
奥巴马夫妇公布去年个人收入和纳税金额 Obamas' Federal Tax Bill: $453,770

宫周一公布的纳税申报表显示,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)及其夫人米歇尔(Michelle)2010年在170万美元收入的基础上交了453,770美元的联邦所得税。数字的公布与美国申报所得税的截止日期正好是同一天。





奥巴马一家去年向36家慈善机构捐资245,075美元,相比之下,前年共向40家不同慈善机构捐资329,100美元。去年最后一笔捐助资金有131,075美元,捐给了“费希尔房屋基金会”(Fisher House Foundation)。这家机构为那些在军医院接受治疗的退伍军人和军属提供免费或廉价的住宿。

奥巴马家向克林顿-布什海地基金会(Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund)捐了15,000美元。这只基金是在2010年海地地震过后,由前总统比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)和小布什总统(George W. Bush)牵头成立的。

白宫还公布了副总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)及其夫人吉尔(Jill)的纳税申报表。复印件显示,他们去年经调整的总收入为379,178美元,共缴纳86,626美元的联邦税款。拜登一家的应税收入抵扣了30,000美元的房贷利息。

拜登一家向慈善事业捐助了5,000美元左右。最大一笔为1,400美元,捐给了北弗吉尼亚社区学院(Northern Virginia Community College)的校友基金会。他们还向威斯敏斯特基督教长老会(Westminster Presbyterian Church)捐了1,000美元,并向特拉华州的天主教堂捐了500美元。

Jared A. Favole


President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid $453,770 in federal income taxes in 2010 on $1.7 million in income, according to tax returns the White House released on Monday to coincide with the national income-tax filing deadline.

Mr. Obama's income and tax payments fell sharply from 2009, mainly because of declining sales of his books, from which the Obama family derived most of its income. The Obamas paid $1.8 million in income taxes in 2009 on income of $5.5 million.

The Obamas' tax return offers a look at the president's personal finances as he debates with Republicans over whether to raise taxes on the wealthy as part of overhauling the tax code.

'I don't need another tax cut,' Mr. Obama said in a speech last week in which he laid out his plan for cutting the country's deficit. His proposal includes raising taxes on families with annual incomes above $250,000 a year, a move that Republicans oppose.

Mr. Obama overpaid his 2010 taxes by $12,334, according to the tax returns. He could have received a refund, but chose instead to apply the amount to 2011 estimated taxes. Mr. Obama reduced his tax burden by taking $22,215 in foreign tax credits for income earned overseas from sales of his books. He paid taxes on the sales overseas.

The Obamas reported donating $245,075 to 36 charities last year, compared with $329,100 to 40 different charities the previous year. The largest donation, of $131,075, went to the Fisher House Foundation, which provides free or low-cost lodging to veterans and military families receiving treatment at military medical centers.

The family gave $15,000 to the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund, created in the wake of the 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti. The fund is led by former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

The White House also released tax returns for Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill. They paid $86,626 in federal taxes last year on adjusted gross income of $379,178, according to a copy of their tax returns. The Bidens claimed a $30,000 mortgage-interest deduction.

The Bidens contributed about $5,000 to charity. Their largest donation, of $1,400, went to the Northern Virginia Community College Alumni Scholarship Fund. They also gave $1,000 to the Westminster Presbyterian Church and $500 to the Catholic church in Delaware.

Jared A. Favole
