国前财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)因撰写他有关此次金融危机的书而体验了一把“痛苦”经历后,现在又计划写一本有关如何在中国做生意的大部头著作,谈论这一话题的书籍同样汗牛充栋。ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images
2011年4月15日,中国博鳌国际会议中心,美国前财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)在博鳌亚洲论坛2011年年会上讲话。
鲍尔森曾在2006年7月至2009年1月期间担任美国财政部长,在此期间美国按揭贷款市场的崩溃引发了自上世纪30年代大萧条以来全球最严重的经济低迷,他把自己在金融危机期间的亲身经历写成了《悬崖之边》(On the Brink)一书,于2010年2月出版,书中详细记载了金融危机情况。
鲍尔森出任美国财政部长时,时任美国总统的小布什(George W. Bush)曾宣传过鲍尔森在中国的经历,担任过高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)首席执行长的他先后70多次访问过中国。在上周举行的博鳌亚洲论坛上,鲍尔森还谈论了中国人民币的国际角色以及中国给房地产市场降温的努力。
Owen Fletcher
After the 'miserable' experience of writing his book about the financial crisis, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson plans to pen a tome on another topic saturated with competing titles: doing business in China.
'I'm not talking about this much because I'm taking plenty of time, and this won't be like my book on the financial crisis, where I did it in nine months, but I'm also planning to write a book on China and doing business in China, and just sort of demystify that,' Mr. Paulson said at the Boao Forum, a meeting of business and political leaders on the southern China island of Hainan.
Mr. Paulson, who served as Treasury Secretary from July 2006 to January 2009, a period during which the implosion of the U.S. mortgage market triggered the worst downturn in the global economy since the Great Depression, is the author of 'On the Brink,' a front-row play-by-play account of the financial crisis published in February 2010.
'After writing 'On the Brink,' I'd vowed that I was never going to write another book, because it was so miserable, the experiences, just to relive the memories and work to get it done,' Mr. Paulson said. 'So I'm going to take a longer time and hopefully enjoy this one more.'
He didn't elaborate on the likely content of his new book, but a possible hint came earlier in his remarks when he referred to efforts to 'demystify the investment process' in China. 'I think this can be done at the state and local levels, at the grassroots level,' he said. 'So much is done in China at the provincial level, and with mayors, and there is much less negative sentiment on this when you get to the grassroots level.'
Besides writing, Mr. Paulson also said he plans to 'take a significant amount of my time and be engaged in U.S.-China relations,' focusing on economic and environmental conservation issues. He cited interests in reforestation efforts in China and in limiting the trade of illegal tropical hardwoods.
When Mr. Paulson took the helm at Treasury, President George W. Bush touted his experience in China, a country the former Goldman Sachs Group chief executive had visited more than 70 times. At last week's forum, he also discussed the international role of China's currency and China's efforts to cool its property market.
Mr. Paulson didn't say when his new book might come out.
'Word one has not been written, and it won't be for a while. But it's an aspiration of mine,' he said. 'You know, I was an English literature major, and I like writing, and I've always wanted to write, and I haven't wanted to write about me or the financial crisis. History forced me to do that. But I would like to now. And I'm very interested in China.'
Owen Fletcher
'I'm not talking about this much because I'm taking plenty of time, and this won't be like my book on the financial crisis, where I did it in nine months, but I'm also planning to write a book on China and doing business in China, and just sort of demystify that,' Mr. Paulson said at the Boao Forum, a meeting of business and political leaders on the southern China island of Hainan.
Mr. Paulson, who served as Treasury Secretary from July 2006 to January 2009, a period during which the implosion of the U.S. mortgage market triggered the worst downturn in the global economy since the Great Depression, is the author of 'On the Brink,' a front-row play-by-play account of the financial crisis published in February 2010.
'After writing 'On the Brink,' I'd vowed that I was never going to write another book, because it was so miserable, the experiences, just to relive the memories and work to get it done,' Mr. Paulson said. 'So I'm going to take a longer time and hopefully enjoy this one more.'
He didn't elaborate on the likely content of his new book, but a possible hint came earlier in his remarks when he referred to efforts to 'demystify the investment process' in China. 'I think this can be done at the state and local levels, at the grassroots level,' he said. 'So much is done in China at the provincial level, and with mayors, and there is much less negative sentiment on this when you get to the grassroots level.'
Besides writing, Mr. Paulson also said he plans to 'take a significant amount of my time and be engaged in U.S.-China relations,' focusing on economic and environmental conservation issues. He cited interests in reforestation efforts in China and in limiting the trade of illegal tropical hardwoods.
When Mr. Paulson took the helm at Treasury, President George W. Bush touted his experience in China, a country the former Goldman Sachs Group chief executive had visited more than 70 times. At last week's forum, he also discussed the international role of China's currency and China's efforts to cool its property market.
Mr. Paulson didn't say when his new book might come out.
'Word one has not been written, and it won't be for a while. But it's an aspiration of mine,' he said. 'You know, I was an English literature major, and I like writing, and I've always wanted to write, and I haven't wanted to write about me or the financial crisis. History forced me to do that. But I would like to now. And I'm very interested in China.'
Owen Fletcher