但与其说这是一个经济问题,不如说是一个政治问题。欧洲比较幸运,大多数外围国家的政府都很负责任,并没有采取民粹主义立场。希腊总理乔治•帕潘德里欧(George Papandreou)过去18个月里的表现确实可圈可点——这几乎已是人们所能期望的最佳水平。但至少在一个成员国——或许将来还会有其它国家——总有一些不那么负责任的政客正伺机而动,利用时下流行(有时候也有些道理)的观点做文章——这些观点认为,欧洲没有做应做之事,并强行施加了在政治上令人无法接受的条件。
一个成功对策的另一项要素是恢复经济增长。目前的不确定性,给银行和银行放贷造成了非常负面的影响。设立一个旨在实现稳定的团结基金,再加上欧洲投资银行(European Investment Bank),可以向陷入困境的国家提供必需的投资。一个面向小企业的循环贷款基金,可以向经检验可靠的企业提供资金,帮助重启增长引擎。
本文作者是2001年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)教授
Today, Europe is at a critical juncture that may determine not only whether the euro will survive, but whether the global economy will be once again plunged into turmoil.
The current strategy for dealing with Greece’s debt difficulties is not working. The market has given its verdict: the speculators have been handed an opportunity, and they have seized it. Of this we can be certain: Europe’s response so far has amplified uncertainty concerning the future of the euro. “Contagion” has now spread from the periphery to the centre, to Spain and Italy.
Yet the problem is not so much economic as political. Europe is lucky that in most of the countries in the periphery, there were responsible governments that did not take populist stands. What George Papandreou has done in the past 18 months has been truly impressive – one could hardly have expected more. But in at least one of the countries – and perhaps in the future, in others – there wait in the wings less responsible politicians who would take advantage of widespread, and sometimes justified, views that Europe has not done what it should and has imposed politically unpalatable conditions.
It is easy to see what should be done. If Europe issues European bonds – supported by the collective commitment of all governments – and passes on low interest rates to those in need, debts are manageable. Even if there were some subsidy, Europe could afford it – compared with what will be lost if it does not assist those countries facing trouble.
The other ingredient of a successful response is restoring growth. The current uncertainty has had an especially adverse effect on banks and bank lending. A solidarity fund for stabilisation could, together with the European Investment Bank, make needed investments in the countries in trouble. A revolving loan fund for small businesses could provide money to proven enterprises, to help restart the engines of growth.
Europe’s problems are partly the result of a well-intentioned but imperfectly conceived monetary union. It was hoped that, in spite of the marked differences, if countries only managed their debts, all would work well. Spain and Ireland, which both had surpluses and low debt to GDP ratios before the crisis, showed the fallacy in this logic.
As Europe stands at the precipice, it is time to end brinkmanship and political squabbles. The European Central Bank should realise that a restructuring, even if some American rating agency deems it a “credit event”, means Greek bonds are safer than they were before; if they were acceptable as collateral before, they should be more acceptable after. Put bluntly, to not accept Greek bonds is to end Greece’s membership in the euro, with all the consequences. The ECB must recognise too that for citizens of many countries, a deal without shared sacrifice by the private sector is unacceptable. But those advocating private sector involvement need to realise that the private sector will be reluctant to take a haircut on old loans, and will refuse to accept less than a risk-adjusted interest rate on new.
Resolving this crisis is easily within Europe’s grasp. It is not a matter of economics. It is only a matter of political will.
The writer is a recipient of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics and professor at Columbia University