推特微博空间,Lady Gaga是呼风唤雨的女王。但在香港,Gigi 梁咏琪才是网络空间的头号明星。
Gigi 梁咏琪
梁咏琪说,在我事业刚起步的时候,就开始同时发行国语和粤语专辑,这比大多数粤语歌手都要早。我的第一张国语专辑《短发》(Short Hair)是在1997年发行的,当时中国大陆的市场还不是那么成熟,但是又非常渴求来自境外的媒体和娱乐元素。现在回想起来,我觉得自己真的很幸运,因为大陆市场刚一开放,我就开始在发行粤语专辑的同时发行国语专辑,一张接一张。
现年35岁的梁咏琪从1999年起就一直担任日本化妆品品牌芳珂(Fancl)的代言人,还出演了多部电影,其中包括1999年的《心动》(Tempting Heart)。她在片中扮演一名天真、甜美的70年代高中女生,和柔情硬汉金城武饰演的角色有激情镜头。这部电影促成了两人2003年在《向左走向右走》(Turn Left, Turn Right)中的又一次合作,该片是华纳兄弟公司(Warner Bros.)的第一部华语电影。
梁咏琪于2月26日和27日在香港红 体育馆举行了两场个人演唱会,距她上一次在红馆开唱已过去了七年的时间。她今年还将在大陆的几个城市巡演,但具体详情目前尚不得而知。
Johannes Pong
Lady Gaga may rule the Twittersphere with 8,398,412 fans world-wide. But in China, where Twitter is banned, it is Gigi who is the established star in Chinese cyberspace.
With her trademark short hair and model-like height, Gigi Leung Wing-kei ─ who will perform two concerts this weekend in Hong Kong ─ is currently the most-followed Hong Kong artist on Weibo, a microblogging site that is basically the Chinese version of Twitter. (That's in addition to her standing in Hong Kong as a Cantopop sweetheart of the late '90s and early '00s.) Last time we checked, she had 3,230,000 Weibo followers─more than international kung-fu star Jackie Chan.
She credits her uberpopularity in mainland China ─ a lucrative feat every Hong Kong artist now hopes to achieve ─ to good timing.
'I started releasing Mandarin-language albums together with my Cantonese ones at the beginning of my career, earlier than most Cantopop artists. My first Mandarin album 'Short Hair' was in 1997, when the China market was not that mature, but desperate for media and entertainment from outside of its borders,' she says. 'Thinking back now, I realize that I was very lucky, because I began releasing Mandarin material together with my Cantonese albums, one after the other, when China was just starting to open up.'
Since 1996, Ms. Leung has released 30 albums, including compilations. She emphasizes that the mainland market is a different beast. 'It's not just a city like Hong Kong, where a song's hot for three months,' says Ms. Leung. 'China is so vast that a pop song can be on heavy rotation for years, not just a season. And it takes even longer for some songs to seep into the villages of the hinterland.'
When she traveled to Tibet for a concert last year, for instance, a small mob surrounded her in Western China, according to Ms. Leung. 'Apparently I'm quite popular there. I mean, I can't even generate a small mob in Hong Kong's Western district,' she says.
'Nowadays, it's a lot more difficult for Hong Kong artists to break into China. I'm really fortunate to have songs like 'Short Hair' that spread across all of China…. I guess my fame built up and grew after a decade. It was definitely a long-term thing.'
Ms. Leung's short hair has gone through variations over the years from bobs to layered cuts, but the pop star has never grown it past her shoulders. It's part of her clean-cut, Chinese girl-next-door image that seems to appeal to many in mainland China.
'I suppose people associate the short hair with me. But I always had long hair before, and actually cut it when my grandfather passed away, right before I debuted,' she says. 'I guess it suits me, so I've kept it short for like, forever.'
The 35-year-old has also been the face of Japanese cosmetics company Fancl for Hong Kong since 1999, and starred in a number of movies, including a turn in the 1999 film 'Tempting Heart.' She played an innocent, sweet high-school girl in the '70s, a role that included a sex scene with heartthrob Takeshi Kaneshiro. The film's success got Ms. Leung and Mr. Kaneshiro cast together again in 2003 as lovers in 'Turn Left, Turn Right,' Warner Bros.'s first Chinese-language production.
Ms. Leung's G Concert takes place Saturday and Sunday (Feb 26 and 27) at the Hong Kong Coliseum ─ the last time she performed there was seven years ago. A mainland tour, slated for later this year, includes several cities, but no details were available.
Johannes Pong
With her trademark short hair and model-like height, Gigi Leung Wing-kei ─ who will perform two concerts this weekend in Hong Kong ─ is currently the most-followed Hong Kong artist on Weibo, a microblogging site that is basically the Chinese version of Twitter. (That's in addition to her standing in Hong Kong as a Cantopop sweetheart of the late '90s and early '00s.) Last time we checked, she had 3,230,000 Weibo followers─more than international kung-fu star Jackie Chan.
She credits her uberpopularity in mainland China ─ a lucrative feat every Hong Kong artist now hopes to achieve ─ to good timing.
'I started releasing Mandarin-language albums together with my Cantonese ones at the beginning of my career, earlier than most Cantopop artists. My first Mandarin album 'Short Hair' was in 1997, when the China market was not that mature, but desperate for media and entertainment from outside of its borders,' she says. 'Thinking back now, I realize that I was very lucky, because I began releasing Mandarin material together with my Cantonese albums, one after the other, when China was just starting to open up.'
Since 1996, Ms. Leung has released 30 albums, including compilations. She emphasizes that the mainland market is a different beast. 'It's not just a city like Hong Kong, where a song's hot for three months,' says Ms. Leung. 'China is so vast that a pop song can be on heavy rotation for years, not just a season. And it takes even longer for some songs to seep into the villages of the hinterland.'
When she traveled to Tibet for a concert last year, for instance, a small mob surrounded her in Western China, according to Ms. Leung. 'Apparently I'm quite popular there. I mean, I can't even generate a small mob in Hong Kong's Western district,' she says.
'Nowadays, it's a lot more difficult for Hong Kong artists to break into China. I'm really fortunate to have songs like 'Short Hair' that spread across all of China…. I guess my fame built up and grew after a decade. It was definitely a long-term thing.'
Ms. Leung's short hair has gone through variations over the years from bobs to layered cuts, but the pop star has never grown it past her shoulders. It's part of her clean-cut, Chinese girl-next-door image that seems to appeal to many in mainland China.
'I suppose people associate the short hair with me. But I always had long hair before, and actually cut it when my grandfather passed away, right before I debuted,' she says. 'I guess it suits me, so I've kept it short for like, forever.'
The 35-year-old has also been the face of Japanese cosmetics company Fancl for Hong Kong since 1999, and starred in a number of movies, including a turn in the 1999 film 'Tempting Heart.' She played an innocent, sweet high-school girl in the '70s, a role that included a sex scene with heartthrob Takeshi Kaneshiro. The film's success got Ms. Leung and Mr. Kaneshiro cast together again in 2003 as lovers in 'Turn Left, Turn Right,' Warner Bros.'s first Chinese-language production.
Ms. Leung's G Concert takes place Saturday and Sunday (Feb 26 and 27) at the Hong Kong Coliseum ─ the last time she performed there was seven years ago. A mainland tour, slated for later this year, includes several cities, but no details were available.
Johannes Pong