his official biography, which says he graduated in engineering physics from China's elite Tsinghua University.

Shai Oster
