
中国新能源政策冲击全球 Energy: Dual approach seeks power security and emission cuts









美国剑桥能源咨询公司(IHS Cera)驻北京副总监周希舟表示,新能源刺激计划经过不断修改,覆盖面逐步扩大,现在不仅包括可再生能源和电动车,还包括所有对于当今中国来说非属传统的事物。“甚至可能包括非常规天然气、清洁煤炭、煤层气等各种在当前系统中尚不算关键的能源。”


















China’s reliance on imports for energy and raw materials has long been something its leaders lose sleep over. But it has driven them to an innovative solution: moving to non-fossil fuel energies as a source of both energy security and of emissions reductions.

This month, when the plenum of the central committee of the Communist party convened in Beijing, energy targets were thought to be on the (highly secret) agenda. After the meeting, state media said the energy efficiency drive would continue for the next 10 years.

In May premier Wen Jiabao promised to use an “iron fist” to reach the energy efficiency target.

By 2015, China hopes to have cut energy intensity, a measure of energy consumed per unit of GDP, by 17.3 per cent. By 2020 the plan is to cut energy intensity by a further 16.6 per cent from the 2015 levels.

Those goals go hand in hand with the drive for cleaner energy: it aims to cut carbon emissions as well, by 40-45 per cent before 2020 and raise non-fossil fuel energy use to 15 per cent of domestic consumption.

This dual approach to the country’s energy deficiency – making it more efficient while also moving away from fossil fuels – has pushed China into the spotlight of the global shift away from fossil fuels.

Its embrace of nuclear energy, for example, is now a key driver for that industry: nearly a third of the proposed new reactors in the world are in China.

The government’s renewable energy stimulus plan, which is expected to be rolled out soon, is set to pour as much as Rmb5,000bn ($751bn) into new energies, in a step that will further reshape the global market.

Zhou Xizhou, associate director at IHS Cera in Beijing, says the scope of the new energy stimulus plan has been gradually expanding, as the plan has been revised. It now includes “not just renewables, not just electric cars, but anything that is not traditional to China today.

“That could even include unconventional gas, clean coal, coal-bed methane, all these energy sources that are not key to the system right now.”

The government has sketched out a broad definition of the energy sources that will be included in the plan. In addition to renewables such as wind, solar and hydro, China is also including areas such as unconventional gas in the stimulus package.

Gas is much cleaner burning than coal, and China is thought to have abundant supplies of so-called unconventionals – gas trapped in tight shale formations, for example, or embedded in coal deposits.

The country’s quest for secure energy is also taking it offshore, where wind energy and significant deposits of gas can be tapped. The country’s first public auction for offshore wind blocks was completed this summer. In oil and gas too, there is a push to tap resources under the sea, and observers believe that the next five-year plan could include offshore oil and gas production targets.

To tap these resources, Chinese companies need to acquire the technology to do so, and technology acquisitions in energy-relevant areas have been a theme of recent years.

Technology for extracting offshore oil and gas has seen a serious technical push in recent years: China’s first deepwater drilling platform is under construction in Shanghai.

And Chinese companies have been buying minority stakes in challenging deepwater blocks overseas, partly to gain exposure to deepwater drilling technologies.

In the nuclear arena too, technology acquisition has been a priority. When awarding nuclear reactor contracts in 2006, technology transfer was a big factor in the bid selection process, and the winning company, Westinghouse, agreed to hand over the plans for its third-generation nuclear reactor as part of the deal.


Likewise, with wind energy, local content requirements and joint ventures have allowed Chinese manufacturers to access turbine technologies.

Foreign makers that dominated the Chinese market just five years ago are now sitting on the sidelines, as contracts go to local companies.

In many areas of emerging energy, Chinese companies have been quick to catch up with – and then surpass – their western peers.

Chinese companies are set to play a dominant role in the global solar market, thanks in part to generous policies for solar manufacturing at home.

And when it comes to manufacturing electric cars (which are also included in the new energy stimulus), domestic companies have the advantage of ready access to rare earths, the elements critical to building electric-car batteries.

These technology elements are an important part of China’s energy security strategy, but one that is increasingly ruffling feathers elsewhere. The US Trade Representative recently announced an in­quiry into China’s green technology sector, which will include investigations into rare earths policies, wind and solar power.

China’s response was simple: “The US probe into China’s clean-energy policies sends a signal that the US doesn’t support China’s hard work on cleaning up the environment,” China’s ministry of commerce said the day after the investigation was announced.

That intersection, where trade and technology disputes meet the clean-energy drive, could be one of the key factors shaping China’s energy future.


