华尔街日报欧洲版》姊妹报《金融新闻》(Financial News)对世界最贵居住区的调查显示,在其他地方房价普跌之际,世界上人们最向往的街道基本未受冲击。为编制这个名单,研究人员请国际和当地的房地产专家列出他们看来住房均价最高的街道。采用每平米房产的欧元价格,得出了一个10大最贵街道的简短名单。
1. 香港施勋道(Severn Road)
要在香港商业区上方的太平山顶(Victoria Peak)置业,每平方米至少得拿出5.5万欧元。施勋道的房产不到60处,其中包括施勋道8号“倚峦”。
2. 英国肯辛顿王宫花园(Kensington Palace Gardens)
位于伦敦的这处私人街道被当地人叫做“富豪街”,今年1月成了F1赛事大亨伯尼•埃克尔斯通(Bernie Ecclestone)之女塔玛拉•埃克尔斯通(Tamara Ecclestone)的新家。其父斥资4,500万英镑买下肯辛顿王宫花园8号,就在自己所住6号的隔壁。
3. 摩纳哥格蕾斯公主大街(Avenue Princesse Grace)
格蕾斯公主大街是摩纳哥一条标志性的街道,紧邻码头,衰退期间因为需求不旺蒙受下跌,后来挽回了部分跌幅,排名较去年上升一位。房地产公司Riviera Estates首席执行长卡普托(Jean-Claude Caputo)说,这条街道的房主往往都很有钱,不需要出售。
4.(并列)法国圣让-费拉角(Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat)的Chemin de Saint-Hospice
卡普托说,Chemin de Saint-Hospice环绕费拉角半岛,每平米至少4.5万欧元。半岛上只有15处房产,其中一处属于萨奇(Saatchi)家族。
4. (并列)纽约第五大道
相比前一年,排名下降了两位。据本地房地产代理商Stribling & Associates透露,第五大道低端物业的价格承受了较大的压力。Stribling & Associates的私人经纪主管亨克斯(Kirk Henckels)说,现在大型豪华公寓的价格为每平米6万美元,眼下花钱买房的人又多起来了。
6. 巴黎Quai Anatole
坐落于第七区的左岸,新上榜的Quai Anatole取代蒙田大道(Avenue Montaigne)成为巴黎最奢华的大街。巴黎物业公司Paris Estates的主管Laurent Pepineau说,从Quai Anatole 街上的公寓向外望去,眼前的风景提升了整条街的价值。这条街上最好的公寓的价格已经涨到每平米3.2万欧元。
7. 日内瓦贝洛街(Rue Bellot)
坐落于日内瓦堡垒公园(Parc Bastions)和Malagnou公园(Parc de Malagnou)之间的贝洛街是罗讷河(Rhone)左岸城市区(Quartier de la Cite)最奢华的住宅街。由于严格的出售限制以及来自伺机搬回瑞士的超级富豪的需求令贝洛街的住宅价格非常坚挺。
8. 意大利撒丁岛,切尔沃港(Porto Cervo),Via Romazzino
切尔沃港的Via Romazzino的物业价格大跌。据切尔沃港地产公司(Porto Cervo Real Estate)主管卡米洛(Laurence Camillo)介绍,过去两年半里,这里的物业价格已经下跌了大约30%。阿迦汗(Aga Khan)在上世纪60年代把Via Romazzino变成了富豪和名流的游乐场。
9.悉尼,Point Piper,沃尔斯利路(Wolseley Road)
当地的房地产代理商说,澳大利亚悉尼有名的沃尔斯利路的物业交易一直不顺畅,过去12个月来基本没有什么交易。但是高品质的房子也能卖出高价。企业家班克斯(Andrew Banks)最近就以3300万英镑的价格卖出了他在沃尔斯利路的寓所,远远超过了3200万英镑的要价。
10. 莫斯科Ostozhenka
Ostozhenka地处莫斯科市中心,距离克里姆林宫五分钟的路程。莫斯科IntermarkSavills的市场主管奥夫钦尼科娃(Julia Ovchinnikova)说,在金融危机期间跌价以后,Ostozhenka的物业价格比高峰时跌了约三分之一。
Tara Loader Wilkinson
The world's most desirable addresses have largely been sheltered from the slump in property prices felt elsewhere, according to a survey of the most expensive residential streets in the world carried out by Financial News, sister paper to the Wall Street Journal Europe.
