
路易威登手提箱意想不到的作用 The Bonus That Comes With LV Suitcases

Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg


苏西•艾理斯(Susie Ellis)是全球性水疗网站SpaFinder, Inc.的总裁,她经常要到全球各地出差旅行。



忠诚卡计划:美国运通卡(American Express)积分和美国航空(American Airlines)忠诚卡。我现在对所谓的“忠诚”和忠诚卡计划不像以前那么狂热了。对我来说,方便更重要。


各地最好的酒店:四季酒店(Four Seasons)和文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)一直是我所到之处的理想选择。



最佳航空食品:新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)和阿联酋航空(Emirates)。







最好的行李箱:好吧,也许在行李箱的问题上,我变得有些势利眼,但是,自从我丈夫给我买了几个路易威登(Louis Vuitton)手提箱,我就发现自己总能得到更好的服务。



Catharine Nicol


Another in our series on travel tips from executives who are often on the road.

Susie Ellis

President, SpaFinder, Inc.

As president of SpaFinder, an online site for spas around the world, Susie Ellis travels the globe.

How often up in the air: I usually travel by air twice a month. Internationally, roughly once a quarter.

Areas of travel: Just about everywhere imaginable!

Loyalty schemes: American Express points and American Airlines. I am not as rabid about 'loyalty' and loyalty programs as I used to be. Convenience is more important to me these days.

Favorite airport: Any airport where I can spend four hours and the time goes quickly. Good shopping, spa services and Wi-Fi are usually the key — i.e. larger airports like Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, etc. I also appreciate Frankfurt, where I can get bratwurst and German potato salad!

Best hotel in the region: Four Seasons and Mandarin Oriental are consistently great choices almost everywhere I travel.

Best journey from airport to city: Narita Express from the airport to Tokyo; fast and no traffic jams.

Preferred carrier: The one that is the most convenient for my flight schedule—and has a good safety record.

Best airline food: Singapore Airlines or Emirates.

Most comfortable airplane seats: Any that go completely flat.

Best coffee in Asia: I don't drink much coffee. The best coffee I have ever experienced was in Sweden.

Best tip for staying fit on the road: Get a massage as soon as possible after arrival — i.e. within hours, preferably.

How to beat jetlag: The arrival massage and getting out into the sunshine during the day to help kick in the circadian rhythms. Even though I don't drink coffee regularly, I do have a cup the first morning after an international flight.

How to get an upgrade: Alas, when I was younger, it was easier for a variety of reasons. These days the best way to get an upgrade is simply to purchase one.

Essential travel gadgets: The eye mask I purchased at Brookstone. It blocks out 100% of the light and gives me enough space/room (between the mask and my face), so it doesn't mess up my makeup.

Best luggage: Ok, perhaps I have become a bit of a luggage snob, but ever since my husband bought me some Louis Vuitton suitcases I have found that I get better service.

Best packing tip: Use the plastic that comes back with your clothes from the cleaner to separate anything you don't want to get wrinkled. It works so well that I can even pack linen without it getting wrinkled!

Travel tip 101: Have a positive attitude that this is going to be fun. Wear breathable clothes [natural fibers]. I always have a jacket and a scarf in case it gets cold and wear something short-sleeved in case it gets hot. Always bring socks!

Catharine Nicol
