Under pressure over China’s currency policy, Wen Jiabao tried to scare his European audience on Wednesday, warning that a sharp appreciation in the renminbi would “be a disaster for the world”. However, Wen’s speech would have been more alarming for the European executives and politicians present if he had made a different case.
The Chinese premier was speaking in Brussels during a week-long trip to Europe which has coincided with mounting international criticism of China’s efforts to curb the value of the renminbi. He argued that hundreds of thousands of migrant workers would lose their jobs if the currency jumped 20-40 per cent and that social chaos would ensue.
It is certainly true that there are large numbers of Chinese exporters operating on relatively slim margins which would struggle to absorb a dramatic hike in the value of the Chinese currency. Many are already facing rising wage bills and the prospect of moving to a cheaper country or inland from China’s coastal regions (see analysis).
Yet it is difficult for Wen to push this argument too far. Plenty of Chinese policymakers believe that currency appreciation needs to be more rapid than the 2-per-cent increase against the dollar over the last three months. As well as suppressing inflation, they argue it would send a powerful signal to the Chinese economy to rebalance away from exports towards domestic demand - precisely the goal that Beijing has been pursuing for years. And whenever they want to buttress their case, they cite Wen’s famous claim that China’s economy is “unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable”.
As it is, Wen may have missed a trick in his Brussels address. While talking about the impact of a sharp appreciation in the renminbi, he did not mention one of the most important unintended consequences - that all those European companies in the audience would suddenly become 40-per-cent cheaper for prospective Chinese acquirers. Now, that really would have put the fear up European business.