国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)携手微软(Microsoft Corp.),欲推出全新网络搜索网站,此举可能会向中国搜索市场的龙头老大百度(Baidu Inc.)发出挑战。Reuters
谷歌公司(Google Inc.)决定停止与北京审查当局合作并将其中文网站移至香港后,百度在中国搜索市场的优势开始扩大。
除阿里巴巴外,腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings Ltd.)等其它中国公司也已进入网络搜索市场。不过这些公司的市场份额极其微小,在其后盾强大的Etao等竞争对手迎头赶上百度之前,它们的市场份额在一段时期之内很可能会保持不变。
北京研究公司易观国际(Analysys International)的数据显示,今年上半年,中国在线搜索市场收入为人民币46.2亿元(合6.92亿美元),较上年同期增长45%。
阿里巴巴已同意收购搜狐公司(Sohu.com Inc.)旗下搜狗搜索业务的部分股权。搜狐首席技术长王小川说,搜狐正就向Etao提供搜索技术的事宜与阿里巴巴谈判。
北京市场战略公司沃尔夫亚洲集团(Wolf Group Asia)首席执行长沃尔夫(David Wolf)说,Etao要发挥影响力还需时日,我认为它现在还不具备立即替代百度的实力。
Loretta Chao
Big Chinese electronic-commerce company Alibaba Group has joined with Microsoft Corp. to create a new Web-search site -- a move that could challenge Baidu Inc.'s dominance of China's search market.
Alibaba Group, of which Yahoo Inc. owns a roughly 40% stake, launched a beta version of a website called Etao on Saturday, aimed at driving traffic to Alibaba's retail website, Taobao.com.
Search results on Etao are displayed in several groups. Taobao listings, including images and product prices, appear first. Those are followed by links to related online forums. Next come informational websites and Web search results provided by Microsoft's Bing search engine.
Alibaba and Microsoft confirmed that Etao is in public, or beta, testing, but declined further comment. A Yahoo spokeswoman declined to comment on the new search site. She added the company doesn't have operational control over the Yahoo China business.
The move, which comes amid heightened tensions between Alibaba and Yahoo, could further reduce Yahoo's role in Alibaba's operations. It also comes as Yahoo has stopped developing its own search technology and adopted Microsoft's Bing.
Baidu's dominance of China's search market has grown in the wake of Google Inc.'s decision to stop cooperating with Beijing's censorship regulations and to move Google's Chinese website to Hong Kong.
Google's search sites are still accessible from within China, but like other overseas sites, its services are sometimes interrupted by China's firewall technology. Baidu and Google declined to comment on Etao.
Besides Alibaba Group, other Chinese companies, such as Tencent Holdings Ltd., have moved to enter the Web-search market, as well. But their presences are minimal and it is likely to be some time before even strongly supported rivals like Etao can catch up with Baidu.
Revenue in China's online search market was valued at 4.62 billion yuan ($692 million) in the first half, up 45% from a year earlier, according to Beijing research firm Analysys International.
Taobao is the biggest e-commerce website in China, handling 75% of e-commerce transactions as of the second quarter, according to Analysys International. Taobao expects to double the value of transactions done through its website to 400 billion yuan this year.
The operation of Etao further marginalizes Yahoo's Chinese website, which is operated by Alibaba Group and has seen its market share drop to less than 1%, from 21% in 2005, under Alibaba's supervision.
Alibaba Group has agreed to purchase a stake in Sohu.com Inc.'s Sogou search business. Sohu Chief Technology Officer Wang Xiaochuan said Sohu is talking with Alibaba about providing search technology for Etao.
According to Analysys International, Baidu had 70% and Google had 24.2% of search-market revenue in China as of the second quarter.
David Wolf, chief executive of Wolf Group Asia, a Beijing-based marketing-strategy firm, said it will take time for Etao to gain traction. 'I don't think they're in a position to displace Baidu anytime soon,' he said.
Still, Mr. Wolf said the deal is 'a coup for Microsoft,' which is still testing its Chinese search site and doesn't yet have a significant share of market revenue.
Microsoft doesn't sell ads on the Chinese version of its Bing search site, instead displaying ads sold by Baidu in exchange for a share of the revenue the ads generate. Bing search results on Etao for keywords such as 'sneakers' and 'computer desk' in Chinese didn't display those ads as of Tuesday.
Loretta Chao
Alibaba Group, of which Yahoo Inc. owns a roughly 40% stake, launched a beta version of a website called Etao on Saturday, aimed at driving traffic to Alibaba's retail website, Taobao.com.
Search results on Etao are displayed in several groups. Taobao listings, including images and product prices, appear first. Those are followed by links to related online forums. Next come informational websites and Web search results provided by Microsoft's Bing search engine.
Alibaba and Microsoft confirmed that Etao is in public, or beta, testing, but declined further comment. A Yahoo spokeswoman declined to comment on the new search site. She added the company doesn't have operational control over the Yahoo China business.
The move, which comes amid heightened tensions between Alibaba and Yahoo, could further reduce Yahoo's role in Alibaba's operations. It also comes as Yahoo has stopped developing its own search technology and adopted Microsoft's Bing.
Baidu's dominance of China's search market has grown in the wake of Google Inc.'s decision to stop cooperating with Beijing's censorship regulations and to move Google's Chinese website to Hong Kong.
Google's search sites are still accessible from within China, but like other overseas sites, its services are sometimes interrupted by China's firewall technology. Baidu and Google declined to comment on Etao.
Besides Alibaba Group, other Chinese companies, such as Tencent Holdings Ltd., have moved to enter the Web-search market, as well. But their presences are minimal and it is likely to be some time before even strongly supported rivals like Etao can catch up with Baidu.
Revenue in China's online search market was valued at 4.62 billion yuan ($692 million) in the first half, up 45% from a year earlier, according to Beijing research firm Analysys International.
Taobao is the biggest e-commerce website in China, handling 75% of e-commerce transactions as of the second quarter, according to Analysys International. Taobao expects to double the value of transactions done through its website to 400 billion yuan this year.
The operation of Etao further marginalizes Yahoo's Chinese website, which is operated by Alibaba Group and has seen its market share drop to less than 1%, from 21% in 2005, under Alibaba's supervision.
Alibaba Group has agreed to purchase a stake in Sohu.com Inc.'s Sogou search business. Sohu Chief Technology Officer Wang Xiaochuan said Sohu is talking with Alibaba about providing search technology for Etao.
According to Analysys International, Baidu had 70% and Google had 24.2% of search-market revenue in China as of the second quarter.
David Wolf, chief executive of Wolf Group Asia, a Beijing-based marketing-strategy firm, said it will take time for Etao to gain traction. 'I don't think they're in a position to displace Baidu anytime soon,' he said.
Still, Mr. Wolf said the deal is 'a coup for Microsoft,' which is still testing its Chinese search site and doesn't yet have a significant share of market revenue.
Microsoft doesn't sell ads on the Chinese version of its Bing search site, instead displaying ads sold by Baidu in exchange for a share of the revenue the ads generate. Bing search results on Etao for keywords such as 'sneakers' and 'computer desk' in Chinese didn't display those ads as of Tuesday.
Loretta Chao