
中国消费者提振欧洲奢侈品销售 Chinese Tourists Boost Europe Luxury Sales



咨询公司贝恩公司(Bain & Co.)数据显示,全球奢侈品销售额去年下挫8%。这里所说的奢侈品包括服装、手袋、手表和化妆品在内的高端商品等。不过2010年奢侈品销售额和利润双双激增,一如今年快速上涨的股价。道琼斯奢侈品指数(Dow Jones Luxury Index)去年大涨34%。该指数衡量的是世界范围内大部分收入来自奢侈商品和服务的公司的业绩。欧洲奢侈品销售额的复苏在很大程度上得益于入境欧洲的旅客,他们利用欧元贬值的机会大肆购物。欧元在6月份跌至四年最低点。

意大利珠宝商Bulgari SpA首席执行长特朗潘尼(Francesco Trapani)特别指出,中国消费者是推动其三季度欧洲销售额上涨11%的“很大因素”。

法国奢侈品生产和零售集团公司PPR SA旗下古奇(Gucci)欧洲销售额中,游客消费超过50%。该公司表示,2010年1至9月,中国游客数量较去年同期增长了近一倍,几乎占到该公司欧洲销售额的22%。该公司旗下拥有伊夫-圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)、亚历山大-麦昆(Alexander McQueen)和史黛拉-麦卡托尼(Stella McCartney)等众多时装品牌。


咨询公司Tourism Economics预计,今年访问西欧的中国游客将增至240万人次,而2009年只有200万。另外,中国游客在欧洲的消费也在不断增加。免税购物公司Global Blue数据显示,今年1至10月,中国游客的消费较上年同期增长了99%。在提供退税服务的高档商场中,今年每笔交易金额平均达718欧元(合932美元)。


以风衣和经典格纹闻名的英国服装公司巴宝莉集团(Burberry PLC)说,伦敦销售总额中约30%都来自中国游客,最近俄罗斯和中东游客的消费额有所增长。虽然公司并未统计全欧洲的销售数据,但巴宝莉首席执行长阿伦德(Angela Arhendts)上周说,其百货商场合作伙伴在欧洲大城市的销售也呈这种趋势。巴宝莉在欧洲上半年的销量按固定汇率计算上涨了12%,达到2.24亿英镑(3.48亿美元)。


酩悦轩尼诗-路易威登集团(LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton)称,其欧洲第三季度销量24%的增幅得益于游客消费,但同时提出今后汇率形势可能会出现不利,年同比增幅可能会有所下降。

卡地亚(Cartier)腕表和梵克雅宝(Van Cleef & Arpels)珠宝制造商厉峰集团(Cie. Financiere Richemont)说,奢侈品零售占了圣诞季销售的很大一部分,“放松”的同时要“有所警惕”。厉峰集团在欧洲销量的一半左右都来自游客消费。


汇率和旅游的历史关系一直很紧密。据旅游经济学(Tourism Economics)统计,2006年至2009年期间,欧元兑美元升值了20%以上,而长途市场前往欧元区的游客量仅增长了1%。该公司预计,若欧元未升值,长途游客量应该会上涨10%左右。

Kathy Gordon

Luxury goods have enjoyed a heady recovery in Europe from the dark days of 2009, and the good news looks set to continue into Christmas, with sales boosted by spending from Chinese tourists.

But retailers caution that if the euro climbs sharply, some of that retail strength could diminish.

Global sales in the luxury market--which includes such high-end goods as apparel, handbags, watches and cosmetics--declined 8% last year, according to consulting firm Bain & Co. Sales and earnings have surged since then, as have stock prices. The Dow Jones Luxury Index, which measures the performance of companies world-wide that derive a sizeable portion of revenue from luxury goods and services, has risen 34% in the last year. And a large proportion of the recovery has come from tourists in Europe taking advantage of a euro that in June hit its lowest level in four years.

Francesco Trapani, chief executive of Bulgari SpA (BUL.MI), singled out Chinese shoppers as 'a big factor' in the Italian jeweler's 11% rise in third-quarter European sales.

At PPR SA's (PP.FR) Gucci, sales to tourists in Europe are now above 50%. And in the first nine months of 2010, the number of Chinese customers nearly doubled from a year earlier to almost 22% of sales in Europe, says the company, which owns such fashion houses as Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney.

Well-heeled Chinese consumers are attracted to Europe by luxury goods that are either more expensive or aren't available at home.

Consulting firm Tourism Economics estimates Chinese visits to Western Europe will rise to 2.4 million this year from two million in 2009. And their spending is on the rise. Chinese tourists spent 99% more in the first 10 months of this year than a year earlier, according to tax-free shopping specialists Global Blue. The average transaction this year is EUR718 ($932) in the kind of high-end stores that provide tax-refund facilities.

While luxury companies have been courting shoppers in emerging markets for several years- most have a substantial retail presence in such countries as China and Dubai--those consumers' footsteps in European stores have become louder this year.

Burberry PLC (BURBY, BRBY.LN), the U.K. company known for its trenchcoats and iconic plaid, says Chinese tourists alone account for around 30% of total London sales and traffic from Russian and Middle Eastern shoppers has increased recently. Although the company doesn't have Europewide figures, CEO Angela Arhendts said last week that its department-store partners are seeing similar trends in the big European cities. Burberry's first-half sales in Europe rose 12% at constant exchange rates, to GBP224 million ($348 million).

The rising importance of tourist spending is leaving companies vulnerable to a gain in the euro, however. Bain predicts that luxury-sector sales will rise 3.5% world-wide next year, down from 6% this year at constant exchange rates. And because China's yuan trades in line with the U.S. dollar, any weakening in the American currency against the euro also will weaken the yuan.

LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (MC.FR) cited tourists for contributing to its 24% increase in third-quarter European sales. But it warned of less favorable currency rates and tougher comparisons to year-earlier figures, going forward.

Cie. Financiere Richemont, the maker of Cartier watches and Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry, said it is 'relaxed but vigilant' about the Christmas season, when luxury retailers generate a hefty portion of their sales. The maker of Cartier watches and Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry generates around half of its European sales from tourists.

The euro now trades around $1.30, up from $1.19 in June, and so far tourism numbers are holding up. The euro traded above $1.40 as recently as a month ago, but has dropped back amid revived concerns about European banks and sovereign debt.

The historical tie between exchange rates and tourism is strong. Between 2006 and 2009 the euro appreciated by over 20% against the dollar, while arrivals from long-distance markets to the euro zone rose just 1%, according to Tourism Economics. The firm estimates that had the euro not strengthened, long-distance travel would have increased by around 10%.

Kathy Gordon
