
同事都比我年轻 Must I be awesome to fit in with my young colleagues?






假如你的年轻同事真的把你看作一位令人尴尬的年长亲戚,那就糟糕了。不过我表示怀疑。在我看来,讲话得体、不看《The X Factor》之类的电视节目,并不是什么特别令人尴尬的事情。我也怀疑他们是否认为你年纪太大。你才53岁,再干个一、二十年也没问题。而且我敢肯定,他们不会把你看作亲戚。没有人会把"以办公室为家"这种话当真。

































Recently I changed jobs, moving from an environment where most of my colleagues were comfortably middle-aged, to one where most are roughly half my age. Now, when I agree to attend a meeting I am told my response is "awesome!" or possibly "wicked!" My new colleagues seem preoccupied with television programmes I know nothing about. They also appear to lead, shall we say, far more active and demanding social lives than I do.

Should I try to fit in a bit better? Or must I remain an ageing curiosity, a sort of embarrassing elderly relative? Help.

Consultant, male, 53

Lucy's answer

If your young colleagues really did view you as an embarrassing elderly relative, then that would be bad. But I doubt if they do. I don't see how talking properly and not watching The X Factor on telly is particularly embarrassing. I doubt if they see you as excessively elderly either. At 53 you still have another couple of decades of working life before you. And I'm certain they don't see you as a relative. No one takes the office-as-family thing that seriously.

On the other hand, if they see you as an ageing curiosity, that is all to the good. You are ageing and you are a curiosity, as you wear your trousers higher than they do. Being a curiosity is necessarily a good thing as it implies that your young colleagues are vaguely interested in you – which beats them regarding you with indifference or hostility. In general, being different at work should be an advantage, and if I were you I would emphasise that difference rather than try to eliminate it.

So no, you need not try to fit in at all. Indeed, if you make any efforts in that direction you will almost certainly look ridiculous and fail. One of the great things about being 53 is that you should have confidence not to care much about whether you fit in or not. Presumably you have made enough friends already, and aren't looking to share their tiringly strenuous social life. Instead what ought to matter from your point of view is that your young colleagues respect you and accept your opinions might be worth listening to.

What you don't say is what you feel about your young workmates. Do they amuse you? If not, then you may well have problems rubbing along nicely with them. You don't need to fit in with them but you do need to be interested in them. If you are not, then feign it. Seeming interested will make them like you a lot more, and in time you may become rather fond of them.

A friend who recently retired at 60ish from a law firm says that the only thing that he misses about work is contact with the young.

Actually I think you're rather lucky. I'd love it if anyone ever said I was awesome for merely attending a meeting. Such raw enthusiasm sounds rather sweet.

Your advice

Grey = wicked

It's a wonderful thing to have a few grey hairs in an office of whippersnappers. It gives you completely unearned authority simply by dint of your age.

You should reinforce this by wearing timelessly classic clothes, confining your cultural references to timeless classics, and suggesting timelessly classic restaurants for lunch. Gradually you may find that your colleagues will start dressing like you, speaking like you and eating in the same places as you. Wicked. Grey-haired male director, 42

Find perspective

Yes, you do need to be awesome. Older people still tend to be more expensive, less energetic and slower learners.

To earn your keep, you need to demonstrate your value. Just being older is no defence unless you are lucky enough to work in Japan. To be awesome in your 50s you need to bring a new perspective. Consultant, male, 58


Get match-fit

Get fit. Seriously, fitness gives off energy, makes age beside the point. Male, anon

Be magnificent

When the same thing happened to me, I started using words like "splendid", "fabulous" and "magnificent".

After a few weeks of muffled laughter, the younger generation actually started to copy me. Trendsetter, male, 49

Big up the past

There is nothing to sharpen the interest of a 20-something like a tale of past revelry and exuberance.

If they wax lyrical about their healthy living, politically correct granola-cycles, drop in a few stories of the City in the time of Thatcher. You will soon have a reverence and distinction without losing any credibility. Male, 33

Play to strength

Congratulations on getting a new job at 53! Somebody values your experience and maturity: don't disappoint them by trying to emulate the young Turks. Retired male, 63

