
他凭什么老换私人助理?Can we hire a CEO whose reputation with PAs is dire?




































The Problem

I am on the board of a company that is looking for a new chief executive. We have found someone who seems very promising: he has a great record, a high profile and is dynamic and charismatic.

Some of the background we have done on him suggests that he has a short fuse and can be a bit difficult to work with, but the positives seem to outweigh the negatives. We were just about to offer it to him when we discovered that his PAs evidently find him impossible: he has been through 12 in two years. Should this rule him out?

Director, male, 52

Lucy's answer

I know a man who sounds just like the "very promising" one you describe. He gets through half a dozen PAs a year � and almost as many wives and girlfriends. He is charming when he feels like it but is also given to mammoth temper tantrums. He has, however, made a vast amount of money for his shareholders � and a vast amount for himself, much of which he has given away to good causes. The world would have been poorer if his PA habit had barred his advance.

But what makes his beastly behaviour just about OK is the line of business he is in. This man is a hedge fund chief. He runs a small operation and is paid to be a dazzling star. If he makes outstanding returns, everything else can be forgiven. There aren't many other lines of business where one can get away with being a truly awful person. There is some tolerance for it among film directors, pop stars, possibly editors, but on the whole it's unacceptable.

If your company makes steel ball bearings or sells groceries, I wouldn't even consider him. The job of a regular chief executive isn't just to be the things you say this man is � dynamic and charismatic and high profile. It is to set a tone in the organisation. It is to recruit the right people and make them stay. The revolving door to his PA's office suggests he has no idea how to begin.

This man is the sort who is charming to those above and foul to those below. When he was starting out this may not have mattered as everyone was above him. But as a potential CEO, when everyone is below him, it's a disaster. At the least, I suggest you do a bit more digging. Lots of readers suggest you ask him about it directly. I don't think there is much point in this. I can guarantee that he will say that he's a perfectionist and he doesn't suffer fools � which is what all CEOs say. Instead, you should ask some of the PAs themselves. Not why they quit, though that would be interesting. Ask them to give you advice on whether you ought to hire him. PAs are closer to their bosses than anyone; indeed if they were given a voice in selection processes, better decisions might result.

Your Advice

Numbers speak

He has hit all the right numbers � no PA will ever be able to do that for you. Numbers speak for themselves; if he was truly an unreasonable bully then he wouldn't have been able to achieve what he has. The problem here lies with the agency in charge of supplying the staff in the first place � personality fit and a nice cup of tea should be top of the list. Board-level PA, female

Look elsewhere

You bet it does. To lose one PA is unfortunate, to lose 12 is beyond carelessness. This man must be insufferable. Find another. Director, male

He's the man

Hire him. He's tailor-made. That you should even ask the question suggests your company (especially its enabling board) already tolerates an abusive corporate culture masked by the occasional pious concern. Nice touch even raising the issue. Former corporate, male, 48

Tie salary to PAs

Hire him, but stipulate in his contract that for each new PA he hires each year, he loses 10 per cent of his variable income. You'll find the next PA lasts as long as he does. Retired, anon

Pick me

He needs someone adaptable, intelligent, who is able to cope with someone's challenging behaviour and who is rewarded handsomely. Can I send you my CV? PA, female

Legal time-bomb

Twelve PAs in 24 months smacks of harassment to me. If you would like to be the employer of the lucky number 13 PA who files a big lawsuit, go ahead and hire him. Director, female, 40

Hire a heavy

If Napoleon, Montgomery or Churchill had been judged on their abilities to control their temper, they would have never become leaders.

If he's good, hire him and hire an ex-Marine or ex-professional rugby player as a PA.

If he chews up a big tasty lad like that, then, well, that's what temp agencies are for. Anon, male

