
支付宝总裁裸奔 Antics at Alipay

悦老板总是好事吗?中国最大在线支付服务提供商、阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)旗下公司支付宝(Alipay)的员工们,或许正在三思。



Andrew Peaple

Is it always a good thing to please the boss? Employees of Alipay, China's largest online-payments service provider and part of the Alibaba Group, might be having second thoughts.

Company president Shao Xiaofeng had set a target for the company of reaching a daily transaction volume of 1.2 billion yuan ($176 million). The incentive? Mr. Shao promised to strip to his underwear and run around the company's Hangzhou office once the goal was achieved.

The great day came Monday - just one day before the fifth anniversary of Alipay's founding - and Mr. Shao (pictured below) proved true to his word. How he will go about motivating staff towards their next goal is as yet unclear….

Andrew Peaple
