温家宝发表此言的一天前刚与欧盟三名高层人物会晤,包括欧元区各国财长组成的欧元集团主席让-克洛德•容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)。温家宝在会晤中礼貌回绝了人民币加速升值的要求。
美国财长蒂姆•盖特纳(Tim Geithner)表示干预措施会引发效仿。他在华盛顿举行的一次会议上说:“如果币值低估的大型经济体采取措施抑制本币升值,将鼓励其他国家效仿这种做法。”
Forcing Beijing to revalue its currency would lead to a “disaster for the world”, Wen Jiabao, China’s premier, has warned amid increasing tensions over efforts by governments and central banks to hold down their exchange rates.
Speaking in Brussels, Mr Wen hit back at international criticism of China’s currency policy, saying that acceding to demands for a faster rise in the renminbi could cause social unrest in China.
“Do not work to pressurise us on the renminbi rate,” Mr Wen said, departing from prepared remarks. He said Chinese export companies had very small profit margins, which could be wiped out by actions such as the currency import tariffs the US Congress is threatening to impose.
“Many of our exporting companies would have to close down, migrant workers would have to return to their villages,” Mr Wen said. “If China saw social and economic turbulence, then it would be a disaster for the world.”
Mr Wen’s comments come a day after a trio of leading European Union officials, including Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the eurozone group of finance ministers, were politely rebuffed when they asked China to allow the renminbi to appreciate faster.
With fears rising about a global currency war, government and central bank officials across emerging Asia are contemplating more intervention to hold down their exchange rates.
Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, said that intervention was contagious. “When large economies with undervalued exchange rates act to keep the currency from appreciating, that encourages other countries to do the same,” he told a conference in Washington.
In June, Beijing ended a two-year period of intervening in the currency markets to re-peg the value of the renminbi against the dollar, and allowed it to resume appreciating. But since then it has risen by only just over 2 per cent against the dollar, and has fallen more than 9 per cent against the euro.
Mr Wen said a gradual appreciation was already under way and that “we are going to proceed with the reforms”, but China has refused to give a guarantee about how quickly the currency will rise.