穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammer Gaddafi)的残暴政权在他两个月前逃离的黎波里时就已经成为历史;周四,卡扎菲在苏尔特(Sirte)附近被打死,利比亚终于从两个月的流血僵局中解脱出来。无疑,对这个他无情压制了42年之久的国家来说,这是一个情绪释放的时刻;对中东那些仍在抗争以摆脱暴君的人们来说,这是一个令人鼓舞的火花。但与此同时,这也让人们更加密切地关注利比亚临时领导层面临的挑战。
Muammer Gaddafi’s brutal regime passed into the annals of history with his flight from Tripoli two months ago; his death near Sirte on Thursday finally released Libya from the bloody limbo in which it has since been stuck. It is undeniably a moment of catharsis for the country he oppressed for 42 stultifying years, and a spark of encouragement for those in the Middle East still struggling to escape the grasp of tyranny. But it also brings into sharper focus the challenges facing Libya’s interim leadership.
Despite the understandable euphoria in Sirte, it might perhaps have been better had Col Gaddafi been captured alive and forced to stand trial. He had much to answer for: both at home, where thousands of Libyans were tortured and executed under his despotic rule; and abroad, where despite earning praise for giving up weapons of mass destruction in 2004, he sponsored terrorism in Spain, Germany and Northern Ireland. A trial would have offered his victims justice and closure.
However, Col Gaddafi’s death at least has the merit of depriving the remnants of the old regime of a figurehead to rally round. That may make the challenge of rebuilding Libya, which now faces the country’s fledgling National Transitional Council, a little easier.
The NTC begins with several factors in its favour. Libya is wealthy by African standards. Thanks to its generally well-run oil and gas industry, it has the resources to fund the necessary physical reconstruction. It does not sit on the ethno-sectarian faultlines that have so destabilised other countries in the region. Yet there are also weaknesses. Four decades of rule centred on one man have left Libya with almost no functioning institutions. And the victors are composed of disparate, and competing, groups.
The NTC’s first task is to ensure that the unity marshalled against Gaddafi does not splinter now he is gone. A descent into infighting would imperil the fragile achievements of the past six months. As soon as is practical, the victorious factions must agree on a path towards the creation of the institutions that will enshrine the freedoms for which so many Libyans have laid down their lives.
If Libya requests it, the west should be ready to provide technical assistance in this process. On the military front, however, now that Gaddafi no longer threatens his own people, the west should should avoid outstaying its welcome. The despot has met a timely end. What comes next is for Libyans alone to decide.