
短线观点:中国软着陆的幻觉 The Short View: China

1904年,法国拍摄了一部有关中国魔术师的电影——《中国魔术》(Le Thaumaturge Chinois),这是首部试图用特技效果让观众惊叹的影片之一。






周三,投资者对这种风险不屑一顾。即便在本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)并不含蓄地暗示,若经济恶化,QE3(第三轮量化宽松)将是一个选择之前,中国经济数据就有力提振了亚洲股市。




An early effort to amaze cinema goers with special effects was Le Thaumaturge Chinois, a 1904 French film about a Chinese conjurer.

Modern Beijing may not be about turning dogs into women or making lamps appear out of thin air. But it engaged in a trick just as complex: trying to slow the overheating economy without plunging the country into a recession.

Figures on Wednesday suggest it is not having much success. Growth in gross domestic product accelerated from the first to the second quarter, and was only marginally down year-on-year.

There was some good news in the figures, which showed a degree of rebalancing from exports to consumption. But this was overshadowed by further evidence of the out-of-control housing and office construction boom. In June investment in new property jumped 29 per cent over the previous year; in the first six months Rmb2,625bn ($404bn) was pumped into construction, up by a third.

Industrial production and retail sales were also surprisingly strong in June.

All this suggests further rate hikes ahead. But as the economy has not slowed significantly in response to the four hikes since Christmas Eve (plus bank lending restrictions and price controls), the chance that the central bank goes too far must be increasing.

Investors took no notice of that risk on Wednesday. Even before Ben Bernanke’s unsubtle hint that QE3 – more quantitative easing – was an option if the economy worsens, Asian equities were given a big boost by the Chinese data.

This makes no sense. It is also a reversal of moves earlier this year, when bad news on the Chinese economy was taken as good news by investors, as they hoped for a soft landing. Shareholders seem to have an unshakeable faith in the ability of the Chinese authorities to control the economy. The danger is growing that this is just an illusion.