To compile the list, researchers asked international and local property specialists to name what they considered the highest-priced streets according to the average price of residential property. A shortlist of 10 was drawn up using price in euros per square meter of property.
1. Severn Road, Hong Kong
Top price: 57,000 euros ($78,200)pm2
Price change since 2009: +9%
Expect to pay at least 55,000 euros per square meter for property at the summit of Victoria Peak, high above the business district of Hong Kong. The road comprises fewer than 60 properties including '8 Severn'.
But expect volatility. Prices have soared by as much as 60% over the last two years, after plummeting 40% at the beginning of the financial crisis.
2. Kensington Palace Gardens
Top price: 55,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: +2%
Known to locals as 'Billionaire's Row', this private London road became the new home of Tamara Ecclestone, the daughter of F1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone, in January. Her father paid GBP 45 million for number eight Kensington Palace Gardens, next door to his home at number six.
3. Avenue Princesse Grace
Top price: 50,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: +2%
Moving up a slot from last year, the iconic Avenue Princesse Grace in Monaco has regained some of the losses it made during the recession when lacklustre demand hit the marina-front avenue. Jean-Claude Caputo, chief executive of Riviera Estates, says: 'Owners on the street tend to be so wealthy they do not need to sell.'
4. (=) Chemin de Saint-Hospice, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat
Top price: 45,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: +5%
A home in Chemin de Saint-Hospice, which snakes around the peninsula of Cap Ferrat, will set you back at least 45,000 euros per square meter, says Mr. Caputo. There are just 15 houses on the peninsula -- one of which is owned by the Saatchi family.
4. (=) Fifth Avenue, New York
Top price: 45,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -4%
Down two places from the previous year, property prices on Fifth Avenue have come under pressure at the lower end, according to local agent Stribling & Associates. However, Kirk Henckels, director of private brokerage at Stribling, says: 'The large trophy apartments have been going for $60,000 per square meter. It seems to no longer be 'uncool' to spend money.'
6. Quai Anatole, Paris
Top price: 32,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: (New)
Situated on the left bank in the seventh district, Quai Anatole replaces Avenue Montaigne on the list, as Paris' most exclusive road. Laurent Pepineau, director of Parisian property firm Paris Estates, says the views from apartments on Quai Anatole have pushed up values on the street: 'Prices for the best apartments on this street could go up to 32,000 euros per square meter.'
7. Rue Bellot, Geneva
Top price: 31,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -2%
Nestled between the Parc Bastions and the Parc de Malagnou, Rue Bellot is the most exclusive residential street in the Quartier de la Cite, on the left bank of the river Rhone. Prices on Switzerland's most expensive street are bolstered by tight selling restrictions and demand from the super-wealthy looking to relocate to Switzerland.
8. Via Romazzino, Porto Cervo, Sardinia
Top price: 17,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -35%
Prices on Via Romazzino, Porto Cervo, -- playground for the rich and famous created by the Aga Khan in the 1960s -- have slumped. Laurence Camillo, director of Porto Cervo Real Estate says: 'Property values on the Via have come down some 30% over the last two and a half years.'
9. Wolseley Road, Point Piper
Top price: 15,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -5%
Local agents say transactions on Australia's prestigious Wolseley Road in Sydney have been sluggish, with few sales of note on the street over the past 12 months. However, for top quality, high prices are being realized. Entrepreneur Andrew Banks recently sold his home on Wolseley Road for GBP 33m -- well over the asking price of GBP 32m.
