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大利的真实生活总是让人始料未及。在过去的几个月里,意大利的政治图景就好像梅尔•布鲁克斯(Mel Brooks)导演的西部片《灼热的马鞍》(Blazing Saddles)的意大利版本──任何事都有可能发生。但这一次,我们意大利人可笑不出来了。
一些外国人(但不是外国投资者)说:“这也是意大利风情的一部分!”但是,这也是我们的问题,而问题的核心人物正是西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)。上个月29日,他已经年满75岁,是意大利战后任职时间最长的总理。
光是这些事就足以让人脸红了,更别提他领导下的意大利政府可怜的政绩了──国内生产总值(GDP) 停滞不前、年轻人失业率居高不下、税务和司法改革陷入困顿,还有公共债务引发的忧虑。但是,在经历了所有这一切之后,贝卢斯科尼一直──至少是直到最近为止──都能凭借一种持久的力量屹立不倒:他是典型的意大利人,比其他任何人都更了解国民的想法。
贝卢斯科尼的身上集合了意大利民族一些最棒的优点和大部分最烂的缺点。每个意大利人身上都有些许贝卢斯科尼的影子。正如流行歌曲作家乔治•盖博(Giorgio Gaber)总结的那样:
第五个关键词是:魔王政治。玛格丽特•撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher )的经典缩略词T.I.N.A.──There Is No Alternative(别无选择)──极好地诠释了意大利选民的心态。意大利中左派提出的替代贝卢斯科尼的方案完全引不起选民的兴趣:冲突四起的政党联盟、含混不清的议案、伪善的姿态。而且贝卢斯科尼一直不遗余力地攻击竞争对手民主党的共产主义本质。
Beppe Severgnini塞韦尔尼尼(Beppe Severgnini)的新书Mamma Mia! Berlusconi's Italy Explained for Posterity and Friends Abroad将于下月在美国出版。 (本文版权归道琼斯公司所有,未经许可不得翻译或转载。)
Real life in Italy is always one step ahead of anyone's imaginings. In the past few months, our political scene has started to resemble a spaghetti-western version of Mel Brooks's 'Blazing Saddles'伟anything goes. But we Italians are not laughing anymore.
Some foreigners (but not foreign investors) say: 'It's all part of your charm!' But it's also one of our problems, and at the center of it all sits Silvio Berlusconi, who turns 75 this Thursday and is Italy's longest-serving postwar prime minister.
The whole world is well acquainted with Mr. Berlusconi's scandals and shenanigans伟wild parties, prostitutes, unsavory business partners. Though he denies any wrongdoing, he is currently embroiled in no fewer than nine judicial tangles. The charges range from corrupting a witness to paying for sex with a minor.
This is embarrassing enough on its own, to say nothing of his government's pitiful record伟stagnant GDP, rampant youth unemployment, stalled tax and justice reforms and fears over the public debt. But through it all伟at least until recently伟Mr. Berlusconi has been able to fall back on one abiding strength: He is the quintessential Italian and has been able to read the nation's mood like no one else.
Mr. Berlusconi represents some of the best, and much of the worst, of the national character. Every Italian possesses a tiny bit of Silvio. As the songwriter Giorgio Gaber summed it up:
I'm not afraid of Berlusconi in himself
I'm afraid of Berlusconi in me.
Here, then, are a few key terms to explain why Mr. Berlusconi has been around for so long伟and why, despite being down, he's not yet out.
Simpatico. The most dangerous word in Italian is 'simpatico': nice, likable, pleasant. But it can also mean putting on a seductive attitude, which is not always harmless.
What do many Italians think of Silvio Berlusconi? 'He looks like us. He's one of us.' He adores his kids, talks about his mamma, knows his soccer, makes money, loves new homes, hates rules, tells jokes, swears a bit, adores women, likes to party and is convivial to a fault.
He is our absolver in chief. He forgives us for the sins we have committed and those we may yet commit. 'If they want upward of 50% of my income in taxes, I feel that's an unfair demand. I feel morally authorized to evade as much as I can,' he said once.
'Am I faithful? Frequently,' he quipped when confronted with the evidence of his serial adulteries. As details surfaced of his wild sex parties with girls who called him 'Papi,' he explained: 'I work hard and, in the evening, I need to unwind.'
Salesman. Mr. Berlusconi has brought to politics a flair for seduction that served him well in his previous careers in construction, television and advertising. He knows that his message has to be reassuring and easily digestible. And there are enough people in Italy who believe what they see in gossip magazines or on television伟much of which Mr. Berlusconi owns or, as head of government, controls.
Mr. Berlusconi is convinced that, in a nation obsessed with appearances, image is key. In Italy, making the right impression ('la bella figura') too often prevails over doing the right thing.
Survivor. Every Italian feels he or she stands alone against the world, or at least the neighbors. Survival伟personal, family, social and economic伟is a source of pride and a test of ingenuity. Much has been written about Italians' individualism and resourcefulness, and Mr. Berlusconi embodies these qualities.
First he amassed his fortune, earning his spurs as a self-made man. Next, he built on Italians' distrust of everything shared, our intolerance of rules and the inner satisfaction that we take in finding private solutions to collective problems. In Italy, there is no real public pressure for a new, fairer tax system. People simply figure out ways to evade the one they already have.
Signore. Together with the Comune (municipality), the Signoria, or absolute lordship, is Italy's only indigenous political structure. All the others伟feudalism, monarchy, totalitarianism, federalism, parliamentary democracy伟have been imported from elsewhere. Their Italian incarnations have always been slightly artificial, from the toe-curling awkwardness of Mussolini's fascism to today's passive parliament.
But a Signoria stirs ancient instincts, and many modern Italians see Mr. Berlusconi much as their forebears saw absolute lordships. We might satirize, circumvent or hoodwink the great prince, but we don't mess with him.
In Italy, the powerful do not have to exercise their power with restraint, as they do in other Western democracies. As the opposition called for his resignation, Mr. Berlusconi quipped: 'They keep telling me, 'Go home! Go home!' They're putting me in a difficult position. I own 20 houses. Where shall I go?' Can you think of any other Western leader, in today's economic climate, who could get away with that?
Some things have not changed for centuries. The Signore's excesses are seen with a kind of bemused complicity, even pride. That is, until excesses become too excessive, as have Mr. Berlusconi's in the last few months.
Satanic Politics. Margaret Thatcher's classic acronym T.I.N.A.伟There Is No Alternative伟says it all about the attitude of Italian voters. The alternative to Mr. Berlusconi offered by Italy's center-left has proved unappetizing: strife-torn coalitions, woolly proposals, hypocritical posturing. And Mr. Berlusconi never fails to point out the communist roots of the rival Democratic Party.
Italians are realists. Before choosing what they think is right, they consider what they believe to be useful. In order to defeat the left, many Italians would have voted for the devil. Mr. Berlusconi can be pretty diabolical, but Satan's style is something else.
So, then, buon compleanno, Signor Silvio! Times are tough, and we have no present for you. Perhaps a farewell party instead?
Beppe Severgnini
Mr. Severgnini's latest book, 'Mamma Mia! Berlusconi's Italy Explained for Posterity and Friends Abroad,' will be published in the U.S. next month.