
中国私人飞机一族崛起 The Rise of the Chinese Jet Set


Bloomberg News
去年9月在香港举行的亚洲航空会议上的湾流550(右),Embraer EMB135 Legacy 600(中)以及Hawker 4000。
据《纽约时报》(The New York Times)报导,中国的富人开始整箱整箱地买陈酿葡萄酒,买下(或至少是在考虑)要价4,500万美元的公寓,公寓里的床柱包着鳄鱼皮,房门是装饰有施华洛世奇(Swarovski)水晶的手工造青铜门。






Robert Frank

("奢华人生"专注于富人的生活和文化,由Robert Frank主笔。)

Like any winner in the globalization lottery, the Chinese rich are quickly bringing on the bling.

Wealthy Chinese are buying vintage wines by the caseload. They are buying (or at least looking at) $45 million apartments with crocodile-skin bedposts, hand-carved bronze doors with Swarovski crystals, according to The New York Times.

They are even buying jets. An article in China Daily says that one jet broker expects to sell 20 private jets to mainland Chinese this year. That is up from just eight sold in 2008.

Last year, wealthy Chinese spent $9.4 billion on luxury goods, making it the second-largest luxury market after Japan. Many of these purchases are given as business 'gifts,' with price tags intact and clearly visible.

All this newfound wealth is leading to worries about a wealth bubble or the rise of a new, more gaudy and unphilanthropic class of global rich. But China's government will manage the bubble down (the brutal, er, virtue of central planning), while the Russians, Saudis and Americans have been practicing flashy wealth for much longer than the Chinese.

And, of course, all the Chinese-wealth hype needs to be put in perspective. There are, according to the China Daily article, only about 100 people in all of China who can afford a private jet. There were about 364,000 millionaires in China as of the last count in 2008 by Capgemini/Merrill. Even with the growth since then, China's millionaires are still a fraction of the more than 2.5 millionaires in the U.S.

The point is that China's millionaire population is increasing-and spending-at a much faster rate than America's. Within the next year or two, the Chinese may be crowned the new kings of bling.

Robert Frank
