
周大福借力慈善提升形象 Chow Tai Fook's Increasingly Public Face

Associated Press

洲最大的珠宝商之一周大福(Chow Tai Fook)正计划于今年晚些时候上市,不过前些时候,该公司却通过慈善活动提升了在慈善界──而非金融界──的影响力。

周大福赞助了一场慈善晚宴,为钻石力量慈善基金会(Diamond Empowerment Fund)和中华慈善总会(China Charity Federation)筹得了250万美元善款。这两家慈善基金会不但在非洲从事教育援助活动,还在中国进行扶贫行动。在晚宴上,周大福和大型房地产公司新世界发展有限公司(New World Development)的主席郑裕彤也受到表彰。



今年早些时候,周大福曾向钻石贸易公司(Diamond Trading Co.)首席执行长法达•赛因(Varda Shine)表示希望为钻石力量慈善基金会主办这次活动,赛因旋即表示赞成。赛因说,在香港举办这次活动很有意义,中国大陆在不断发展,而香港是珠宝业中心,周大福则是亚洲最大的珠宝商。




Jason Chow


Chow Tai Fook, one of Asia's biggest jewelry players, is aiming to go public later this year, but last week, it was raising its profile in charity circles instead of financial ones.

The Hong Kong jeweler sponsored a gala that raised $2.5 million for the Diamond Empowerment Fund and China Charity Federation, which manage education initiatives in Africa and relief efforts in China, respectively. The night also honored Cheng Yu-tung, the chairman of both Chow Tai Fook and the vast New World Development real-estate company.

'It's a fair game: When you take from society, then you give back to society,' the 86-year-old Mr. Cheng said in an interview last week.

Mr. Cheng, according to Forbes, is Hong Kong's fourth-richest man.

Earlier in the year, when Chow Tai Fook told Varda Shine, chief executive of the Diamond Trading Co., that it wanted to host the event for the Diamond Empowerment Fund, she quickly approved of the idea. 'It was very important to do this event here, with China growing and with Hong Kong being a jewelry center,' she said, 'and Chow Tai Fook is known as the biggest player in Asia.'

Though little-known outside Asia, Chow Tai Fook is a powerhouse in the Chinese jewelry market, with more than 1,400 stores in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore, and expects to have 2,000 stores by 2016. Its initial public offering could come as soon as December and those familiar with the deal said that the retailer could raise between $3 billion and $4 billion in the sale.

Diamonds are a relatively new indulgence in China, a country which has favored gold and jade as its main adornments in the past. But the country's rising wealth has also translated into a booming market for diamond jewelry. Diamond-laced engagement rings are increasingly common in the bigger cities, and China usurped Japan as the world's second-largest diamond consumer in 2009 when it bought $1.5 billion worth of the gems, trailing only the U.S. in total consumption.

Consumer demand for diamonds was up 25% in 2010, according to Ms. Shine, who expects the market to grow at the same rate in 2011.

Jason Chow