10. Ostozhenka, Moscow
Top price: 13,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -30%
In the heart of Moscow, five minutes from the Kremlin, lies Ostozhenka. Julia Ovchinnikova, marketing director of IntermarkSavills in Moscow, says that prices are now about a third below peak, after falling during the crisis.
Tara Loader Wilkinson
To compile the list, researchers asked international and local property specialists to name what they considered the highest-priced streets according to the average price of residential property. A shortlist of 10 was drawn up using price in euros per square meter of property.
1. Severn Road, Hong Kong
Top price: 57,000 euros ($78,200)pm2
Price change since 2009: +9%
Expect to pay at least 55,000 euros per square meter for property at the summit of Victoria Peak, high above the business district of Hong Kong. The road comprises fewer than 60 properties including '8 Severn'.
But expect volatility. Prices have soared by as much as 60% over the last two years, after plummeting 40% at the beginning of the financial crisis.
2. Kensington Palace Gardens
Top price: 55,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: +2%
Known to locals as 'Billionaire's Row', this private London road became the new home of Tamara Ecclestone, the daughter of F1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone, in January. Her father paid GBP 45 million for number eight Kensington Palace Gardens, next door to his home at number six.
3. Avenue Princesse Grace
Top price: 50,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: +2%
Moving up a slot from last year, the iconic Avenue Princesse Grace in Monaco has regained some of the losses it made during the recession when lacklustre demand hit the marina-front avenue. Jean-Claude Caputo, chief executive of Riviera Estates, says: 'Owners on the street tend to be so wealthy they do not need to sell.'
4. (=) Chemin de Saint-Hospice, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat
Top price: 45,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: +5%
A home in Chemin de Saint-Hospice, which snakes around the peninsula of Cap Ferrat, will set you back at least 45,000 euros per square meter, says Mr. Caputo. There are just 15 houses on the peninsula -- one of which is owned by the Saatchi family.
4. (=) Fifth Avenue, New York
Top price: 45,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -4%
Down two places from the previous year, property prices on Fifth Avenue have come under pressure at the lower end, according to local agent Stribling & Associates. However, Kirk Henckels, director of private brokerage at Stribling, says: 'The large trophy apartments have been going for $60,000 per square meter. It seems to no longer be 'uncool' to spend money.'
6. Quai Anatole, Paris
Top price: 32,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: (New)
Situated on the left bank in the seventh district, Quai Anatole replaces Avenue Montaigne on the list, as Paris' most exclusive road. Laurent Pepineau, director of Parisian property firm Paris Estates, says the views from apartments on Quai Anatole have pushed up values on the street: 'Prices for the best apartments on this street could go up to 32,000 euros per square meter.'
7. Rue Bellot, Geneva
Top price: 31,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -2%
Nestled between the Parc Bastions and the Parc de Malagnou, Rue Bellot is the most exclusive residential street in the Quartier de la Cite, on the left bank of the river Rhone. Prices on Switzerland's most expensive street are bolstered by tight selling restrictions and demand from the super-wealthy looking to relocate to Switzerland.
8. Via Romazzino, Porto Cervo, Sardinia
Top price: 17,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -35%
Prices on Via Romazzino, Porto Cervo, -- playground for the rich and famous created by the Aga Khan in the 1960s -- have slumped. Laurence Camillo, director of Porto Cervo Real Estate says: 'Property values on the Via have come down some 30% over the last two and a half years.'
9. Wolseley Road, Point Piper
Top price: 15,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -5%
Local agents say transactions on Australia's prestigious Wolseley Road in Sydney have been sluggish, with few sales of note on the street over the past 12 months. However, for top quality, high prices are being realized. Entrepreneur Andrew Banks recently sold his home on Wolseley Road for GBP 33m -- well over the asking price of GBP 32m.
10. Ostozhenka, Moscow
Top price: 13,000 euros per m2
Price change since 2009: -30%
In the heart of Moscow, five minutes from the Kremlin, lies Ostozhenka. Julia Ovchinnikova, marketing director of IntermarkSavills in Moscow, says that prices are now about a third below peak, after falling during the crisis.
Tara Loader Wilkinson